Chapter 63 Neurologic Emergencies and Stabilization
Neurocritical Care Principles
The brain has high metabolic demands, which are further increased during growth and development. Preservation of nutrient supply to the brain is the mainstay of care for children with evolving brain injuries. Intracranial dynamics describes the physics of the interactions of the contents—brain parenchyma, blood (arterial, venous, capillary) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)—within the cranium. Normally, brain parenchyma accounts for up to 85% of the contents of the cranial vault, and the remaining portion is divided between CSF and blood. The brain resides in a relatively rigid cranial vault, and cranial compliance decreases with age as the skull ossification centers gradually replace cartilage with bone. The intracranial pressure (ICP) is derived from the volume of its components and the bony compliance. The perfusion pressure of the brain (cerebral perfusion pressure [CPP]) is equal to the pressure of blood entering the cranium (mean arterial pressure [MAP]) minus the ICP, in most cases.
Increases in intracranial volume can result from swelling, masses, or increases in blood and CSF volumes. As these volumes increase, compensatory mechanisms decrease ICP by (1) decreasing CSF volume (CSF is displaced into the spinal canal or absorbed by arachnoid villi), (2) decreasing cerebral blood volume (venous blood return to the thorax is augmented), and/or (3) increasing cranial volume (sutures pathologically expand or bone is remodeled). Once compensatory mechanisms are exhausted (the increase in cranial volume is too large), small increases in volume lead to large increases in ICP or intracranial hypertension (Fig. 63-1). As ICP continues to increase, brain ischemia can occur as CPP falls. Further increases in ICP can ultimately displace the brain downward into the foramen magnum—a process called cerebral herniation, which can become irreversible in minutes and may lead to severe disability or death.

Figure 63-1 The Munro-Kellie doctrine describes intracranial dynamics in the setting of an expanding mass lesion (i.e., hemorrhage, tumor) or brain edema. In the normal state, the brain parenchyma, arterial blood, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and venous blood occupy the cranial vault at a low pressure, generally <10 mm Hg. With an expanding mass lesion or brain edema, initially there is a compensated state as a result of reduced CSF and venous blood volumes, and intracranial pressure (ICP) remains low. Further expansion of the lesion, however, leads to an uncompensated state when compensatory mechanisms are exhausted and intracranial hypertension results. See text for details.
Oxygen and glucose are required by brain cells for normal functioning, and these nutrients must be constantly supplied by cerebral blood flow (CBF). Normally, CBF is constant over a wide range of blood pressures (blood pressure autoregulation of CBF) via actions mainly within the cerebral arterioles. Cerebral arterioles are maximally dilated at lower blood pressures and maximally constricted at higher pressures so that CBF does not vary during normal fluctuations (Fig. 63-2). Acid-base balance of the CSF (often reflected by acute changes in PaCO2), body/brain temperature, glucose utilization, and other vasoactive mediators (i.e., adenosine, nitric oxide) can also affect the cerebral vasculature.

Figure 63-2 Schematic of the relationship between cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP). The diameter of a representative cerebral arteriole is also shown across the center of the y axis to facilitate understanding of the vascular response across CPP that underlies blood pressure autoregulation of CBF. CPP is generally defined as the mean arterial pressure (MAP) minus the intracranial pressure (ICP). At normal values for ICP, this generally represents MAP. Thus, normally, CBF is kept constant between the lower limit and upper limit of autoregulation; in normal adults, these values are ≈50 mm Hg and 150 mm Hg, respectively. In children, the upper limit of autoregulation is likely proportionally lower than the adult value relative to normal MAP for age. However, according to the work of Vavilala et al (2003), lower limit values are surprisingly similar in infants and older children. Thus, infants and young children may have less reserve for adequate CPP. See text for details.
Attention to detail and constant reassessment are paramount in managing children with critical neurologic insults. Among the most valuable tools for serial, objective assessments of neurologic condition is the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) (see Table 62-3). Originally developed to assess level of consciousness after traumatic brain injury (TBI) in adults, the GCS is also valuable in pediatrics. Modifications to the GCS have been made for nonverbal children and are available for infants and toddlers (see Table 62-3). Serial assessments of the GCS score along with a focused neurologic examination are invaluable to detection of injuries before permanent damage occurs in the vulnerable brain.
Traumatic Brain Injury
Laboratory Findings
Cranial CT should be obtained immediately after stabilization (Figs. 63-3 to 63-11). Generally, other laboratory findings are normal in isolated TBI, although occasionally coagulopathy or the development of the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) or, rarely, cerebral salt wasting is seen. In the setting of TBI with polytrauma, other injuries can result in laboratory abnormalities, and a full trauma survey is important in all patients with severe TBI (Chapter 66).

Figure 63-3 Abusive head trauma in an infant. Note the subdural fluid collections, dilated ventricles, and blood.

Figure 63-5 Abusive head trauma with massive cerebral edema, with loss of gray matter–white matter differentiation, loss of the ventricular system, and probable herniation of the brainstem.

Figure 63-6 Abusive head trauma with significant intraventricular, intracerebral, and subdural hematomas, with loss of gray matter–white matter differentiation, suggestive of massive cerebral edema.

Figure 63-7 A depressed skull fracture due to traumatic delivery with forceps. Brain swelling can be seen.

Figure 63-8 Malignant brain edema. A common pattern in severe head injury that is associated with significant secondary brain injury and a very high mortality rate. Cisterns are absent on the CT scan. This type of injury is associated with hypoxia and hypoxemia and hypotension.

Figure 63-9 Significant closed-head injury with subgaleal hematoma, intracerebral hemorrhage, and loss of gray matter–white matter differentiation.
Infants and children with severe or moderate TBI (GCS score 3-8 or 9-12, respectively) receive intensive care unit (ICU) monitoring. Evidence-based guidelines for management of severe TBI have been published (Fig. 63-12). This approach to ICP-directed therapy is also reasonable for other conditions in which ICP is monitored. Care involves a multidisciplinary team comprising pediatric caregivers from neurologic surgery, critical care medicine, surgery, and rehabilitation, and is directed at preventing secondary insults and managing raised ICP. Initial stabilization of infants and children with severe TBI includes rapid sequence tracheal intubation with spine precautions along with maintenance of normal extracerebral hemodynamics, including blood gas values (PaO2, PaCO2), MAP, and temperature. Intravenous fluid boluses may be required to treat hypotension. Euvolemia is the target, and hypotonic fluids should be rigorously avoided; normal saline is the fluid of choice. Pressors may be needed as guided by monitoring of central venous pressure (CVP), with avoidance of both fluid overload and exacerbation of brain edema. A trauma survey should be performed. Once stabilized, the patient should be taken for CT scanning to rule out the need for emergency neurosurgical intervention. If surgery is not required, an ICP monitor should be inserted to guide the treatment of intracranial hypertension.

Figure 63-12 Schematic outlining the approach to management of a child with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). It is based on the 2003 guidelines for the management of severe TBI, along with minor modifications from later literature. The intracranial pressure (ICP) and cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) targets are discussed in the text. This schematic is specifically presented for severe TBI, for which the experience with ICP-directed therapy is greatest. Nevertheless, the general approach provided here is relevant to the management of intracranial hypertension in other conditions for which evidence-based data on ICP monitoring and ICP-directed therapy are lacking. Please see text for details.