Pain Management for the Postoperative Cardiac Patient

Published on 07/02/2015 by admin

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Last modified 07/02/2015

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Chapter 31 Pain Management for the Postoperative Cardiac Patient

Adequate postoperative analgesia prevents unnecessary patient discomfort, may decrease morbidity, may decrease postoperative hospital length of stay, and thus may decrease cost. Because postoperative pain management has been deemed important, the American Society of Anesthesiologists has published practice guidelines regarding this topic.1 Furthermore, in recognition of the need for improved pain management, the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations has developed new standards for the assessment and management of pain in accredited hospitals and other health care settings.2 Patient satisfaction (no doubt linked to adequacy of postoperative analgesia) has become an essential element that influences clinical activity of not only anesthesiologists but also all health care professionals.

Achieving optimal pain relief after cardiac surgery is often difficult. Pain may be associated with many interventions, including sternotomy, thoracotomy, leg vein harvesting, pericardiotomy, and/or chest tube insertion, among others. Inadequate analgesia and/or an uninhibited stress response during the postoperative period may increase morbidity by causing adverse hemodynamic, metabolic, immunologic, and hemostatic alterations. Aggressive control of postoperative pain, associated with an attenuated stress response, may decrease morbidity and mortality in high-risk patients after noncardiac surgery and may also decrease morbidity and mortality in patients after cardiac surgery. Adequate postoperative analgesia may be attained via a wide variety of techniques (Table 31-1). Traditionally, analgesia after cardiac surgery has been obtained with intravenous opioids (specifically morphine). However, intravenous opioid use is associated with definite detrimental side effects (nausea/vomiting, pruritus, urinary retention, respiratory depression), and longer-acting opioids such as morphine may delay tracheal extubation during the immediate postoperative period via excessive sedation and/or respiratory depression. Thus, in the current era of early extubation (“fast-tracking”), cardiac anesthesiologists are exploring unique options other than traditional intravenous opioids for control of postoperative pain in patients after cardiac surgery.3 No single technique is clearly superior; each possesses distinct advantages and disadvantages. It is becoming increasingly clear that a multimodal approach/combined analgesic regimen (utilizing a variety of techniques) is likely the best way to approach postoperative pain (in all patients after surgery) to maximize analgesia and minimize side effects. When addressing postoperative analgesia in cardiac surgical patients, choice of technique (or techniques) is made only after a thorough analysis of the risk/benefit ratio of each technique in the specific patient in whom analgesia is desired.

Table 31-1 Techniques Available for Postoperative Analgesia

Local anesthetic infiltration
Nerve blocks
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents
α-Adrenergic agents
Intrathecal techniques
Epidural techniques
Multimodal analgesia


Surgical or traumatic injury initiates changes in the peripheral and central nervous systems that must be addressed therapeutically to promote postoperative analgesia and, it is hoped, positively influence clinical outcome (Boxes 31-1 and 31-2). The physical processes of incision, traction, and cutting of tissues stimulate free nerve endings and a wide variety of specific nociceptors. Receptor activation and activity are further modified by the local release of chemical mediators of inflammation and sympathetic amines released via the perioperative surgical stress response. The perioperative surgical stress response peaks during the immediate postoperative period and exerts major effects on many physiologic processes. The potential clinical benefits of attenuating the perioperative surgical stress response (above and beyond simply attaining adequate clinical analgesia) have received much attention during the past decade and remain fairly controversial. However, it is clear that inadequate postoperative analgesia and/or an uninhibited perioperative surgical stress response has the potential to initiate pathophysiologic changes in all major organ systems, including the cardiovascular, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, renal, endocrine, immunologic, and/or central nervous systems, all of which may lead to substantial postoperative morbidity.

Pain after cardiac surgery may be intense and originates from many sources, including the incision (e.g., sternotomy, thoracotomy), intraoperative tissue retraction and dissection, vascular cannulation sites, vein-harvesting sites, and chest tubes, among others. Patients in whom an internal mammary artery is surgically exposed and used as a bypass graft may have substantially more postoperative pain.

Persistent pain after cardiac surgery, although rare, can be problematic.4 The cause of persistent pain after sternotomy is multifactorial, yet tissue destruction, intercostal nerve trauma, scar formation, rib fractures, sternal infection, stainless-steel wire sutures, and/or costochondral separation may all play roles. Such chronic pain is often localized to the arms, shoulders, or legs. Postoperative brachial plexus neuropathies may also occur and have been attributed to rib fracture fragments, internal mammary artery dissection, suboptimal positioning of patients during surgery, and/or central venous catheter placement. Postoperative neuralgia of the saphenous nerve has also been reported after harvesting of saphenous veins for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Younger patients appear to be at higher risk for developing chronic, long-lasting pain. The correlation of severity of acute postoperative pain and development of chronic pain syndromes has been suggested (patients requiring more postoperative analgesics may be more likely to develop chronic pain), yet the causative relationship is still vague.

Patient satisfaction with quality of postoperative analgesia is as much related to the comparison between anticipated and experienced pain as it is to the actual level of pain experienced. Satisfaction is related to a situation that is better than predicted, dissatisfaction to one that is worse than expected. Patients undergoing cardiac surgery remain concerned regarding the adequacy of postoperative pain relief and tend to preoperatively expect a greater amount of postoperative pain than that which is actually experienced. Because of these unique preoperative expectations, patients after cardiac surgery who receive only moderate analgesia postoperatively will likely still be satisfied with their pain control. Thus, patients may experience pain of mode-rate intensity after cardiac surgery yet still express very high satisfaction levels.


Local Anesthetic Infiltration

Pain after cardiac surgery is often related to median sternotomy (peaking during the first 2 postoperative days). One method that may hold promise is continuous infusion of local anesthetic (Box 31-3). In a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial, White and associates6 studied 36 patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Intraoperative management was standardized. All patients had two indwelling infusion catheters placed at the median sternotomy incision site at the end of surgery (one in the subfascial plane above the sternum, one above the fascia in the subcutaneous tissue). Patients received 0.25% bupivacaine (n = 12), 0.5% bupivacaine (n = 12), or normal saline (n = 12) via a constant rate infusion through the catheter (4 mL/hr) for 48 hours after surgery. Average times to tracheal extubation were similar in the three groups (5 to 6 hours). Compared with the control group (normal saline), there was a statistically significant reduction in verbal rating scale pain scores and patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) using intravenous morphine in the 0.5% bupivacaine group. Patient satisfaction with their pain management was also improved in the 0.5% bupivacaine group (vs. control). However, there were no significant differences in PCA morphine use between the 0.25% bupivacaine and control groups. Although tracheal extubation time and the duration of the intensive care unit (ICU) stay (30 hours vs. 34 hours, respectively) were not significantly altered, time to ambulation (1 day vs. 2 days, respectively) and duration of hospital stay (4.2 days vs. 5.7 days, respectively) were lower in the 0.5% bupivacaine group than in the control group.

The management of postoperative pain with continuous direct infusion of local anesthetic into the surgical wound has been described following a wide variety of surgeries other than cardiac (inguinal hernia repair, upper abdominal surgery, laparoscopic nephrectomy, cholecystectomy, knee arthroplasty, shoulder surgery, and gynecologic operative laparoscopy). The infusion pump systems used for anesthetic wound perfusion are regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as medical devices. Thus, adverse events involving these infusion pump systems during direct local anesthetic infusion into surgical wounds are reported to this organization. Complications encountered with these infusion pump systems reported to the FDA include tissue necrosis, surgical wound infection, and cellulitis after orthopedic, gastrointestinal, podiatric, and other surgeries. None of these reported adverse events has involved patients undergoing cardiac surgery.

Nerve Blocks

With the increasing popularity of minimally invasive cardiac surgery, which utilizes nonsternotomy incisions (minithoracotomy), the use of nerve blocks for the management of postoperative pain has increased as well (Box 31-4).7 Thoracotomy incisions (transverse anterolateral minithoracotomy, vertical anterolateral minithoracotomy), owing to costal cartilage trauma tissue damage to ribs, muscles, or peripheral nerves, may induce more intense postoperative pain than that resulting from median sternotomy. Adequate analgesia after thoracotomy is important because pain is a key component in alteration of lung function after thoracic surgery. Uncontrolled pain causes a reduction in respiratory mechanics, reduced mobility, and increases in hormonal and metabolic activity. Perioperative deterioration in respiratory mechanics may lead to pulmonary complications and hypoxemia, which may in turn lead to myocardial ischemia/infarction, cerebrovascular accidents, thromboembolism, and delayed wound healing, leading to increased morbidity and prolonged hospital stay. Various analgesic techniques have been developed to treat postoperative thoracotomy pain. The most commonly used techniques include intercostal nerve blocks, intrapleural administration of local anesthetics, and thoracic paravertebral blocks. Intrathecal techniques and epidural techniques are also very effective in controlling post-thoracotomy pain.

Intercostal nerve block has been used extensively for analgesia after thoracic surgery. Intercostal nerve blocks can be performed either intraoperatively or postoperatively and usually provide sufficient analgesia lasting 6 to 12 hours (depending on amount and type of local anesthetic used) and may need to be repeated if additional analgesia is required. Local anesthetics may be administered as a single treatment under direct vision, before chest closure, as a single preoperative percutaneous injection, as multiple percutaneous serial injections, or via an indwelling intercostal catheter. Blockade of intercostal nerves interrupts C-fiber afferent transmission of impulses to the spinal cord. A single intercostal injection of a long-acting local anesthetic can provide pain relief and improve pulmonary function in patients after thoracic surgery for up to 6 hours. To achieve longer duration of analgesia, a continuous extrapleural intercostal nerve block technique may be used in which a catheter is placed percutaneously into an extrapleural pocket by the surgeon. A continuous intercostal catheter allows frequent dosing or infusions of local anesthetic agents and avoids multiple needle injections. Various clinical studies have confirmed the analgesic efficacy of this technique, and the technique compares favorably with thoracic epidural analgesic techniques. A major concern associated with intercostal nerve block is the potentially high amount of local anesthetic systemic absorption, yet multiple clinical studies involving patients undergoing thoracic surgery have documented safe blood levels with standard techniques. Clinical investigations involving patients undergoing thoracic surgery indicate that intercostal nerve blockade by intermittent or continuous infusion of 0.5% bupivacaine with epinephrine is an effective method, as is continuous infusion of 0.25% bupivacaine through indwelling intercostal catheters for supplementing systemic intravenous opioid analgesia for post-thoracotomy pain.

Intrapleural administration of local anesthetics initiates analgesia via mechanisms that remain incompletely understood. However, the mechanism of action of extrapleural regional anesthesia seems to depend primarily on diffusion of the local anesthetic into the paravertebral region. Local anesthetic agents then affect not only the ventral nerve root but also afferent fibers of the posterior primary ramus. Posterior ligaments of the posterior primary ramus innervate posterior spinal muscles and skin and are traumatized during posterolateral thoracotomy. Intrapleural administration of local anesthetic agent to this region through a catheter inserted in the extrapleural space thus creates an anesthetic region in the skin. The depth and width of the anesthetic region depend on diffusion of the local anesthetic agent in the extrapleural space.

Thoracic paravertebral block involves injection of local anesthetic adjacent to the thoracic vertebrae close to where the spinal nerves emerge from the intervertebral foramina (Fig. 31-1). Thoracic paravertebral block, compared with thoracic epidural analgesic techniques, appears to provide equivalent analgesia, is technically easier, and may harbor less risk. Several different techniques exist for successful thoracic paravertebral block and have been extensively reviewed.8 The classic technique, most commonly used, involves eliciting loss of resistance. Injection of local anesthetic results in ipsilateral somatic and sympathetic nerve blockade in multiple contiguous thoracic dermatomes above and below the site of injection (along with possible suppression of the neuroendocrine stress response to surgery). These blocks may be effective in alleviating acute and chronic pain of unilateral origin from the chest and/or abdomen. Bilateral use of thoracic paravertebral block has also been described. Continuous thoracic paravertebral infusion of local anesthetic via a catheter placed under direct vision at thoracotomy is also a safe, simple, and effective method of providing analgesia after thoracotomy. It is usually used in conjunction with adjunct intravenous medications (opioid or other analgesics) to provide optimum relief after thoracotomy.


Beginning in the 1960s, large doses of intravenous opioids have been administered to patients undergoing cardiac surgery (Box 31-5). Because even very large amounts of intravenous opioids do not initiate “complete anesthesia” (unconsciousness, muscle relaxation, suppression of reflex responses to noxious surgical stimuli), other intravenous/inhalation agents must be administered during the intraoperative period. Analgesia is the best known and most extensively investigated opioid effect, yet opioids are also involved in a diverse array of other physiologic functions, including control of pituitary and adrenal medulla hormone release and activity, control of cardiovascular and gastrointestinal function, and the regulation of respiration, mood, appetite, thirst, cell growth, and the immune system. A number of well-known and potential side effects of opioids (nausea and vomiting, pruritus, urinary retention, respiratory depression) may limit postoperative recovery when opioids are used for postoperative analgesia.

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