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Chapter 13 Neurology

Long Cases

Background information

CP is a static encephalopathy—a non-progressive disorder of motion and/or posture, secondary to an insult in the developing brain. This excludes active degenerative progressive disorders. Despite its static nature, the peripheral manifestations may seem to progress and mimic progressive central nervous system pathology.


CP is classified according to the clinical type of neuromotor dysfunction:

Spastic diplegia is the most common subtype, and the underlying pathology is periventricular leucomalacia in most cases. Spasticity classically develops between 6 and 18 months. The most commonly affected muscles are the paraspinal muscles, hip flexors and adductors, hamstrings, gastrocnemius and soleus. Muscle spasticity and contractures can lead to bone and joint changes. Spastic hemiplegia is usually secondary to an infarct in the distribution of the middle cerebral artery. Spastic quadriplegia, or total body involvement CP, with bilateral cerebral infarction and multicystic encephalomalacia, can occur secondary to an hypoxic ischaemic insult in the late third trimester. Dyskinetic CP can be the result of an acute profound hypoxic insult in the third trimester, such as cord prolapse, ruptured uterus or massive antepartum haemorrhage; dyskinetic CP also may occur secondary to bilirubin encephalopathy/kernicterus, where there may be associated sensorineural deafness. Ataxic CP often is genetically determined, of prenatal onset; there are various forms with different modes of inheritance.


In around one third of cases, the underlying aetiology is unknown. Known causes can be classified into three groups:

Epidemiological studies show that in 90% of cases, the cause of CP could not be intrapartum hypoxia. In the remaining 10%, intrapartum signs consistent with hypoxic damage may have had maternal or intrapartum origins. Recommendations have been made that the term birth asphyxia should not be used, as it is inappropriate and inaccurate. Rather, the terms antenatal hypoxia and intrapartum hypoxia, concerning correct timing of damaging hypoxia, should be used. Similarly, the term hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy is used loosely, in situations where hypoxia and ischaemia have not been proved; it should not be used in this manner.

Criteria have been developed defining acute intrapartum events sufficient to cause permanent neurological impairment:

Prevention of premature birth would decrease the incidence of CP; antenatal magnesium sulphate in women at high risk of preterm birth (before 34 weeks of gestation), may reduce cerebral palsy (but not mortality rate) in preterm infants born under 34 weeks’ gestation.

Diagnostic assessment

CP remains a clinical diagnosis, despite all the technology available today. Clinical findings should include delayed motor milestones, abnormal muscle tone (can be hypo- or hypertonic), hyperreflexia, and absence of regression or of a more specific diagnosis. A thorough history and physical examination should be all that is required to make the diagnosis; rarer conditions that may be treatable or progressive must not be missed; however, a routine laboratory ‘work-up’ to exclude CP ‘impersonators’ is difficult to justify, given their rarity. There are a number of conditions that can masquerade as CP as they evolve, but many are subjects of small case series or single case reports. Some units would include blood tests for thyroid function, lactate, pyruvate, organic and amino acids, chromosomes and other tests, depending on the clinical scenario.

Neuroimaging is more useful than any single pathology test; MRI will show abnormalities in about 90% of patients with CP, delineating pathology, helping determine whether injury was prenatal, perinatal or postnatal in onset, and helping exclude treatable causes, such as hydrocephalus, hamartomata or tumours. In premature babies, MRI finds abnormalities in 99% of cases, especially periventricular leucomalacia. Data from studies where 1384 children with CP underwent neuroimaging showed the rarity of underlying disorders: previously unsuspected metabolic disorders totalled 4%, and genetic disorders 2%.

EEGs are only worthwhile if the patient has had fits, to determine classification of any epilepsy syndrome; they are not useful in determining the aetiology of the child’s CP.

Exclusion of other diagnoses is important, as some of these unsuspected ‘impersonators’ of CP may be amenable to treatment (e.g. hydrocephalus can be treated with a shunt, subdural haematomata can be drained [the chance of finding a surgically treatable lesion by imaging CP patients is 5%], dopa-responsive dystonia responds to dopamine supplementation, hypothyroidism responds to thyroxine). Inborn errors of metabolism can impersonate CP, but a family history of neurological problems or unexplained infant deaths would point to a metabolic disorder, as would neurodevelopmental regression, or significant vomiting, hypoglycaemia or worsening seizures. There are several types of genetically determined ‘familial spastic paraplegias’. Progressive disorders should be ruled out clinically; if not screened for, they come to light with the passage of time, when a salient aspect becomes apparent. Examples of notable rare CP mimics include:

Candidates should be familiar with the Gross Motor Functional Classification System, which is widely used to clarify questions about walking:

Children with CP are more likely to have associated conditions in the following decreasing order of frequency: intellectual impairment (around 50%); epilepsy (around 45%); speech and language disorders, with additional oro-motor deficits (around 40%); ophthalmological defects (around 30%); hearing impairment (around 10–15%). Children with right-sided hemiplegia are more likely to have impaired language function due to left hemisphere injury. Intellectual impairment is more likely in the presence of epilepsy, an abnormal EEG or an abnormal neuroimaging study.

Most children with CP are born with the condition, but abnormal features may not be noted for months; most are diagnosed by 3 years. Diagnosis of CP before 12 months is fraught with uncertainty, due to the plasticity of the newborn brain; infants can be seen who have apparently clear-cut signs of CP that then resolve by the age of 1 or 2 years. The ‘ideal’ diagnostic age for CP may be 2 years.

For each child with CP, the above areas (classification, cause) should be defined, as well as functional severity and prognosis. The long-case presentation should address the major problems (a) as the parent sees them and (b) as the various caregivers (e.g. doctors) see them; the interpretations may be quite different.

It is advisable to cover areas that were of interest to the examiners when they took the history and examined the child (ask ‘What did the examiners ask about? What areas did they examine?’).


Important signs in examination of the child with CP

The procedure outlined below can be used for a long- or short-case examination. When presented in the long case, the examination of the child with CP should convey to the examiners an overall picture of the patient (e.g. ‘a profoundly intellectually handicapped microcephalic girl with spastic quadriplegia’) as the initial introduction.

In the short-case context, a wide number of introductions may be given; for example, ‘not walking’, ‘not developing as well as his siblings’, ‘has unusual movements’, ‘has a limp’, ‘wears out the tips of his shoes’, ‘has back arching’, or more directed introductions such as ‘This boy has cerebral palsy; please assess him for complications’, or ‘This girl was premature; please assess her for complications of prematurity’.

In the case of a child with hemiplegic CP, the lead-in may more likely be ‘Please examine this boy’s gait’ or ‘Please examine the peripheral nervous system’.

See the short case on hemiplegia in this chapter for a suggested examination procedure.

In each case, the initial 1–2 minutes spent standing back and inspecting should identify CP as the most likely problem and direct the examination accordingly.


The management of CP is multifaceted and complex. It is beyond the scope of this section to give a comprehensive account of the various treatment modalities used. Rather, a list of the main treatment areas and issues is presented, as a framework around which to base further reading.

Physiotherapy, occupational therapy, splints/orthoses

These are important in maintaining range of movement and function of trunk and limbs, and preventing contractures. Physiotherapists (PTs) and occupational therapists (OTs) enable the child to perform the activities of daily living (ADLs) as well as his or her potential allows. They can evaluate whether there is a problem in the areas of dressing, washing, toileting, feeding, positioning, methods of carrying and lifting (which vary with the different types of CP), mobility aids, and whether the furniture and bathroom fittings at home are appropriate. As much as possible, therapeutic manoeuvres can be built into everyday activities (e.g. handling/feeding/playing in younger children; in older children, simple activities such as lying prone watching television for those with hip flexion contractures).

Serial casting is useful for reversing ankle/foot equinus in younger children. Over 2–6 weeks, the calf muscle is stretched gradually, with the foot and ankle held in position by a below-the-knee plaster.

Orthoses (splints) act as exoskeletons, assist with position and function, and may prevent contractures developing. Soft orthoses may be made from high-density foam, neoprene or lycra (e.g. more for low tone, good for flexed knees). Hard orthoses include solid (fixed) ankle–foot orthoses (AFOs), hinged (articulated) AFOs (allow dorsiflexion); in-shoe orthoses (e.g. supramalleolar orthoses [SMOs]).

The selection of orthoses is aided by computerised gait evaluation in gait laboratories (see below). The ankle–foot orthosis (AFO) is the most commonly used orthosis. It may prevent ankle deformity and improve gait pattern.

Splinting is of great value in the prevention of contractures. Muscles kept in a normal position for the majority of the day will grow normally. Night splinting is beneficial.

Three-dimensional (3-D) gait analysis: computerised gait laboratories

Examination of gait in CP patients in gait analysis laboratories can detect primary movement problems, differentiating them from secondary or coping manoeuvres. Assessment of the complex gait deviations, which occur in three planes of motion, can direct an interdisciplinary team’s clinical decisions as to the best course of treatment. This may be orthopaedic surgical intervention, or treatment that may be of more direct benefit than surgery, including orthotics, botulinum toxin A (BTX-A) therapy (see below) or PT.

Optical/reflective markers are placed at specific anatomical landmarks/limb segments, and as the child walks the 3-D location is detected by multiple infrared cameras. Gait analysis usually includes clinical lower limb examination, videotaped walking, measurement of limb segment motion (kinematics), and measurement of forces and moments causing that motion (kinetics). This includes 3-D joint motion at ankle, hip and knee; joint mobility; joint angular velocities; joint powers; gait parameters such as step, stride length and cadence; synchronised dynamic electromyography (EMG); ground reaction forces and foot pressure analysis. Children walk on a force plate to assess the amount of power generated. The energy cost of walking is also assessed: oxygen consumption, respiratory function and heart rate can be measured with a portable telemetric system. Most units have specific referral criteria, which may include being ambulatory (with or without aids) for at least 10 steps, being at least 4 years old, cooperative, and at least 100 cm tall.

Management of spasticity

In 2010, the American Academy of Neurology released an evidence-based review of pharmacological treatments for childhood spasticity due to CP, where a multidisciplinary panel reviewed relevant literature from 1966 to 2008. In the case of localised/segmental spasticity that warrants treatment, the AAN recommendation was that botulinum toxin A (BTX-A) is effective and generally safe in reducing spasticity in the upper and lower extremities, but there is conflicting evidence regarding functional improvement, and severe generalised weakness can occur; there is insufficient data to support or refute BTX-A use to improve motor function. There is insufficient data to support or refute other medications used for the same indication (and these are not discussed further): phenol, alcohol and BTX type B. In the case of generalised spasticity that warrants treatment, the AAN recommendation was that diazepam could be considered for short-term treatment, and also tizanidine may be considered; but, again, there is insufficient data to support or refute other medications used for the same indication: dantrolene, oral baclofen or continuous intrathecal baclofen. The latter is discussed because patients who have received this treatment may present in the examination, so a candidate should have some knowledge of the side effects.

Botulinum toxin A (BTX-A)

BTX-A is a neurotoxin produced by Clostridium botulinum, given by intramuscular (IM) injection, and taken up by endocytosis at cholinergic nerve terminals at the motor endplate, preventing release of acetylcholine from these terminals, which leads to a prolonged, reversible relaxation of skeletal muscle. There are seven serotypes (A–G) of botulinum toxin; types A, B and F have been used clinically. BTX-A causes local paralysis in the injected muscle with an onset within 1–3 days of the IM injection. Duration of action is 3–6 months, by which time motor nerves generate new neuromuscular junctions by terminal sprouting, and there is then a clinical return of spasticity (from 12–16 weeks in most patients). Injections then may be repeated.

BTX-A injected locally, is well established as the standard treatment for reducing hypertonicity of muscles in children with spastic CP. The indication for use is dynamic contracture in the absence of a fixed deformity. Muscles typically targeted include the gastrocnemius–soleus complex, the tibialis posterior (to relieve equinovarus), the hamstrings (to relieve crouch gait), the adductors (improves positioning and perineal access for hygiene), the rectus femoris (to relieve flexed stiff knee gait) and the iliopsoas (to relieve dynamic deformity of hip flexion during gait). Decreased spasticity in the iliopsoas and adductors may modify the natural history of subluxation or dislocation of the hip. BTX-A is useful for correcting gait abnormalities and for reducing the need for orthopaedic surgery. BTX-A may be used in the upper limbs as well as the lower. It may decrease muscle spasm after soft-tissue releases.

BTX-A is well tolerated, but there are several potential side effects. BTX-A can diffuse intra-axonally and across fascial planes, causing distant side effects. Side effects can be gait-related, including deterioration in walking, local weakness, unsteadiness, increased falls, and fatigue. Other side effects have included aspiration pneumonia (impaired pharyngeal function from systemic spread of small amounts of BTX-A), local pain, worsening of strabismus, dysphagia, muscle atrophy, global weakness, and incontinence of urine and faeces. Drug interactions include non-depolarising muscle relaxants and aminoglycosides, causing potentiation of neuromuscular blockade. Other disadvantages include the cost and need for repeated injections. The neuromuscular junctions that are blocked are the same as those that cause meaningful movement. BTX-A may reveal underlying weakness or cause weakness by ‘overcorrection’, and 6 weeks later there will be a return of strength/function, but without the presenting problem. There have been very rare reports of intermittent tetraparesis after treatment. It may be used for relief of rigidity, but the effects in the extrapyramidal forms of CP are not so dramatic.

The majority of patients using BTX-A for treating spasticity demonstrate objective improvement in tone and function. Kinematic parameters of gait are improved in lower limb spasticity. Integrated multilevel BTX-A has a similar effect to a medical rhizotomy.

Orthopaedic procedures

Gastrointestinal (GIT) problems: dysphagia and nutritional issues

Up to two thirds of children with CP have disorders of GIT motility. Significant GIT symptoms include constipation (delayed colonic transit, especially of proximal colon, poor muscle tone, inadequate feeding, prolonged immobility), swallowing disorders (especially dysfunction of the oral and/or pharyngeal phase of swallowing, from corticobulbar dysfunction), vomiting and/or regurgitation (delay in gastric emptying, abnormal oesophageal motility, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease [GORD]), abdominal pain (due to GORD-associated oesophagitis or constipation) and respiratory symptoms due to chronic pulmonary aspiration, secondary to GORD. GIT symptoms are not related to specific types of CP.

Children with CP often fail to thrive, due to GORD and/or impairment of swallowing. Work-up for GORD may include endoscopy and biopsy, pH studies, barium studies and nuclear medicine milk scan. Endoscopy results: usually around 40–50% will show oesophagitis, 40–50% will be normal, and the remainder may have H pylori, Barrett’s oesophagus or eosinophilic oesophagitis. Management of GORD may include acid suppression (proton pump inhibitors, or H2 antagonists), and antireflux surgery. There is no evidence to support efficacy in GORD for prokinetic agents or thickened feeds. Nissen fundoplication is uncomplicated in about 70%; complications can include gagging/retching, dumping, bloating and cyclic vomiting. In around 3%, a ‘re-do’ is needed.

Patients with CP who have fundoplication have similar rates of aspiration pneumonia to patients with CP who have gastrojejunal feeding tubes (both around 15%) and similar mortality.

Those children with impaired swallowing and poor nutrition may require assessment and therapy by a dietician (assessing diet and increasing calories), speech therapist (altering consistency of food), physiotherapist (positioning during feeding), as well as nasogastric tube feeding, gastrojejunal feeding tube and placement of a gastrostomy. Post gastrostomy placement, there is usually improved weight, height and skin fold thickness and a decrease in chest infections, but no change in hospitalisation rates.

Dystrophinopathies: Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD)

DMD is the most common childhood form of muscular dystrophy and the most severe end of the spectrum of muscle diseases termed the dystrophinopathies. The natural (untreated) history of DMD comprises: delayed milestones (sitting, standing), mean age of walking 18 months, mean age of diagnosis 5 years, proximal skeletal muscle weakness and waddling gait with difficulty climbing stairs, wheelchair bound by 12 years. Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD) is a less severe form of dystrophinopathy, with later-onset skeletal muscle weakness, and preserved neck flexor muscle strength (unlike DMD), patients remaining ambulatory until their 20s. Wheelchair dependency occurs in DMD before 13 years, whereas it occurs in BMD after 16 years; this differentiates the two. There is a third clinically important dystrophinopathy, where cardiac muscle is primarily affected, DMD-associated dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). This is a distinct entity where males present between 20 and 40 with cardiac failure; female carriers of DMD mutations are at risk of this DCM.

Boys with DMD are often subjects for the long-case examination. Genetic counselling and prenatal diagnosis are likely discussion areas in the management of the DMD long case.

Background information: genetics of DMD

DMD is an X-linked recessive disorder, due to mutations (often deletions) in the dystrophin gene on the X chromosome (Xp21.2). It has a frequency of 1 in 3600–6000 male births. The DMD gene is the largest known human gene. It is around 2000 kilobases in size and codes for dystrophin, a large, rod-like 427-kD protein containing 3685 amino acids and located at the inner face of the muscle cell membrane. Dystrophin binds with a group of ‘dystrophin-associated proteins’ (DAPs) (e.g. sarcoglycans, dystroglycans, merosin) that span the muscle membrane, linking the muscle cytoskeleton and the extracellular matrix (see Figure 13.1). Absence of dystrophin disrupts the link, making the muscle membrane susceptible to damage from shearing stresses. Hence, dystrophin-deficient muscle is very susceptible to muscle injury, and degeneration of muscle fibres is a feature of dystrophic muscle. Dystrophin is undetectable in the muscle of DMD patients. Virtually all males with DMD have identifiable mutations. Over 4700 mutations in the DMD gene have been identified. Disease-causing alleles can include deletion of the complete gene, deletion or duplication of exons, small deletions, insertions and single base changes. Around two thirds of patients with DMD have intragenic out-of-frame (gross rearrangements) deletions, and around 10% have duplications of one or more exons of the gene; the remaining 25% have point mutations or other small rearrangements, including intronic deletions, insertions of repetitive sequences and splice site mutations. Generally out-of-frame mutations cause lack of dystrophin (and DMD), whereas in-frame mutations cause abnormal but partially functional dystrophin, resulting in BMD. The tissue distribution of dystrophin correlates with clinical features. It is found in skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscle, and results in skeletal muscle weakness and cardiomyopathy. In DMD-associated DCM, dystrophin expression is abnormal in myocardium, but may be normal or mildly abnormal in skeletal muscle. Dystrophin is found within the central nervous system, resulting in a static encephalopathy and cognitive deficits. Various forms of dystrophin are expressed in neurons and glia in the brain, especially the cortex, hippocampus, cerebellum and retina. Molecular genetic testing of DMD can confirm diagnosis of a dystrophinopathy without need for muscle biopsy in most patients ith DMD or BMD. There is a high incidence of new mutations, and two thirds of new patients have no positive family history.


Figure 13.1 Subsarcolemmal cytoskeleton.

Redrawn from; South, Isaacs, Roberton 2007. Practical Paediatrics 6th edition, p. 609, Figure 17.3.4.

Recent advances

In the last few years, the natural history of this disease has been changed by interventions (e.g. steroids, cardiac, respiratory, orthopaedic, rehabilitative), quality of life has improved and affected patients may now reach their fourth decade (a significant advance on the previous life expectancy of 19 years). Research into DMD has continued to accelerate, with a number of different treatment strategies being proposed. The role of steroids has become clearer. Glucocorticoids remain the only medication currently available that can slow down the decrease in muscle strength and function in DMD; this then reduces scoliosis and stabilises respiratory function. Low-dose steroids are very useful when boys are still walking, to improve motor function. The time of commencement of steroids remains controversial; currently, recommendations are to wait until identifying a plateau in the child’s motor development, where there is no longer progress in motor skills. Once that plateau is identified, steroids are commenced; they are not recommended for children still gaining motor skills, especially under 2 years. Typically, an affected male will progress with motor skills until 4–6 years old. Presently (2010), corticosteroid therapy is the treatment of choice for affected patients between 5 and 15 years of age. Some studies, however, suggest that the ideal window for treatment could be under 5 years. These patients need close monitoring, adjusting dose and timing to avoid unwanted side effects, especially weight gain.

It has been established that prednisone is effective in achieving delay in disease progression, prolongation of ability to walk, maintenance of strength and function, delay in, or prevention of, development of scoliosis, and preservation of respiratory function by attenuating fibrosis of the diaphragm. The precise mechanism by which prednisone exerts a therapeutic effect is unknown, but it is hypothesised that it is via a stabilising effect on muscle membranes. Prednisone is immunosuppressive, and also has direct effects on muscle cells. It can modulate proteolysis and calcium handling, increase myogenesis and inhibit apoptosis. A dose of 0.75 mg/kg per day can increase muscle strength within 10 days of commencement, and this effect can be maintained for 2 years. The recommended schedule is daily steroid dosing, although other regimens have been used, including 10 days on, 10 days off, alternate daily doses or weekly high doses (5–10 mg/kg per week; Lancet guidelines by Bushby et al). Side effects include weight gain, Cushingoid features, hypertension, osteoporosis, hyperglycaemia, easy bruising and usually transient behavioural problems. The side effects can preclude its ongoing use, although dose reductions (down to 0.3 mg/kg per day), alternative dosing regimens or nocte dosing may overcome these problems. Prednisolone or prednisone can be used. Another steroid that is as effective as prednisolone in maintaining muscle strength and function is deflazacort, a methyloxazoline derivative of prednisone. Deflazacort (DFZ) also enhances cardiac and pulmonary function and attenuates the development of scoliosis, including when ambulation is lost. DFZ may cause less severe adverse side effects (e.g. less weight gain) than prednisone. DFZ is not freely available in Australia, but is used on a case-by-case basis by some neuromuscular specialists.

A number of therapeutic approaches are being developed for DMD, but most of these are still at the experimental stage in animal models. Gene therapy trials using new-generation adenovirus carriers known as ‘stealth’ or ‘gutted’ vectors (containing no original viral genes) are being developed to overcome the obstacle of the immune system. Work proceeds on alternative strategies to replace the defective dystrophin gene in DMD patients. These include ‘exon skipping’, where synthetic RNA is used to restore the genetic code to produce partially functioning dystrophin, thereby converting DMD into BMD; and ‘utrophin upregulation’, which attempts to increase muscle cell production of ‘utrophin’, a protein related to dystrophin, which can substitute or compensate for it if made in sufficient amounts.

Primitive stem cells in bone marrow have been shown to migrate into muscle and become new muscle cells. Stem cell therapy is under investigation but still experimental. Gentamicin has been found to permit cells to ignore an abnormal stop codon in the dystrophin gene and to proceed and synthesise the protein in the 15% of DMD patients who have premature stop codons as their underlying mutation. PTC124 is a new agent that may permit ribosomal read through of nonsense mutations. Morpholino antisense oligonucleotides permit exon skipping.

Pharmacological approaches to develop a drug that can maintain muscles and function for a finite time are being explored, as they may be developed more rapidly than gene therapy techniques. Therapies under investigation include the anabolic steroid oxandrolone, which increases skeletal muscle myosin synthesis.


Ask about the following.



Ask the child to walk normally. Focus on each component of the gait in turn, starting at the feet (foot drop due to weak tibialis anterior, inversion due to strong tibialis posterior and weak peroneals, heels off ground partly due to tightened tendo achilles, higher step to gait than normal). Next, inspect the knees (weakened quadriceps leading to knee-locking gait, where the knee is snapped back into extension quickly for stability) and then the hips (weakened hip flexors require rotation of the upper body to enable the leg to swing forward; weakened hip abductors, the gluteus medius, cause tilting of the pelvis down on the unsupported side with each step during walking—Trendelenberg’s gait; weakened hip extensors, the gluteus maximus and hamstrings, lead to a forward pelvic tilt and marked lordosis to maintain the centre of gravity). Overall, the gait also has a wide base and the appearance of waddling.

Proceed with the other components of a full gait examination, including asking the child to run, hop, jump, squat and rise, walk up stairs, step on to a stool or chair, and do a sit-up and a push-up.

Boys with DMD can walk well on their toes, but are unable to walk on their heels, and if they try they end up inverting the feet. On squatting, these children are slow to return to standing, need to extend the knee before the hip, and lean on their thighs to assist extension at the hip.

Of particular importance is the elicitation of Gower’s sign. The boy is asked to lie supine on the floor and then to get up. This first leads to rolling over to be prone (he cannot sit up because of weak neck and spine flexion), then on to the knees, then on ‘all fours’—that is, hands and feet—then ‘climbing up’ the legs to stand. Gower’s sign is often used as a functional timed test: timing how long it takes to arise from the floor is useful to monitor deterioration over time. See Figure 13.2.


The management of a child with Duchenne muscular dystrophy is very complex and has much relevance to managing other chronic conditions, particularly other neuromuscular diagnoses such as the spinal muscular atrophies.

A team approach is appropriate in the management of DMD. A hospital-based team would usually comprise a neurologist, geneticist, respiratory physician, cardiologist, orthopaedic surgeon, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, orthotist, clinical nurse coordinator and social worker. The local paediatrician’s (i.e. the candidate’s) role, in the case of a child under the care of a muscle clinic team, includes keeping in full contact with the team regarding changes in medical care, being available to coordinate overall medical care and dealing with any problems that arise between clinic visits, such as managing intercurrent infections. Perhaps the general practitioner or paediatrician should be the principal advisor/counsellor, although this is seldom the case: the candidate may have views on this issue.

The main management areas are described below.


1. Education of parents and patient. Clarification of misinformation from other sources requires multiple informative sessions with the various disciplines involved in the comprehensive management of these patients. Regular feedback is needed to ensure that no misunderstandings occur. Other family members (e.g. siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins) are often very much involved emotionally and tend to be neglected.

2. Expectation of a grief reaction to the diagnosis and its implications. Preparatory explanation to parents of probable feelings such as guilt, anger and depression. Explanation regarding any misapprehensions or strange beliefs about the nature of the illness.

3. Ensuring sufficient social supports, both from professionals (such as social workers) and non-professionals (such as other affected patients, families of other patients and groups such as the Muscular Dystrophy Association [MDA], Montrose Access [Qld] or Northcott [NSW]). The MDA provides parents’ groups and a useful handbook that deals with the home situation, recreational activities, education and vocational possibilities. There are excellent sites on the internet, including>and < guide/

4. Informing about financial assistance measures, such as any government benefits (which may assist directly with the child’s care, transport costs, accommodation costs and provision of aids). The illness places a very large financial burden for home modification (such as ramps, bathroom modification, lifting machines) on the family.

5. Discussion of treatment difficulties (such as non-compliance), seeking other opinions, and understanding and acceptance of alternative therapies sought by parents.

6. A major point is helping the family to determine how various people (especially the affected son) are to be informed. The paediatrician may not be the person who will help most, but he or she does have responsibility to ensure that it is done adequately. The consequences of failure in this aspect of management may include: parents who will not discuss the disease with their son, siblings, teachers or each other; one parent (usually the father) who withdraws from reality; and help being refused (because the parents believe that the child will be cured by divine intervention).