Advances in the Surgical Management of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor

Published on 09/04/2015 by admin

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Last modified 09/04/2015

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Advances in the Surgical Management of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor

Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) is a mesenchymal tumor that typically arises from the alimentary tract [1]. In the past, these tumors were classified as leiomyomas, leiomyosarcomas, or leiomyoblastomas. Only recently has it become evident that GIST is a separate entity and the most common sarcoma of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, with an annual incidence in the United States of approximately 5000 [2].

GIST is believed to arise from the KIT (CD117)-positive interstitial cell of Cajal [3], the pacemaker cell of the GI tract. Approximately 85% of GISTs harbor an activating KIT mutation, which leads to constitutive activation of KIT and its tyrosine kinase function [4]. KIT is involved in many cellular functions, including cell differentiation, growth, and survival. Binding of KIT to its ligand leads to dimerization and subsequent autophosphorylation of KIT, which initiates a cascade of intracellular signaling leading to adhesion, differentiation, proliferation, and tumorigenesis. About 3% to 5% of GISTs instead carry a mutation in the platelet-derived growth factor receptor α (PDGFRα) gene [5]. Interestingly, 10% to 15% of the tumors contain the wild-type forms of the KIT and PDGFRα proto-oncogenes, yet still overexpress KIT [6].

In 2001, Joensuu and colleagues [7] published their experience with imatinib mesylate (Gleevec; Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Basel, Switzerland), a small-molecule tyrosine-kinase inhibitor, in a single patient with metastatic GIST. Dramatic regression of the disease was evident on serial imaging, and thus began the paradigm shift in the treatment of GIST. At present, with an approximately 80% response rate to imatinib, compared with a dismal 5% response to conventional cytotoxic agents, the median survival in patients with metastatic GIST has increased to 5 years from 15 months in the era before tyrosine kinase inhibitors [8]. Molecular targeted therapy has truly revolutionized the treatment of patients with metastatic GIST and provided an opportunity for adjuvant and primary systemic therapy for localized and recurrent disease.

Clinical presentation

GISTs demonstrate a fairly equal distribution between men and women; however, some literature suggest that there is a slight male predominance [9]. Although GIST has been reported in patients of all ages, including children, most people affected by the disease are between 40 and 80 years old at the time of diagnosis, with a median age of 60 years. Most GISTs are sporadic. Nonetheless, there are several case reports of familial germline mutations in the KIT or PDGFRα proto-oncogenes [10,11].

Approximately 60% of GISTs occur in the stomach, whereas 30% of cases are found in the small intestine, 5% in the rectum, and 5% in the esophagus (Fig. 1) [9]. Rarely, they can also develop in the omentum, mesentery, pancreas, or other retroperitoneal organs [12].

Most (70%) patients diagnosed with GIST have vague symptoms, such as abdominal pain, GI bleeding from a mucosal erosion, or an abdominal mass [13]. Ten percent of the cases are detected only at the time of autopsy. Intestinal obstruction from GISTs is rare, because GISTs behave like other sarcomas and usually displace rather than invade adjacent structures. Occasionally, however, they may serve as lead points for intussusception. Patients with esophageal or duodenal GIST may rarely present with dysphagia or jaundice, respectively.

Diagnosis and evaluation

Because of the infrequency of GIST, the disease is rarely suspected before the time of surgery. A high index of suspicion is required to make the diagnosis. The best radiologic study to characterize a mass suspicious for GIST, as well as to evaluate the extent of the disease, is a contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen and pelvis. Metastases to the lungs or other extra-abdominal locations are usually observed only in advanced cases. On a CT scan, GISTs typically appear as hyperdense, enhancing masses, closely associated with the stomach or small intestine (Fig. 2). The liver and peritoneal surface are the most common sites of metastatic disease. Lymph node metastases are rare, except in the pediatric population [14]. Children are also more likely to present with multifocal disease and lack a KIT or PDGFRα mutation. GISTs may appear heterogeneous because of central necrosis or intratumoral hemorrhage. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be useful in rectal GIST. Positron emission tomography (PET) is not specific enough for the diagnosis of GIST, but can be used to monitor the clinical response to imatinib treatment, although it is rarely needed. On endoscopy, GIST appears as a submucosal mass, since it originates from the bowel wall and not the mucosa. This can be confirmed via endoscopic ultrasound. Often, however, endoscopic evaluation is unnecessary.

Recent studies have shown that endoscopic fine-needle aspiration (FNA) for the diagnosis of GIST has a sensitivity as high as 80% [15]; however, preoperative tissue diagnosis is usually not required unless the diagnosis is in doubt. A biopsy is recommended for metastatic disease or if neoadjuvant imatinib is under consideration.

Prognostic factors

In GIST, a gain-of-function mutation in KIT (85%) leads to constitutive activation of KIT and its tyrosine kinase function. Several mutations have been described, the most common being KIT exon 11 (70%) and exon 9 (10%) [4,6]. As mentioned previously, 3% to 5% of GISTs harbor a mutation in the PDGFRα proto-oncogene, whereas 10% to 15% of tumors carry wild-type alleles of KIT and PDGFRα, yet overexpress KIT. GISTs may also be positive for CD34 (60%–70%), smooth-muscle actin (SMA; 30%–40%), S-100 protein (5%), and, rarely, desmin [16]. Unlike other GI malignancies, the behavior of GIST is difficult to predict based on histopathology alone. Although the best indicator of malignancy is the confirmation of metastatic disease, 3 characteristics have been shown to predict how GISTs will behave: size, mitotic rate, and tumor location [17]. In general, GISTs of 10 cm or larger are more likely to recur. Mitotic index is the dominant predictor of recurrence, as tumors with at least 5 mitoses per 50 high-powered fields (HPFs) are 15 times more likely to recur than those with fewer than 5 mitoses per 50 HPFs. Also, GISTs originating in the small intestine exhibit a more aggressive behavior than those of similar size and mitotic index originating in the stomach. Importantly, neither small size nor low mitotic rate excludes the potential for malignant behavior. Patients with either a KIT exon 9 mutation or KIT exon 11 deletion involving amino acid W557 and/or K558 experience a higher rate of recurrence, whereas point mutations and insertions of KIT exon 11 confer a more favorable prognosis.

Recently, we developed a GIST prognostic nomogram based on tumor size (cm), location of disease (stomach, small intestine, colon, rectum, or other), and mitotic index (<5 or ≥5 mitoses per 50 HPFs) from 127 patients treated at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) between 1983 and 2002 [18]. It predicts recurrence-free survival at 2 and 5 years after complete surgical resection of localized primary GIST (Fig. 3). We validated the nomogram using a series of patients from the Mayo Clinic and another series from the Spanish National Registry, and showed better predictive accuracy than those of 2 commonly used staging systems developed at the National Institutes of Health GIST workshop and the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology–Miettinen staging system [19]. Including the presence or type of KIT or PDGFRα mutation did not improve the discriminatory ability, although this may be because of limited sample sizes.


Fig. 3 Nomogram to estimate 2-year and 5-year recurrence-free survival after surgical resection of primary GIST in the absence of tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy.

(From Gold JS, Gonen M, Gutierrez A, et al. Development and validation of a prognostic nomogram for recurrence-free survival after complete surgical resection of localised primary gastrointestinal stromal tumour: a retrospective analysis. Lancet Oncol 2009;10:1045; with permission.)


Successful treatment of GIST requires assessment of the extent and progression of disease, and integration of surgery and molecular-targeted therapy. Thus, a multidisciplinary team that includes radiologists, medical oncologists, pathologists, and surgeons is paramount for the effective care of these patients.

Primary GIST

For patients with primary localized GIST, surgical extirpation remains the only chance for cure. The goal of the operation is to achieve a negative microscopic margin (R0 resection) with an intact tumor pseudocapsule. At exploration, careful examination of the liver and peritoneal surfaces for previously undetectable metastatic disease should be performed. Care should be exercised to avoid excessive tumor manipulation, which can disrupt what may be a friable tumor and lead to bleeding and intraperitoneal dissemination. Resection can usually be accomplished with only a wedge resection of the stomach or a segmental resection of the small bowel. In a series of 140 patients with gastric GISTs, 68% underwent a wedge resection, 28% required a partial gastrectomy, and only 4% needed a total gastrectomy [20].

Extensive surgery is occasionally required for larger or poorly positioned tumors, such as those near the gastroesophageal junction, periampullary region, or distal rectum. Because GIST does not typically exhibit an intramural spreading behavior, wide margins of resection are not necessary and have not been associated with better prognosis, although every effort should be made to obtain gross negative margins [9]. Re-excision of disease in patients who underwent an inadvertent R1 resection should be considered on a case-by-case basis, because of the lack of evidence supporting a clear association between microscopically positive margins and poorer survival outcomes. Laparoscopic resection of primary GIST may be considered by surgeons experienced in this approach. Standard oncologic principles still apply. A laparoscopic R1 resection should not be accepted if laparotomy guarantees an R0 resection. GISTs measuring 1.0 to 8.5 cm in size have been successfully treated with minimally invasive techniques [21]. Because GISTs rarely metastasize to lymph nodes, formal lymphadenectomy is not necessary unless locoregional lymph nodes are enlarged. When adherence to adjacent organs is identified, an en bloc resection is favored.

Complete gross resection is possible in 85% of patients with primary, localized GISTs. Nevertheless, without any further treatment, at least 50% of patients develop tumor recurrence and 5-year survival rate is approximately 50% [9,22]. Postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy for the treatment of GIST has generally not been recommended because of dismal response rates of traditional chemotherapeutic agents [23]

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