Chapter 139 Principles of Scalp Surgery and Surgical Management of Major Defects of Scalp
Throughout history, advances in plastic surgery have been reflected in the management of scalp wounds. Hippocrates, Gallen, and Celsus described the treatment of a denuded skull by perforating the dry black sequestrum formed above bare cranium with an awl.1 In the 17th century, Augustin Belloste advocated perforating the outer table of the skull to permit granulation tissue formation and subsequent epithelialization.2 In 1871, Netolitzky described the technique of skin grafting granulating scalp wounds,3 and in 1908, Robinson described the use of skin graft on intact periosteum.4 In 1953, Kazanjian first described the use of superficial incisions through the galea to increase tissue availability.5 In 1967 and 1971, Orticochea published his four- and three-flaps technique, respectively, for coverage of large scalp defects.6,7 Miller, in 1976, replanted microsurgically for the first time an avulsed scalp.8 In 1978, Radovan was the first to report successful clinical applications of tissue expansion and to demonstrate prototypes of the expanders in clinical use today.9–11
Anatomy of the Scalp
The rich vascular supply of the scalp receives vascular contribution from the internal and external carotid arteries. The forehead and anterior scalp are mainly supplied by terminal branches of the ophthalmic artery, which is a branch of the internal carotid artery: the supratrochlear and supraorbital arteries. The supratrochlear vessels arise 1.6 to 2.3 cm from the midline, which is usually located at the medial border of the eyebrow.12 The supraorbital vessels arise through the supraorbital notch which is located 2.4 to 2.9 cm from the midline.13 The external carotid artery provides three branches to the scalp. The terminal branch of the external carotid artery, the superficial temporal artery, ascends anterior to the helix within the superficial temporal fascia and it supplies the temporal and parietal region. The posterior auricular artery ascends between the auricle and mastoid process and supplies blood to the scalp posterior to the auricle. The occipital artery, which supplies blood to the back of the scalp, pierces the fascia connecting the cranial attachment of the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscle, and ascends at a mean distance of 4.2 cm from the midline of the external occipital protuberance.14
Planning Scalp Incisions
The single most important means of preventing or minimizing wound healing complications of the scalp is the thoughtful planning of the initial scalp incision. Because the current treatment of malignant brain tumors commonly requires repeated craniotomies, scarring and a loss of tissue elasticity can be predictably anticipated. Soft tissue is frequently further compromised by external beam radiation, resulting in scalp wound breakdown, failure to heal, or skin necrosis. Therefore, in anticipation of such compromised wound healing, the initial operative incision should be placed so as to maximize blood flow to the healing incision, and to allow for alternate salvage maneuvers in the event of wound breakdown. Generally, linear scalp incisions that run parallel to the major arteries of the scalp are preferred over traditional U-shaped craniotomy flaps. Such linear incisions are well perfused, heal favorably, and offer broader surgical options in the event of wound breakdown.15 Ideally, the scalp incision lies adjacent to, rather than directly over, underlying anticipated cranial osteotomies, microplates, and screws, to avoid hardware exposure and infection of the craniotomy bone segments in the event of minor incisional dehiscence.
Wounds with Tissue Loss
The management of scalp wounds with soft-tissue loss is determined by the amount of soft tissue lost and the type of tissue exposed. Even relatively small scalp defects can present a reconstructive challenge. The inherent inelasticity of the galea aponeurotica contributes to a property known as “stretch-back,” the tendency for the scalp to contract back toward its original state.16 Stretch-back leads to increased tension and ischemia across the healing incision, with sequelae ranging from alopecia and widened scars, to nonhealing wounds and tissue necrosis. The convex curvature of the cranium also complicates scalp closures, requiring additional flap length to achieve the desired tissue advancement. Finally, although local scalp flaps provide the best cosmetic outcome, hair-bearing scalp is a limited resource, and one that can be further depleted by pre-existing scars across the axial blood supply.
Local Advancement (Galeal Scoring)
The surface area of the scalp adjacent to the defect can be enlarged considerably by galeal scoring to allow closure by advancement of the wound edge. Each cut, which is made at 1-cm intervals in a parallel or crosshatch fashion, allows the scalp to be stretched approximately 4 to 6 mm. Galeotomies should be oriented perpendicular to the desired direction of advancement, and must be done carefully so as to avoid compromising the vascular supply to the scalp with incisions that are unnecessarily deep. This scoring maneuver requires a complete division of the substantial galeal layer (Fig. 139-1). Tissue loss of more than 1 to 2 cm may require extension of the laceration to allow greater undermining and scoring. Defects that are 3 cm in diameter can be routinely closed with this technique.
Skin Grafts
Meshed grafts are those that are mechanically perforated in a grid pattern, which allows them to be expanded and to conform to irregular surfaces. The perforations also provide egress for wound drainage. The resultant improved graft bed contact optimizes conditions for graft take (Fig. 139-2). For scalp defects, meshed grafts should not be perforated and expanded more than 1.5 times their normal size unless donor skin is in short supply. A widely expanded graft is less desirable because larger open areas take longer to epithelialize and provide poorer protective coverage.
Another method involves making small drill holes 1 cm apart through the outer table down into the diploë space. Usually, granulation tissue arises from these holes and grows over the exposed calvarium to coalesce and form a suitable bed for skin grafting.
Recently, multiple studies showed that vacuum-assisted closure devices hasten soft-tissue contraction as well as granulation tissue formation in various trunk and extremity wounds.17 In the scalp, two small studies demonstrated a possible role for the vacuum-assisted closure device. Molnar et al. treated four patients with exposed skull by removing the outer table, immediate application of a split thickness skin graft to the diploë and treatment of the wound with a vacuum-assisted closure device for 3 to 4 days. The author reported a 100% graft take without complications.18 In a another study, Umesh et al. reported a successful case report where the author closed a 10 × 12 cm wound with exposed dura by using the vacuum-assisted closure device over the dura for a period of 3 weeks and then grafting the granulated wound bed with a split thickness skin graft.19