CHAPTER 340 Prognosis after Traumatic Brain Injury
Prognosis is an essential element of medicine, and estimates of prognosis are a frequent component in clinical decision making. Therapeutic and diagnostic actions all aim to improve prognosis. In ancient Greece, the quality of care was judged not so much by the result of treatment but rather by whether the result was as the doctor had predicted. Much interest has been focused on prognosis after traumatic brain injury (TBI), but it has always been considered difficult to say what the probable course of events will be in an individual patient. A seminal advance in the field of prognostic analysis in TBI was provided by the Glasgow group in the 1970s after the classic papers on the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS),1 which allows quantification of impairment of consciousness, and the Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS),2 which standardizes the assessment of outcome after severe brain damage.
Estimates derived from evidence-based analysis of large datasets are preferable to relying on the “gut” feeling of a physician, whose experience, no matter how vast, can never match the information contained in the data from thousands of patients entered into a database. Physicians’ estimates of prognosis are often unduly optimistic, unnecessarily pessimistic, or inappropriately ambiguous.3–6 Perhaps, however, the greatest application of prognostic analysis is not at the level of the individual patient but rather at the “group” level for quantifying and classifying the severity of brain injury, as a reference for evaluating quality of care, and for stratification and covariate adjustment in clinical trials.
Methodologic Issues in Prognostic Studies
In many studies, continuous or categorical predictors are collapsed into a binary variable by using threshold values. For example, the association between age and outcome has frequently been analyzed at a threshold value of 50 years. This approach has disadvantages.7 First, it is unnatural: would risks really be very different for patients who had their 50th birthday yesterday versus having their birthday tomorrow? In addition, a patient 30 years of age may have a different risk than a patient 49 years old. Yet both are below a threshold of 50. Second, from a methodologic perspective, collapsing an ordinal or continuous scale into a binary variable (dichotomization) leads to loss of information and is therefore statistically inefficient. In general, it is better to exploit the full information available. The same principle applies to the approach to analysis of outcome.
Missing Data
The best solution for missing values is of course to ensure that no data are missing. If we nonetheless have missing data, a common statistical approach is to delete patients with missing values from the analysis. This is often referred to as a complete case analysis.8,9 Complete case analysis discards information from patients who have information on some (but not all) predictors. It is hence statistically inefficient, especially when we consider multiple predictors. Moreover, complete case analysis may lead to bias because of systematic differences between patients with complete and patients with missing data. Bias occurs when absence of a predictor is associated in some way with the outcome.10
Most statisticians now agree that we may opt for a more sophisticated statistical approach to deal with missing values in predictive regression models: single or multiple imputation.11 Imputation methods substitute the missing values with plausible values so that the completed data can then be analyzed with standard statistical techniques. As in any statistical analysis, sensible judgement of the analyst based on knowledge of the subject and the research question is important. In practice, many clinicians are unaware of the problems inherent in complete case analyses and are ignorant of modern developments for dealing with missing data, in particular, the use of multiple imputation methods.
Outcome Measures for Prognostic Studies in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury
Most, if not all prognostic studies of TBI have used the GOS or mortality as end points. In most cases the GOS, which may be considered an ordinal scale with five categories, was collapsed into a dichotomous variable differentiating unfavorable from favorable outcome (Table 340-1). In the use of a dichotomous outcome measure, statistical power is greatest when there is a 50 : 50 distribution between outcome categories.
In TBI it is better to quantify prognostic effects across the full range of the GOS rather than after dichotomization into a binary variable. For this purpose, proportional odds methodology is appropriate.12 The 8-point extended GOS (GOSE) has been introduced to increase the sensitivity of outcome assessment. The use of a structured interview is further advocated to obtain more consistency in outcome assignment.13 In severe TBI, the outcome distribution according to the 5-point GOS is U shaped, with most patients either in the lowest (dead) or highest (good recovery) categories. This U-shaped distribution of outcome has promoted the common practice of dichotomizing the GOS for analysis. There is still insufficient knowledge on how introduction of the GOSE may have changed the outcome distribution. It should be noted that the potentially increased sensitivity of the GOSE is totally lost when this is again dichotomized to a binary scale.
Despite the increased sensitivity of the GOSE, it remains a fairly global scale with broad categories aiming to capture functional reintegration without discriminating between physical and mental disabilities. More specific tools for outcome assessment include the Functional Independence Measure (FIM),14 neuropsychological tests, and quality-of-life assessments. The FIM is considered more appropriate for monitoring the course of a patient through rehabilitation, and neuropsychological tests are considered mandatory for assessing cognitive function, which is so often disturbed after TBI. Generic health-related quality-of-life measures, such as the 36-item short-form health survey (SF-36), are routinely used in many fields of medicine but have not yet become common in assessment of outcome after TBI. These generic health scales may not actually capture relevant domains after TBI, and for this reason the disease specific QOLIBRI scale (Quality of Life after Brain Injury) has been introduced.15 By definition, quality-of-life scales report the subjective experience of the patient or caretaker and consequently provide a different perspective from the possibly more objective assessment by health care professionals. Currently, there is much interest in the development of composite outcome measures for TBI in which the advantages of more detailed information from the components can be summarized. Further research is required to determine the ultimate benefits from this approach, both for prognostic analysis and in the context of clinical trial design.
Approaches to Prognostic Analysis
The relationship between predictors and outcome can be quantified in several ways (Tables 340-2 and 340-3).
Relative risk (RR)![]() |
Risk for outcome in a group with a predictor/Risk for outcome without a predictor | For example, an RR of 2 means that the group with the predictor has twice the risk of the group without the predictor. When the predictor is continuous, RR represents the increase per unit |
Odds ratio (OR)![]() |
Ratio of the odds for a better versus a poorer outcome in the presence of the parameter (a/b) as compared with the odds in the absence of the parameter (c/d) | If the prognostic factor is not associated with outcome, the OR will be 1. In reporting the OR, the 95% confidence interval (CI) is frequently included. Statistical significance of the relationship is present if the CI does not include the value 1 |
R2![]() |
Model sum of squares/Total sum of squares (Sum of squares is parameters of the regression model) | Percentage of variability in the outcome that is explained by the predictor or predictors |
Sensitivity![]() |
Number of true positives/Total number with the outcome | Proportion of patients with the outcome who have the predictor (true positive) |
Specificity![]() |
Number of true negatives/Total number without the outcome | Proportion of patients without the outcome who do not have the predictor (true negative) |
Positive predictive value (PPV)![]() |
Number of true positives/Number of positives | Proportion of patients with the predictor who do have the outcome |
Negative predictive value (NPV)![]() |
Number of true negatives/Number of negatives | Proportion of patients without the predictor who do not have the outcome. |
Data from Vittinghoff E. Regression Methods in Biostatistics: Linear, Logistic, Survival, and Repeated Measures Models. New York: Springer; 2005; and Altman DG. Practical Statistics for Medical Research. New York: Chapman & Hall; 1991.
TABLE 340-3 2 × 2 Table for Explanation of Performance Measures
Predictor present | a | b |
Predictor absent | c | d |
Building Blocks for Prognostic Analysis
A wealth of literature has focused on the associations between predictors and outcome in univariate analysis. Most studies have concentrated on patients with severe and moderate TBI. Fewer studies have included multivariable analysis, and two systematic reviews on prognostic modeling have shown the shortcomings of many of the studies that reported on prognostic models previously. Much information on the univariate association between predictors and outcome is contained in the section “Early Indicators of Prognosis in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury” of the Brain Trauma Foundation’s Guidelines on Management and Prognosis of Severe Head Injury, first published in July 2000. More recently, the IMPACT study group reported the results of extensive prognostic analyses performed in a meta-analysis of individual patient data from eight randomized controlled trials and three observational series that included more than 9000 patients.16 A series of papers reported details correlating the GOS and demographic characteristics,17 cause of injury,18 GCS and pupil response,19 secondary insults,20 blood pressure,21 computed tomography (CT) scan features,22 and laboratory parameters.23 The results of multivariable analyses reporting also on the added predictive value were presented in the same series by Murray and colleagues.24
Conceptually, the main predictors of outcome after TBI can be grouped together into “building blocks,” some of which are modifiable and some not (Table 340-4).
Genetic constitution | Apolipoprotein E | No |
Demographics | Age Gender Race |
No |
Clinical severity | Glasgow Coma Scale score Pupillary reactivity Extracranial injuries |
No |
Secondary insults | Hypotension (blood pressure) Hypoxia Hypothermia |
Yes |
Structural abnormalities | CT classification Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage Type of intracranial lesion |
Sometimes |
Laboratory parameters | Glucose Sodium pH Coagulation parameters Hemoglobin |
Yes |
Biomarkers | Items under development | Uncertain |
CT, computed tomography.