Management of Traumatic Intracranial Aneurysms

Published on 13/03/2015 by admin

Filed under Neurosurgery

Last modified 13/03/2015

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Chapter 141 Management of Traumatic Intracranial Aneurysms

The injury of intracranial arterial wall may result in immediate hemorrhage, thrombosis, dissection, or development of traumatic intracranial aneurysms (TICAs).1 Intracranial vasculature results virtually injured in all cases of severe head injury, which explains the almost constant presence of subarachnoid hemorrhage due to lesion of small pial vessels.1 However, TICAs may develop even following mild or trivial head trauma.2 Despite the frequency of head injury, the incidence of TICAs is quite low, accounting for less than 1% of all intracranial aneurysms.26 Indeed, the actual rate of TICAs could be underestimated, since nowadays diagnostic angiograms are rarely performed for head injuries2,5,6 and computed tomography (CT) angiography is not sensitive enough to replace digital subtraction angiography.7 TICAs have been reported in patients of any age, but they are more common in the pediatric population.2,8,9 Moreover, there is a clear male preponderance,2 which is presumably related to the greater frequency of head injury in males.8

In the last two decades, we managed about 1800 cerebral aneurysms and 1600 severe head injuries (21 missile injuries): we found just 14 TICAs (Figs. 141-1 to 141-4). During the same period, we performed about 8000 brain surgery procedures, which were responsible for just 1 case of iatrogenic aneurysm (Fig. 141-5; also see video). Our series is summarized in Table 141-1.


Basing on the pathology and the mechanism of formation, four types of TICAs have been described: true, false (or pseudoaneurysms), mixed, and dissecting.2,4,5,1015 True TICAs consist of localized dilatation of the artery with an expanded lumen lined by stretched remnants of the arterial wall: in these cases, only the adventitia is intact and represents the single layer of the aneurysm sac.2,8,10,14,15 This would be the main difference between a true TICA and a common saccular aneurysm, which has a wall consisting of both intima and adventitia.10,14 Other authors4 think true TICAs originate from the outpouching of the intima through a fragmented media, resulting in an aneurysm wall consisting of intima separated from adventitia by fibrous tissue. False TICAs originate from the rupture of all arterial layers with perivascular hematoma formation and organization.8 These lesions consist of encapsulated hematoma in communication with the lumen of the ruptured vessel, and sometimes, the surrounding structures contribute to the aneurysm wall formation.5,10 Mixed TICAs derive from contained post-traumatic rupture of true aneurysms with local hematoma formation, false lumen development, and production of secondary false aneurysms.4,5,8,10 Dissecting TICAs originate when trauma provokes the splitting of the arterial wall layers with blood entering through intimal tears inside the arterial wall and forming a false lumen between the intima and the elastica.5,10 In such conditions, aneurysm outpouching may easily occur and arterial dissection may evolve to dissecting aneurysm. Dissecting aneurysms also may break and become false aneurysms. The term mixed aneurysm has also often been used to describe saccular aneurysms associated with dissection of the parent vessels.2

A fifth type of TICA might be represented by the arteriovenous aneurysm. Indeed, this term has often been improperly used to indicate the common arteriovenous malformations, but in this context it refers to a lesion that develops when an artery breaks into a collateral vein, such as in case of a false aneurysm that involves an adjacent vein. This type of lesion is well described in abdominal and thoracic surgery, but it is quite rare in neurosurgery with the exception of the well-known carotidocavernous fistulas. These arteriovenous lesions are not considered in this chapter.

Although false aneurysms have been considered the most frequent TICAs,2,4,5,8 indeed the relative incidence of the four histologic types is not known.1,2 Furthermore, the term pseudoaneurysm, which should refer only to false aneurysm, is often used as a synonym of TICA.4 However, all types of TICAs carry a high hemorrhagic risk, and their distinction is often impossible on angiography. Therefore, the aforementioned classification is academically relevant but of little benefit in clinical practice, because intervention is required regardless the type.2,4,5


Both penetrating and nonpenetrating injuries may be responsible for TICA formation.3,10 TICAs are most frequently reported following blunt injuries.1,2,16 As for penetrating wounds, low-velocity penetrations (from stab or shotgun wounds) are more risky than high-velocity penetrations (from bullet wounds):2,4,5 14.9% versus 3.6%, respectively.17,18 The prevalence of blunt trauma could be explained by penetrating injuries more likely being responsible for complete arterial disruption with immediate hemorrhage and without subsequent aneurysm formation. When projectile injuries are responsible of TICAs, these are always false aneurysms with complete lesion of the arterial wall.1,19

The main mechanisms of TICA formation are direct injury to the vessel or stretching of the vessel by adjacent forces.2 The mechanisms are different in penetrating and in nonpenetrating injuries. In the first case, the proximity of the missile track to the location of the TICA indicates that this is the result of direct contact to the vessel by the missile, shrapnel, or secondary bone fragments.1,4,5 This could result in arterial laceration or avulsion of perforating branches or produce enough shearing forces to cause a rent in the arterial wall.1,17,20 Penetrating fragments around the face or pterion have the high probability to produce TICAs: 65% of these aneurysms are reported in association with facial, orbital, basifrontal, or pterional injury.1,1921 But in case of nonpenetrating injuries, there is a frequent association (60%-90% of cases) between TICA development and presence of skull fractures.1,10,22 Otherwise, the arterial disruption triggering TICA formation may result from differential motion between the brain and the skull during acceleration/deceleration.1,2,8

TICAs are frequently reported in the peripheral vascular tree, and the anterior circulation is more commonly involved with infratentorial TICAs representing less than 5% of the total.2,5,6,10,16 The location of TICAs closely depends on the mechanism of injury.2 Intrapetrous and/or infraclinoid carotid artery, as well as basilar artery, aneurysms are usually related to skull base fractures, and para- and supraclinoid carotid artery aneurysms may result from fractures of the anterior clinoid process or stretching of the artery across the process during the impact. Otherwise, injury to the paraclinoid carotid artery may originate by the stretching of the artery at the level of the transitional zone between the relatively fixed intracavernous segment and the relatively mobile cisternal segment,2,15,23 pericallosal artery aneurysms may develop from the injury of the artery against the falx edge,2,9,24 posterior cerebral artery aneurysms may be the result of trauma against the tentorium,2 and cortical artery aneurysms are usually associated with cranial vault fractures.2,5,24,25 TICAs of the meningeal artery are infrequently reported, which is curious considering the intimate relationships of this vessel with the vault bone.6,10

Besides traditional traumas, TICAs may be iatrogenic. Injuries of intracranial arteries with subsequent TICA formation have been reported in skull base surgery, paranasal sinuses surgery, trans-sphenoidal surgery, ventriculostomy, and endoscopic neurosurgery and even following repeated subdural taps.1,

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