Chapter 166 Infection Prevention and Control
Standard Precautions
Standard precautions, formerly known as universal precautions, are intended to protect health care workers from pathogens and should be used whenever there is direct contact with patients. Infected patients are often contagious before symptoms of disease develop, and asymptomatic, infected patients are quite capable of transmitting infectious agents. Standard precautions involve the use of barriers—gloves, gowns, masks, goggles, and face shields—as needed, to prevent transmission of microbes associated with contact with blood and body fluids (Table 166-1).
Hand hygiene | After contact with blood, body fluids, secretions, excretions, or contaminated items; immediately after removing gloves; before and after patient contact Alcohol-containing antiseptic hand rubs preferred except when hands are visibly soiled with blood or other proteinaceous materials or if exposure to spores (e.g., Clostridium difficile, Bacillus anthracis) is likely to have occurred; in those cases, soap and water preferred |
Gloves | For touching blood, body fluids, secretions, excretions, or contaminated items; for touching mucous membranes and nonintact skin Employ hand hygiene before and after glove use |
Gown | During procedures and patient-care activities when contact of clothing or exposed skin with blood or body fluids, secretions, and excretions is anticipated |
Mask, eye protection (goggles), face shield | During procedures and patient-care activities likely to generate splashes or sprays of blood, body fluids, or secretions, such as suctioning and endotracheal intubation For patient protection, use of a mask by the person inserting an epidural anesthesia needle or performing myelograms when prolonged exposure of the puncture site is likely |
Soiled patient-care equipment | Handle in a manner that prevents transfer of microorganisms to others and to the environment Wear gloves if equipment is visibly contaminated Perform hand hygiene |
Environmental control | Develop procedures for routine care, cleaning, and disinfection of environmental surfaces, especially frequently touched surfaces in patient care areas |
Textiles (linens) and laundry | Handle in a manner that prevents transfer of microorganisms to others and the environment |
Injection practices (use of needles and other sharps) | Do not recap, bend, break, or handle used needles; if recapping is required, use a one-handed scoop technique only Use needle-free safety devices when available, placing used sharps in puncture-resistant container Use a sterile, single-use, disposable needle and syringe for each injection Single-dose medication vials preferred |
Patient resuscitation | Use mouthpiece, resuscitation bag, and other ventilation devices to prevent contact with mouth and oral secretions |
Patient placement |