Chapter 118 Primary Defects of Antibody Production
Of all of the primary immunodeficiency diseases, those affecting antibody production are most frequent. Selective absence of serum and secretory IgA is the most common defect, with rates ranging from 1/333 to 1/18,000 persons among different races. By contrast, agammaglobulinemia is estimated to occur with a frequency of only 1/10,000 to 1/50,000 persons. Patients with antibody deficiency are usually recognized because they have recurrent infections with encapsulated bacteria predominantly in the upper and lower respiratory tracts; some individuals with selective IgA deficiency or infants with transient hypogammaglobulinemia may have few or no infections (see Table 116-4). The defective gene products for many primary antibody deficiency disorders have been identified (Table 118-1) and localized (Fig. 118-1). Sometimes the defect is not in the B cell itself but in T cells, which are required for complete B-cell function.
X-Linked Agammaglobulinemia (XLA)
Genetics and Pathogenesis
The abnormal gene in XLA maps to q22 on the long arm of the X chromosome and encodes the B-cell protein tyrosine kinase Btk (Bruton tyrosine kinase). Btk is a member of the Tec family of cytoplasmic protein tyrosine kinases and is expressed at high levels in all B-lineage cells, including pre–B cells. It appears to be necessary for pre–B-cell expansion and maturation into surface Ig-expressing B cells, but probably has a role at all stages of B-cell development; it has also been found in cells of the myeloid series. More than 500 different mutations in the human Btk gene are recognized; they encompass most parts of the coding portions of the gene. There is not a clear correlation between the location of the mutation and the clinical phenotype (Fig. 118-2). Carriers are detected by mutation analysis, and prenatal diagnosis of affected male fetuses is possible if the mutation is known in the family.
Six autosomal recessive defects have also been shown to result in agammaglobulinemia with an absence of circulating B cells (see Fig. 118-2), including mutations in the genes encoding: (1) the µ heavy chain gene; (2) the Igα and Igβ signaling molecules; (3) B-cell linker adaptor protein (BLNK); (4) the surrogate light chain, λ5/14.1; and (5) leucine-rich repeat-containing 8 (LRRC8).
The diagnosis of XLA should be suspected if lymphoid hypoplasia is found on physical examination (minimal or no tonsillar tissue and no palpable lymph nodes), and serum concentrations of IgG, IgA, IgM, and IgE are far below the 95% confidence limits for appropriate age- and race-matched controls (Chapter 708), usually with total immunoglobulins <100 mg/dL. Levels of natural antibodies to type A and B red blood cell polysaccharide antigens (isohemagglutinins) and antibodies to antigens given during routine immunizations are abnormally low in this disorder, whereas they are normal in transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy. Flow cytometry is an important test to demonstrate the absence of circulating B cells, which will distinguish this disorder from common variable immunodeficiency, the hyper-IgM syndrome and transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy.
Common Variable Immunodeficiency
Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is a syndrome characterized by hypogammaglobulinemia with phenotypically normal B cells. It has also been called “acquired hypogammaglobulinemia” because of a generally later age of onset of infections. CVID patients may appear similar clinically to those with XLA in the types of infections experienced and bacterial etiologic agents involved, except that echovirus meningoencephalitis is rare in patients with CVID (Table 118-2). In contrast to XLA, the sex distribution in CVID is almost equal, the age of onset is later (although it may be present in infancy), and infections may be less severe.