Chapter 1 Preparing for the fellowship examination
The format of the fellowship examination
At all times during the examination you are iden tified only as a number: names are not used. The initial digits indicate the number of the examination and subsequent digits are assigned in a manner so as not to identify candidates in any way. For example, the second examination in 2008 was the 42nd fellowship examination, so candidate numbers ranged from 4201 upwards. For the clinical components, you will be provided with a sticker to wear with your number on it. A marking scale out of 10 is used throughout the examination. A score of five constitutes a pass.
Written component
Clinical component
The three parts of the clinical component are conducted over two days. This is typically held on a Saturday and Sunday in an outpatient/clinic facility, but may vary. Usually the long and short cases are spread over two sites, with candidates and examiners spending the whole day at one site, whereas the structured clinical examination (SCE) is held at a single venue. The current format of the examination has the long case on the first morning, the short cases in the afternoon and the SCE on the second day.
Short cases
Each candidate sees a total of four short cases — two cases with one pair of examiners and another two cases with a different pair of examiners — with the expectation that at least one of these cases will involve a child. Each of the four examiners will act as the lead for an individual case. Twenty minutes is assigned to each pair of cases, which is roughly to be split between the two cases. After the first 20 minutes on two cases, you will be escorted to a different location (often next door or across the corridor). When the bell is rung five minutes later, you have the second 20 minutes with the second pair of cases and examiners. The examiners award a score out of 10 for each individual short case, and these scores are then consolidated to derive an overall score out of 10. To achieve an overall pass, candidates must pass at least two of the four cases. Consistency is rewarded more than good performance on individual cases (see Table 1.1).
Structured clinical examination (SCE)
The final section of the fellowship examination consists of the SCE with six stations. The usual format is like musical chairs in six adjacent rooms (except in this game everyone gets a seat!). Outside each room is a brief ‘prompt’ such as a brief clinical scenario. For each station, you are allocated three minutes to get to the station and review the ‘prompt’, and seven minutes to spend with a pair of examiners, one of whom will act as lead while the other scribes. Candidates should expect that one station will focus on a difficult communication or administration scenario with an actor involved. Each of the six stations is marked out of 10: to achieve an overall pass, candidates must pass at least four stations and attain a total score of 30 or more. Once again, consistency is rewarded more than good performance at individual stations. Five or more stations must be passed to pass the section overall (see Table 1.1).
Notification of results
Once you have completed the final clinical compon ent, stay near the venue if you can, as the examiners meet shortly after candidates complete this component. Following this examiners’ meeting, the list of successful candidates is prepared for posting outside the venue and on the College website, and individual envelopes are prepared containing results. The envelopes are handed out at the designated time, usually approximately two hours after the clinical component has been completed. There is no distinction between the envelopes of ‘successful’ and ‘unsuccessful’ candidates: they all look identical, with only the candidate number on the outside. Those results not collected are mailed out to candidates.
Who are the examiners?
You may occasionally find a scribing third examiner join the active pair. This is a ‘peer support’ examiner. Like the other observers, this person will not examine you and will not interact with you. Select ed from the senior court of examiners, this person is there to provide feedback to the examiners on their per formance as a quality assurance measure. Even the examiners get examined!