Inhaled Toxins

Published on 08/04/2015 by admin

Filed under Emergency Medicine

Last modified 08/04/2015

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Chapter 159

Inhaled Toxins

Many airborne toxins produce local noxious effects on the airways and lungs as irritants. The respiratory tract can also serve as a portal of entry for systemic poisons as simple or systemic asphyxiants. Inhalational exposure can be covert and indolent (as in occupational exposure to asbestos or urban exposure to photochemical smog) or fulminant and obvious. The circumstances and location of the exposure, the presence of combustion or odors, and the number and condition of victims assist in the diagnosis. Despite the array of possible toxic inhalants, identification of a specific inhalant is generally unnecessary because therapy is based primarily on the clinical manifestations (Table 159-1).

Table 159-1

Common Inhaled Toxins

Acrolein Combustion Irritant, highly soluble
Ammonia Fertilizer, combustion Irritant, highly soluble
Carbon dioxide Fermentation, complete combustion, fire extinguisher Simple asphyxiant; systemic effects
Carbon monoxide Incomplete combustion, methylene chloride Chemical asphyxiant
Chloramine Mixed cleaning products (e.g., hypochlorite bleach and ammonia) Irritant, highly soluble
Chlorine Swimming pool disinfectant, cleaning products Irritant, intermediate solubility
Chlorobenzylidene malononitrile (CS), chloroacetophenone (CN) Tear gas (Mace) Pharmacologic irritant
Hydrogen chloride Tanning and electroplating industry Irritant, highly soluble
Hydrogen cyanide Combustion of plastics, acidification of cyanide salts Chemical asphyxiant
Hydrogen fluoride Hydrofluoric acid Irritant, highly soluble; systemic effects
Hydrogen sulfide Decaying organic matter, oil industry, mines, asphalt Chemical asphyxiant; irritant, highly soluble
Methane Natural gas, swamp gas Simple asphyxiant
Methylbromide Fumigant Chemical asphyxiant
Nitrogen Mines, scuba diving (nitrogen narcosis, decompression sickness) Simple asphyxiant; systemic effects
Nitrous oxide Inhalant of abuse, whipping cream, racing fuel booster Simple asphyxiant
Noble gases (e.g., helium) Industry, laboratories Simple asphyxiant
Oxides of nitrogen Silos, anesthetics, combustion Irritant, intermediate solubility
Oxygen Medical use, hyperbaric conditions Irritant, free radical; systemic effects
Ozone Electrostatic energy Irritant, free radical
Phosgene Combustion of chlorinated hydrocarbons Irritant, poorly soluble
Phosphine Hydration of aluminum or zinc phosphide (fumigants) Chemical asphyxiant
Smoke (varying composition) Combustion Variable, but may include all classes
Sulfur dioxide Photochemical smog (fossil fuels) Irritant, highly soluble

Simple Asphyxiants


Most simple asphyxiations are workplace related and usually occur during the use of liquefied gas while the employee is breathing through an airline respirator or working in a confined space.1 Since the advent of catalytic converters, most deaths from the intentional inhalation of automotive exhaust result from simple asphyxiation, due to hypoxia, and not from carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning.2

Clinical Features

Acute effects occur within minutes of onset of hypoxia and are the manifestations of ischemia. A fall in the FIO2 from normal, 0.21 (i.e., 21%), to 0.15 results in autonomic stimulation (e.g., tachycardia, tachypnea, and dyspnea) and cerebral hypoxia (e.g., ataxia, dizziness, incoordination, and confusion). Dyspnea is not an early finding because hypoxemia is not as potent a stimulus for this sensation, or for breathing, as are hypercarbia and acidosis. Lethargy from cerebral edema is expected as the FIO2 falls below 0.1 (10%), and life is difficult to sustain at an FIO2 below 0.06 (6%).3 Because removal from exposure terminates the simple asphyxiation and allows restoration of oxygenation and clinical improvement, most patients present with resolving symptoms. However, failure to improve suggests complications of ischemia (e.g., seizures, coma, and cardiac arrest) and is associated with a poor prognosis.

Pulmonary Irritants

Clinical Features

Highly water-soluble gases have their greatest impact on the mucous membranes of the eyes and upper airway. Exposure results in immediate irritation, with lacrimation, nasal burning, and cough. Although their pungent odors and rapid symptom onset tend to limit significant exposure, massive or prolonged exposure can result in life-threatening laryngeal edema, laryngospasm, bronchospasm, or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) (formerly known as noncardiogenic pulmonary edema).4 Poorly water-soluble gases do not readily irritate the mucous membranes at low concentrations, and some have pleasant odors (e.g., phosgene’s odor is similar to that of hay). Because there are no immediate symptoms, prolonged breathing in the toxic environment allows time for the gas to reach the alveoli. Even moderate exposure causes irritation of the lower airway, alveoli, and parenchyma and causes pulmonary endothelial injury after a 2- to 24-hour delay. Initial symptoms consistent with acute respiratory distress syndrome may be mild, only to progress to overt respiratory failure and acute respiratory distress syndrome during the ensuing 24 to 36 hours.5

Gases with intermediate water solubility tend to produce syndromes that are a composite of the clinical features manifested with the other gases, depending on the extent of exposure. Massive exposure is most often associated with rapid onset of upper airway irritation and more moderate exposure with delayed onset of lower airway symptoms.6

Diagnostic Strategies and Differential Considerations

The evaluation of upper airway symptoms is usually done through physical examination but may require laryngoscopy. After exposure, swelling may occur rapidly or may be delayed, so normal findings on oropharyngeal or laryngeal evaluation may not exclude subsequent deterioration. Radiographic and laboratory studies have little role in the evaluation of upper airway symptoms.

Oxygenation and ventilation are assessed by serial chest auscultation, pulse oximetry, and capnometry supplemented as needed by chest radiography and ABGs in patients with cough, dyspnea, hypoxia, or abnormal findings on physical examination. No clinical test can identify the specific irritant, and identification is not generally necessary for patient care, although knowing the causative agent may allow refinement of the observation period.

Bronchospasm, cough, chest tightness, and acute conjunctival irritation frequently follow allergen exposure, but the history generally suggests the diagnosis. ARDS occurs after many physiologic insults, including trauma and sepsis, highlighting the need for accurate history taking.5


Signs of upper airway dysfunction (e.g., hoarseness and stridor) mandate direct visualization of the larynx and immediate airway stabilization, if necessary. Given the potential rapidity of airway deterioration, early and frequent reassessment should be performed.

Bronchospasm generally responds to inhaled beta-adrenergic agonists; the role of ipratropium is not yet defined. Other than as a standard treatment of a comorbid condition, such as asthma, there is no clear indication for corticosteroids.7

Patients exposed to chlorine or hydrogen chloride gas receive symptomatic relief from nebulized 2% sodium bicarbonate solution.6 Because the inflammatory cascade is not altered, however, the component of lung injury mediated by free radicals probably continues and causes delayed deterioration. Patients receiving inhalational bicarbonate therapy require extensive discharge instructions for signs and symptoms of pulmonary irritation or admission to the hospital.

Diagnosis of acute respiratory distress syndrome indicates the need for aggressive supportive care, including manipulations of the patient’s airway pressures (e.g., continuous positive airway pressure and positive end-expiratory pressure). Exogenous surfactant and nitric oxide may have a beneficial role in toxin-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome, despite little support for use in other forms of the syndrome.

Smoke Inhalation

Principles of Disease

Even at temperatures between 350 and 500° C, air has such a low heat capacity that it rarely produces lower airway damage. However, the greater heat capacity of steam (approximately 4000 times that of air) or heated soot suspended in air (i.e., smoke) can transfer heat and cause injury deep within the respiratory tract.

The nature of the fuel determines the composition of its smoke, and because fires involve variable fuels and burning conditions, the character of fire smoke is almost always undefined to the clinician. Irritant toxins produced by the fire are adsorbed onto carbonaceous particles that are deposited in the airways. The irritant substances damage the mucosa through mechanisms similar to those of the irritant gases, including generation of acids and free radical formation.

Clinical Features

Most smoke-associated morbidity and mortality relate to respiratory tract damage. Thermal and irritant-induced laryngeal injury may produce cough or stridor, but these findings are often delayed. Soot and irritant toxins in the airways can produce early cough, dyspnea, and bronchospasm. Subsequently, a cascade of airway inflammation results in acute lung injury with failure of pulmonary gas exchange. The time between smoke exposure and the onset of clinical symptoms is highly variable and dependent on the degree and nature of the exposure. Singed nasal hairs and soot in the sputum suggest substantial exposure but are neither sufficiently sensitive nor specific to be practical.8

CO inhalation should be routinely considered in these patients. Patients who are exposed to filtered or distant smoke (e.g., in a different room) or to relatively smokeless combustion (e.g., engine exhaust) inhale predominantly CO, cyanide, and metabolic poisons and do not sustain smoke exposure.

Diagnostic Strategies and Differential Considerations

With the obvious exposure history, the differential diagnosis is limited. Although it is often unclear whether inhalational injuries are thermal or irritant, the differentiation is clinically irrelevant. CO and cyanide should be considered in every case.

Early death is caused by asphyxia, airway compromise, or metabolic poisoning (e.g., CO). Airway patency should be evaluated early. If evidence of significant airway exposure is present, such as carbonaceous sputum or hoarse voice, the airway should be examined by direct or fiberoptic laryngoscopy. Simply observing the patient for deterioration can result in airway compromise requiring rapid and, by then, very difficult airway intervention. Signs of alveolar filling or hyperinflation on chest radiography, abnormal flow-volume loop or diffusing capacity for CO on pulmonary function testing, or abnormal distribution and clearance of radiolabeled gas on ventilation scans can help predict lower airway injury.9

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