Multimodal Assessment of Pituitary and Parasellar Lesions

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Chapter 16 Multimodal Assessment of Pituitary and Parasellar Lesions

Pituitary and parasellar lesions represent a unique variety of neoplasms and other disease processes that are best addressed employing a multidisciplinary approach to assessment and treatment. Their close proximity to critical structures, potential association with endocrine dysfunction, and their propensity for recurrence or persistence after initial therapy often demands the skills of an experienced neurosurgeon, endocrinologist, radiologist, ophthalmologist, and radiation oncologist. Further, multiple tools, including laboratory tests, radiologic studies, and other specialized investigations are indispensable aids to patient care. This chapter will emphasize the need for a multimodal initial evaluation and a team approach to assessment.

Background and Epidemiology

The most common lesion encountered in the sella will be a pituitary adenoma. Estimates of the prevalence of pituitary adenomas vary widely between studies, which are performed using either MRI or autopsy findings. A recent meta-analysis found a prevalence of 22.5% in imaging studies (range 1%–40%) and 14.4% in postmortem studies (range 1%–35%), for an overall prevalence of 16.7%.1 The vast majority of pituitary adenomas are microadenomas (diameter <1 cm). Macroadenomas are far less common, and their prevalence in the population is estimated to be approximately 0.2%.1 Macroadenomas make up a much larger proportion of adenomas that come to clinical attention, however. A cross-sectional study of 81,149 patients in Banbury, UK found the overall prevalence of known pituitary tumors to be 77.6 cases per 100,000 inhabitants (or 63 total cases). Of these, only 7 were found incidentally. The others presented with some sort of clinical symptomatology, and of those, 41% were macroadenomas.2

The prevalence of “functional tumors”—adenomas that hypersecrete hormones resulting in a clinical syndrome—is in the range of 50% to 60% of all clinically apparent pituitary tumors. The most common functional or secretory tumors are prolactinomas (approximately 40%), followed by ACTH-secreting tumors (14%), growth hormone (GH)–secreting tumors (5%), and TSH-secreting tumors and mixed tumors (both under 1%).3 Many “nonfunctional” tumors are clinically silent gonadotroph adenomas, while a small proportion of these produce but do not secrete ACTH, GH, or TSH.

The majority of pituitary tumors remain stable after their initial detection. In one meta-analysis of eight studies including 144 patients who were followed from 2 to 8 years, 84% of microadenomas of the pituitary gland remained stable in size. A few (6%) regressed and approximately 10% increased in size. In contrast, 20% of macroadenomas grew (11% of those were due to apoplexy), 11% diminished in size, and 69% remained stable.4


A great deal has been learned about the pathogenesis of some pituitary lesions but the pathogenesis of the majority of pituitary and parasellar lesions is still unknown. It is clear there are a variety of molecular mechanisms responsible for neoplastic transformation. Pituitary adenomas arise from adenohypophysial cells of the anterior pituitary. The vast majority of pituitary tumors are thought to be benign. Adenomas can, however invade local structures including the dura of the sella, local bony structures, and the sphenoid sinus cavity. Pituitary carcinoma, defined by the presence of local discontinuous or systemic spread, is extremely rare and probably represents approximately 0.2% to 0.5% of all pituitary lesions.5 Pituitary neoplasms are monoclonal, and outside of defined genetic syndromes, their cause is not well understood.

At least five genes have been identified as causes of pituitary adenomas with four of them comprising familial pituitary tumor syndromes: MEN1, PRKAR1A, CDKN1B, and AIP. Genetic disorders such as MEN1 (a mutation in the MENIN protein that reverses function of tumor suppressor gene), and Carney’s complex (PRKAR1A, insufficient activity of protein kinase-A regulatory subunit 1) are examples of models for pituitary tumor development. The CDKN1B gene causes a MEN-like syndrome (MEN4) associated with hyperparathyroidism and other rare tumors.6 Another recently discovered mutation is located in the AIP (aryl hydrocarbon receptor–interacting protein) gene (11q13).7,8 This appears to act as a tumor suppressor gene and mutations predispose to GH-secreting pituitary tumors.7,9,10 Approximately 40% of sporadic GH-secreting adenomas are associated with a somatic mutation in the Gs alpha gene.11,12 The mutation results in constitutive activation of the cAMP/PKA signal transduction pathway and leads to neoplastic transformation of somatotroph cells of the pituitary.13,14

Laboratory Investigations

The most appropriate screening tests for an incidentally discovered pituitary lesion are the topic of much debate.15,16 A survey of endocrinologists in the United States and United Kingdom suggested that, when confronted with a microadenoma, a range of 0 to 16 tests would be ordered (median 7).16,17 Most experts would advocate screening for both pituitary insufficiency and hormone excess as both states are relevant in the initial decision-making and also the long term follow-up of patients. This information is particularly important in the context of a preoperative evaluation. Clinical findings should guide medical decision-making. For example, patients who are obviously Cushingoid will require specific testing of adrenal function that may not be conducted in those who appear to have acromegaly.


One or more pituitary deficiencies will be present in 70% to 90% of patients with macroadenomas.18 Microadenomas rarely cause pituitary insufficiency. Other tumors in the area of the sella, including tuberculum sellae and cavernous sinus meningiomas, craniopharyngiomas, and Rathke’s cleft cysts may also cause pituitary insufficiency. A uniform approach to screening for pituitary dysfunction is useful since symptoms and signs can be vague as many patients have adapted over time to a state of chronic pituitary dysfunction and may not perceive their symptoms as abnormal. Pituitary deficiency tends to manifest in the following order of frequency: loss of GH, followed by gonadotrophins, followed by loss of adrenal and then thyroid function.4 Diabetes insipidus is the least common deficiency in a typical pituitary adenoma. A typical screening panel therefore will include the following, with interpretation discussed below: serum IGF-1, estradiol, or testosterone levels (depending on sex) in conjunction with an FSH and LH level, TSH and free T4, and a cortisol stimulation test. A prolactin level should always be drawn as well and is discussed in the section on pituitary hypersecretion. Table 16-1 summarizes typical signs and symptoms of pituitary insufficiency.

Central Hypothyroidism

Central hypothyroidism is common in patients with pituitary lesions. Mistakes can be made if TSH values are incorrectly interpreted, as they may be low, normal, or even slightly elevated. The defining characteristic of central hypothyroidism in patients with pituitary disease is a low free T4. Clearly, levels below the normal range are abnormal, but some experts will consider thyroid hormone replacement if levels are in the lower quartile of the normal range.

It is critical to ensure adequate adrenal function (see below) prior to the initiation of thyroid hormone replacement. Thyroid hormone administration will increase metabolic demand for cortisol while at the same time increasing its clearance, and might precipitate overt adrenal insufficiency in a patient deficient in cortisol. Chronic replacement can be accomplished in most adults with approximately 1.6 μg of levothyroxine per kilogram lean body weight per day. In the elderly, or those with significant cardiac morbidities, most experts recommend initiating levothyroxine replacement with 25 to 50 μg daily. To address severe hypothyroidism in the preoperative setting, in the absence of contraindications, 200 to 400 μg of levothyroxine may be administered IV, followed by oral administration of a usual replacement dose. When patients are unable to take their medication orally the intravenous administration of 85% of a typical oral dose daily until the patient can take oral medications will meet their needs. There is no clear evidence that T3 replacement is beneficial.

Central Adrenal Insufficiency

Undiagnosed central adrenal insufficiency represents the most significant danger to the patient with hypopituitarism. The best test to assess the integrity of pituitary-adrenal function has been the subject of significant controversy. While insulin-induced hypoglycemia is the gold standard, the procedure is time consuming and sometimes risky. However, stimulation with ACTH 1-24 best combines high accuracy with practicality and is felt to best correlate with the results of an insulin tolerance test.19,20 There is debate on whether one should conduct this test with 1 or 250 μg of ACTH 1-24. One caveat of the ACTH 1-24 stimulation test is its accuracy is limited until about 6 weeks following a pituitary insult; despite the limitations of the cosyntropin-stimulation tests, there is little evidence that clinically significant adrenal insufficiency will be missed by either test.21

Oral regimens for adrenal hormone replacement in a non-stressed patient include hydrocortisone 15 to 30 mg daily, usually in divided doses, dexamethasone 0.25 mg at bedtime, or prednisone 5 mg daily.22 Adjustments in dosing are based on clinical symptoms and signs of either glucocorticoid excess or deficiency, as there is, at this point, no reliable, reproducible laboratory test to assess the adequacy of treatment. The HPA axis is usually reassessed 6 to 8 weeks after surgery to determine if ongoing chronic treatment is necessary. Many patients will experience improvement in pituitary function after surgery and their glucocorticoid replacement may be abruptly discontinued. Patients with Cushing’s disease may experience a period of temporary adrenal insufficiency of 6 to 18 months due to suppression of normal corticotroph cells by pre-existing hypercortisolism. They must be reassessed at regular intervals to determine the need for ongoing steroid replacement.

Treatment with replacement doses of glucocorticoids is indicated in all patients with documented central adrenal insufficiency. Empiric treatment prior to surgery is acceptable in the setting of pituitary apoplexy, especially in the setting of large space occupying lesions, and when an urgent or emergent procedure is indicated even in the absence of documented adrenal dysfunction. A reasonable therapeutic regimen when the patient is under significant physiological stress is 25 mg of intravenous hydrocortisone every 8 hours. In a crisis, one may want to initiate intravenous glucocorticoid replacement with 100 mg initially and 50 mg every 8 hours thereafter. Mineralocorticoid replacement is not necessary in secondary adrenal insufficiency.23

Pituitary Hypersecretion

Pituitary adenomas can secrete hormones in excess resulting in particular clinical syndromes. Other sellar and parasellar tumors will not present in this fashion, although mild prolactin elevations can be seen with many large tumors due to compression of the infundibulum. The major hypersecretory states are discussed individually in other chapters, but all should be considered in the initial evaluation of a pituitary mass. Table 16-2 summarizes some of the possible signs and symptoms associated with various hypersecretory states.


Prolactinomas represent approximately 40% of pituitary tumors.1 They are more common in women with a gender ratio of 10:1.24 Women usually present when their tumors are microadenomas. Men are more likely to present with macroadenomas. Whether this is function of delayed presentation (women may present quickly with menstrual irregularities) or of unique biological properties of tumors in men is unclear.25

A serum prolactin should be obtained in all patients with pituitary tumors, as this information will affect treatment decisions. Prolactin levels of greater than 200 μg/l are almost always associated with a prolactin-secreting macroadenoma. Prolactin levels less than 200 μg/l can be caused by microprolactinomas and also a variety of parasellar lesions (pseudoprolactinoma), infiltrative processes, as well as physiologic and pharmacologic causes.24 Any tumor or infiltrative process that interferes with the delivery of dopamine, which inhibits prolactin production, to the normal lactotrophs can cause hyperprolactinemia that is often referred to as “stalk-effect hyperprolactinemia.” Pregnancy should be excluded in any woman with hyperprolactinemia and amenorrhea. A variety of drugs can cause hyperprolactinemia. If medications are suspected as a cause of hyperprolactinemia, they should be discontinued if possible, and the prolactin level reevaluated 1 month thereafter. Severe primary hypothyroidism can cause hyperprolactinemia. Thus, a serum TSH level is valuable during an initial evaluation of hyperprolactinemic patients.

The clinician must be aware that the differential diagnosis for hyperprolactinemia is large encompassing pathological and physiological causes. Defining the cause of hyperprolactinemia is crucial since true prolactinomas are treated medically with dopamine agonists, pseudo-prolactinomas are surgically removed and other causes have their own unique treatments. Table 16-3 presents a summary of the differential diagnosis of hyperprolactinemia.

Table 16-3 Differential Diagnosis of Hyperprolactinemia



Elevation without Clinical Symptomatology

Medications Effects on the Pituitary Stalk Neurogenic

Source: Adapted from Mancini T, Casanueva FF, Giustina A. Hyperprolactinemia and prolactinomas. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am. 2008;37:67-99, viii.

A small subset of extremely large prolactinomas can produce enormous amounts of prolactin that overwhelm antibodies used in the assay resulting in a false lowering of prolactin levels.26 This is known as the “hook effect.” In the setting of a macroadenoma, when a prolactinoma is suspected, prolactin levels should be performed on diluted serum samples to avoid this error in laboratory diagnosis. Most modern radioimmunoassays are able to detect prolactin levels as great as 4000 μg/l without being subject to the “hook effect.” We recommend that treating physicians being aware of the prolactin test performance in the laboratories they employ to evaluate their patients.27

On occasion a patient will be found to have an elevated prolactin but without symptoms of hyperprolactinemia. This is often due to a condition known as macroprolactinemia. In this disorder, prolactin aggregates with circulating IgG antibodies resulting in decreased clearance of the complex and thus elevated prolactin levels.2830 However, the prolactin-IgG complex is devoid of biological activity and thus the absence of symptoms. This condition does not require treatment and needs to be distinguished from true hyperprolactinemia. Incubating the serum with polyethylene glycol, which removes the prolactin-IgG complex prior to performing the assay, can identify the phenomenon.

Cushing’s Disease

Cushing’s disease is a term applied to a specific form of Cushing’s syndrome (pathological hypercortisolism) caused by an ACTH-secreting pituitary tumor. Cushing’s syndrome may be due to a variety of other disorders including the syndrome of ectopic ACTH secretion, adrenal tumors, and exogenous glucocorticoid therapy for non-endocrine disease processes. Due to the risks that hypercortisolism can pose in the perioperative period, including deep venous thrombosis, pneumocystis pneumonia and other infections, poor wound healing as well as steroid hormone withdrawal in the postoperative period, most would have a low threshold to screen for Cushing’s prior to pituitary surgery.

Recent guidelines review proposed diagnostic approaches to the evaluation of patients with suspected Cushing’s syndrome.31 The inclusion of an endocrinologist experienced with this disorder to establish and confirm the diagnosis is strongly advised. Generally speaking, and depending on the clinical situation, one should start with screening tests, then proceed to diagnostic or confirmatory tests, and finally, to differential diagnostic tests.

There are at least three reliable screening tests to evaluate patients with suspected hypercortisolism. Keep in mind that screening tests are designed to be sensitive but not specific. Thus, there will be false positive tests and not everyone with a positive screening test will be ultimately diagnosed with pathologic hypercortisolism. Appropriate screening tests include the overnight 1 mg dexamethasone suppression test, the 24-hour urine collection for free cortisol and creatinine, and the midnight salivary cortisol collection.3236 For most patients who require screening only, performance of one of these tests is indicated. The salivary cortisol and 24-hour urine free cortisol collection should be done at least twice to confirm abnormal initial findings. A positive dexamethasone suppression test is identified when an 8 a.m. cortisol is greater than 1.8 μg/dl following administration of 1 mg of dexamethasone at 11 p.m. the prior night. Using this cutoff gives the test a sensitivity of approximately 95% with specificity of 80%. To enhance specificity to over 95%, a cutoff of 5 μg/dl may be used, which will sacrifice sensitivity (falling to 85%).31 A 24-hour urine cortisol above the upper limits of normal may be considered a positive screening test, along with a late-night salivary cortisol level of 4 nmol/l or greater.31

Diagnostic tests are designed to balance sensitivity and specificity. They are used to confirm the diagnosis of pathologic hypercortisolism. Diagnostic tests for hypercortisolism include the 24-hour urine cortisol, the dexamethasone suppressed CRH stimulation test, (CRH/Dex test) and the formal low-dose dexamethasone suppression test.37,38 A 24-hour urine cortisol excretion rates greater than two to three times the upper limit of normal is generally considered to be a positive test. The CRH/Dex test is performed by administering dexamethasone, 0.5 mg every 6 hours for 2 days followed by CRH stimulation on the morning of the third day. A cortisol value greater than 1.4 μg/dl 15 minutes after CRH administration indicates an abnormal result.39 Treating physicians are encouraged to review the performance of tests employed by their laboratory and draw upon their own experiences to determine what constitutes an abnormal response to a formal dexamethasone suppression test.

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