CHAPTER 8 Population and Mathematical Genetics
In this chapter, some of the more mathematical aspects of gene inheritance are considered, together with how genes are distributed and maintained at particular frequencies in populations. This subject constitutes what is known as population genetics. Genetics lends itself to a numerical approach, with many of the most influential and pioneering figures in human genetics having come from a mathematical background. They were particularly attracted by the challenges of trying to determine the frequencies of genes in populations and the rates at which they mutate. Much of this early work impinges on the specialty of medical genetics, and in particular on genetic counseling, and by the end of this chapter it is hoped that the reader will have gained an understanding of the following.
Allele Frequencies in Populations
The Hardy-Weinberg Principle
Consider an ‘ideal’ population in which there is an autosomal locus with two alleles, A and a, that have frequencies of p and q, respectively. These are the only alleles found at this locus, so that p + q = 100%, or 1. The frequency of each genotype in the population can be determined by construction of a Punnett square, which shows how the different genes can combine (Figure 8.1).
From Figure 8.1, it can be seen that the frequencies of the different genotypes are:
Genotype | Phenotype | Frequency |
AA | A | p2 |
Aa | A | 2pq |
Aa | a | q2 |
If there is random mating of sperm and ova, the frequencies of the different genotypes in the first generation will be as shown. If these individuals mate with one another to produce a second generation, Punnett square can again be used to show the different matings and their frequencies (Figure 8.2).
From Figure 8.2 the total frequency for each genotype in the second generation can be derived (Table 8.1). This shows that the relative frequency or proportion of each genotype is the same in the second generation as in the first. In fact, no matter how many generations are studied, the relative frequencies will remain constant. The actual numbers of individuals with each genotype will change as the population size increases or decreases, but their relative frequencies or proportions remain constant. This is the fundamental tenet of the Hardy-Weinberg principle. When studies confirm that the relative proportions of each genotype remain constant with frequencies of p2, 2pq, and q2, then that population is said to be in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for that particular genotype.
Factors that Can Disturb Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
The validity of the Hardy-Weinberg principle is based on the assumption that no new mutations occur. If a particular locus shows a high mutation rate, then there will be a steady increase in the proportion of mutant alleles in a population. In practice, mutations do occur at almost all loci, albeit at different rates, but the effect of their introduction is usually balanced by the loss of mutant alleles due to reduced fitness of affected individuals. If a population is found to be in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, it is generally assumed that these two opposing factors have roughly equal effects. This is discussed further in the section that follows on the estimation of mutation rates.
Selection can act in the opposite direction by increasing fitness. For some autosomal recessive disorders there is evidence that heterozygotes show a slight increase in biological fitness compared with unaffected homozygotes—referred to as heterozygote advantage. The best understood example is sickle-cell disease, in which affected homozygotes have severe anemia and often show persistent ill-health (p. 159). However, heterozygotes are relatively immune to infection with Plasmodium falciparum malaria because their red blood cells undergo sickling and are rapidly destroyed when invaded by the parasite. In areas where this form of malaria is endemic, carriers of sickle-cell anemia (sickle cell trait), have a biological advantage compared with unaffected homozygotes. Therefore, in these regions the proportion of heterozygotes tends to increase relative to the proportions of normal and affected homozygotes, and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is disturbed.
Small Population Size
In a large population, the numbers of children produced by individuals with different genotypes, assuming no alteration in fitness for any particular genotype, will tend to balance out, so that gene frequencies remain stable. However, in a small population it is possible that by random statistical fluctuation one allele could be transmitted to a high proportion of offspring by chance, resulting in marked changes in allele frequency from one generation to the next, so that Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is disturbed. This is known as random genetic drift. If one allele is lost altogether, it is said to be extinguished and the other allele is described as having become fixed (Figure 8.3).
Gene Flow (Migration)
If new alleles are introduced into a population as a consequence of migration, with later intermarriage, a change in the relevant allele frequencies will result. This slow diffusion of alleles across racial or geographical boundaries is known as gene flow. The most widely quoted example is the gradient shown by the incidence of the B blood group allele throughout the world (Figure 8.4). This allele is thought to have originated in Asia and spread slowly westward as a result of admixture through invasion.
Validity of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
AA | 800 |
Aa/aA | 185 |
aa | 15 |
Genotype | Observed | Expected |
AA | 800 | 796.5 (p2 × 1000) |
Aa/aA | 185 | 192 (2pq × 1000) |
aa | 15 | 11.5 (q2 × 1000) |
These observed and expected values correspond closely and formal statistical analysis with a χ2 test would confirm that the observed values do not differ significantly from those expected if the population is in equilibrium.
BB | 430 |
Bb/bB | 540 |
bb | 30 |
Using these values for p and q, the observed and expected genotype distributions can be compared:
Genotype | Observed | Expected |
BB | 430 | 490 (p2 × 1000) |
Bb/bB | 540 | 420 (2pq × 1000) |
bb | 30 | 90 (q2 × 1000) |
Applications of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
Estimation of Carrier Frequencies
If the incidence of an AR disorder is known, it is possible to calculate the carrier frequency using some relatively simple algebra. For example, if the disease incidence is 1 in 10,000, then q2 = and q =
. Because p + q = 1, therefore p =
. The carrier frequency can then be calculated as 2 ×
(i.e., 2pq), which approximates to 1 in 50. Thus, a rough approximation of the carrier frequency can be obtained by doubling the square root of the disease incidence. Approximate values for gene frequency and carrier frequency derived from the disease incidence can be extremely useful in genetic risk counseling (p. 266) (Table 8.2). However, if the disease incidence includes cases resulting from consanguineous relationships, then it is not valid to use the Hardy-Weinberg principle to calculate heterozygote frequencies because a high incidence of consanguinity disturbs the equilibrium by leading to a relative increase in the proportion of affected homozygotes.
Table 8.2 Approximate Values for Gene Frequency and Carrier Frequency Calculated from the Disease Incidence Assuming Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
Disease Incidence (q2) | Gene Frequency (q) | Carrier Frequency (2pq) |
1/1000 | 1/32 | 1/16 |
1/2000 | 1/45 | 1/23 |
1/5000 | 1/71 | 1/36 |
1/10,000 | 1/100 | 1/50 |
1/50,000 | 1/224 | 1/112 |
1/100,000 | 1/316 | 1/158 |
Estimation of Mutation Rates
Direct Method
If an autosomal dominant (AD) disorder shows full penetrance, and is therefore always expressed in heterozygotes, an estimate of its mutation rate can be made relatively easily by counting the number of new cases in a defined number of births. Consider a sample of 100,000 children, 12 of whom have a particular AD disorder such as achondroplasia (p. 93). Only two of these children have an affected parent, so that the remaining 10 must have acquired their disorder as a result of new mutations. Therefore 10 new mutations have occurred among the 200,000 genes inherited by these children (because each child inherits two copies of each gene), giving a mutation rate of 1 per 20,000 gametes per generation. In fact, this example is unusual because all new mutations in achondroplasia occur on the paternally derived chromosome 4; therefore the mutation rate is 1 per 10,000 in spermatogenesis and, as far as we know, zero in oogenesis.