Hypersensitivity (Type III)

Published on 18/02/2015 by admin

Filed under Allergy and Immunology

Last modified 18/02/2015

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Chapter 25 Hypersensitivity (Type III)


Immune complexes are formed when antibody meets antigen. They are removed by the mononuclear phagocyte system following complement activation. Persistence of antigen from chronic infection or in autoimmune disease can lead to immune complex disease.

Immune complexes can trigger a variety of inflammatory processes. Fc–FcR interactions are the key mediators of inflammation. Most importantly, Fc regions within immune deposits within tissues engage Fc receptors on activated neutrophils, lymphocytes, and platelets to induce inflammation. During chronic inflammation B cells and macrophages are the predominant infiltrating cell type, and activation of endogenous cells within the organ participates in fibrosis and disease progression.

Experimental models demonstrate the main immune complex diseases. Serum sickness can be induced with large injections of foreign antigen. Autoimmunity causes immune complex disease in the NZB/NZW mouse. Injection of antigen into the skin of presensitized animals produces the Arthus reaction.

Immune complexes are normally removed by the mononuclear phagocyte system. Complement helps to disrupt antigen–antibody bonds and keeps immune complexes soluble. Primate erythrocytes bear a receptor for C3b and are important for transporting complement-containing immune complexes to the spleen for removal. Complement deficiencies lead to the formation of large, relatively insoluble complexes, which deposit in tissues.

The size of immune complexes affects their deposition. Deposition of circulating, soluble immune complexes is limited by physical factors, such as the size and charge of the complexes. Small, positively charged complexes have the greatest propensity for deposition within vessels. Large immune complexes are rapidly removed in the liver and spleen.

Immune complex deposition in the tissues results in tissue damage. Immune complexes can form both in the circulation, leading to systemic disease, and at local sites such as the lung. Charged cationic antigens have tissue-binding properties, particularly for the glomerulus, and help to localize complexes to the kidney. Factors that tend to increase blood vessel permeability enhance the deposition of immune complexes in tissues.

Immune complex diseases

Immune complexes are formed when antibody meets antigen, and generally they are removed effectively by the liver and spleen via processes involving complement, mononuclear phagocytes and erythrocytes.

Immune complexes may persist and eventually deposit in a range of tissues and organs. The complement and effector cell-mediated damage that follows is known as a type III hypersensitivity reaction or immune complex disease.

The sites of immune complex deposition are partly determined by the localization of the antigen in the tissues and partly by how circulating complexes become deposited.

Immune complex formation can result from:

Type II and type III hypersensitivity reactions are similar in concept and action and are not mutually exclusive. Both types of reactions may be seen in autoimmune rheumatic disorders such as systemic lupus erythematosus where autoimmune haemolytic anaemia and immune thrombocytopenic purpura may occur.

Immune complexes can be formed with inhaled antigens

Immune complexes may be formed at body surfaces following exposure to extrinsic antigens.

Such reactions are seen in the lungs following repeated inhalation of antigenic materials from molds, plants, or animals. This is exemplified in:

Both diseases are forms of extrinsic allergic alveolitis, and occur only after repeated exposure to the antigen. Note that the antibodies induced by these antigens are primarily IgG, rather than the IgE seen in type I hypersensitivity reactions. When antigen again enters the body by inhalation, local immune complexes are formed in the alveoli leading to inflammation and fibrosis (Fig. 25.3).

Precipitating antibodies to actinomycete antigens are found in the sera of 90% of patients with farmer’s lung. However, they are also found in some people with no disease, and are absent from some patients, so it seems that other factors are also involved in the disease process, including type IV hypersensitivity reactions.

Immune complex disease occurs in autoimmune rheumatic disorders

Immune complex disease is common in autoimmune disease, where the continued production of autoantibody to a self antigen leads to prolonged immune complex formation. As the number of complexes in the blood increases, the systems responsible for the removal of complexes (mononuclear phagocyte, erythrocyte, and complement) become overloaded, and complexes are deposited in the tissues (see Fig. 25.16). Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is the classic disease characterized by immune complex deposition and others include Henoch-Schönlein purpura and primary Sjögren’s syndrome.

Immune complexes and inflammation

Immune complexes are capable of triggering a wide variety of inflammatory processes:

Studies with knockout mice indicate that complement has a less proinflammatory role than previously thought, whereas cells bearing Fc receptors for IgG and IgE appear to be critical for developing inflammation, with complement having a protective effect.

The vasoactive amines released by platelets, basophils, and mast cells cause endothelial cell retraction and thus increase vascular permeability, allowing the deposition of immune complexes on the blood vessel wall (Fig. 25.5). The deposited complexes continue to generate C3a and C5a.

Platelets also aggregate on the exposed collagen of the vessel basement membrane to form microthrombi.

The aggregated platelets continue to produce vasoactive amines and to stimulate the production of C3a and C5a. Platelets are also a rich source of growth factors – these may be involved in the cellular proliferation seen in immune complex diseases such as glomerulonephritis.

Polymorphs are chemotactically attracted to the site by C5a. They attempt to engulf the deposited immune complexes, but are unable to do so because the complexes are bound to the vessel wall. Therefore they exocytose their lysosomal enzymes onto the site of deposition (see Fig. 25.5). If simply released into the blood or tissue fluids these lysosomal enzymes are unlikely to cause much inflammation, because they are rapidly neutralized by serum enzyme inhibitors. But if the phagocyte applies itself closely to the tissue-trapped complexes through Fc binding, then serum inhibitors are excluded and the enzymes may damage the underlying tissue.

Complement is an important mediator of immune complex disease

In many diseases, complement activation is triggered inappropriately and drives a vicious cycle, causing:

This scenario is particularly evident in autoimmune diseases where immune complexes deposit in tissues and activate complement, causing damage and destruction of host cells. Examples include:

Staining of these tissues for complement deposits reveals the full extent of involvement. The tissues are often packed with C3 fragments and other complement proteins. Complement activation is also evident in the blood in these diseases; complement activity and the plasma concentrations of the major components C3 and C4 are reduced due to consumption in the tissues and levels of complement activation fragments are increased.

In SLE, autoantibodies are generated against cell contents including DNA, cytoplasmic proteins, and small nuclear ribonucleoproteins. The source of these autoantigens is apoptosis and failure to effectively clear apoptotic bodies has been demonstrated in SLE, resulting in the accumulation of apoptotic cell remnants. Immune complexes form when autoantibodies bind post-apoptotic debris and these deposit in capillary beds in organs such as skin, kidney, joint, and brain where they activate complement causing further tissue damage. Here complement is playing dual roles:

Patients with active SLE often have markedly decreased plasma levels of complement activity and the components C3 and C4 due to the massive and widespread activation of the system.

Experimental models of immune complex diseases

Experimental models are available for the main types of immune complex disease described above:

Care must be taken when interpreting animal experiments because the erythrocytes of rodents and rabbits lack the receptor for C3b (known as CR1), which readily binds immune complexes that have fixed complement. This receptor is present on primate erythrocytes.

Serum sickness can be induced with large injections of foreign antigen

In serum sickness, circulating immune complexes deposit in the blood vessel walls and tissues, leading to increased vascular permeability and thus to inflammatory diseases such as glomerulonephritis and arthritis.

Serum sickness is now commonly studied in rabbits by giving them an intravenous injection of a foreign soluble protein such as bovine serum albumin (BSA). After about 1 week antibodies are formed, which enter the circulation and complex with antigen. Because the reaction occurs in antigen excess, the immune complexes are small (Fig. 25.w1). These small complexes are removed only slowly by the mononuclear phagocyte system and therefore persist in the circulation.

The formation of complexes is followed by an abrupt fall in total hemolytic complement.

The clinical signs of serum sickness that develop are due to granular deposits of antigen–antibody and C3 forming along the glomerular basement membrane (GBM) and in small vessels elsewhere. As more antibody is formed and the reaction moves into antibody excess, the size of the complexes increases and they are cleared more efficiently, so the animals recover. Chronic disease is induced by daily administration of antigen.