Imaging and interventional techniques in surgery

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Imaging and interventional techniques in surgery

Plain radiology

Body tissues absorb X-rays proportionate to the density (atomic number) of their elements, e.g. calcium in bones absorbs a great deal of X-irradiation so bones are displayed white on radiographs or computed tomography. Contrast media also absorb X-rays well as they usually contain iodine or barium, both large atoms with many electrons. Low-density tissues made up of atoms with a low atomic number, such as air in lungs, absorb few X-rays and hence display as black. Intermediate densities such as water in muscle or organs are displayed as grey. Remember, fat floats on water because it is less dense, demonstrating its electron density is less than water, so fat is displayed darker than muscle but not as dark as air. This varied absorption of X-rays results in differential penetration and exposure of traditional X-ray films or activation of sensors in a filmless rig. A radiograph is in effect a ‘shadow’ picture of electron density.

Some foreign bodies in wounds are radiopaque, including metal and most glass fragments, but wood and plastic are radiolucent and invisible. Gauze swabs used in operating theatres are radiolucent but have a radiopaque strand allowing them to be located radiographically if left in a wound (Fig. 5.1).

Personal radiation protection

Ionising radiation is both mutagenic and carcinogenic and irradiation of patients and observers must be minimised. This is achieved by:

• Giving training in radiation protection to all staff using and working near X-ray equipment

• Ensuring every investigation helps with management and none is performed merely as ‘routine’

• Improving design of X-ray equipment to minimise radiation dose whilst preserving diagnostic detail. X-ray scatter is minimised and unwanted types of radiation removed by filters

• Physical barriers are built into radiology suites or provided to protect staff. These include barium plaster in walls, lead-glass windows and lead-rubber aprons

• Workers involved in X-rays should keep away from the direct beam line and maintain a good distance from the X-ray source during exposure. Note the inverse square law determines the fall-off of radiation with distance

• All involved in radiography should wear X-ray-sensitive film badges which need to be regularly monitored for excess radiation

General Principles of Radiology

These factors are involved in producing a useful radiographic image:

• X-ray power and exposure time—chosen to give a diagnostically useful exposure without excess dosage. Good quality images have a range of densities appropriate to the anatomical area. For example, thoracic spine views require a larger dose than lungs

• Different projections (views) produce different views of the same subject. The X-ray tube is effectively a point source with a diverging beam (see Fig. 5.2), so the subject is magnified. The distortion least affects the body part closest to the film, which is thus shown most clearly. The beam direction should be recorded on the film as it has consequences for interpretation, e.g. a frontal chest film might be PA (postero-anterior) or AP (antero-posterior). With lateral exposures, the side nearest the film is indicated, e.g. a ‘Rt’ lateral chest X-ray (CXR) has the right side nearest the film

• Patient position during exposure (i.e. supine, prone, oblique or erect) affects the image because of gravity affecting organs, gas or fluid. Most films are taken with the patient lying supine with the X-ray beam aimed vertically downwards. A horizontal beam can demonstrate fluid levels in a cavity or bowel (lateral decubitus), or free gas under the diaphragm

Electronic recording techniques

X-ray, magnetic resonance (MRI), ultrasound and isotope scan images are increasingly being recorded digitally rather than in analogue form. Digital images can be manipulated to optimise available information–enhancing contrast between tissues, magnifying areas of interest and abstracting the relevant parts from image series. Electronic storage has a number of advantages over conventional film:

‘Filmless’ X-ray departments are becoming the norm, with images displayed on terminals dispersed around the hospital. Images can be accessed remotely by family practitioners and clinicians at home or in other hospitals.

Plain radiology

Plain abdominal radiology: Most abdominal films are taken with the patient supine. Bowel is visible when it contains gas (Figs 5.3 and 5.4); normal small bowel is less than 3 cm wide and tends to occupy the centre of the abdomen. When dilated, it shows transverse folds (plicae circulares) which completely cross the lumen. The colon usually lies peripherally and has haustrations; these folds only partly traverse the lumen (Fig. 5.3). Normal colon is less than 6 cm wide and often contains faecal lumps with a mottled appearance. Further reading about this topic is available from:

The kidneys may be outlined by a border of perinephric fat but outlines are often obscured by bowel gas and faeces. After nephrectomy, the ‘renal outline’ may persist and the kidney appears to be present. Small urinary tract stones are easily obscured and the liver may be visible but its size cannot be estimated.

When examining an abdominal X-ray, important features to look for are:

The limitations of plain abdominal radiography are summarised in Box 5.1.

Free intraperitoneal gas: Free gas is diagnostic of bowel perforation except after recent laparotomy. A horizontal beam chest or upper abdominal X-ray with the patient erect is the most useful method of demonstrating it as a radiolucent layer beneath the diaphragm (see Fig. 19.8, p. 275). The layer can be very small but is often obvious. Perforation can also be confidently diagnosed when the inside and outside of the bowel wall are both outlined by radiolucent shadows, but this is rare (Rigler’s sign, Fig. 32.7, p. 413). Where the result is doubtful or the patient too ill to sit or stand, he or she should be placed in the right-side raised lateral decubitus position (i.e. lying on the left side) for 10 minutes. A horizontal beam X-ray taken across the table can then reveal as little as 2 ml of gas above the lateral liver border (Fig. 5.4).

Contrast radiology

When plain radiography is inappropriate, a highly X-ray-absorbing contrast medium may be employed. Contrast media outline structures either directly, or indirectly by being concentrated in the target organ. Contrast studies can still be helpful when supervised by trained and experienced personnel but are increasingly being replaced by other tests. For example computed tomography (CT) instead of barium enema or intravenous urography (IVU), duplex ultrasound instead of venography and some arteriography, and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) instead of conventional angiography.

Direct studies include contrast material swallowed, instilled into body orifices, sinuses (sinogram) or fistulae (fistulogram), or injected into blood vessels or hollow viscera. Examples are barium enema for large bowel and arteriography for the arterial system. Indirect contrast studies include IVU where contrast injected intravenously is excreted in urine to display the urinary tract.

Contrast materials: Barium sulphate is the best agent for directly outlining the GI tract. It is insoluble in water and is not absorbed. An aqueous suspension is non-irritant and very radiodense. Barium investigations of the upper and lower gastrointestinal tracts have been largely superseded by endoscopy or cross-sectional imaging but are still occasionally employed.

Water-soluble iodinated benzoic acid derivatives can be injected into arteries or veins to opacify them (arteriography or venography). Injectable contrast media have improved over the years to make them safer but they remain potentially nephrotoxic in patients with renal impairment.

Direct venography has largely been replaced by colour duplex ultrasound, and CT or MR angiography is used more than direct studies for diagnosis.

Examples of contrast radiology:

Bowel contrast radiology: Any part of the gastrointestinal tract can be demonstrated using contrast. Most barium studies use a double contrast method. Following barium, air or carbon dioxide is used to distend the bowel and separate the barium-coated bowel walls. An anticholinergic agent such as hyoscine butylbromide (Buscopan) is sometimes given at the same time to abolish spasm, further improving the image.

If substantial peritoneal spillage is likely, as in possible perforation or when checking a recent rectal anastomosis, barium should be avoided as it causes peritonitis. In these, a water-soluble contrast medium is best given initially, and barium substituted if no leak is detected.

Large bowel: The large bowel is examined by means of contrast material given rectally (barium enema). The lower rectum is often poorly shown so prior rectal examination and sigmoidoscopy is best to ensure low lesions are not missed.

With improved technology, CT is increasingly used for large bowel examination. It can be performed without laxative preparation where it would be acceptable to miss small polyps, for example in suspected obstructing lesions. CT can be useful in the frail elderly when a right-sided colonic cancer is suspected because of anaemia or a palpable mass. For a more complete examination, CT colonography (also known as CT coloscopy or virtual colonoscopy) requires full bowel cleansing. During the procedure, air or carbon dioxide is insufflated into the colon; the technique is sensitive enough to detect lesions larger than 1 cm. The investigation is quicker and less unpleasant than barium enema and has replaced it altogether in some units. Hundreds of images are produced and the best are viewed on workstations along with reconstructed axial and 3D images of the bowel lumen (see Fig. 5.5).

Complications of barium contrast studies: The limitations of barium contrast studies are summarised in Box 5.2. There is a risk that contrast material may be aspirated into the bronchial tree, causing aspiration pneumonitis, so care must be taken when giving oral barium to patients with swallowing difficulties. CT scanning is safer and more likely to provide useful information such as the level and cause of obstruction, and associated pathology such as lung or liver metastases.

Biliary radiology

Some biliary investigations described in previous editions of this book (e.g. oral cholecystography and intravenous cholangiography) have been superseded by ultrasound and increased availability of endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography (ERCP, p. 65) and magnetic resonance cholangio-pancreatography (MRCP).

Magnetic resonance cholangio-pancreatography (MRCP) (Fig. 5.6 e and f): MRCP now produces images that rival the quality of ERCP. MRI differentiates tissues and organs by their varying water content. Bile and pancreatic juice are mostly water, hence MRCP gives clear images of bile in the gall bladder and ducts and outlines the pancreatic duct. It reveals filling defects caused by stones or tumours. MRCP can identify bile leaks, gallstones in the bile ducts, and duct obstruction from any cause. There are no known hazards. MRCP is increasingly used prior to ERCP for pancreatico-biliary investigation to reduce the number of patients requiring the more invasive investigation.






Fig. 5.6 Some techniques for demonstrating the biliary system
(a) and (b) Endoscopic retrograde cholangiography
The patient is sedated and a side-viewing gastroscope passed down so the tip reaches the second part of the duodenum. The ampulla of Vater is cannulated under direct vision and contrast medium injected to outline the bile ducts. (b) A large gallstone C is seen within the dilated common bile duct and a collection of radiopaque gallstones GS is seen in the gall bladder
(c) and (d) Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography
A needle N is passed into the liver until it encounters a dilated duct. Contrast medium is then injected to outline the ducts. (d) Case study—this deeply jaundiced 57-year-old woman has grossly dilated intrahepatic ducts and complete obstruction of the proximal common bile duct in the porta hepatis at O. This was due to lymph node metastases from carcinoma of stomach. This method is employed less often nowadays because of the superior safety of other methods described here
(e) and (f) Magnetic resonance cholangio-pancreatography (MRCP)
The technique produces images of static fluid, thus the images are of native biliary and pancreatic secretions. Each image was obtained in one second using a thick slab ‘projection’ method that generates images very similar to ERCP. The pancreatic duct in each image is labelled P. (e) An example of normal biliary and pancreatic duct systems. (f) A small calculus, C, in the distal common bile duct. There is also mild dilatation of the pancreatic duct with some side branches visible

Indications for MRCP include:

Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC): Percutaneous cholangiography is rarely used for diagnosis but has occasional therapeutic indications. A long fine (22 G) ‘Chiba’ needle is passed percutaneously, directly into dilated intrahepatic ducts, and contrast injected to display the duct system (see Fig. 5.6c). This shows the configuration of extrahepatic duct obstruction from the proximal direction. Occasionally, PTC is employed to drain obstructed ducts after failed endoscopic placement of a drain or stent. In jaundiced patients, disordered blood clotting is likely so a clotting screen and platelet count should be performed before PTC, and any clotting disorder corrected.

Endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography (ERCP): This is described below (see Diagnostic and therapeutic duodenoscopy); its use in obstructive jaundice is described in detail in Chapter 18. The basic technique is illustrated in Figure 5.6 a and b.

Operative cholangiography and choledochoscopy: It is standard practice to perform operative cholangiography during open cholecystectomy. For laparoscopic cholecystectomy, some surgeons routinely perform operative cholangiography whilst others prefer no imaging at all for selected cases or else preoperative assessment using MRCP for cases deemed likely to have duct stones.

Operative cholangiography allows the (highly variable) biliary anatomy to be displayed, it demonstrates stones in the bile ducts and it shows whether contrast flows freely into the duodenum. A fine plastic cannula is introduced into a small cystic duct incision and passed into the common bile duct. Water-soluble contrast material is injected to outline the duct system and fluoroscopic images or X-ray films are taken. If duct stones are demonstrated, they are often retrieved surgically at the same operation. At open cholecystectomy, this is via a longitudinal incision in the common bile duct (exploration of the common bile duct). At laparoscopic surgery, the same technique is used with a small transverse or longitudinal choledochotomy, depending on the duct size and the stone size to be retrieved. A flexible 5 mm or 3 mm endoscope called a choledochoscope is passed into the bile duct and stones may be retrieved using a range of techniques including snares, baskets, balloons, or they can even be shattered with lithotripsy probes. The choledochoscope enables the bile and intrahepatic ducts to be inspected afterwards to see that all stones have been removed. A further cholangiogram is often done afterwards to ensure the duct is clear. Stone removal may be deferred and performed later at ERCP although it carries risk of complications, including biliary leakage and acute pancreatitis.

Vascular Radiology (Angiography)

General principles and hazards of arteriography and venography

Further detail about applications of vascular radiology is given in Chapter 41.

The veins or arteries of an anatomical region can be opacified by intravenous or intra-arterial injection of contrast medium. This is angiography and includes arteriography and venography. In arteriography, needle puncture of the access artery is followed by guide-wire insertion, needle removal and catheter insertion over the guide-wire. Shaped catheters and wires are used to advance the catheter tip to an appropriate position for arteriography. Favoured access sites are the femoral artery in the groin, the brachial artery above the elbow and, more recently, the radial artery at the wrist using smaller diameter catheters.

If there is suspicion of a bleeding disorder, clotting studies should be performed beforehand to anticipate potential haemorrhagic complications from the vessel puncture site.

The contrast medium is the same as that used for computed tomography (CT) and carries similar hazards, i.e. allergic reaction and nephrotoxicity (see Urography below). There is also the risk of complications from the cannulation, which may cause bleeding or thrombosis and, for arteries, wall dissection, arteriovenous fistula or false aneurysm formation.


Digital subtraction is now standard for contrast vascular studies. The unchanging opacities of a plain radiographic image (particularly bone and bowel gas) are subtracted from the image after the injection of contrast medium so lower doses produce better images. In some cases, intravenous contrast alone can produce useful images, although this is used less frequently with advances in CT angiography (CTA) and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA).

In lower limb arteriography, if the aorto-iliac system is occluded and femoral pulses undetectable, the usual femoral artery access is not accessible, so a catheter can be placed via the radial or brachial artery. However, magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) or CTA is often preferred when available. Arteriography will demonstrate stenoses or occlusions due to thrombosis, atheroma and embolism.