Oxygen, Helium, and Nitric Oxide Therapy

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Last modified 01/06/2015

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Oxygen, Helium, and Nitric Oxide Therapy

General Characteristics of Oxygen

II Hypoxia: Inadequate Quantities of Oxygen at the Tissue Level

III Hypoxemia: Inadequate Quantities of Oxygen in the Blood

Evaluation of hypoxemia

1. Normal: Pao2 80 to 100 mm Hg

2. Mild hypoxemia: Pao2 <80 mm Hg

3. Severe hypoxemia: Pao2 <60 mm Hg

4. The lower level of acceptable Pao2 decreases with age because the normal aging process of the lung affects respiratory functions (Table 34-1).

TABLE 34-1

Changes in Respiratory Function with Aging

Function Mechanism Clinical Manifestation
Mechanics of ventilation Loss of lung elastic recoil; decreased chest wall compliance ↓ VC; ↑ RV; no change in TLC; ↓ expiratory flow rates
  Decreased respiratory muscle mass and strength ↓ Maximal inspiratory and expiratory force
Perfusion, ventilation, and gas exchange Decreased uniformity of ventilation, with small airway closure during tidal breathing, especially while supine ↑ P(A-a)O2; ↓ Pao2; no change in Paco2 or pH ↓ cardiac output; ↓ Cimageo2
  Increased physiologic deadspace None (slightly ↑ imageE)
  Decreased alveolar surface area ↓ DLCO
Exercise capacity Decreased aerobic work capacity of skeletal muscle; deconditioning ↓ Maximum imageo2
  Decreased efficiency of ventilation imageE/L imageo2
Regulation of ventilation Decreased responsiveness of central and peripheral chemoreceptors imageE and P0.1 responses to hypoxia and hypercapnia
Sleep and breathing Decreased ventilatory drive ↑ Frequency of apneas, hypopneas, and desaturation episodes during sleep
  Decreased upper airway muscle tone Snoring; ↑ incidence of obstructive sleep apnea
  Decreased arousal and cough reflexes ↑ Susceptibility to aspiration and pneumonia
Lung defense mechanisms Decreased upper airway function; decreased mucociliary clearance ↑ Susceptibility to aspiration and pneumonia
  Decreased humoral and cellular immunity ↑ Susceptibility to infection; ↓ clinical response to infection


imageE, Expired minute ventilation; DLCO, diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide; imageo2, O2 consumption; P0.1, mouth occlusion pressure; Cimageo2, mixed venous O2 content; P(A-a)O2, alveolar-arterial PO2 difference.

From Pierson DJ, Kacmarek RM: Foundations of Respiratory Care. New York, Churchill Livingstone, 1993. Churchill Livingstone

Causes of hypoxemia (see Chapters 8 and 15)

Responsive versus refractory hypoxemia

Clinical manifestations of hypoxemia

IV Indications for Oxygen Therapy, Modified from AARC Clinical Practice Guidelines on Oxygen Therapy, 2002.

General Goals of Oxygen Therapy

VI Hazards of Oxygen Therapy

Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) (see Chapter 27)

Oxygen toxicity

1. A series of reversible pathophysiologic inflammatory changes of lung tissue that can produce a progressive and lethal form of lung injury similar to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)

2. Free radical theory of oxygen toxicity

a. The following free radicals of oxygen can be produced at the cellular level.

b. The following enzymes are important cellular defenses against oxygen free radicals.

c. The quantity of oxygen free radicals depends on Pao2. The greater the Pao2, the greater the quantity of free radicals.

d. Effects of oxygen free radicals

3. Pathophysiology of oxygen toxicity

a. Cellular susceptibility to hyperoxia (100% O2)

b. With continued exposure to 100% O2, type I alveolar cells are destroyed and replaced by type II cells.

c. Early or acute exudative phase is characterized by perivascular, interstitial, and intraalveolar edema with destruction and necrosis of endothelial cells. Alveolar congestion and fibrinous exudation (hyaline membrane) develop.

d. Late or chronic proliferative phase is characterized by a progressive reabsorption of the exudate and a thickening of the alveolar septa.

e. Clinical manifestations

4. Susceptibility and risk factors associated with the development of oxygen toxicity

5. Prevention: Judicious use of oxygen therapy. Use only enough to maintain adequate tissue oxygenation.

6. Treatment: Appropriate use of positive end-expiratory pressure therapy, diuretics, and fluids while reducing the FIO2 as soon as possible.

Oxygen-induced hypoventilation

Absorption atelectasis (Figure 34-2)

VII Oxygen Delivery Systems

Delivery systems generally are divided into two categories: high flow and low flow (Table 34-2).

TABLE 34-2

Classification of Oxygen Delivery System

Low-flow systems Cannula
  Simple mask
  Partial rebreathing mask
  Nonrebreathing mask*
High-flow systems Venturi masks
  Aerosol systems
  Large-volume humidifier systems

*The disposable nonrebreathing mask is not tight fitting; thus entrainment of room air normally occurs.

For a system to be considered high flow, it must provide ≥40 L/min flow.

High-flow systems