Chapter 12 Nephrology
Long Cases
Chronic kidney disease (CKD)
There has been much progress in the last few years in paediatric nephrology. Nomenclature has changed recently, to enable more precision when describing the nature and progression of paediatric renal disease. Chronic renal failure (CRF) has been renamed chronic kidney disease (CKD), and is divided into six stages (CKD 1–5, 5D). The first stage has a normal glomerular filtration rate (GFR); the sixth stage requires renal replacement therapy (RRT) by dialysis and renal transplantation (RTx). The stages in between describe mild, moderate and severe reductions in renal function. RTx is the treatment of choice for end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and many children receive renal allografts without prior dialysis (pre-emptive RTx). Pre-emptive RTx avoids the morbidity and mortality associated with dialysis. Many of the multiple long-term problems of CKD involving growth and neurocognitive development are improved with RTx.
The concept of prenatal programming of renal disease has become established: being born with low birth weight (from IUGR [intrauterine growth retardation], being born SGA [small for gestational age] or from being born prematurely) increases the risk of CKD in adulthood. It is now postulated that an adverse intrauterine environment decreases the final number of nephrons; hence the job for the paediatrician is to identify children at risk, avoiding nephrotoxic drugs (e.g. aminoglycosides, non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs), obesity counselling starting in the neonatal period—other risk factors should be discussed with parents of IUGR/SGA or premature babies to minimise exposure to smoking, encourage healthy diet—and monitoring blood pressure to prevent hypertension, early recognition of proteinuria (and treatment with ACE inhibitors or angiotensin blockers) and obesity.
Background information
2. Malformation (structural) of kidney/urinary tract: 30%.
3. Hereditary nephropathies (e.g. nephronophthisis, cystinosis): 20%.
4. Others (e.g. haemolytic uraemic syndrome [HUS], nephrotoxins): 20%.
Hereditary nephropathies are numerous (around 50 types at present—refer to the standard tomes).
There are two important points to remember:
1. Structural problems tend to cause salt- and water-losing forms of CKD.
2. Glomerular disease tends to cause oliguria, salt retention and hypertension.
Many children have dysplastic disease (structural), which leads to polyuric renal failure, so they may drink large amounts of fluid, and do not have any problems with oedema or hypertension. This is quite different to adults with CKD, most of whom are oliguric or anuric. Irrespective of the original cause of kidney damage, once CKD supervenes, there is relentless progression towards kidney failure, but the rate of this is quite variable. Risk factors for rapid decline include lower levels of kidney function at presentation, higher levels of proteinuria, and hypertension. Increased protein in urine causes injury to tubular cells, which leads to interstitial inflammation and fibrosis; in patients with CKD, blocking the RAS decreases proteinuria and slows the deterioration to ESRD. Systemic hypertension causes intraglomerular hypertension, which leads to glomerular hypertrophy and injury; intensified BP control slows progression of renal failure.
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and clinical correlates
• Stage 1: normal or increased GFR (≥ 90 mL/min/1.73 m2), with some evidence of kidney damage.
• Stage 2: mildly decreased GFR (60–89 mL/min/1.73 m2); the emphasis is on prevention of disease progression.
• Stage 3: moderately decreased GFR (30–59 mL/min/1.73 m2); the emphasis is on prevention of disease progression, plus managing complications.
• Stage 4: severely decreased GFR (15–29 mL/min/1.73 m2); the emphasis is on treating complications, and preparing for dialysis or transplant.
• Stage 5: very little GFR left (<15 mL/min/1.73 m2); dialysis imminent.
Current symptoms
Essentially, this is an extensive systems review, relating to CKD:
1. General health (e.g. tiredness, coping at school, sports, poor exercise tolerance).
2. Urinary (e.g. polyuria, nocturia, anuria, bed wetting).
3. Gastrointestinal (e.g. anorexia, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea).
4. Neurological (e.g. headache, paraesthesiae, seizures, confusion).
5. Cardiovascular (e.g. hypertension, cardiac failure symptoms: dyspnoea, oedema).
6. Growth (e.g. monitoring weight, height, causes attributed to poor growth).
7. Skin (e.g. itching [from microscopic subcutaneous calcium deposits], bruising).
8. Skeletal (e.g. bone pain, muscle cramps, muscular weakness).
Family history
Other members of the immediate family affected (e.g. siblings), renal problems (e.g. nephronophthisis, polycystic kidney disease, cystinosis), deafness (e.g. Alport’s syndrome).
Social history
• Disease impact on child: for example, amount of school missed, limitations on lifestyle, body image, self-esteem, peer reactions, future plans, education, career, educational difficulties related to development and/or time lost from school.
• Impact on family: for example, financial considerations such as the cost of frequent hospitalisations, drugs (especially post-transplant if not eligible for [in Australia] a health care card—a problem for those over 16 years of age), special feeds (low-phosphate, high-calorie, low-protein, designed for renal patients—in Australia, Kindergen is now on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme [PBS] and is useful for infants, but other feeds such as Suplena and Nephro have to be bought from the hospital and can be expensive), pumps and disposables (many children are on nasogastric or feeds via gastrostomy overnight), surgery (renal transplant), treatment for other affected children, time lost from parents’ work, transport, private health insurance.
• Parents, other family members, as potential kidney donors; who will be the donor and what they understand about their own potential morbidity; financial considerations.
• Impact on siblings: for example, sibling as kidney donor, sibling rivalry, sibling neglect.
• Benefits received, social supports (e.g. social worker, extended family, Kidney Health Australia [previously Australian Kidney Foundation], dialysis and renal transplant associations).
• Discussion on transition from paediatric to adult renal services by 18 years of age. (In Australia, dialysis machines and disposables are provided by the government.)
• Compliance with and understanding of medications by child/family.
The main goal is for the child to have as normal a life as possible, free of uraemic symptoms, and able to be involved with the usual activities of daily living. The candidate should avoid getting ‘bogged down’ in the acute management of electrolyte problems and should discuss issues such as bone disease, growth including use of rhGH, development and psychosocial issues (especially schooling in chronic patients, transition). Discuss schooling in particular, as children on dialysis often miss key parts of their education (especially maths) and have major problems at school later, often with some acting-out behaviour. Ask about schooling during haemodialysis treatment in children on in centre haemodialysis.
The candidate should recognise that CKD and ESRD are not synonymous.
U. Uraemic complications (includes monitoring for development of neuropathy, encephalopathy; measuring serum urea and creatinine)
R. Renal replacement therapy (dialysis, RTx)
E. Electrolytes and fluids: this includes serum potassium; this is very important, but the candidate should not go directly to this unless the child is already on dialysis; it is usually not the most important problem in CKD; also includes salt and water balance (including hypertension).
Electrolytes and fluid: (a) control of serum potassium
Treatment of acute hyperkalaemia
1. Salbutamol, given nebulised (same doses as in asthma) or intravenously, works quickly and lasts a couple of hours. This is the easiest treatment to give in a paediatric service.
2. Calcium gluconate 10%, or calcium chloride 10% (cardioprotective) intravenously over 2–5 minutes, with electrocardiographic monitoring. This modifies myocardial cells’ action potential, and protects for around 30 minutes.
3. Sodium bicarbonate intravenously over 30 minutes. Alkalosis shifts K+ into cells. The effect lasts 2 hours.
4. An intravenous infusion of 50% dextrose with soluble insulin over 30 minutes. This shifts K+ into cells. The effect lasts 2 hours.
5. Sodium polystyrene sulphonate orally in 70% sorbitol (or in water), or rectally in 1% methylcellulose suspension (or 20% sorbitol). This binds K+ with ion exchange resin. This takes 1–2 hours to take effect, and lasts 4–6 hours.
Electrolytes and fluids: (b) control of salt and fluid balance
In children being medically managed, before needing dialysis, salt restriction and antihypertensive drugs can be used. The drugs used ideally will slow progress to renal failure, and block the RAS: ACE inhibitors (e.g. ramipril, lisinopril); angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs, e.g. irbesartan). Other drugs used have included diuretics, and calcium channel blockers (e.g. amlodipine). Less frequently used drugs include beta blockers (e.g. atenolol, metoprolol, propranolol) and prazosin (alpha1 post-synaptic blocker). Different nephrologists have different preferences for the order in which various drugs are tried. One suggested general plan is as follows:
2. ACE inhibitors (e.g. lisinopril, an easy-to-use tablet that can be dissolved and dose titrated for small children) or ARBs (e.g. irbesartan). They can cause hyperkalaemia, which limits their use in children with severe reductions in GFR or ESRD.
3. Diuretics (e.g. frusemide); these lose effectiveness once 70% of renal function is lost.
4. Calcium channel blockers (e.g. nifedipine, amlodipine, diltiazem).
Acute hypertensive crisis
• Alpha and beta blocker: labetolol (IV)—also available orally.
• ACE inhibitors: ‘prils’—benzapril, captopril, enalapril, fosinopril, lisinopril, quinapril + enalaprilat (IV). Lisinopril is easy to use, as a tablet can be dissolved in water and then the required dose administered as a liquid.
• Angiotensin receptor blockers: ‘sartans’—irbesartan, losartan.
• Beta blockers: ‘olols’—atenolol, bisoprolol, esmolol (IV), metoprolol, propranolol.
• Calcium channel blockers: diltiazem + ‘dipines’—amlopdipine, felodipine, isradipine, nifedipine, nicardipine (IV).
• Central alpha agonist: clonidine.
• Diuretics: hydrochlorothiazide, chlorthalidone, frusemide (loop diuretic), spironolactone, triamterene, amiloride. Note that the latter three may be associated with hyperkalaemia because of their site of action.
• Dopamine 1 receptor agonist: fenoldopam (IV).
• Peripheral alpha agonists: ‘azosins’—doxazosin, prazosin, terazosin.
• Vasodilators: hydralazine (IV, IM), minoxidil, sodium nitroprusside (IV).
Bone disease: CKD-mineral and bone disorder (CKD-MBD)—renal osteodystrophy; renal rickets plus hyperparathyroidism
Control of serum phosphate
This is important, as hyperphosphataemia can lead to a rapid decline in renal function. It is best to correct the hyperphosphataemia before trying to increase the serum calcium level. A low-phosphate diet is recommended (avoiding ice cream, milk, dairy). Calcium carbonate (e.g. Caltrate, or Cal-Sup chewable) or sevelamer hydrochloride (non-calcium-based) can be used as a phosphate binder, but need to be given with food to be effective. Phosphate binders can be increased in dosage until the calcium level is also returning towards normal. Sevelamer hydrochloride, which is much more expensive than calcium carbonate, is indicated where phosphate levels cannot be controlled with calcium carbonate without causing hypercalcaemia.
Stature (growth)
There are many factors that can adversely affect growth in CKD:
1. Deficient caloric intake: a most important factor in infants and young children.
2. Salt wasting: another important factor in infants and young children.
3. Disease onset (e.g. CKD from infancy [congenital renal diseases] leads to an attained height of −3 Height Standard Deviation Score (SDS) at 3 years of age— probably one third of reduction in height occurs in the first 3 months of life, as most children with CKD have normal birth weights and lengths).
4. Disease type (e.g. cystinosis, or nephrotic syndrome requiring high-dose corticosteroids, may lead to particularly poor growth).
5. Abnormalities in insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and IGF-binding proteins (IGFBPs, especially IGFBP-3).
6. Growth hormone resistance, secondary to point 3 above.
7. Poor protein synthesis and low protein turnover.
8. CKD-mineral and bone disorder (renal osteodystrophy).
9. Glucose intolerance (on steroids).
As noted above, growth problems are worse if the disease causing CKD dates from (before) birth. These children may have several problems, especially sodium wasting, leading to significant undernutrition in the first two years of life. Growth problems are also significant around puberty.
Intake: nutrition
In some children, volume constraints will limit the amount of nutritional supplementation that can be given. For younger children with structural disease, nutrition can be optimised by supplemental feeding (e.g. overnight by gastrostomy, or nasogastric feeding), as volume overload is not a problem. Should fluid restriction be necessary, high-calorie supplements (e.g. Suplena, Nutrison Energy Plus or Nepro) can be used for overnight feeds. If overnight feeds are not tolerated because of coexistent gastro-oesophageal reflux, fundoplication may be needed.