Chapter 23 Organ Protection during Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Incidence and Significance of Injury
Although the incidence of this dysfunction varies greatly, the significance of these injuries cannot be overemphasized. Cerebral injury is a most disturbing outcome of cardiac surgery. To have a patient’s heart successfully treated by the planned operation but discover that the patient no longer functions as well cognitively or is immobilized from a stroke can be devastating. There are enormous personal, family, and financial consequences of extending a patient’s life with surgery, only to have the quality of the life significantly diminished. Mortality after CABG, although having reached relatively low levels in the past decade (approximately 1% overall), is increasingly attributable to cerebral injury.1
Risk Factors for Central Nervous System Injury
Stroke is better characterized with respect to risk factors. Although studies differ somewhat as to all the risk factors, certain patient characteristics consistently correlate with an increased risk for cardiac surgery–associated neurologic injury. In a study of 2108 patients from 24 centers in a study conducted by the Multicenter Study of Perioperative Ischemia, incidence of adverse cerebral outcome after CABG surgery was determined and the risk factors analyzed.2 Two types of adverse cerebral outcomes were defined. Type I included nonfatal stroke, transient ischemic attack (TIA), stupor or coma at time of discharge, and death caused by stroke or hypoxic encephalopathy. Type II included new deterioration in intellectual function, confusion, agitation, disorientation, and memory deficit without evidence of focal injury. A total of 129 (6.1%) of the 2108 patients had an adverse cerebral outcome in the perioperative period. Type I outcomes occurred in 66 (3.1%) of 2108 patients, with type II outcomes occurring in 63 (3.0%) of 2108 patients. Stepwise logistic regression analysis identified eight independent predictors of type I outcomes and seven independent predictors of type II outcomes (Table 23-1).
Table 23-1 Risk Factors for Adverse Cerebral Outcomes after Cardiac Surgery
Risk Factor | Type I Outcomes | Type II Outcomes |
Proximal aortic atherosclerosis | 4.52 [2.52 to 8.09]* | |
History of neurologic disease | 3.19 [1.65 to 6.15] | |
Use of IABP | 2.60 [1.21 to 5.58] | |
Diabetes mellitus | 2.59 [1.46 to 4.60] | |
History of hypertension | 2.31 [1.20 to 4.47] | |
History of pulmonary disease | 2.09 [1.14 to 3.85] | 2.37 [1.34 to 4.18] |
History of unstable angina | 1.83 [1.03 to 3.27] | |
Age (per additional decade) | 1.75 [1.27 to 2.43] | 2.20 [1.60 to 3.02] |
Admission systolic BP > 180 mm Hg | 3.47 [1.41 to 8.55] | |
History of excessive alcohol intake | 2.64 [1.27 to 5.47] | |
History of CABG | 2.18 [1.14 to 4.17] | |
Arrhythmia on day of surgery | 1.97 [1.12 to 3.46] | |
Antihypertensive therapy | 1.78 [1.02 to 3.10] |
BP = blood pressure; CABG = coronary artery bypass graft surgery; IABP = intra-aortic balloon pump.
* Adjusted odds ratio [95% confidence intervals] for type I and type II cerebral outcomes associated with selected risk factors from the Multicenter Study of Perioperative Ischemia.
From Arrowsmith JE, Grocott HP, Reves JG, et al: Central nervous system complications of cardiac surgery. Br J Anaesth 84:378, 2000.
Of all the factors in the Multicenter Study of Perioperative Ischemia analysis, age appears to be the most overwhelmingly robust predictor of stroke and of neurocognitive dysfunction after cardiac surgery. Age has a greater impact on neurologic outcome than it does on perioperative myocardial infarction or low cardiac output states after cardiac surgery (Fig. 23-1).
Atheromatous disease of the ascending, arch, and descending thoracic aorta has been consistently implicated as a risk factor for stroke in cardiac surgical patients. The increased use of transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) and epiaortic ultrasonography has added new dimensions to the detection of aortic atheromatous disease and the understanding of its relation to stroke risk. These imaging modalities have allowed the diagnosis of atheromatous disease to be made in a more sensitive and detailed manner, contributing greatly to the information regarding potential stroke risk. Studies have consistently reported higher stroke rates for patients with increasing atheromatous aortic involvement (particularly the ascending and arch segments). This relationship is outlined in Figure 23-2.
Cause of Perioperative Central Nervous System Injury
Because central nervous system dysfunction represents a wide range of injuries, differentiating the individual causes of these different types of injuries becomes somewhat difficult (Box 23-1). They are frequently grouped together and superficially discussed as representing different severities on a continuum of similar injury. This likely misrepresents the different causes of these injuries. The following section addresses stroke and cognitive injury (Table 23-2).
Table 23-2 Causes of Cognitive Dysfunction after Cardiac Surgery
Cause | Possible Settings |
Cerebral microemboli | Generated during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB); mobilization of atheromatous material or entrainment of air from the operative field; gas injections into the venous reservoir of the CPB apparatus |
Global cerebral hypoperfusion | Hypotension, occlusion by an atheromatous embolus leading to stroke |
Inflammation (systemic and cerebral) | Injurious effects of CPB, such as blood interacting with the foreign surfaces of pump-oxygenator; upregulation of proinflammatory cyclooxygenase mRNA |
Cerebral hyperthermia | Hypothermia during CPB; hyperthermia during and after cardiac surgery, such as aggressive rewarming |
Cerebral edema | Edema from global cerebral hypoperfusion or from hyponatremia; increased cerebral venous pressure from cannula misplacement |
Blood-brain barrier dysfunction | Diffuse cerebral inflammation; ischemia from cerebral microembolization or increased intracranial pressure |
Pharmacologic influences | Anesthetic-related cognitive damage; necrosis of neonatal brains; proteomic changes |
Genetic influences | Effects of single nucleotide polymorphisms on risk for Alzheimer’s disease or for acute coronary syndromes and other thrombotic disorders |
Cerebral Embolization
Macroemboli (e.g., atheromatous plaque) and microemboli (i.e., gaseous and particulate) are generated during CPB, and many emboli find their way to the cerebral vasculature. Macroemboli are responsible for stroke, and microemboli are fundamental to the development of neurocognitive dysfunction. Sources for the microemboli are numerous and include those generated de novo from the interactions of blood within the CPB apparatus (e.g., platelet-fibrin aggregates) and those generated within the body by the production and mobilization of atheromatous material or entrainment of air from the operative field.3
Neuroprotective Strategies
Management of Aortic Atherosclerosis
A combination of epiaortic scanning and atheroma avoidance techniques (with respect to cannulation, clamping, and vein graft anastomosis placement) have been used to attempt to reduce neurocognitive deficits.4 The incidence of cognitive decline may be lower in patients who had an avoidance technique guided by epiaortic scanning compared with no epiaortic scanning. It is an area that requires more investigation. One of the difficulties in interpreting studies that have evaluated atheroma avoidance strategies is the absence of any form of blinding of the investigators. For the most part, a strategy is chosen based on the presence of known atheroma, and the results of these patients are compared with historical controls. Multiple techniques can be used to minimize atheromatous material liberated from the aortic wall from getting into the cerebral circulation. These range from optimizing placement of the aortic cannula in the aorta to an area relatively devoid of plaque to the use of specialized cannulas that reduce the sandblasting of the aortic wall. Alternative aortic cannulas and using different locations possess the ability to decrease embolization of atheromatous plaque. The avoidance of partial occlusion clamping for proximal vein graft anastomosis using a single-step automated anastomotic device and the use of alternatives to cross-clamping all possess the ability to mitigate injury due to embolization.
Acid-Base Management: α-Stat versus pH-Stat
Optimal acid-base management during CPB has long been debated. Theoretically, α-stat management maintains normal CBF autoregulation with the coupling of cerebral metabolism (CMRO2) to CBF, allowing adequate oxygen delivery while minimizing the potential for emboli. Although early studies were unable to document a difference in neurologic or neuropsychologic outcome between the two techniques, later studies showed reductions in cognitive performance when pH-stat management was used, particularly in cases with prolonged CPB times. pH-stat management (i.e., CO2 is added to the fresh oxygenator gas flow) results in a higher CBF than is needed for the brain’s metabolic requirements. This luxury perfusion risks excessive delivery of emboli to the brain. Except for congenital heart surgery, for which most outcome data support the use of pH-stat management due to its improvement in homogenous brain cooling before circulatory arrest, adult outcome data support the use of α-stat management.5
Glucose Management
The appropriate type of perioperative serum glucose management and whether it adversely affects neurologic outcome in patients undergoing CPB remain unclear. The major difficulty in hyperglycemia treatment is the relative ineffectiveness of insulin therapy. Using excessive amounts of insulin during hypothermic periods may lead to rebound hypoglycemia after CPB. Chaney and associates6 attempted to maintain normoglycemia during cardiac surgery with the use of an insulin protocol and came to the conclusion that even with aggressive insulin treatment, hyperglycemia is often resistant and may actually predispose to postoperative hypoglycemia. Attempting to mediate injury may actually predispose to additional injury.