Hematologic and hemostatic systems

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Last modified 03/06/2015

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Hematologic and hemostatic systems

The hematologic system encompasses blood and plasma volume, the constituents of plasma, and the formation and function of blood cellular components. Hemostasis involves mechanisms that result in the formation and removal of fibrin clots. Pregnancy and the neonatal period are associated with significant changes in these processes, increasing the risk for anemia and alterations in hemostasis such as thromboembolism and consumptive coagulopathies. This chapter examines alterations in the hematologic system and hemostasis during the perinatal period and their implications for the mother, fetus, and neonate.

Maternal physiologic adaptations

The significant changes in the hematologic system and hemostasis during pregnancy have a protective role for maternal homeostasis and are important for fetal development. These changes are also critical in allowing the mother to tolerate blood loss and placental separation at delivery. The maternal adaptations also increase the risk for complications such as thromboembolism, iron deficiency anemia, and coagulopathies.

Antepartum period

Most hematologic parameters, including blood and plasma volume, cellular components, plasma constituents, and coagulation factors, are altered during pregnancy. These changes are reflected in progressive changes in many common hematologic laboratory values. As a result, it is essential to recognize the normal range of laboratory values and usual patterns of change during pregnancy and to evaluate findings in conjunction with clinical data and previous values in order to distinguish between normal adaptations and pathologic alterations (Table 8-1).

Table 8-1

Normal Laboratory Values in Nonpregnant and Pregnant Women

Hemoglobin 12-16 g/dL (120.0-160.0 g/L) 11-14 g/dL (110.0-140.0 g/L)
Packed cell volume (PCV) 37%-47% 33%-44%
Red blood cell count (RBC) 4.2-5.4 million/mm3 3.8-4.4 million/mm3
Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) 80-100 fl 70-90 fl
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) 27-34 fl 23-31 fl
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) 32-35 fl 32-35 fl
Reticulocyte count 0.5%-1% 1%-2%
Serum ferritin 25-200 ng/mL (56.1-449.4 pmol/L) 15-150 ng/mL (33.7-337.0 pmol/L)
Serum iron 135 mcg/dL (24.2 μmol/L) 90 mcg/dL (16.1 μmol/L)
Iron binding capacity 250-460 mcg/dL (44.8-82.3 μmol/L) 300-600 mcg/dL (53.7-107.4 μmol/L)
Transferrin saturation 25%-35% 15%-30%
Iron 135 mcg/dL (24.2 μmol/L) 90 mcg/dL (16.1 μmol/L)
Red blood cell folate 150-450 ng/mL cells (339.9-1019.7 nmol/L cells) 100-400 ng/mL cells (226.6-906.4 nmol/L cells)
Serum vitamin B12 70-85 ng/dL (51.7-62.7 pmol/L) 70-500 ng/dL (51.7-369.0 pmol/L)


Adapted from Morrison, J.C. & Pryor, J.A. (1990). Hematologic disorders. In R.D. Eden & F.H. Boehm (Eds.). Assessment and care of the fetus. Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange; Burrow, G.N., Duffy, T.P., & Copel, J.A. (2004). Medical complications during pregnancy (6th ed.). Philadelphia: Saunders.

Changes in blood and plasma volume

Among the most significant hematologic changes during pregnancy are increases in blood and plasma volume (Figure 8-1). These changes result in the hypervolemia of pregnancy, which is in turn responsible for many of the alterations in blood cellular components and plasma constituents. Circulating blood volume increases by 30% to 40% (approximately 1 ½ L), with a usual range of 30% to 45%.46,87,128,179 The increased blood volume is due to an increase in plasma volume that is followed by an increase in the total red blood cell (RBC) volume. Blood volume changes begin at 6 to 8 weeks, peak at 28 to 34 weeks at values about 1200 to 1600 mL higher than in nonpregnant women, then reach a plateau or decrease slightly to term.87,128

Plasma volume increases progressively from 6 to 8 weeks by approximately 45% to 50% (range, 40% to 60%) or about 1200 to 1600 mL above nonpregnant values.54,87,128,158,188 Plasma volume increases rapidly during the second trimester, followed by a slower but progressive increase that reaches its maximum of 4700 to 5200 mL around 32 weeks.87,128 The enlarged plasma volume is accommodated by the vasculature of the uterus, breasts, muscles, kidneys, and skin. The increased volume leads to hemodilution with a net decrease in RBC volume and total circulating plasma proteins.

Plasma volume, placental mass, and birth weight are positively correlated.54,73 Fetal growth correlates more closely with maternal plasma volume increases than with changes in RBC volume. Alterations in the usual increase in plasma volume are associated with pregnancy complications. A greater than normal increase in plasma volume has been observed in multiparous women (probably related to a tendency for higher weight infants) and with maternal obesity, large for gestational age infants, prolonged pregnancy, and multiple gestation.54

In twin pregnancies, plasma volume increases up to 70% over nonpregnant values, with further elevations seen in women with triplets and other multiple pregnancies.38,54 The lower than expected hematocrit seen in these women may be due to hemodilution from excessive plasma volume and may not indicate a problem with erythropoiesis per se. Preeclampsia is associated with a reduction in the expected increase in plasma volume in most studies (see Chapter 9).6,10,29,62,100,108,128 This may be due to vasoconstriction altering the intravascular compartment or a more “leaky” vasculature.10

The etiology of plasma volume changes in pregnancy is thought to be related to the effects of nitric oxide–mediated vasodilation on the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and subsequent sodium and water retention (see Chapter 11).32,128 These changes are also influenced by hormonal effects and are closely linked with the alterations seen in fluid balance and in the renal and cardiovascular systems. Hormonal influences, especially the effects of progesterone, on the vasculature of the venous system lead to decreased venous tone, increased capacity of the veins and venules, and decreased vascular resistance. These changes allow the vasculature to accommodate the increased blood volume. Estrogen and progesterone influence plasma renin activity and aldosterone levels, resulting in retention of sodium and an increase in total body water.73 Most of this extra water is extracellular and available to contribute to the increased plasma volume. Changes in plasma volume have also been linked to a mechanical effect, with the low-resistance uteroplacental circulation acting as an arteriovenous shunt. This shunt provides physical space to accommodate the increased cardiac output and corresponding change in plasma volume.38,73

Increased plasma volume and hypervolemia reduce blood viscosity. Hypervolemia also leads to hemodilution and changes in plasma protein and blood cellular components, which further reduce viscosity. Blood viscosity decreases approximately 20% during the first two trimesters. During the third trimester, viscosity may increase slightly. The decreased viscosity reduces resistance to flow and the cardiac effort needed, thus conserving maternal energy resources.38

Changes in blood cellular components

The principal change in blood cellular components during pregnancy is an increase in RBC volume (Table 8-2). This alteration, in conjunction with changes in plasma volume, is reflected in changes in the hemoglobin and hematocrit.

Table 8-2

Changes in Blood Cellular Components During Pregnancy

Red blood cells (RBCs) Increases 20%-30% (250-450 mL) Slow, continuous increase beginning in first trimester; may accelerate slightly in third trimester Erythropoietin stimulated by human placental lactogen, progesterone, and prolactin Slight increase due to slight hemoconcentration; 50% of increased RBCs lost at delivery RBC production ceases temporarily; remainder of increased RBCs lost via normal catabolism
Hematocrit Decreases 3%-5% to 33.8% at term (range, 33%-39%) Decreases from second trimester as plasma volume peaks Hemodilution   Returns to nonpregnant levels by 4-6 weeks as a result of RBC catabolism
Hemoglobin Decreases 2%-10% to 12.1-12.5 g/dL (range, 11-13 g/dL) at term If iron and folate are adequate, little change to 16 weeks; lowest values at 16-22 weeks; slowly increases to term Hemodilution; total body hemoglobin increases by 65-150 g Slight increase as a result of stress and dehydration Initial decrease; stabilizes at 2-4 days; nonpregnant values by 4-6 weeks
Reticulocytes Increase 1%-2% Gradual increase to third trimester Increased RBC production   Increases slightly; nonpregnant values by 4-6 weeks
White blood cells Increase 8% to 5000-12,000/mm3 (up to 15,000/mm3 seen) Begins in second month; increase involves primarily neutrophils Estrogen Increase to 25,000-30,000/mm3 Decrease to 6000-10,000/mm3; normal values by 4-7 days
Eosinophils Basophils Probably increases slightly Decreases slightly Variable Hemodilution Disappear from peripheral blood By 3 days return to peripheral blood
Platelets May decrease slightly but within normal adult ranges; usual range 150,000-400,000/mm3 Variable   20% decrease with placental separation Increase by 3-5 days with gradual return to nonpregnant levels
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate Increases Progressive Increased plasma globulin and fibrinogen Increases Initially 55-80 mm/hr; peaks 1-2 days postpartum


Changes in red blood cells.

The total RBC volume increases by 20% to 30% (250 to 450 mL) during pregnancy.54,128,158 Changes in RBC volume are due to increased circulating erythropoietin (Epo), which stimulates erythropoiesis and accelerated RBC production. The rise in Epo in the last two trimesters is due to progesterone, possibly prolactin, and human placental lactogen rather than to a decrease in oxygen-carrying capacity, which is the usual stimulus for Epo production.54,128 The magnitude of change in RBC volume varies and is influenced by the woman’s iron stores.38 The increase in RBCs reflects the increase in oxygen demands (which rise 15%) during pregnancy.178,179 

The increase in erythropoiesis and total RBC volume begins during the first trimester.54,87 The increase occurs at a relatively constant rate, but slower than changes in plasma volume, and may accelerate slightly during the third trimester.54,73 Hemodilution is maximal at 28 to 34 weeks and leads to a lower hemoglobin, hematocrit and RBC count.87 The increased RBC production results in a moderate erythroid hyperplasia of the bone marrow and an increase in the reticulocyte count.

RBC 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG) rises beginning early in pregnancy and leads to a gradual shift to the right of the maternal oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve (see Chapter 10). This reduces the affinity of maternal hemoglobin for oxygen (see box on p. 301) and favors release of oxygen in the peripheral tissues, including the intervillous space, which facilitates oxygen transfer from mother to fetus and fetal growth.54,73,128 Alterations in placental function that occur with maternal disorders such as preeclampsia, chronic renal disease, diabetes, and severe anemia can decrease oxygen transfer across the placenta. The fetus may develop chronic hypoxia, with stimulation of erythropoietin (Epo) production, increased erythropoiesis, polycythemia, and increased neonatal morbidity.

The mean cell diameter and thickness of the RBCs also change, resulting in a cell that is more spherical in shape. Because the increase in plasma volume is three times greater than the RBC volume increase, the net result is a decrease in the total RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit (see Table 8-2). Changes in the mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin volume (MCHV) are related to iron status. In women with adequate iron, the MCV and MCHV are relatively stable; in iron-deficient women, these values may decrease.87,179

The hemoglobin and hematocrit decrease from the second trimester on as plasma volume peaks. Thus although total body hemoglobin increases 85 to 150 g in pregnancy, net hemoglobin decreases. Even with adequate iron supplementation, the hemoglobin decreases about 2 g/dL (20 g/L) to a mean of about 11.6 g/dL (116 g/L) in the second trimester as a result of hemodilution.74 At term the hemoglobin averages 12.1 to 12.5 g/dL (121 to 125 g/L), with a range of 11 to 13 g/dL (110 to 130 g/L) versus a mean of 14 ± 2 (140 ± 20 g/L) for nonpregnant females. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests values of 11 g/dL (110 g/L) (first and second trimesters) and 10.5 g/dL (105 g/L) (third trimester) as the lowest acceptable values for screening pregnant women.36,54 The mean hematocrit is 33.8% (range, 33% to 39%) at term.54,87 The fall in the hematocrit may help protect the woman from thromboembolism by decreasing blood viscosity and enhancing perfusion.128 A high hematocrit in a pregnant woman may indicate a low plasma volume and a relative hypovolemia. Changes in the hemoglobin and hematocrit in pregnant women are illustrated in Figure 8-2.

Changes in white blood cells.

Total white blood cell (WBC) volume increases slightly beginning in the second month and levels off during the second and third trimesters (see Table 8-2). The total WBC count in pregnancy varies with individual women, ranging from 5000 to 12,000/mm3, with values as high as 15,000/mm3 reported.87,128 The increased WBC count is due to a neutrophilia with an elevation in mature leukocyte forms. A slight shift to the left may occur with occasional myelocytes and metamyelocytes seen on the peripheral smear.87 Changes in other WBC forms are minimal (see Table 8-2), with a possible slight increase in eosinophils and slight decrease in basophils and no systematic changes in monocytes.87 Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase activity rises during pregnancy, falling several days before to delivery. Changes in leukocytes accompanying pregnancy are similar to changes that occur with physiologic stress, such as vigorous exercise, with return to the circulation of mature leukocytes that were previously shunted out of the circulatory system.46 The basis for these changes is unclear but is probably related to hormonal changes.54,87 The neutrophil count normally increases slightly with the estrogen peak during the menstrual cycle. In women who become pregnant, the neutrophils continue to increase after fertilization, peaking around 30 weeks then remaining stable to term. The total lymphocyte count is unchanged, as are numbers of circulating B and T lymphocytes (see Chapter 13).

Changes in platelets.

In general, platelet values do not change significantly during pregnancy.71,87 A slight decrease in platelet count, probably due to hemodilution, and an increase in platelet aggregation during the last 8 weeks of pregnancy has been reported, suggesting a low-grade activation and consumption of platelets.69,71,87 In healthy pregnant women, platelet counts have generally not been reported at values below lower limits for normal nonpregnant women.87,117 Mild to moderate thrombocytopenia (less than 150,000/mm3) has been reported in late pregnancy in 7% of healthy pregnant women.26,87,181 This may be due to hemodilution, decreased platelet production, or increased turnover.24 The acceptable range for platelet values in pregnancy is 150,000 to 400,000/mm3.

Changes in plasma components

Many components of plasma—including plasma proteins, electrolytes, serum iron, lipids, and enzymes—change during pregnancy (Table 8-3). Total plasma proteins decrease 10% to 14%, with much of the change occurring in the first trimester. Although there is an absolute increase in albumin concentration during the first trimester, there is a relative decrease due to increased blood volume and hemodilution. Decreased albumin leads to a net decrease in colloid osmotic (oncotic) pressure, reducing the normal forces counteracting edema formation. Although edema formation in pregnancy is primarily due to alterations in venous hydrostatic pressure, decreased oncotic pressure from the relative decrease in albumin is an important contributory factor.15 

Table 8-3

Changes in Plasma Components During Pregnancy

Total plasma proteins ↓10%-14% First trimester Estrogen/progesterone ↓ Colloid osmotic pressure (edema formation)Altered protein binding of calcium, drugs, and so on
Albumin Total: 144 gSerum: 3.5 g First trimester Estrogen/progesterone See above
Fibrinogen ↑50%-80% First to third trimesters Hemodilution Alterations in hemostasis ↓ Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
Globulin First to third trimesters Estrogen/progesterone ↓ Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
α- and β-globulin Progressive throughout pregnancy Estrogen/progesterone See individual globulinsFacilitate transport of carbohydrates and lipids to placenta and fetus
γ-Globulin Third trimester   Transplacental passage of IgG
Thyroxin-binding globulin First trimester   ↑Plasma T3 and T4
α1-Antitrypsin Doubles     Protects lungs from deported trophoblast tissue
α2-Macroglobulin ↑20%     Antiplasmin effect, which may predispose to DIC
Total serum lipids ↑40%-60% Continuous to term Human placental lactogen and altered metabolism  
Cholesterol ↑40% Continuous to term   Essential precursor for steroid hormones (e.g., estrogen, progesterone)
Phospholipids ↑37% Continuous to term   Major component of cell membranes needed for maternal and fetal growth
β-Lipoprotein ↑Up to 180%     Possible ↑ risk of thrombosis
Serum electrolytes ↓ 5-10 mg/L First trimester   ↓ Plasma osmolarity
Serum ferritin ↓ 30% To 28 weeks (with adequate iron) or 30-32 (without) Hemoglobin synthesis (early) Fetal uptake (late) Reflects decreasing iron stores
Transferrin ↑ 70% Linear rise Altered liver function Facilitates Fe absorption and transport
Iron-binding capacity ↓ 15%      


DIC, Disseminated intravascular coagulation; Fe, iron; IgG, immunoglobulin G.

Globulin concentration demonstrates both absolute and relative increases, leading to progressive falls in the albumin-to-globulin ratio. Both α- and β-globulin increase progressively during pregnancy; γ-globulin decreases slightly. Fibrinogen also demonstrates both absolute and relative increases of 50% to 80%.15,46 The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) increases progressively during pregnancy, probably due to the elevation in plasma globulin and fibrinogen levels. Alterations in other plasma proteins are summarized in Table 8-3.

The alterations in plasma proteins alter protein binding of substances such as calcium, drugs, and anesthetic agents. Because many drugs are transported in the blood bound to albumin, doses of some drugs may need to be altered during pregnancy (see Chapter 7). Increased binding of substances such as calcium reduces the level of free calcium in the maternal plasma. As a result, calcium must be actively transported across the placenta to the fetus (see Chapter 17).

Decreases in serum electrolytes (anions, cations, and buffer base) reduce plasma osmolarity by 8 to 10 mOsm/L during the first trimester.15 These changes are due to both hypervolemia and the effects of respiratory system alterations, particularly hyperventilation with increased CO2 loss (see Chapter 10).38

Serum iron decreases during pregnancy, especially after 28 weeks and in women without adequate iron stores. Iron needs during pregnancy are summarized in Table 8-4. Serum ferritin is a more precise indicator of reticuloendothelial iron stores. 1 mcg/L (2.5 pmol/L) serum ferritin is equal to 8 mg of stored iron in the adult. Serum ferritin levels in pregnancy are 15 to 150 ng/mL (33.7 to 337 pmol/L).54 In women without adequate iron, serum ferritin levels fall until 30 to 32 weeks and then stabilize. The greatest decrease in serum ferritin is between 12 and 25 weeks due to the rapid expansion of maternal RBC volume during this time (see Figure 8-2).189 With adequate iron, serum ferritin levels stabilize by 28 weeks or slightly earlier, and may even rise near term.15,54 Decreases in serum ferritin in early pregnancy are due to mobilization of iron stores for maternal hemoglobin synthesis; later decreases are due to increased fetal iron uptake. In multiparous women the decrease in serum ferritin occurs earlier and may be greater.

Table 8-4

Iron Requirements for Pregnancy

External iron loss 170 150-200
Expansion of red blood cell mass 450 200-600
Fetal iron 270 200-370
Iron in placenta and cord 90 30-170
Blood loss at delivery 150 90-310
Total requirement 980 580-1340
Requirement less red blood cell expansion 840 440-1050

From Kilpatrick, S.J. & Laros, R.K. (2004). Maternal hematologic disorders. In R.K. Creasy, R. Resnik, & J.D. Iams (Eds.). Maternal-fetal medicine: Principles and practice (5th ed.). Philadelphia: Saunders.

Levels of serum lipids rise with marked elevations in cholesterol and phospholipids. Cholesterol is an essential precursor for steroid hormone production by the placenta; phospholipids are major components of cell membranes. The rise in serum lipids begins in the first trimester, increasing to 40% to 60% at term (see Table 8-3). Increases in serum alkaline phosphatase are due to increased placental production. As a result, alkaline phosphatase levels are not useful in evaluating liver disorders during pregnancy. Serum cholinesterase activity decreases by 30%. Increased cholinesterase activity may lead to longer periods of paralysis if substances such as succinylcholine are used during surgical procedures.15

Changes on coagulation factors and hemostasis

Pregnancy has been called an acquired hypercoagulable state, reflecting an increased risk for thrombosis and consumptive coagulopathies such as disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Pregnancy is associated with increased clotting potential, decreased anticoagulants, and decreased fibrinolysis.7,103 Hemostatic changes during pregnancy are thought to result in an ongoing low-grade activation of the coagulation system in the uteroplacental circulation, beginning as early as 11 to 15 weeks. This state of compensated intravascular coagulation is characterized by thrombin formation and local consumption of clotting factors in which component synthesis equals or exceeds consumption.69,169 Figures 8-3 to 8-5 summarize coagulation and fibrinolysis.

Intravascular and extravascular fibrin deposits are found in the uteroplacental circulation, intervillous spaces, and placental bed. Tissue factor is found in amniotic fluid, placenta, decidua, and endometrial stroma.93,103 Tissue factor (previously called thromboplastin) may play a nonhemostatic role in angiogenesis, cell signaling and embryogenesis.63 Circulating high-molecular-weight, soluble fibrin-fibrinogen complexes—which are indicative of uteroplacental fibrin formation—also increase. During pregnancy, smooth muscle and elastic tissue within the uterine spiral arteries are replaced by a fibrin matrix (see Chapter 3). These changes allow for expansion of the vessels to accommodate increased blood flow to the placenta and to facilitate collapse of the terminal portion of the vessel with placental separation.69,129,133,178 Elevated levels of plasminogen-activated inhibitors may assist with the deposition of fibrin in the maternal blood vessels.65 Increased fibrinogen, thrombin generation, and inhibition of fibrinolysis during pregnancy may interact to ensure integrity of uteroplacental vessels.103 During late pregnancy, accumulation of mural thrombi in the vessel walls decreases the diameter of the lumen, reducing blood flow, which may result in the placental infarcts and small areas of ischemia often seen at term.

Alterations are seen in coagulation (procoagulant) factors, coagulation inhibitors, and fibrinolysis. Contact factors involved in initiation of the clotting cascade and many coagulation factors are elevated in pregnancy.69,103,129 Factors I (fibrinogen), VII, VIII, IX, XII, and X; as well as von Willebrand factor (vWF), which is important in platelet adhesion, are markedly increased.26,42,71,103,129,179 Factors II and V are generally unchanged.103 Factor XIII increases initially then decreases to about 50% of nonpregnant values in late pregnancy.26,65 Factor XI decreases to term.103 These changes increase thrombin generating potential.103 A concurrent increase in fibrinogen and decrease in factor XIII (fibrin stabilizing factor) alters the process of clot stabilization and subsequent lysis during pregnancy.69 Thrombin-antithrombin complexes double by the third trimester, indicating increased thrombin generation.26,133

Changes in coagulation factors during pregnancy are reflected in the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) and prothrombin time (PT), which decrease slightly from midpregnancy to term.26 D-dimer concentrations increase progressively, which is consistent with the hypercoagulable state of pregnancy.42,133 Bleeding times are normally unchanged.71

Coagulation inhibitors form an endogenous anticoagulant system that inhibits hemostasis (see Figure 8-4). Absolute levels of antithrombin are generally unchanged during pregnancy or may be slightly decreased by term.71 Both free and total protein are decreased.103,128 Free protein S decreases by 60% to 70%, with the lowest levels seen at delivery.103 This decrease is due to an increase in its carrier protein (complement 4β-binding protein).103

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