Non-acute abdominal pain and other abdominal symptoms and signs
The principal presenting symptoms of non-acute abdominal disorders are shown in Box 18.1. In addition, patients are often referred to a surgeon after discovery of an abdominal mass, obstructive jaundice or an iron deficiency anaemia caused by chronic blood loss. As ever, the history can provide 70% or more of the clues to the diagnosis, and so must be taken thoughtfully, accurately and with great care.
Character, timing and site of the pain
Key points in taking a history of abdominal pain are summarised in Box 18.2. Pain is highly subjective and the description will be coloured by the patient’s perception of it and its possible significance. Patients often use vague terms such as ‘indigestion’ and ‘dyspepsia’; these terms are imprecise, so what the patient actually means should be clarified by further questioning. Time-related features of the pain are often highly significant in formulating a differential diagnosis but will only be elicited by diligent enquiry. It is important to establish when a pain first began. Sometimes, asking when the patient was last completely well helps pinpoint the real onset. When presenting a case history, say ‘the pain began 6 days ago’ rather than, say, ‘it began last Thursday’.
Diseases causing non-acute abdominal pain—typical patterns
• Gallstones and gall bladder dysfunction. Biliary colic presents with irregularly recurrent bouts of severe pain which, though described as colic, characteristically last continuously for 1–12 hours. Severe and prolonged episodes may bring the patient into hospital. Pain is usually located in the upper abdomen—most often on the right side—and may radiate around to the back. It is often precipitated by rich or fatty foods and may be associated with vomiting
• Peptic ulcer disease. Typically there is intermittent ‘boring’ epigastric pain which recurs several times a year and lasts for days or weeks at a time. It is not as severe as biliary colic unless there is perforation, which presents acutely. Retrosternal ‘burning’ occurs in peptic oesophagitis and tends to occur after large meals and on lying down. The relationship of pain with food varies according to the site of the ulcer disease: duodenal ulcer pain is relieved by bland food and recurs 3–4 hours afterwards, typically in the early morning, whereas the pain of gastric ulcer and oesophagitis tends to be aggravated by food, especially if acidic or spicy. Peptic pain is generally relieved by antacids and virtually always by H2-blocking drugs (e.g. ranitidine) or proton pump inhibitors (e.g. omeprazole), this ‘trial of treatment’ providing evidence towards a diagnosis
• Chronic pancreatitis and carcinoma of pancreas. Either is typically associated with severe ‘gnawing’, persistent and poorly localised central pain which usually radiates through to the back and is often associated with anorexia and weight loss. The pain may be relieved by leaning forwards (‘the pancreatic position’). Early carcinoma of the pancreas, however, is usually painless
• Irritable bowel syndrome and constipation. These may cause a chronic symptom complex mimicking partial bowel obstruction and manifest by episodes of colicky pain. This is poorly localised, often ‘bloating’ pain, particularly post-prandially (after meals). Its intensity varies and it is often associated with transient disturbances of bowel function, particularly alternating diarrhoea and constipation. Passage of flatus or stool often temporarily relieves the symptoms
• Diverticular disease and Crohn’s disease. Partial bowel obstruction can occur with sigmoid diverticular disease or with small bowel Crohn’s disease. Symptoms are similar to those of complete bowel obstruction but more low-key. In incomplete bowel obstruction, there is often passage of some flatus or even faeces but the patient otherwise appears obstructed. The term subacute obstruction is meaningless and should be abandoned
• Chronic renal outflow obstruction (hydronephrosis) caused by stone, tumour or fibrosis. There may be a ‘dull’, poorly defined, fairly constant loin pain, which can radiate to the groin or genitalia and be accompanied by typical urinary tract symptoms, e.g. haematuria and dysuria. It is often aggravated acutely by high fluid intake
• Gynaecological conditions, particularly chronic pelvic inflammatory disease and ovarian tumours. These may reach the general surgeon because of poorly defined lower abdominal pain. A gynaecological history should be taken in female patients; pelvic examination may reveal the cause and ultrasound is usually diagnostic
• Non-surgical (i.e. ‘medical’) disorders causing abdominal pain. These include liver congestion in heart failure (common), splenic infarcts or diabetes (both uncommon but important), acute intermittent porphyria, sickle-cell anaemia or tertiary syphilis (very rare). Patients sometimes present with abdominal pain for which no organic cause can be found despite extensive investigation. In these, irritable bowel syndrome or sensitivity to certain foods, e.g. gluten or wheat protein, need to be considered. Only as a last resort should the pain be attributed to psychological disturbances
Non-acute abdominal pain in children
This is common. The main organic causes are: ‘infantile colic’ (sometimes due to cow’s milk allergy), irritable bowel syndrome in older children, chronic inflammatory bowel disease, recurrent streptococcal infections, and sometimes hydronephrosis caused by urinary tract obstruction. The so-called ‘periodic syndrome’ is characterised by recurrent episodes of poorly defined and inconsistent abdominal pain and/or recurrent vomiting, sometimes sufficiently severe for the child to require admission and intravenous fluids. Abdominal migraine with or without nausea, pallor, photophobia and lasting for up to 3 days is most common in the years before puberty. Psychosomatic abdominal pain may be the explanation if organic causes have been excluded and thus psychological and environmental factors, including the possibility of child neglect and abuse, should be explored (see Table 51.2).
Approach to investigation of non-acute abdominal pain
A differential diagnosis must first be made on clinical grounds (Box 18.3 and Fig. 18.1). The choice (and order) of investigations should be efficient and economical, after considering how each will support or help eliminate the most probable (and common) diagnoses and how it might influence management.
Dysphagia and odynophagia
The common causes of dysphagia are outlined in Box 18.4, p. 252. Pain on swallowing or odynophagia (usually provoked by both food and drink, particularly if hot) is a distinctive symptom highly suspicious of carcinoma.
Weight loss, anorexia and associated symptoms
The diseases which cause these symptoms may be grouped into four broad categories:
Fig. 18.3 Bimanual palpation of the abdomenThe posterior hand pushes forwards so that an enlarged viscus (usually retroperitoneal, e.g. kidney) or a mobile intra-abdominal mass is pushed onto the anterior examining hand. Note that this is not ballottement, which involves short, sharp palpation anteriorly, thus displacing ascites enabling a mass to bounce onto the examining hand
• Intra-abdominal malignancies, e.g. carcinoma of stomach or pancreas, metastatic disease in the liver or widespread across the peritoneal cavity (arising particularly from stomach, large bowel, ovary, breast or bronchus), bowel lymphomas
• ‘Medical’ conditions, e.g. alcoholism and cirrhosis, viral diseases (e.g. hepatitis or infectious mononucleosis), uncontrolled diabetes or thyrotoxicosis, malabsorption, renal failure, cardiac cachexia
• Psychological disorders, e.g. anxiety, depression, anorexia nervosa, bulimia
• Chronic visceral ischaemia, a very uncommon condition resulting from atherosclerotic narrowing of at least two of the three main visceral arteries—the coeliac axis and the superior mesenteric and the inferior mesenteric arteries—resulting in ‘fear of food’ and massive weight loss