Periocular Reconstruction

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Last modified 09/03/2015

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Chapter 12 Periocular Reconstruction


Surface Anatomy

It is useful to conceptually divide the face into aesthetic units when discussing reconstructive techniques.1,2 Recognizing the junction lines between neighboring units is important as they conceal surgical scars well. Most authors use the eyebrow as the superior limit of the periocular aesthetic unit; however, the suprabrow area can also be considered to be part of the periocular area, as closures in this area can affect the eyebrow and upper eyelid (Figure 12.1). The infraorbital and nasojugal creases define the inferior border of the periocular unit. The nasofacial sulcus marks the medial border in the medial canthal area, while the frontal process of the zygomatic bone defines the lateral margin. Anatomically, it is also useful to distinguish the palpebral portions of the upper and lower eyelids, which overlie the globe when the lids are closed, from the orbital portions, which continue over the bony orbital margin to the edge of the periocular aesthetic unit.

Other naturally occurring skin folds and creases within aesthetic units can similarly be used to hide surgical scars, as these lines appear normal and do not attract attention. The upper eyelid crease, for example, hides upper blepharoplasty incisions. Other aspects of periocular aesthetics should also be considered when moving tissue for reconstruction. The concavity of the medial canthus, the symmetry of the eyelids, and the orientation of eyebrow hairs are some of the more subtle features that can become conspicuous if undesirably altered. Attention to these surface characteristics will help avoid distortion of periocular structures and promote aesthetically proper surgical closures.

Surgical Anatomy

A thorough knowledge of the anatomy of the periocular region is paramount to successful surgery in this area (Figure 12.2). Understanding tissue planes and functional relationships between anatomic structures serve the surgeon well in this complex area. Familiarity with the location of nerves, blood vessels, and “danger zones” is critical to achieving optimal surgical results and avoiding bad outcomes.

The margins of the bony orbit are defined by the frontal bone superiorly, the zygomatic bone inferolaterally, and the maxilla inferomedially. Within the orbit sits the globe with its associated vessels, muscles, nerves, fat, and most of the lacrimal apparatus. The orbital septum, a membranous sheet of connective tissue that arises from the periosteum of the orbital rim and spans across the lids, separates the globe and deeper orbital structures from the more superficial muscles and skin. Within each eyelid is a crescent-shaped tarsal plate, the fibroblastic lamina that provides the semirigid structure of the lid. The medial and lateral ends of these plates are stabilized by the medial and lateral canthal tendons, respectively, which attach to the adjacent bony orbit.

The orbicularis oculi muscle lies superficial to the orbital septum. The sphincter muscle of the eyelids, it controls blinking and forceful eyelid closure. It can be divided into palpebral and orbital portions. The palpebral part, confined to the eyelids, arises from the medial canthal tendon and arches across both lids (anterior to the tarsal plates) to insert into the lateral canthal tendon. In oculoplastic surgery it is useful to further subdivide this part into the pretarsal and preseptal portions. The orbital portion of the muscle, located more peripherally, lies flat on the surface of the orbital margin, bordering the forehead and cheek. Its fibers arise from the medial end of the medial canthal tendon and adjoining bone to extend laterally in a series of uninterrupted concentric loops around the orbit. The elevator of the upper lid is the levator palpebrae superioris, a long, flat muscle above the globe. Its aponeurosis fuses with the orbital septum superiorly to insert into the superior tarsus and skin of the upper eyelid.

The upper eyelid is larger and more mobile than the lower eyelid, and it completely covers the cornea when the lids are closed. The skin of the eyelids is less than 1 mm thick with minimal subcutaneous tissue, and it is tightly adherent to the underlying muscle in the pretarsal region. Over the preseptal and orbital regions, the skin is more mobile. The posterior surface of the eyelids is lined by the palpebral conjunctiva, a thin mucous membrane that reflects in the superior and inferior fornices of the conjunctival sac onto the anterior surface of the globe (the bulbar conjunctiva). Coronally, the eyelids can be divided into two lamellae. The anterior lamella includes the superficial skin and orbicularis oculi muscle, whereas the posterior lamella consists of the tarsal plates, lid retractor muscles, and palpebral conjunctiva.

The lids meet each other at the medial and lateral canthal angles, while the palpebral fissure between them opens into the conjunctival sac and underlying globe. The lateral canthal angle is more acute than the medial, and it lies in direct contact with the globe. The more rounded medial canthus is separated from the globe by a small space, the lacrimal lake, which contains a small mound of tissue, the lacrimal caruncle. The lacrimal gland, situated in the superolateral part of the orbit, lies posterior to the orbital septum and the frontal bone. It secretes tears into the superior fornix of the conjunctiva that wash across the cornea to collect in the lacrimal lake in the medial canthus. Near the medial canthus, both upper and lower eyelids have small lacrimal papules on their margins that contain lacrimal punctor, through which tears drain into the lacrimal canaliculi and to the lacrimal sac. The sac then drains through the nasolacrimal duct to empty into the inferior meatus of the nose. The lacrimal sac lies in a protected position, behind the medial canthal tendon. It is enveloped by fibers of the orbicularis oculi muscle, such that each blink of the eyelids serves to pump tears through the sac and into the nose.

The temporal branch of the facial nerve is the most superficially located (and thus most susceptible) motor nerve in the periocular area. From its emergence beneath the parotid gland in the preauricular region, its course is roughly delineated by drawing one line from 0.5 cm below the tragus to a point 2 cm above the lateral end of the eyebrow and a second along the zygomatic arch.3,4 The nerve is most superficial in the area of the zygomatic arch, and it is therefore most at risk to damage during a surgical procedure at this site. Anatomically, the four tissue layers of importance in the area of the lateral canthus are the skin and subcutaneous fat, the superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS), the temporalis fascia, and the temporalis muscle. The SMAS is a thin layer of connective tissue that is continuous with the galea superiorly, the frontalis anteriorly, the occipitalis posteriorly, and the muscles of facial expression inferiorly. In the area of the temple, the temporal branch of the facial nerve runs just below the SMAS, within a layer of loose areolar tissue superficial to the temporalis fascia.4 At the lateral forehead the nerve dives under the frontalis muscle, becoming less vulnerable to surgical injury. The temporal nerve innervates the ipsilateral frontalis muscle and, to a lesser extent, the orbicularis oculi muscle, and nerve transection leads to weakness of the ipsilateral forehead with droop of the eyebrow and decreased ability to close the eye tightly. The importance of understanding the course of the facial nerve branches and their anatomic relationship to these tissue planes cannot be overstated.

The supraorbital and infraorbital nerves exit the skull via the supraorbital notch and infraorbital foramen, respectively, both located on a vertical line drawn from the medial corneal limbus. Moving clockwise from the supraorbital notch, the supratrochlear and infratrochlear nerves penetrate the orbital septum at the orbital rim. While localizing these can be useful in performing nerve blocks to anesthetize the eyelids and periorbital area, the nerves lie at such a depth that they are relatively protected from inadvertent transection during surgery.

The periorbital area has a rich vascular supply derived from both the internal and external carotid arteries. The ophthalmic artery arising from the internal carotid artery supplies the supraorbital, supratrochlear, dorsal nasal, and palpebral arteries. The superior and inferior palpebral arteries arch across the eyelids parallel to the lid margins, piercing the orbital septum above and below the medial and lateral canthal tendons. The external carotid artery contributes the remainder of the blood supply, including the superficial temporal artery, which emerges from beneath the parotid gland in the preauricular area. The superficial temporal artery’s frontal branch arcs across the temporalis muscle to supply the lateral eyebrow region as it anastomoses with the supraorbital artery, while the transverse facial artery courses over the zygoma to join the infraorbital artery in the lower eyelid. The facial artery ascends along the nasofacial sulcus to anastomose with the infraorbital and transverse facial arteries, above which the facial artery continues superiorly along the medial orbit as the angular artery, merging with the dorsal nasal artery superior to the medial canthus. Although such excellent vascular supply easily supports flaps and grafts in the periorbital region, the thin, distensible tissues can also predispose to significant postoperative ecchymoses. Meticulous intraoperative hemostasis is important in avoiding hematoma development.


The periorbital area is a unique region, and in preparing for surgery, the surgeon should have several special considerations. Protection of the eye is of utmost importance, and this should be kept in mind at each step of the surgical process. When cleansing the periorbital skin, Hibiclens (chlorhexidine) (Zeneca Pharmaceuticals, Wilmington, DE) should not be used as it can be toxic to the cornea. Betadine (povidone-iodine) (Purdue Frederick Company, Norwalk, CT), which is less irritating, can be used as an alternative cleanser. When injecting local anesthetic into periocular tissues, the injecting hand should be firmly stabilized against the patient, and the needle directed parallel to or away from the globe whenever possible to avoid accidental injury to the eye should the patient moves unexpectedly.

Consideration should be given to using protective corneal shields to prevent inadvertent surgical trauma,5 especially if the procedure will involve the palpebral portion of the eyelids (Figure 12.3). These shields are inexpensive and easily inserted under the lids after instilling several drops of tetracaine 0.5% or a similar anesthetic into the palpebral fissure. The shields are generally well tolerated. To minimize migration and inadvertent corneal exposure during surgery, the largest size corneal shields that can comfortably be inserted should be used. Besides protecting the globe, the shields also block the patient’s view of the bright surgical lights. Both plastic and metal shields are available; the same metal shields used for laser resurfacing (Jedmed, St Louis) can be used for general reconstructive surgery.

During the discussion of the procedure and expected postoperative course, the surgeon should prepare the patient for the possibility of swelling and bruising, which are not uncommon in the thin, distensible tissues of the eyelids (Figure 12.4). This is an expected part of periorbital surgery. Having the patient sleep with the head in an elevated position for the first few days after surgery may minimize postoperative bruising. Although short-lived and usually painless, the bruising can at times be quite dramatic and alarming to the patient. Because of gravitational forces, periorbital ecchymoses can occasionally extend as inferior as the jaw line.


The main goals of reconstruction are to restore function, optimize wound healing, and create the best possible cosmetic result. For small to medium-sized superficial defects of the periocular area, the first two issues are rarely a problem, and the focus then shifts to optimizing cosmesis.

How well a surgical scar is hidden is a function of three factors: the tension on the wound, the quality of the tissue used to close the defect, and the placement of skin incisions. Wounds closed with minimal tension heal better and form less prominent scars. Fortunately, there is minimal intrinsic tension in the periocular region when compared to other body areas such as the back or chest, where hypertrophic and spread scars are common. To minimize tension across a wound, it is also important to consider the relaxed skin tension lines (RSTLs) (Figure 12.5). These lines indicate the direction of least tension in relaxed skin (incisions parallel to them experience less tension while healing). Perpendicular to the RSTLs are the lines of maximum extensibility (LME). Placing a fusiform excision parallel to the RSTLs will thus simultaneously provide maximal tissue extensibility to close the wound and minimal tension while healing, resulting in an optimal scar.

Another critical factor in camouflaging a surgical recon-struction is the quality of skin used to close the defect. Repairs are most effectively hidden when the texture and thickness of the skin closing the defect closely matches the surrounding skin, thus de-emphasizing any border between the two. For this reason, simple, side-to-side closures, where the tissue that slides over the defect is the neighboring skin, are often aesthetically ideal. In contrast, skin grafts, which are taken from distant, often poorly matching tissues, often demonstrate conspicuous “patch” appearances with obvious borders. Flaps are best designed using skin from the same aesthetic unit, which is most similar in thickness and texture; this also avoids crossing junction lines into neighboring units.

Finally, surgical incisions are best concealed in wrinkles or aesthetic unit junctions, as these are “normal” lines that even casual observers expect to see. When placing incisions outside these natural lines, short, curved, or turning incisions may be less obvious than straight ones. Crossing aesthetic unit junction lines with long, straight incisions should be avoided if possible. Curving the ends of incisions to parallel the RSTLs will also minimize tension and leave the least conspicuous scar. When designing a periocular repair, it is best to highlight natural wrinkles, RSTLs, and aesthetic unit boundary lines on the skin with a surgical marker before incision. Asking the patient to animate muscles around the area (smile, frown, etc.) is especially useful in younger patients in whom rhytids are not obvious at rest.

When it is not possible to hide incisions within contour lines and wrinkles, moving the repair away from the easily visualized central face may make it less noticeable. As the lateral surfaces of the temple and cheek curve around the head they become parallel to the line of sight and are not as visible. So, for a surgical defect of the lateral face, shifting the repair peripherally to the temple will conceal it in the frontal view, whereas extending incisions medially onto the cheek may accentuate it. This could be a consideration in choosing a laterally based flap over a simpler side-to-side elliptical closure that would require extending incisions further into the central face.