Published on 10/03/2015 by admin

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Last modified 10/03/2015

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Nutritional support is an integral part of trauma and critical care management. Its role has undergone a dramatic evolution over the past two decades as we have developed a deeper understanding of the complex inflammatory and metabolic pathways that accompany surgical stress. The manipulation of this stress response and its inherent catabolic reaction is the focus of emerging nutritional therapies.


Patients who are injured or submitted to extensive and complicated surgery manifest a pronounced acute phase reaction in response to tissue injury, reperfusion, and hemodynamic disturbances. A metabolic environment of increased catecholamines and cortisol orchestrates an increase in energy expenditure and protein turnover. The resultant insulin resistance is responsible for the decreased peripheral use of glucose and an increase in the rates of lipolysis and proteolysis for the provision of amino acids and fatty acid subunits as fuel. The conversion of peripherally mobilized amino acids (primarily alanine) to glucose by gluconeogenesis is not suppressed by hyperglycemia or the infusion of glucose solutions in this environment. The amino acid pool rapidly becomes depleted of essential amino acids as the high-branched chain amino acids are used as fuel in skeletal muscle while large amounts of the conditionally-essential amino acid glutamine are required for metabolic processes in the intestinal mucosa. Decreased protein synthesis in skeletal muscle and eventually in the intestine, is accompanied by increased breakdown, with the shuttling of amino acids to lung, cardiac, liver, and splenic tissue, where protein synthesis is maintained. As this catabolic process is perpetuated by cytokine activation, the critically ill and injured patient remains catabolic and consumes muscle and fat reserves rapidly. The previous disturbances can deplete important trace elements and vitamins, whose deficiencies may be associated with end-organ dysfunction.

In the stress state, malnutrition may be manifest as a functional deterioration in organ system function along with poor wound healing or wound breakdown. Respiratory muscle weakness can predispose to atelectasis, pneumonia and prolonged ventilator dependence. In addition, all aspects of the immune response may be impaired by malnutrition. Host barrier function may be compromised along with cell-mediated and humoral immunity as cell growth and turnover are diminished.


There are two circumstances in which preoperative nutritional support should be considered. One is for patients who will require major operative intervention, but cannot undergo immediate surgery and will have a prolonged fast for more than 5 days. The other circumstance is when operative intervention is delayed to treat patients with significant nutritional deficits that could increase postoperative morbidity (Figure 1).

In the preoperative patient, the response to starvation is associated with a redistribution of substrate flow from peripheral tissues to meet metabolic demands. The falling level of insulin promotes the release of fatty acids and amino acids from adipose tissue and skeletal muscle. Although most peripheral tissues can utilize fatty acids as fuel, proteolysis continues to fuel gluconeogenesis in order to support the fuel requirements of the glucose dependent tissues (Figure 2). Over time, there is adaptation to starvation as the brain becomes able to use ketones for 50% of its fuel needs. As fat-derived fuel sources are utilized more, the dependence on protein catabolism decreases from 85% to 35% (Figure 3).

Patients with upper gastrointestinal tract malignancies have the highest incidence of protein-calorie malnutrition, with over 30% of patients demonstrating significant nutritional deficits. Preoperative chemotherapy and radiation, combined with cancer cachexia, obstruction, increased nutrient losses, and abnormal substrate metabolism, increase nutritional risk.1

Prospective studies have shown a decrease in major complications such as anastomotic leak and wound disruption when surgery is delayed and preoperative parenteral nutrition is administered to severely malnourished patients. However, there is an increase in infectious complications without clinical benefit when preoperative parenteral nutrition is administered to patients who are well nourished or onlymildly malnourished. It is important, therefore, to precisely define malnutrition to appropriately select patients for this treatment modality.2

Severe malnutrition can be diagnosed using a clinical nutritional evaluation tool, such as the Subjective Global Assessment.3 In 1982, Baker demonstrated the validity of a clinical assessment relative to one made on the basis of more objective laboratory values. The clinician uses historical information about recent food intake or unintentional weight loss and examines the patient for signs of nutritional depletion. Patients with multiple or severe stigmata of malnutrition or more than 15% weight loss within six months would be considered as seriously depleted. However, in patients with biopsy proven carcinoma, a weight loss of more than 10% in six months would indicate a high-risk group that would benefit from a course of preoperative nutritional support.

After selection of a patient for preoperative nutrition, it is necessary to decide on a formulation and treatment course. Although the optimal duration of therapy has yet to be determined, preoperative therapy from 7–15 days is standard. Total nonprotein calories should be calculated at 150% of basal energy expenditure as measured using indirect calorimetry or derived from the Harris-Benedict equations (Table 1). It is prudent to start patients with severe malnutrition and starvation at a basal energy rate for several days to prevent refeeding syndrome before increasing support to goal rates. After 3 days, support may be increased to 125% of basal requirements and then increased to goal as tolerated.

Table 1 Harris-Benedict Equations

Data from Van Way CW 3rd: Variability of the Harris-Benedict equation in recently published textbooks. J Parenter Enteral Nutr 16:566–568, 1992.

Preoperative Total Parenteral Nutrition

Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) should be administered to patients who are severely malnourished with nonfunctioning gastrointestinal tracts. Dextrose and lipid formulas are used to provide nonprotein calories, usually in a 70:30 ratio. The caloric values of TPN substrates can be found in Table 2. The amount of dextrose administered should be 4–6 mg/kg/min. However, in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or diabetes, it is recommended to keep the dextrose administration at 4 mg/kg/min or less. Blood sugars must be monitored and kept tightly controlled between 85 and 120 mg/dl.

Table 2 Caloric Value of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrients

Nutrient Parenteral (kcal/g) Enteral (kcal/g)
Carbohydrate 3.4 4.0
Fat 9.0 9.0
Protein 3.4 4.0

Intravenous fat can be utilized to supplement nonprotein calories; however, there is data to suggest that preoperative lipid therapy should be limited to less than 30% of the total calories. Lipids are administered as a 20% emulsion and depending upon caloric needs anywhere from 100 to 250 ml may be prescribed daily.

Protein is administered as a free amino acid solution at 1.5 g/kg of body weight daily to promote protein anabolism, and should not be calculated as a source of calories. Adequate nonprotein calories must be administered to support protein synthesis in a 150/1 calorie to nitrogen ratio, along with multivitamins and trace elements as part of the nutritional regimen.

While providing preoperative parenteral nutrition for patients with gastrointestinal dysfunction, it is important to consider fluid requirements. A more dilute solution may be needed in patients with large fluid losses, while more concentrated solutions will be necessary in patients who have volume restrictions due to heart failure, renal failure, or hepatic insufficiency.

With protein-calorie malnutrition there is loss of the intracellular ions potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus, and a gain in sodium and water. During refeeding, sodium balance may become markedly positive and cause water retention. Potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium levels may drop precipitously upon initiation of nutritional support. It is important to monitor electrolytes and fluid balance to avoid the risk of refeeding syndrome. In addition, potassium and magnesium deficiencies must be corrected if anabolism is to occur (Table 3).

Trace minerals are inorganic compounds, and vitamins are complex organic compounds that regulate metabolic processes (Table 4). The majority act as coenzymes or as essential elemental constituents of enzyme complexes regulating the use of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Iron, zinc, copper, chromium, selenium, iodine, and cobalt are known to be necessary for health in man. However, in malnourished and seriously ill patients, requirements for zinc and selenium should be assessed and replenished as necessary.4

Table 4 Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamin or Mineral Function Daily Requirement
Biotin Coenzyme of carboxylase 60 mcg
Chromium Insulin utilization 10–20 mcg
Copper Enzyme systems and ceruloplasmin 0.1–0.5 mcg
Folic acid Nucleic acid synthesis 600 mcg
Iron Porphyrin-based compounds, enzymes, mitochondria 0–2 mg
Niacin Component of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and its phosphate (NADP) 50 mg
Pantothenate Component coenzyme A 15 mg
Pyridoxine Coenzyme of amino acid metabolism 5 mg
Riboflavin Coenzymes in redox enzyme system 5 mg
Selenium Component of glutathione peroxidase 20–200 mcg
Thiamine (B1) Cocarboxylase enzyme system 5 mg
Vitamin A Epithelial surfaces, retinal pigments 2500 IU
Vitamin B12 Nucleic acid synthesis 12 mcg
Vitamin C Redox reactions, collagen, immune function 1000 mg
Vitamin D Bone metabolism
Vitamin E Membrane phospholipids 50 IU
Vitamin K Coagulation factors 1–2 mg
Zinc Enzyme systems 1–15 mcg

If the patient’s fluid and electrolyte status stabilizes on parenteral support with blood glucose levels in good control, the patient may be discharged home on cyclic overnight feedings while awaiting surgery. The parenteral cycle is gradually decreased from 24 to 18 hours and then to 14–16 hours daily. A permanent access port will be needed for home care.

Preoperative Enteral Nutrition

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