Positive End-Expiratory Pressure

Published on 01/06/2015 by admin

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Last modified 01/06/2015

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Positive End-Expiratory Pressure

Definition of Terms

II Physiologic Effects of PEEP

Effects on intrapulmonary pressures

Effects on intrapleural (intrathoracic) pressures

1. PEEP increases intrapleural pressures.

2. The extent of the increase is determined by

a. The amount of PEEP applied

b. The stiffness of the individual’s lung

(1) The greater the pulmonary compliance, the greater the transmission of PEEP to the intrapleural space and the greater the increase in intrapleural pressure.

(2) In patients with normal lungs and chest wall approximately 50% of the PEEP applied is transmitted to the intrathoracic space, increasing the intrapleural pressure.

(3) In patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS; stiff lungs) only approximately 25% of the applied PEEP is transmitted to the intrathoracic space, increasing intrapleural pressure.

(4) Patients with localized pulmonary disease (e.g., pneumonia, atelectasis) demonstrate an increase in overall intrapleural pressure similar to patients with normal pulmonary compliance; however, transmission of pressure may be reduced in the area of concern.

(5) The effects of PEEP on intrapleural pressure are most marked in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) because of their increased pulmonary compliance.

c. Changes in thoracic compliance

Effect on functional residual capacity (FRC) (Figure 40-1)

1. Regardless of the condition of the lung at the time of application, PEEP increases FRC.

2. FRC is increased by two primary mechanisms.

Effect on pulmonary compliance

1. Because PEEP increases FRC, it alters pulmonary compliance.

2. The compliance curve of the normal total respiratory system is depicted in Figure 40-2. Note that the curve is only linear above the FRC level and again becomes alinear at some pressure and volume well beyond FRC.

3. In the normal lung the increased FRC caused by excessive PEEP levels may move alveoli from the steep portion to the flat portion of the compliance curve, thus decreasing compliance.

4. In patients with acute lung injury (ALI) or ARDS, the application of PEEP increases compliance (see Figure 40-2).

5. The monitoring of effective static compliance (see Chapter 41) can be used to help to determine the “optimal” or most appropriate PEEP level.

Effect of PEEP on deadspace

Effect of PEEP on the cardiovascular system (Table 40-1)

TABLE 40-1

Potential Physiologic Effects of Appropriately and Excessively Applied PEEP

  Appropriate Level Excessive Level
Intrapulmonary pressure Increased Increased
Intrathoracic pressure Increased Increased
FRC Increased Increased
Respiratory system compliance Increased Increased or decreased
Closing volume Decreased Decreased
Pao2 Increased Increased or decreased
Sao2 Increased Increased or decreased
Paco2 No change or decreased Increased
images/imaget Decreased Decreased or increased
P(A−a)O2 Decreased Decreased or increased
C(a-image) O2 Decreased Decreased or increased
Pimageo2 Increased Increased or decreased
Paco2-PETCO2 Decreased Increased
VD/VT Decreased Increased
Work of breathing Decreased Increased
Extravascular lung water No change or increased No change or increased
Pulmonary vascular resistance Increased Increased
Total pulmonary perfusion No change or decreased Decreased
Cardiac output No change or decreased Decreased
Pulmonary artery pressure No change or increased or decreased Decreased
Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure No change or increased or decreased Decreased
Central venous pressure No change or increased or decreased Decreased
Arterial pressure No change or increased or decreased Decreased
Intracranial pressure No change or increased Increased
Urinary output No change or decreased Decreased


FRC, Functional residual capacity; imageS/imageT, shunt fraction; P(Aa)O2, alveolar-arterial O2 pressure difference; C(a-image) O2, arterial-mixed venous O2 content difference; PimageO2, mixed venous O2 pressure; PETCO2, end-tidal CO2 pressure; VD/VT, dead space/tidal volume ratio.

1. The primary effect of PEEP on the cardiovascular system is a reduction in cardiac output (CO) as a result of increased impedance to venous return by an increase in intrathoracic pressure.

2. This increase in pressure decreases cardiac transmural pressure, potentially decreasing the end-diastolic volume and stroke volume of both ventricles.

3. Low-level PEEP reduces right ventricular end-diastolic volume, but right ventricular ejection fraction normally remains constant, provided no previous right ventricular dysfunction exists.

4. Higher levels of PEEP markedly increase right ventricular afterload, increasing end-diastolic volume and decreasing ejection fraction.

5. Increased right ventricular end-diastolic volume with high levels of PEEP causes right ventricular distention and a leftward shift of the interventricular septa.

6. Actual changes in pulmonary hemodynamics after the application of PEEP depend on many factors.

7. Provided that pulmonary blood flow is not markedly reduced, PEEP generally results in

8. If pulmonary blood flow is markedly reduced by the application of PEEP, the preload and afterload of left and right ventricles decrease. As a result it is difficult to predict the precise effect that PEEP will have on hemodynamics.

9. Any of the hemodynamic pressures measured may increase, decrease, or stay the same, depending on the maintenance of pulmonary blood flow.

10. When the effect of PEEP on CO is evaluated, it is important to place the decreased CO into proper perspective. The following are two examples of the effect of PEEP on CO. In example A the patient is young and has excellent cardiovascular reserves, whereas in example B the patient is older and has limited cardiovascular reserves.

    Example A:

    A 25-year-old man with ARDS

Pao2 48 mm Hg Pulse 130 beats/min
pH 7.53 Blood pressure (BP) 160/100 mm Hg
Paco2 27 mm Hg CO 10.5 L/min
HCO3 22 mEq/L CI 5.7 L/min/m2
Spontaneous respiration rate (RR) 35 breaths/min FIO2 0.8
VT 350 ml No mechanical ventilatory support


    With the application of PEEP the following data are obtained.

Pao2 75 mm Hg Pulse 85 beats/min
pH 7.43 BP 130/80 mm Hg
Paco2 38 mm Hg CO 6.6 L/min
HCO3 24 mEq/L CI 3.7 L/min/m2
Spontaneous RR 20 breaths/min FIO2 0.5
VT 350 ml CPAP at 10 cm H2O by mask


    In this example the patient’s CO decreased 4 L, but his cardiac index (CI) returned to normal. This occurred because the original CO of 10.5 L/min was a result of cardiopulmonary stress. With the application of PEEP, oxygenation improved (FIO2 was decreased), and cardiopulmonary stress decreased. Thus the CO and CI returned to normal. This reduction in CO and CI was desirable.

    Example B:

    A 60-year-old man with ARDS

Pao2 48 mm Hg Pulse 130 beats/min
pH 7.48 BP 140/90 mm Hg
Paco2 32 mm Hg CO 5.5 L/min
HCO3 23 mEq/L CI 3.6 L/min/m2
Spontaneous RR 35 breaths/min FIO2 0.6
VT 300 ml No mechanical ventilation support


    With the application of PEEP the following data are obtained.

Pao2 68 mm Hg Pulse 150 beats/min
pH 7.47 BP 90/60 mm Hg
Paco2 33 mm Hg CO 3.5 L/min
HCO3 23 mEq/L CI 2.3 L/min/m2
Spontaneous RR 28 breaths/min FIO2 0.6
VT 300 ml CPAP at 10 cm H2O by mask


    In this example the patient’s CO decreased only 2 L/min, but the CI is now below normal. A CO of 3.5 L/min is clearly inappropriately low for this patient, and either fluid therapy or pharmacologic support is required to return the CO to an acceptable level. The reduction in CO is small but places the patient at increased risk. The patient’s complete clinical presentation must be evaluated to determine whether PEEP had a detrimental effect on CO.

11. The following example is designed to illustrate the effect of PEEP on hemodynamic values.

Pulse 160 beats/min CVP 12 cm H2O
BP 150/100 mm Hg PAP 26 mm Hg
    PWP 10 mm Hg
5 cm H2O PEEP
Pulse 158 beats/min CVP 13 cm H2O
BP 148/92 mm Hg PAP 27 mm Hg
    PWP 11 mm Hg
10 cm H2O PEEP
Pulse 140 beats/min CVP 15 cm H2O
BP 142/96 mm Hg PAP 29 mm Hg
    PWP 13 mm Hg
12 cm H2O PEEP
Pulse 126 beats/min CVP 16 cm H2O
BP 130/84 mm Hg PAP 30 mm Hg
    PWP 14 mm Hg
15 cm H2O PEEP
Pulse 154 beats/min CVP 6 cm H2O
BP 90/60 mm Hg PAP 22 mm Hg
    PWP 5 mm Hg


    The application of 5, 10, and 12 cm H2O PEEP was appropriately tolerated from a hemodynamic perspective. However, with the application of 15 cm H2O PEEP, the hemodynamic values decreased sharply, indicating inability of the cardiovascular system to tolerate 15 cm H2O PEEP at its present status. If this patient receives proper fluid therapy, pharmacologic support, or both, the following profile may be achieved.

15 cm H2 O PEEP
Pulse 124 beats/min CVP 18 cm H2O
BP 120/84 mm Hg PAP 32 mm Hg
    PWP 16 mm Hg


    Note: In actual clinical practice hemodynamic values should also be correlated with the patient’s clinical presentation, signs of adequate tissue perfusion (e.g., urinary output, sensorium, and skin temperature), and CO.

Effects of PEEP on lung water (Figure 40-3)