Very few injuries are as complicated as multisystem trauma and pelvic fracture. The pelvis is a complex anatomic region. The bony pelvis affords great protection to the structures it contains. Within the pelvis are important gastrointestinal, genitourinary, vascular, and neurologic structures. The force necessary to fracture a pelvis is extreme. Therefore, every pelvic fracture must be assumed to be a high-energy injury. The proximity of the pelvis to the abdomen makes combined injuries common. Patients with pelvic fracture often have other associated injuries as well. Over 50% will have either traumatic brain injury or associated long bone fracture.
It is important to distinguish between patients with skeletally unstable pelvic fractures and patients who are hemodynamically unstable. Skeletal stability describes the bony architecture of the pelvic fracture. Hemodynamic stability describes the patient’s physiologic response. Not all patients with skeletally unstable pelvic fractures are hemodynamically unstable. In addition, patients who have skeletally stable fractures can still lose a substantial amount of blood into their retroperitoneum.
Patients with a pelvic fracture, a positive FAST, and hemodynamic instability are almost certainly best served by an immediate laparotomy. In most patients, the FAST turns positive with 200–300 cc of fluid in the abdomen (Figure 1). While free fluid could certainly be from a relatively minor intra-abdominal injury or a ruptured hollow viscus such as the bladder, diagnostic laparotomy is probably the most rapid and definitive test in patients who are hemodynamically unstable. If minor injury is found and bleeding is thought to be coming from the pelvis, abbreviated laparotomy should be performed and other plans made to control the pelvic bleeding.
A number of classification schemes are available that describe the bony architecture of pelvic fractures. Probably the most commonly used scheme was described by Young and Burgess in 1986 and classifies pelvic fractures by their vector of force (Table 1). Each classification is subdivided to describe the degree of pelvic instability. The authors originally thought that this classification scheme could predict the need for transfusions. While this may actually not be the case, it is quite useful in describing fracture anatomy and guiding initial attempts at hemostasis.
Anteroposterior Compression | |
Type I | Disruption of pubic symphysis of >2.5 cm of diastasis; no significant posterior pelvic injury |
Type II | Disruption of pubic symphysis of <2.5 cm, with tearing of anterior sacroiliac and sacrospinous and sacrotuberous ligaments |
Type III | Complete disruption of pubic symphysis and posterior ligament complexes, with hemipelvic displacement |
Lateral Compression | |
Type I | Posterior compression of sacroiliac joint without ligament disruption; oblique pubic ramus fracture |
Type II | Rupture of posterior sacroiliac ligament; pivotal internal rotation of hemipelvis on anterior sacroiliac joint with a crush injury of sacrum and an oblique public ramus fracture |
Type III | Findings in type II injury with evidence of an anteroposterior compression injury to contralateral hemipelvis |
Data from Young JWR, Brumback RJ, Poka A: Pelvic fractures: value of plain radiography in early assessment and management. Radiology 160:445, 1986.
Lateral compression (LC) pelvic fractures caused by side impact generally occur after T-bone vehicular crashes or car–pedestrian collisions (Figure 2). LC fractures cause an acute shortening of the pelvic diameter. The pelvis does not open but closes down. The pelvic ligaments generally stay intact. Thus, these fractures generally do not bleed. Hemodynamic instability after a lateral compression fracture more likely results from torso injuries such as intra-abdominal bleeding or intrathoracic bleeding. There is a known association with traumatic aortic injury and LC pelvic fractures.

Figure 2 Lateral compression pelvic fracture.
(From Moore EE, Feliciano DV, Mattox KL: Trauma, 5th ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, 2003.)
Anteroposterior compression (AP) fractures generally occur after head-on vehicular crashes or may occur after equestrian injury, typically when patients are thrown from a horse or the horse lands on them (Figure 3). With this mechanism, pelvic diameter widens and the pelvis opens. The injuries can be purely ligamentous if the sacroiliac (SI) joints rupture, even in the absence of significant bony injury. Pelvic vascular injuries are quite common. AP compression fractures have the highest chance of bleeding, and transfusion requirements are the greatest in patients with these fractures.

Figure 3 Anterior/posterior compression fracture.
(From Moore EE, Feliciano DV, Mattox KL: Trauma, 5th ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, 2003.)
Vertical shear (VS) injuries occur when patients land on an outstretched foot, which generally occurs after falling from a height (Figure 4