Hematolymphoid Disorders

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15 Hematolymphoid Disorders

In the interval since the first edition of this textbook, there have been clinically significant revisions to the classification of lymphomas that affect the approach to diagnosing hematolymphoid proliferations. These include the identification of new “phenotypic” entities, such as the anaplastic large B cell lymphoma associated with ALK translocations,15 plasmablastic microlymphoma,6,7 cyclin D1+ large B cell lymphomas,8 and new “cytogenetic” entities, such as “double-hit” diffuse large B cell lymphomas.9 Other changes include the subdivision of old entities, such as diffuse large B cell lymphoma into genetic “activated” and “germinal center” subtypes.1012 Diagnostic categories, such as atypical Burkitt lymphoma and Hodgkin-like anaplastic large T cell lymphoma, have been retired. This is evident in the revisions of the World Health Organization (WHO) publication on the pathology and genetics of hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues,5 which increasingly represents a clinicopathologic touchstone for oncology.

The disease-defining characteristics of benign processes require recognition of both the specific patterned immunoarchitectural disturbance and the full range of nonspecific hyperplasia With respect to B lineage lymphomas, the orienting principle of classification remains ontology, with each lymphoma having a close molecular and immunophenotypic resemblance to specific stages of normal B cell development. By contrast, T lineage lymphomas remain a collection of distinct entities with no apparent ontogenic mimicry. With respect to myeloid neoplasms, cytogenetics is central to the definition of specific disease categories.

Twenty-first-century care requires both the generalist and the specialist to be familiar with the indications for the full range of molecular tests available, the specimen requirements for each, and their suitability and relevance to specific differential diagnostic setting. When presented with hematologic proliferations in the lung, pathologists must use an expanding array of special studies to formulate and resolve the differential diagnosis and provide the results of tests that aid in risk stratification.11 Microarray technology is an established method for both class discovery and class definition13,14 and in the not-too-distant future may become a part of the diagnostic and prognostic workup of patients with lymphoma.15 This chapter describes the tests and techniques of hematopathology and the diagnoses that these tests enable.

Special Studies


Specimen Requirements

Well-fixed tissue that has been in formalin for at least 6 hours is required. Some hematologic markers yield weak or nonreactive results in B5-, Bouin-, and Hollande-fixed tissue, even though the stain works well on formalin-fixed tissue from the same patient. Acidified zinc-formalin preparations (AZF) perform exceptionally well with most hematologic markers, and they may be the best choice for laboratories wishing to work without mercury and picrate.

Immunophenotypic analysis of tissue sections is an essential part of the evaluation of hematolymphoid proliferations in both nodal and extranodal sites. The range of antibodies and the increase in the number of rabbit monoclonal antibodies available for paraffin-embedded material continues to expand,1619 but most differential challenges can be resolved with a handful of markers. Table 15-1 lists markers that cover all of the entities described in this chapter. Boxes 15-1 and 15-2 describe panels and the manner in which they might be used.

Table 15-1 Antibodies Useful in the Paraffin Section Evaluation of Hematolymphoid Proliferations

Marker Description
B Cell Lineage Markers
CD10 Positive in follicle center cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (not lineage-specific; also present on some epithelial and stromal tumors)
CD19 Early B cell marker (also present on B-LBL; not present on plasma cells)
CD20 Mature B cell marker (not present on B-LBL; most plasma cells negative)
CD23 Activated B cells
CD79a Immature and mature B cells (present on B-LBL as well as plasma cells)
PAX5 Immature B cells, including lymphoblasts, mature B cells; negative in plasma cells; also positive in some neuroendocrine tumors, including small cell carcinoma
CD138 Plasma cells, some cases of classic Hodgkin lymphoma
MUM1 In the proper context, postfollicular B cells and plasma cells
IgD Immunoglobulin heavy-chain delta, present in benign mantle cells, some lymphomas
κ, λ Immunoglobulin light chains (cell surface expression assessed by flow; cytoplasmic expression by immunohistochemistry)
T Cell Lineage Markers
CD1a Some immature T cells (thymocytes), Langerhans cells
CD2 Pan T cell marker; may also be present on natural killer cells by flow cytometry
CD3 T cells
CD4 Helper/suppressor T cells
CD5 Preferential T cell marker (also positive in some B cell neoplasms)
CD7 T cells, some natural killer cells
CD8 Cytotoxic T cells
CD43 Preferential T cell marker (also positive in some B cell neoplasms and granulocytic proliferations)
CD56 Natural killer cells and some T cells; also positive in some neuroendocrine tumors
CD57 Natural killer cells and some T cells; also expressed on some neuroendocrine tumors
Monocyte/Macrophage/Accessory Cell Markers
CD1a Langerhans cells, some T cells (thymocytes)
CD14 Monocytes (paraffin markers available, not widely used)
CD15 Granulocytes, also positive in Hodgkin lymphoma and adenocarcinoma
CD21 Follicular dendritic cells, some B cells
CD31 PECAM-1; marks vascular endothelium and monocytes, macrophages, and histiocytes
CD33 Granulocytes (paraffin marker available, not yet widely used)
CD68 Macrophages, monocytes (two clones; KP1 and PGM1 have slightly different specificities)
CD163 Hemoglobin scavenger receptor; expressed on macrophages and histiocytes, including histiocytic malignancies
Langerin Langerhans cells, both in Langerhans cell histiocytosis and Langerhans cell sarcoma
Miscellaneous Markers
ALK1 Positive in some peripheral T cell lymphomas, also in some inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors
bcl6 Transcriptional regulator positive in germinal center B cells as well as some lymphoblasts; may be positive in the lesional cells of some T cell neoplasms
bcl2 Anti-apoptosis protein positive in virtually all lymphoid proliferations except benign germinal center B cells and Burkitt lymphoma
Cyclin D1 Cell cycle regulator positive in mantle cell lymphoma, myeloma, and rare cases of large B cell lymphoma
CD45 Leukocyte common antigen present on lymphocytes, blasts, monocytes, and L&H type Reed-Sternberg cells
Oct2 Transcription factor in some B and T cells; also present in L&H type Reed-Sternberg cells
TdT Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase, a marker of the blastic stage
EMA Epithelial membrane antigen (positive in some large cell lymphomas and some plasmacytomas)
Ki67 Proliferation marker that helps to identify proliferation centers in chronic lymphocytic lymphoma/small lymphocytic leukemia and is also useful in the multiparameter distinction of high-grade large B cell lymphoma and Burkitt lymphoma

B-LBL, B cell lymphoblastic lymphoma: L&H, lymphocytic and histiocytic; PECAM, platelet-endothelial cell adhesion molecule.

Box 15-1 Immunophenotypic Profiles Associated with Lymphoid Neoplasia

Box 15-2 A Panel Approach to Immunophenotypic Analysis of Hematolymphoid Proliferations in the Lung

BL, Burkitt lymphoma; BLCL, large B cell lymphoma; CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukemia; FL, follicular lymphoma; LBL, lymphoblastic lymphoma; LCL, large cell lymphoma; LPL, lymphoplasmacytic leukemia/lymphoma; MaZL, marginal zone lymphoma; MCL, mantle cell lymphoma; SLL, small lymphocytic leukemia; WM, Waldenström macroglobulinemia.

The judicious and cost-effective use of immunostains is maximized if the pathologist puts each marker ordered to specific purpose.2023 In the workup of hematolymphoid lesions of the lung, there are four principal goals:

4 Distinguish clinically different but morphologically similar entities.27 Is this a B lineage or a T lineage anaplastic lymphoma? Is this Burkitt lymphoma or a high-grade large cell lymphoma?27 Is this a cyclin D1+ large cell lymphoma or a mantle cell lymphoma?17,28,29 Does this T cell lymphoma express ALK protein?30

In working up hematologic tumors in the lung, the pathologist needs to be aware of certain pitfalls.20 It has long been recognized that CD138 (syndecan 1) marks both plasma cells and a range of epithelial tumors. More recently, PAX-5 has been shown in a broad range of neuroendocrine tumors,31 including small cell carcinoma and Merkel cell carcinoma.32 These studies show that, especially in the evaluation of lung tumors, no one marker should be the sole basis on which the B cell nature of a lung process is defined.33 Other pitfalls were reviewed recently by Yaziji and Barry.20

Requesting that immunohistochemical stains be performed in a specific sequence on sequentially obtained serial sections can be of immeasurable help. Performing semiquantitative assessment of cytoplasmic light-chain expression is easier if the kappa and lambda stains are performed on two sequential sections with essentially the same population of plasma cells. Similarly, if an assessment for follicular colonization is the goal, requesting that the CD20, CD3, bcl2, bcl6, and CD21 stains be performed on sequential serial sections usually allows evaluation of these markers in the same follicle/germinal center to be made.

Flow Cytometry

Specimen Requirements

Fresh (nonfixed) tissue is held in tissue culture media (e.g., RPMI) if not processed immediately. The quantity varies according to how tightly the lesional cells are held in a fibrotic or reticulin meshwork. In a cellular, nonfibrotic lymph node, as little as a 0.5-cm cube may suffice, but in sclerotic mediastinal tissue a 2 × 1 × 1-cm piece of tissue may be needed. As a guide in individual cases, in general, if a touch preparation makes a richly cellular slide, the lower limit may suffice, but if only few cells adhere to the slide, attempting flow cytometry may be a fruitless expenditure of tissue.

An advantage of flow cytometry over tissue section immunophenotyping is that three or four markers can be evaluated simultaneously on specific small- and large-cell populations. Through this detailed multiparameter profile, many lymphoproliferative disorders can be classified more accurately.3437 However, flow cytometric phenotyping does not allow for visualization of the immunoarchitecture of the proliferation, which can be an important element of accurate classification of lymphomas, particularly in the lung, where marginal zone lymphoma (MaZL) is so common. In tissue section-based immunophenotyping, the pathologist can readily identify situations in which the lesional foci have disappeared from the sections used for the stains. In flow cytometric immunophenotyping, however, the pathologist must ensure that the lesional cells are present on a cytospin made from the disaggregated cells.

With the rise of reference laboratories and the ease in sending out fresh tissue for flow cytometry, some pathologists without specialty training in hematopathology may be asked to interpret the histograms and data from such analyses. Attempting to simply “call it by the numbers” extracted from the histograms by the technician may misrepresent the data. The pathologist should first check to see that the cytospin contains the cells of interest, and then determine from the histograms whether they have been appropriately selected (“gated”) for analysis. For instance, blasts, invariably very dimly CD45+, will not be present in the CD45-bright lymphocyte gate, and will be missed if only the CD45-bright region data are analyzed. If the lesional cells are large, the low forward scatter CD45-bright small lymphocyte gate contains a polytypic population of B cells, and the only clue to clonality is present in the high forward scatter, CD45-bright large cell gate.

Flow cytometry yields continuous data that may be reported relative to the gated population (“32% of the gated cells are CD34+ blasts”) or relative to the total cellularity of the specimen (32% of the gated cells are CD34+ blasts, and the gate contains 2.4% of the total cellularity, so CD34+ blasts account for 0.6% of the total cellularity). If the pathologist is not personally extracting the numbers from the histograms, care should be taken to understand and clearly state which type of result is being presented. The difference between 32% blasts and 0.6% blasts in the example would, for instance, lead to different diagnoses.

Most reference laboratories performing flow cytometry have established panels for specific clinical scenarios (lymphoma panel, adult leukemia panel, pediatric leukemia panel, expanded T cell panel) that are tailored to efficiently identify the classic immunophenotypic profiles characteristic of common disease entities.3841 The appropriate panel should be used to address the diagnostic question. Perhaps 10% to 15% of the time, however, a particular lymphoma or leukemia will have a variant phenotype.41,42 Examples include a lack of CD10 in a lymphoma of follicular origin, acquisition of CD10 in hairy cell leukemia, CD5 expression in large cell lymphoma, CD19 expression in acute myeloid leukemia, apparent dim CD23 expression in mantle cell lymphoma, and a lack of CD23 expression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. For this reason and because the immunoarchitecture is an important part of the disease definition for some lymphomas, both flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry may need to be performed in some cases, and the diagnostician should not be shy about doing both.


Specimen Requirements

Classic cytogenetic testing requires fresh (nonfixed) tissue, taken sterilely (preferably in the operating room with a sterile scalpel and forceps) and transported in sterile tissue culture media to the laboratory performing the testing. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) can be performed on disaggregated cells left over from flow cytometry (if kept refrigerated) or on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues.

Many leukemias and lymphomas have recurring chromosomal translocations that can be identified with FISH and classic cytogenetic testing.4353 These tests are widely available at many referral laboratories, but they are expensive and time-consuming. Therefore, the pathologist must be aware of their indications, applications, and limitations and also must make the clinician aware of the time frame between biopsy and final results.

One of the most important applications of cytogenetics is in distinguishing between morphologically similar tumors with widely different aggressiveness or treatment protocols. The distinction between small lymphocytic lymphoma and mantle cell lymphoma is an example of the first type, and the distinction between Burkitt lymphoma and high-grade B cell lymphoma is an example of the second type. Although some translocations are characteristic of certain diseases, not all are as specific for a particular entity as once believed. For instance, c-myc–related translocations were once believed to be specific for Burkitt lymphoma, but are now known to be present in some large B cell lymphomas and in some lymphomas that populate the new WHO category of “B cell lymphoma unclassifiable with features intermediate between high-grade large B cell lymphoma and Burkitt lymphoma”5,48 (discussed later). The most common and clinically relevant karyotypic changes related to leukemias and lymphomas are enumerated in Table 15-2.

Molecular Genetics

Specimen Requirements

The use of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded material is standard, although if peripheral blood or bone marrow is also involved, these tissues may be suitable alternatives; some referral laboratories can also use fresh cells if they remain viable during transport and if the quality of DNA and RNA remains high. Some non-formalin fixatives are acceptable (e.g., Histochoice, Amresco, Solon, OH), but B5, Hollande, and Bouin fixatives denature the DNA and are not suitable for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis.

Over the last decade, molecular genetic analysis has gone from being an expensive test seldom ordered by non-hematopathologists to one routinely ordered when an atypical lymphoid infiltrate is encountered and flow cytometry was not performed or the results were not informative.36 General pathologists must be familiar with the range of molecular tests available, their applications and limits, and the small but real risk of misleading results. Although B5, Bouin, and Hollande fixatives yield excellent cytologic detail, they also denature DNA to the point that tissues fixed in these solutions are not usable for molecular analysis.5457 Therefore, care should be taken during prosection to include sufficient tissue in formalin to allow for molecular studies if preliminary findings on touch preparations or frozen section suggest an hematolymphoid process.58

Polymerase chain reaction analysis may be used on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded material or archived snap-frozen tissue to document clonality,5962 define lineage, evaluate for translocation events, and assess for the presence of infectious agents. PCR may also be used to speciate mycobacterial organisms. Clonality is assessed by examination of areas of the immunoglobulin heavy- and light-chain loci or the T cell receptor α/β or γ loci that are rearranged during normal lymphoid development.54 Specially designed primer sets that flank certain gene loci are used for PCR-based evaluations for certain translocations, a helpful solution when there are no commercially available FISH probes or if tissue suitable for FISH is not available.

As “objective” as they are, molecular genetic tests do not replace the thought process of diagnosis. These test results are adjunctive data that point in one direction or another, but the final diagnosis must be made by the pathologist.63 The results of molecular studies must be integrated into the “big picture” painted by the clinical setting, the morphologic findings, and the immunophenotypic results. Although clonality is used to define neoplasia, lack of clonality does not prove that a lesion is reactive. The finding of an oligoclonal band is meaningless to the treating physician unless the pathologist puts the result into the context of the morphologic and clinical data. Low tumor cell numbers in Hodgkin lymphoma, lymphomatoid granulomatosis, and T cell–rich B cell lymphoma may yield nonclonal results because of the dilutional effect of reactive cells. Similarly, non–B, non–T cell malignancies, such as natural killer cell lymphomas and myeloid leukemias, yield a polyclonal smear because the lesional cells are of neither B cell nor T cell lineage.

Frozen Section Issues

Because of the timeliness of diagnosis and the completeness of classification of hematolymphoid proliferations, special handling of the tissue is required. Put another way, what works for a fibroid uterus does not work for lymphomatous tissues. Routinely handled formalin-fixed tissue is often all that is necessary, but occasionally lack of fresh tissue for flow cytometry or cytogenetic testing can delay the diagnosis or even prevent classification. By chance or design, those affected are often the sickest patients, and delay in diagnosis introduced by a lack of tissue appropriate for ancillary testing can be frustrating to both the clinician and the pathologist.

Under ideal circumstances, therefore, it is important to talk to the patient’s pulmonologist as well as the surgeon. If a patient with known or suspected hematologic disease is undergoing thoracoscopic or open-lung biopsy, tissue should be set aside sterilely in the operating room for culture, cytogenetic testing, or both, and the remainder should be sent to the frozen section room for immediate evaluation of the quantitative adequacy and distribution of tissue for all appropriate ancillary studies. Touch imprints stained with hematoxylin and eosin or Diff-Quik (Dade Behring, Newark, DE) can quickly discriminate among necrotizing, granulomatous, and neoplastic infiltrates, and are fine means of addressing the difficult differential diagnosis of lymphoblastic, Burkitt, Burkitt-like, and high-grade large B cell lymphomas. Air-dried or alcohol-fixed imprints can be used for enzyme histochemistry (myeloperoxidase, the various esterases) as well as for FISH, and most clinical microbiology laboratories have established protocols for pneumocystis, fungal, and acid-fast stains on smears.

If the lesion is cellular and lymphoid, and if at least 1 cm3 of tissue is available, half of the tissue should be sent to the flow laboratory for analysis and the other half fixed in formalin or AZF fixative. The flow laboratory should retain unstained, unfixed disaggregated cells in tissue culture media so that it can be sent for FISH analysis if initial studies warrant. If there is more than 1 cm3 of lesional tissue, taking some for non-formalin fixation (AZF, B5, B1, Hollande) allows for assessment of nuanced cytologic detail, although because this type of fixative has an adverse effect on DNA- and RNA-based studies, it should not be used as the sole fixative.

If there is more than 1 cm3 of lesional tissue, a frozen section can be considered, but the thawed frozen section remnant is not ideal for detailed morphologic assessment and introduces background into some immunohistochemical stains. Unless there is a compelling clinical question requiring resolution in the next 24 hours, frozen sections of hematolymphoid proliferations should be performed only when touch imprints do not provide sufficient information for triaging tissue. Important questions include: Of what value to the patient is this frozen section diagnosis likely to be? Am I ready to confidently diagnose or exclude lymphoma (or, for that matter, acute leukemia) from the diagnosis based on a hematoxylin and eosin frozen section? Can I distinguish MaZL from follicular lymphoma with marginal zone differentiation or an unusual hyperplasia without the help of flow cytometry? Am I ready to make a definitive distinction among a necrotizing infection, lymphomatoid granulomatosis, and high-grade lymphoma? If not, then the frozen tissue has not advanced the patient’s care significantly, but it has rendered a portion of the specimen suboptimal for permanent section histology and immunohistochemistry.

Normal Lymphoid Tissue in the Lung and the Concept of MALT

The lung contains an extensive lymphatic network that channels antigen-rich lymph centripetally toward the parenchymal, septal, hilar, and mediastinal lymph nodes. Organized lymphoid tissue in the periphery of the normal lung is limited to sparse submucosal aggregates of lymphocytes and intrapulmonary lymph nodes, but can be more substantial centrally and along bronchiolar branch points.64 Inhaled particulate matter is trapped in the mucus layer of the proximal airways, and some passes across patches of specialized epithelium, where it initiates primary and secondary immune responses. Inhaled irritants stimulate a principally monocyte/macrophage response, whereas inhaled immunogens promote a lymphocytic (or lymphoplasmacytic) response. In practice, inhalational exposures are seldom purely one or the other, and so the tissue response tends to be mixed and is not infrequently masked by fibrinous exudates and actively phagocytic macrophages. The lymphoid tissue proliferates as a result of nonexogenous stimuli as well. In autoimmune conditions and immunodeficiency states, there is an intrinsic dysregulation of lymphoid proliferation, and the lymphoid hyperplasia—“acquired mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue” (MALT) or “bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue”36,6567 is less masked by acute-phase mucosal changes. Intrapulmonary lymph nodes, also a part of the pulmonary immune surveillance system, are uncommon, but when found, they are more often solitary, peripherally located, and located in the lower lung field. Their structure and immunoarchitectural compartments—and the diseases that affect them—are no different from those of extrapulmonary lymph nodes.

In addition, MALT has a close and specific relationship to the adjacent alveolar and bronchiolar epithelium, the “lymphoepithelium,” where antigen processing and presentation occur. Benign MALT has a distinctive immunoarchitecture, with discrete compartments: the B cell–rich follicles, the mantle, and the T cell–rich interfollicular regions. In some cases and in some areas, a marginal zone of intermediate-sized cells with moderate to abundant amounts of cytoplasm may be interposed between the mantle and the interfollicular regions, although this marginal zone is never as well developed as it is where MALT was originally recognized, in the spleen and Peyer patches (Fig. 15-1). The lymphocytes in these structures shuttle between the mucosa and the circulation to provide ongoing immune surveillance and response to antigens that diffuse through the airways. Between follicles, lymphocytes range from small and resting to intermediate in size and somewhat activated. Plasma cells may be commingled, none with Dutcher bodies. Where immunoblasts are present, their regular size, round nuclear shape, and smooth nuclear contour support a benign interpretation.

Very limited foci of lymphocytes likely have no clinical or radiologic correlate and may not require recognition with a diagnostic line in the report. However, lymphoid accumulations that either have a radiologic correlate or clearly associate with distortions of airways or air spaces should be mentioned (Box 15-3 and Table 15-3).

Reactive Lymphoid Proliferations

Follicular Bronchiolitis

Follicular bronchiolitis is slightly more common in males than in females, involves the lungs bilaterally, and produces a centrilobular reticulonodular pattern of involvement on radiologic studies.69,70 In exceptional cases, opacities up to 1 cm in size may be seen. FB is most commonly seen in patients with congenital or acquired immunodeficiency (HIV, common variable immunodeficiency, or immunoglobulin A deficiency), collagen vascular disease (especially rheumatoid arthritis), or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,7073 and it may also be seen at the periphery of localized infectious processes of the lung.

Microscopically, the key feature is multiple foci of eccentric peribronchiolar accumulations of lymphoid tissue that distort and may narrow the bronchiolar lumen71,7476 (Box 15-4 and Fig. 15-3). Confluent nodule-forming infiltrates larger than 1 cm should raise concern about lymphoma. The structure of benign MALT is preserved, with bcl2– germinal centers that are crisply demarcated by an immunoglobulin D–positive mantle zone and a polymorphous lymphocytic and histiocytic component at the interface with normal lung parenchyma. The proliferation may compress the airways, leading to postobstructive bronchiectasis in distal parenchyma. There is no interstitial involvement in the alveolar walls away from the bronchioles, and the air spaces are uninvolved (Fig. 15-4), a feature that distinguishes FB from LIP.69,70,7577

Immunophenotypic findings in FB are identical to those seen in NLH (discussed later). In the vast majority of cases of FB, no special stains are required. However, in unusual cases, a useful immunohistochemical panel would include CD20, CD3, bcl2, bcl6, MUM1, and immunoglobulin D. The expected findings include a crisp immunoglobulin D–positive mantle at least partway around the germinal centers and germinal centers rich in bcl2–, bcl6+, MUM1– B cells, all enmeshed within a compact array of CD21+ follicular dendritic cells. A cytokeratin stain may be added to assess for destructive lymphoepithelial lesions. If even a modest degree of plasmacytic differentiation is evident on hematoxylin and eosin, kappa and lambda staining will mark enough cells to aid in assessing for clonality.

Differential diagnostic considerations include nonspecific chronic inflammation,78,79 which is not organized or airway-centered, and which usually extends into alveolar walls. NLH may enter into the differential diagnosis, and the distinction is as much quantitative as it is a perception of a mass-forming process that compresses adjacent normal lung parenchyma.80Constrictive bronchiolitis may be associated with lymphocytic accumulations around the bronchioles, but the cue to the correct diagnosis is concomitant peribronchiolar fibrosis with reduction in lumen size such that the bronchiole is significantly smaller in diameter than its accompanying arteriole. An elastin stain may be helpful in defining the architecture in such circumstances.

On transthoracic and transbronchial biopsy specimens, it can be difficult to distinguish a florid focus of FB from lymphoma, largely because of the limited nature of the specimen. Monocytoid morphologic features, Dutcher bodies, monotypic plasma cells or lymphoplasmacytoid forms, and molecular testing for clonality may suggest lymphoma in amply sampled cases, but full diagnosis with classification is probably best reserved for wedge biopsy.

Nodular Lymphoid Hyperplasia

Nodular lymphoid hyperplasia is an extremely rare condition, with only one large series published, representing the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology experience over a decade. In older literature, “NLH” has been used synonymously with “pseudolymphoma,” an outdated and confusing term that should be discarded.80 It is a proliferation that is most commonly seen in adults, reported in the second to ninth decade. Whereas there are reports of NLH in patients with an altered immune state, such as autoimmune disorders, collagen vascular disease, or acquired immunodeficiency, in the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology series there was no special relationship with those conditions.8082

Patients come to clinical attention because of cough or reasons unrelated to respiratory symptoms. One or several discrete subpleural or peripheral nodules are detected on radiography.81 If there is a reticulonodular pattern in the remaining lung, clinical concern for lymphoma as well as infectious etiologies is greater. In contrast to the lymphoid lesions of FB, the nodules of NLH are typically larger than 0.5 cm, but seldom larger than 5 cm.

The lymphoid infiltrate of NLH forms a circumscribed nodule of lymphoid tissue (Box 15-5 and Fig. 15-5), with intact architecture, including germinal centers, a discrete mantle, and a preserved “paracortical” interfollicular zone. The process is not pleurally based, and there should not be a bronchiolar distribution.

Within the mass, follicular architecture predominates.80,83 Cells within nodules retain centrocytic and centroblastic morphologic features, and the mantle zone retains its population of small cells with deeply basophilic round nuclei and scant cytoplasm. Small resting lymphocytes, stromal elements, and plasma cells fill the interfollicular zone, which may also contain patchy accumulations of histiocytes. Lesional foci of NLH remain sharply circumscribed from the surrounding lung parenchyma, with at least a partial immunoglobulin D–positive mantle (Fig. 15-6), without significant extension along the lobar septa or into the alveolar walls, in contrast to LIP. Plasma cells with Russell bodies and Mott cells may be present, but destructive lymphoepithelial lesions, Dutcher bodies, and follicular colonization84 should not be identified.

If the nodule was not sampled for flow cytometry, a useful immunohistochemical panel includes CD20, CD21, CD3, bcl2, bcl6, and immunoglobulin D, as well as kappa, lambda, MUM1, and cytokeratin. The immunoglobulin D–positive mantle should be present and fairly crisply demarcated from the immunoglobulin D–negative germinal center inside and the immunoglobulin D–negative paracortex beyond. The germinal center cells should have a bcl2–, bcl6+ phenotype. The bcl6+, CD20+ B lymphocytes within the follicles are definitionally polytypic, as are the plasma cells and immunoglobulin D–positive mantle cells. The interfollicular areas are rich in CD3+ T cells. CD21 staining in NLH highlights the compact nature of the follicular dendritic cell network (Fig. 15-7). A disrupted appearance, particularly if associated with a significant bcl2+, bcl6–, or MUM1+ population of B cells within the follicles or an increase in the number of interfollicular B cells, suggests the diagnosis of MaZL (see Table 15-3).82

Because of its rarity, NLH is a diagnosis that should be approached with caution and made only after all necessary studies to exclude lymphoma are performed. In practice, if neither flow cytometry nor immunohistochemistry yields a secure diagnosis, molecular studies are a reasonable final step. Principal microscopic differential considerations in transbronchial or transthoracic biopsy specimens may include a particularly robust FB, LIP, and various low-grade lymphomas. In contrast to FB, NLH is mass-forming and displaces significant amounts of lung parenchyma.80LIP is readily excluded by radiologic correlation because it is generally diffuse and bilateral and is not mass-forming, and it is primarily interstitial, with extensive infiltration of the alveolar walls, whereas NLH displaces normal lung tissue as a mass.

In contrast to follicular lymphoma, the germinal centers of NLH are widely spaced, vary in size, exhibit light zone/dark zone polarity, and are demarcated by a distinct immunoglobulin D–positive mantle zone composed of cytologically bland small lymphocytes.5 The finding of bcl2 positivity within nodules in excess of what CD3+ intrafollicular T cells would yield, or the finding of significant numbers of bcl6+, CD20+ B cells outside of the germinal centers should raise concern about follicular lymphoma. If flow cytometry is not available, molecular assessment for clonality and disease-defining translocations should be pursued (PCR, FISH). MUM1 immunostaining may be helpful in distinguishing follicular lymphoma from MaZL.

Marginal zone lymphoma is the most challenging element of the differential diagnosis. Because MaZL is much more common than NLH, it can be argued that molecular studies should be pursued in all cases before a benign diagnosis is rendered. The architecture may be identical to that of NLH, or there may be some blurring of the mantle zone separating the germinal centers from the intervening cellularity. A significant population of monocytoid cells (intermediate size, round or reniform nucleus, sufficient quantities of pale cytoplasm that nuclei are widely spaced on routine sections), either within or between nodules, favors MaZL. The nodules may exhibit “follicular colonization” by MaZL,84 which is seen as displacement of the CD20+, bcl6+, bcl2–, MUM1– centrocytes and centroblasts of the normal follicle by the MaZL cells (CD20+, bcl6–, bcl2+, MUM1+; discussed later). The mantle zone in MaZL is eroded or distorted on immunoglobulin D stain, and the follicular dendritic cell meshwork is diffused through the dilutional effects of the infiltrating MaZL cells. Although they are not diagnostic of MaZL, destructive lymphoepithelial lesions should be sought on cytokeratin stain.

Lymphoid Interstitial Pneumonia and Diffuse Lymphoid Hyperplasia

The pattern of LIP may be seen in both children and adults, and up to 40% of cases are eventually attributable to a specific underlying condition. It is more common in the setting of altered immune states, such as autoimmune conditions and connective tissue disorders (especially Sjögren syndrome85), AIDS,86,87 and congenital immunodeficiency states,88 and after bone marrow transplant. It may also be a tissue response pattern to infections such as mycoplasma, chlamydia, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and legionella.89 In some series, females are affected disproportionately,69 perhaps because of the common collagen vascular disease association. Older literature doubtless includes cases of MALT lymphoma, which may skew both outcome and the clinicopathologic parameters that have been associated with LIP.

Patients with LIP present with a cough and slow but progressive shortness of breath, and radiologic studies usually show bilateral basilar patchy opacities or reticulonodular infiltrates.69,87,8991 Cysts have been reported in LIP,92 but correlation with clinical findings suggests that the cysts are more likely a manifestation of the underlying condition (Sjögren syndrome) than of LIP. Some patients have systemic symptoms, such as fever and weight loss, and many (70%) have polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia; both the clinical and laboratory abnormalities likely reflect the underlying altered immune state.

In contrast to FB and NLH, the infiltrate of LIP has a dominant interstitial pattern of distribution, although the constituent cellular components are otherwise similar. Small, cytologically bland lymphocytes and intermingled plasma cells distend the alveolar walls, with accentuation along the bronchovascular bundles and lobular septae (Box 15-6 and Fig. 15-8). Aggregates of histiocytes or poorly formed granulomas may be present, but neutrophils and eosinophils are scarce. A few germinal centers may be present.69,87,90 An intraepithelial component mimicking the lymphoepithelial lesions of MALT lymphoma and a coalescence in and around the microvasculature have been described, but truly destructive changes are not part of LIP (Fig. 15-9).

Box 15-6 Features of Diffuse Lymphoid Hyperplasia/Lymphoid Interstitial Pneumonia

An LIP-like pattern has been described in the lung in the setting of atypical infectious mononucleosis.53,93,94 In these few reports, the alveolar walls and interstitium were expanded by a mixture of lymphocytes, plasma cells, and transformed lymphocytes (immunoblasts), and there was a patchy alveolar exudate. In situ hybridization for EBV-encoded ribonucleotides (EBERs) is the most sensitive and specific means of identifying the virally mediated nature of the process. Immunosuppressed patients are at increased risk for EBV-related lymphoid proliferations, and biopsy is usually undertaken to assess for a specific infectious process. In the transplant setting, the terminology of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders (PTLDs) should be used (discussed later).

The cellular phase of nonspecific interstitial pneumonitis may be a differential consideration in patients with fibroblasts and an extracellular matrix as well as a lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate in the alveolar walls. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis may lead to cellular interstitial infiltrates, but on scanning view, the process should show bronchocentricity, and loosely formed granulomas or at least multinucleated giant cells are likely to be more prominent. Organizing pneumonia would be less typical of LIP, and if more than an occasional focus is noted, a descriptive diagnosis of chronic interstitial pneumonia with organizing pneumonia might be most appropriate.

Occasional germinal centers and focal intraepithelial accumulations of lymphocytes may prompt consideration of MaZL/MALT lymphoma, but the bilateral and interstitial (rather than unifocal and mass-forming) nature of LIP, as well as the lack of a dominant B cell population in the interfollicular areas, provides a strong and objective means of excluding this possibility. Because of the interstitial distribution, dominant T cell population, and cytologic heterogeneity of LIP, distinction from pulmonary presentation of systemic lymphomas, such as small lymphocytic lymphoma, mantle cell lymphoma, or follicle center cell lymphoma is seldom an issue. In difficult cases, or when diagnostic material is limited, immunohistochemistry (CD20, CD3) usually permits a definite diagnosis (discussed later; see Box 15-3 and Table 15-3).

Outcome for patients with an LIP pattern of lung disease is variable and relates largely to the underlying condition. Some patients may have spontaneous resolution, and others achieve a good response to a trial of steroids. Morbidity and mortality are most often seen in patients with superimposed infection or other comorbid conditions, such as renal failure. A subset of patients, generally with a difficult-to-control connective tissue disease, progress to end-stage fibrosis with honeycombing, and so in some cases the prognosis is worse than that of its neoplastic lookalike, MaZL. The reported increased risk of lymphoma likely relates at least in part to the fact that some cases previously diagnosed as LIP were in fact lymphoma ab initio.

Castleman Disease

Castleman disease includes two distinct conditions. One, the “hyaline vascular variant,” is almost invariably presents via mass effect of a solitary mediastinal mass or central lymphadenopathy in otherwise asymptomatic individuals and is cured by complete resection. The other, the “plasma cell variant,” often manifests with systemic symptoms and multifocal disease, and has significant associated morbidity and mortality. What brings them together95 is that, first, the two histologies may coexist in the same lymph node, and second, they were characterized in separate publications by the same individual, Benjamin Castleman.

Hyaline Vascular Variant

The hyaline vascular variant of Castleman disease (HVCD) arises in axial node groups of the mediastinum and abdomen, although it may extend along the hilum to involve peribronchial lymph nodes. Most patients have no systemic symptoms and present because of mass effect (e.g., airway compression or superior vena cava syndrome) or have mediastinal adenopathy detected during radiologic studies performed for other reasons.9698 A patient who has “B” symptoms and diffuse adenopathy likely has a mixed type of Castleman disease, in which the histologic features of the plasma cell variant are present elsewhere (discussed later). In contrast to the plasma cell variant of Castleman disease (PCCD), there is no consistent abnormality in laboratory findings.

At low power, the architecture is nodular, composed of small and involuted germinal centers with expansive immunoglobulin D–positive mantles formed of small lymphocytes, often in a laminated or “onion skinning” array. Multiple germinal centers may be found in the boundaries of a single mantle zone, and in opportune sections, the lymphoid depletion in the germinal centers unmasks the radially penetrating high endothelium—the “lollipop” motif (Box 15-7 and Fig. 15-10). Sinuses between the regressed follicles are imperceptible usually because they are absent. At high power, the germinal centers are depleted of lymphocytes and contain both extracellular matrix and abundant follicle dendritic cells. The interfollicular zone includes plasmacytoid monocytes, stromal myoid cells, histiocytes, dendritic cells, and lymphocytes.99101