Immunoproliferative Disorders

Published on 09/02/2015 by admin

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Last modified 09/02/2015

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Immunoproliferative Disorders

A small number of long-lived plasma cells in the bone marrow (<1% of mononuclear cells) produce most of immunoglobulins G and A (IgG and IgA) in normal adult serum. These well-differentiated cells do not divide and have a characteristic phenotype: CD38bright, syndecan-1bright, CD19+, and CD56weak/−. Their precursors are slowly proliferating plasmablasts, which migrate to the marrow from lymph nodes after stimulation by antigens and cytokines from helper T (Th) cells in the germinal centers. Events in the germinal centers initiate somatic mutations of the immunoglobulin genes of B cells and a switch from the production of immunoglobulin M (IgM) to the production of IgG or IgA. After the activated B cells enter the bone marrow, they stop proliferating and differentiate into plasma cells under the influence of adhesion molecules and factors such as interleukin-6. Normal plasma cells die by apoptosis after several weeks or months.

Hypergammaglobulinemias are monoclonal or polyclonal in nature. A monoclonal gammopathy, which can be a benign or malignant condition, results from a single clone of lymphoid plasma cells producing elevated levels of a single class and type of immunoglobulin, referred to as a monoclonal protein, M protein, or paraprotein. Disorders in this category of plasma cell dyscrasias include multiple myeloma (MM), Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia (WM), monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS), light-chain deposition disease, and heavy-chain diseases. In comparison, a polyclonal gammopathy is classified as a secondary disease and characterized by the elevation of two or more immunoglobulins by several clones of plasma cells.

General Characteristics of Gammopathies

Monoclonal Gammopathies

Monoclonal gammopathies are characterized by the production of monoclonal immunoglobulin and are associated with suppressed uninvolved immunoglobulins and dysfunctional T cell responses. Although MM is the prototypic monoclonal gammopathy, the most common plasma cell disorder is the premalignant precursor of myeloma, MGUS.

Serum and urine electrophoresis and other immunoglobulin assays can demonstrate strikingly abnormal results in disorders such as MM and WM. The gamma region of the electrophoretic pattern can show a dense, highly restricted band from uncontrolled proliferation of one cell clone, whereas the other normal immunoglobulins are deficient. The clinical interpretation of some patterns can be difficult. In contrast, some symptomatic patients do not exhibit the characteristic monoclonal band or spike in their serum protein patterns. This is often the case with light-chain disease (LCD), in which only kappa (κ) or lambda (λ) monoclonal light chains are synthesized by the clone. These low-molecular-weight immunoglobulin fragments are filtered through the glomerulus and into the urine, producing a serum electrophoretic pattern that suggests hypogammaglobulinemia, with a very faint monoclonal band or no band at all. These light chains also suggest the presence of a nonsecretory clone, which produces no monoclonal immunoglobulins and frequently demonstrates hypogammaglobulinemia because of the inhibition of normal clones.

Polyclonal Gammopathies

A polyclonal gammopathy is a common protein abnormality. It is defined as an increase in more than one immunoglobulin and involves several clones of plasma cells. In contrast to a monoclonal protein, a polyclonal protein consists of one or more heavy-chain classes and both light-chain types. Polyclonal increases are exhibited as secondary manifestations of infection or inflammation. They are often seen in chronic infections, chronic liver disease, especially chronic active hepatitis, rheumatoid connective tissue (autoimmune) diseases, and lymphoproliferative disorders.

A polyclonal protein is characterized by a broad peak or band, usually of gamma mobility, on electrophoresis, by a thickening and elongation of all heavy-chain and light-chain arcs on immunoelectrophoresis, and by the absence of a localized band on immunofixation. A polyclonal gammopathy therefore resembles a normal pattern, with the serum staining more intensely. A selective polyclonal increase is of special interest because only the level of one class of immunoglobulin is significantly elevated; however, the increase is polyclonal because immunoglobulin is produced by several clones of plasma cells and both kappa and lambda types are produced. Immunoglobulin quantitation by specific assay procedures demonstrates which immunoglobulin is increased. Immunofixation is not recommended in cases of polyclonal gammopathy because it presents no additional information.

Multiple Myeloma

Multiple myeloma is a plasma cell neoplasm characterized by the accumulation of malignant plasma cells within the bone marrow microenvironment, monoclonal protein in the blood or urine, and associated organ dysfunction. Normal bone marrow has about 1% plasma cells, but in MM the plasma cell concentration can rise to 90%. Bone marrow identification of monoclonal plasma cells by histology is an essential part of MM diagnosis and is frequently based on identifying intracellular κ and λ chains using direct immunofluorescent techniques.

Plasma cells produce one of five heavy-chain types together with κ and λ molecules. There is approximately 40% excess production of free light-chain over heavy-chain synthesis to allow proper conformation of the intact immunoglobulin molecules.


Myelomas arise from an asymptomatic premalignant proliferation of monoclonal plasma cells derived from postgerminal center B cells. In contrast to normal plasma cells, myeloma cells are often immature and may have the appearance of plasmablasts. These cells usually are CD19-CD56bright, CD38, and syndecan-1, and produce very low amounts of immunoglobulins.

Most patients demonstrate complex karyotype abnormalities with chromosomal gains, deletions, and translocations, some of which are identical to those observed in certain B cell lymphomas. Many numeric and structural abnormalities occur. Primary early chromosomal translocations occur at the immunoglobulin switch region on chromosome 14 (q32.33). This process results in the deregulation of two adjacent genes. Secondary late-onset translocations and gene mutation are implicated in disease progression and include complex karyotypic abnormalities. These genetic abnormalities may prevent the differentiation and apoptosis of myeloma cells, which continue to proliferate and accumulate in the bone marrow. Chromosomal aberrations are of sufficient number to be detected on flow analysis of DNA content, which is aneuploid in about 80% of patients.

Most patients exhibit a slight nuclear DNA excess of 5% to 10%; hypoploidy is observed in only 5% to 10% of patients and is strongly associated with resistance to standard chemotherapy. Deletions of chromosomes 13 and 17 have been observed. The morphologic immaturity, hypodiploidy, and 13q− and 14q+ abnormalities correlate with the resistance to treatment and short survival that are characteristic of aggressive disease.

The somatic mutations of the immunoglobulin genes of myeloma cells indicate that the putative myeloma cell precursors are stimulated by antigens and are memory B cells or migrating plasmablasts.

Myeloma cells proliferate slowly in the marrow (Fig. 27-1; Table 27-1). Less than 1% divide at any one time and myeloma cells do not differentiate. The absolute number of these cells correlates with disease activity and predicts the progression of disease in smoldering multiple myeloma. Circulating myeloma cells may disseminate the tumor within the bone marrow and elsewhere.

Table 27-1

Three Phases of Disease Progression in Multiple Myeloma

Variable Initial Phase Medullary Relapse Extramedullary Relapse
Site of myeloma-cell accumulation or proliferation Bone marrow Bone marrow Blood, pleural effusion, skin, many other sites
Growth fraction <1% ≥1% (1%-95%) ≥1% (1%-95%)
Genetic or oncogenic events Deregulation of c-myc
Illegitimate switch recombinations
N-ras and K-ras point mutations p53 point mutations
Phenotypic changes CD19 loss
CD56 overexpression
CD28 expression
LFA-1 and VLA-5 loss
CD28 expression
CD56 loss
Cytologic changes Detectable plasmablastic compartment in 15% of cases Plasmablastic compartment growing Major plasmablastic compartment
Circulating malignant plasma cells <1% Increasing Increasing


Growth fraction is the rate of atypical cells proliferating in the bone marrow.

From Bataille R, Harousseau JL: Medical progress: multiple myeloma, N Engl J Med 336:1657–1664, 1997.

Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is essential for the survival and growth of myeloma cells, which express specific receptors for this cytokine. Initially identified as a growth factor for myeloma cells, IL-6 has been shown to promote the survival of myeloma cells by preventing spontaneous or dexamethasone-induced apoptosis. An increased level of IL-6 in the serum of patients with MM can be explained by the overproduction of IL-6 in the marrow. The IL-6 system also has a role in the pathogenesis of bone lesions in MM. IL-6, soluble IL-6 receptor alpha (sIL-6Rα), and interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β) activate osteoclasts in the vicinity of myeloma cells and thus initiate bone resorption. IL-6 may account for MM-associated anemia and for the lack of thrombocytopenia because of its stimulation of megakaryopoiesis.


Multiple myeloma is the most common form of dysproteinemia. It accounts for 1% of all types of malignant diseases and 10% of hematologic malignancies. The age-adjusted incidence is estimated to be 5.6 cases/100,000 population/year in Western countries. About 10,000 Americans die each year from MM. In Western countries, the frequency of myeloma is likely to increase in the near future as the population ages.

The onset of MM is from 40 to 70 years, with a peak incidence in the seventh decade. It is uncommon (<2% of cases) in patients younger than 40 years. In general, patients with LCD and IgD myeloma are younger than those with IgG or IgA myeloma and have a poorer prognosis because of their high incidence of nephropathy. Males are affected in approximately 62% of cases; the male-to-female ratio is 1.6:1. In addition, blacks are affected twice as often as whites.

IgG myeloma is the most common form of MM (Table 27-2). Four subtypes of IgG heavy chains are known to exist among patients with IgG myeloma. Cases of IgG myeloma are distributed as follows: 65% are gamma G1, 23% gamma G2, 8% gamma G3, and 4% gamma G4 subclass. The only subclass-dependent difference is the greater propensity for patients with IgG3 myeloma to experience hyperviscosity syndrome, similar to the manifestation in WM.

Table 27-2

Distribution of Immunoglobulin Types in Patients With Multiple Myeloma

Type of Protein Multiple Myeloma (%)
IgM 12
IgG 52
IgA 22
IgD 2
IgE Rare
Light chains (kappa or lambda) 11
Heavy chains Rare
Monoclonal proteins <1
Nonsecretory myeloma 1

Multiple myeloma runs a progressive course, with most patients dying within 1 to 3 years. The β2-microglobulin level at initial evaluation has been adopted as a predictor of outcome. If the serum β2-microglobulin level is elevated at the start of therapy, the prognosis is less favorable. The major causes of death are overwhelming infection (sepsis) and renal insufficiency. In patients with sepsis, mortality exceeds 50%, despite antibiotic therapy.

Signs and Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of MM include bone pain, typically in the back or chest, and weakness, fatigue, and pallor associated with anemia or abnormal bleeding. In all, 20% of patients exhibit hepatomegaly and 5% demonstrate splenomegaly. In some cases, the major manifestations of disease result from acute infection, renal insufficiency, hypercalcemia, or amyloidosis. Weight loss and night sweats are not prominent until the disease is advanced. Bone pain, anemia, and renal insufficiency constitute a triad of signs and symptoms strongly suggestive of MM.

In 1975 a staging system for myeloma was developed. This system defines indolent versus severe disease and determines a basis for therapy. Patients are divided into three groups, with classification based on the production of IgG by plasma cells and the total quantity of IgG in the body. The number of abnormal plasma cells is correlated with the hemoglobin value, serum calcium level, serum IgG peak, and presence or absence of lytic bone lesions. Renal function is also considered an important factor, not only because it is essential to survival, but also because IgG light chains can damage the kidneys.

Some physicians use a simpler system of staging based on serum albumin, hemoglobin, and β2-microglobulin levels.

Skeletal Abnormalities

About 90% of patients with MM have broadly disseminated destruction of the skeleton, which is responsible for the predominance of bone pain. These abnormalities consist of punched-out lytic areas (Fig. 27-2), osteoporosis, and fractures in about 80% of patients. The vertebrae, skull, thoracic cage, pelvis, and proximal humeri and femurs are the most frequent sites of involvement.

Renal Disorders

Acute renal failure (ARF) occurs in about 5% to 10% of patients. Although ARF may occur at any time in the course of myeloma, it can be the initial manifestation of disease. ARF has been observed after infection, hypercalcemia, dehydration, and IV urography. Serum creatinine levels are elevated in about half these patients and approximately one third have hypercalcemia.

Chronic renal failure is a common development in MM patients. As many as two thirds of patients display serum creatinine levels higher than 1.5 mg/dL and 10% to 20% may develop end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Patients with IgD or light-chain myeloma are much more likely to develop renal failure than those with IgG or IgA myeloma. Proteinuria is a common finding, with over half of all MM patients excreting abnormal amounts of Bence Jones (BJ) protein (light chains). Patients with BJ proteinuria are much more likely to have renal tubular defects than those without BJ proteinuria.

Studies have suggested that BJ proteins have a deleterious effect on renal function via at least two mechanisms. First, renal failure may result from intratubular precipitation of BJ protein and subsequent intrarenal obstruction. When the distal collecting tubules become obstructed by large casts consisting mainly of BJ protein, the disorder may be referred to as myeloma kidney. The second mechanism of renal failure may be a function of direct tubular cell injury. As a result of these tubular defects, abnormalities in urine-concentrating ability and renal acidification are observed. Although the presence of a large concentration of BJ proteinuria is usually associated with some degree of renal dysfunction, some patients excrete large amounts of BJ protein for years and maintain renal function.

Lambda light chains have been implicated in nephrotoxicity, but their role has not been firmly established.

Immunologic Manifestations

In approximately 20% of patients, multiple myeloma is diagnosed by chance in the absence of symptoms, usually after screening laboratory studies have revealed an increased serum protein concentration. MM cells express not only cytoplasmic immunoglobulins, the hallmark of plasma cells, but early B, T, natural killer (NK), myeloid, erythroid, and megakaryocytic cell markers as well. These phenotypic features are consistent with the hypothesis that MM may originate from a transformed early hematopoietic progenitor cell, which explains the occasional coexistence of MM and acute myelogenous leukemia (AML).

Patients with MM have defects in humoral but not cellular immunity. Humoral immunity is disrupted because plasma cell tumors induce the suppression of antibody synthesis by normal immunoglobulin-secreting cells and the production of antiidiotype antibodies declines proportionately. In addition, selective impairment occurs in the formation of normal antibodies because of increased immunoglobulin catabolism and the release of a protein that incites macrophages to suppress synthesis of normal immunoglobulins by myeloma cells. Depression of normal humoral immunity accounts for the high susceptibility of MM patients to bacterial infection. The normal functioning of cellular immunity is demonstrated by normal resistance to fungal and most viral infections and by normal delayed-type hypersensitivity to skin testing antigens.

Initially, in vivo myeloma clones are subject to control by the immune network via specific idiotype-antiidiotype mechanisms. Each of the million or more potential immunoglobulin variants in every individual carries singular determinants of designated idiotypes. Antiidiotypic antibodies directed against autologous immunoglobulin are elicited during a normal immune response. The presumed mission of antiidiotypic antibodies is to help terminate the immune response by binding complementary idiotypes to form endogenous immune complexes that are removed from the circulation. The antiidiotypic antibodies in turn stimulate production of antibodies to antiidiotype, and so on, to create a modulating network that includes T cells, which recognize idiotype antigens through unique antigen receptors. Antiidiotype- and idiotype-sensitized T cells collaborate most efficiently during highly restricted responses, during which both antibodies and lymphocytes that specifically recognize the dominant idiotype are activated. These can inhibit or enhance the response of lymphocytes to receptors expressing the idiotype. The overall net direction of the response is determined by the functional influence of T cells linked by antiidiotype receptor interactions to their molecular targets on B cells. In MM, idiotype expression is carried to an extreme. Monoclonal paraproteins secreted by plasma cell tumors induce many immunologic responses capable of acting in concert to contain or modulate tumor growth.

The earliest detectable monoclonal B cell, as identified by idiotypic structures of the myeloma protein, is the transitional form bearing surface IgM, IgD, and IgG. This and the finding that precursor (early) B cells destined to become myeloma cells possess surface IgG (sIgG) indicate that the myeloma tumor clone includes memory B cells that can mature into plasma cells. The use of antiidiotypic antibodies for identifying IgA myeloma clones has revealed clonal expression at the pre–B state, a finding supported by the observation that B cells in the circulation of myeloma patients are clonally frozen at the pre–B stage. As maturing B cell members of the malignant clone differentiate in the marrow, they lose IgD and IgM, in that order, accumulate sIgG, and finally shed sIg to become IgG-producing mature plasma cells, as programmed by the mutant precursor cell. Thus, the mature myeloma cell contains abundant cytoplasmic (secretory) IgG but no sIgG. IgA myeloma cells proceed along the same normal differentiation scheme of B cell maturation. Although MM-associated tumors disseminate widely, the disease is spread through the release of clonal precursors into the blood circulation that show lymphoid rather than plasma cell morphology.

The most consistent immunologic feature of multiple myeloma is the incessant synthesis of a dysfunctional single monoclonal protein or of immunoglobulin chains of fragments, with concurrent suppression of the synthesis of normal functional antibody. In 99% of myeloma patients, an M component is usually found in serum, urine, or both. Different types of M components are associated with various clinical syndromes.

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