Oxygenation Assessments
After reading this chapter, you will be able to:
• Write the equation for the following common oxygen transport calculations:
• Oxygen dissolved in the blood plasma
• Oxygen content of arterial blood (Cao2)
• Oxygen content of venous blood ()
• Oxygen content of pulmonary capillary blood (Cco2)
• Calculate the following oxygen tension–based indices:
• Alveolar-arterial oxygen tension difference (P[a-a]o2)
• Ideal alveolar gas equation (Pao2)
• Calculate the following oxygen saturation– and content–based indices:
• Arterial-venous oxygen content difference (C[a-]o2)
• Oxygen extraction ratio (O2ER)
• Mixed venous oxygenation saturation ()
• Describe the clinical significance of pulmonary shunting.
• List factors that increase and decrease the previously listed oxygen transport calculations.
• Discuss how specific respiratory diseases alter the oxygen transport studies.
• Differentiate between hypoxemia and hypoxia.
• Distinguish the classification differences between mild, moderate, and severe hypoxemia.
• Describe the following types of hypoxia:
• List common causes for each of the listed types of hypoxia.
• Describe the following pathophysiologic conditions associated with chronic hypoxia:
• Hypoxic vasoconstriction of the lungs
• Define key terms and complete self-assessment questions at the end of the chapter and on Evolve.