
Published on 21/03/2015 by admin

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Last modified 21/03/2015

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Chapter 10 Haematology

Long Cases


The World Health Organization (WHO), the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) and various national haemophilia foundations (in Australia, the USA, Canada and many European countries) uniformly recommend that prophylaxis with an intravenous factor replacement for at least 46 weeks per year through adulthood is the standard of care. In children, the first prospective randomised controlled trial in the USA assessing the progression of arthropathy in children (under 30 months) treated (until 6 years old) with prophylaxis (25 IU/kg every other day) versus on-demand treatment (40 IU/kg initially, then 20 IU/kg at 24 and 72 hours post joint bleed) showed an 83% reduction in risk for joint damage on MRI. The evolution of a network of specialised haemophilia treatment centres in various developed countries has decreased the morbidity and mortality of haemophilia. There is no international consensus as yet regarding the optimal age to commence prophylaxis, but several studies have shown that children with no or few joint bleeds who start prophylaxis early (mean age 3 years) have a better musculoskeletal outcome. In developing countries, the high cost has precluded primary prophylaxis being adopted, and the average life expectancy for a child with severe haemophilia remains around 11 years, whereas in developed countries the life expectancy for someone with severe haemophilia is around 63 years.

Discussion issues in the long-case setting may include the use of recombinant factor VIII (F-VIII) or factor IX (F-IX) prophylactic replacement (the rationale, benefits, barriers, the terminology of various subgroups of prophylaxis, including primary [determined by age or first bleed], secondary, short-term, full dose, partial), the timing of placing of central venous access devices (CVADs) and the optimal management of joint disease.

Recombinant clotting factor concentrate is now available to all patients with haemophilia; plasma-derived concentrate is now much less commonly used. This has effectively eliminated the risk of transfusion-related viruses.

Background information


Haemophilia A is factor VIII (F-VIII) deficiency, and accounts for 80–85% of haemophilia. Haemophilia B is factor IX (F-IX) deficiency, which accounts for 15–20% of haemophilia. Clinically, it is not possible to distinguish between them. Both are X-linked recessive conditions.

The F-VIII gene is at the telomeric end of the long arm of the X chromosome, at band Xq28. It is a large gene, 186 kilobases (kb) long, and it has 26 exons. Over 1200 mutations (missense, nonsense, splicing, and small or large deletions and insertions) have been described in the F-VIII gene. Mutations occur throughout the gene, with some concentration around exon 14. The most prevalent gene defect seen in severe haemophila A is an intron 22 inversion (int22), which accounts for 40–45% of all mutations. An inversion affecting exon 1 is present in around 5% of patients with severe haemophilia A. Around 200 smaller deletions have been described, which generally involve reading frame shifts, and non-functional gene products. Large deletions comprise 15% of haemophilia A; these result in truncated transcripts that are non-functional. Children with larger deletions and nonsense mutations are at higher risk of developing F-VIII inhibitory antibodies, and are less likely to respond to immune tolerance therapy. Most of F-VIII is synthesised in the liver endothelial cells and is immediately linked to von Willebrand’s factor (vWF) on entering the circulation; this prevents enzymatic degradation of factor F-VIII until it is required for coagulation.

The F-IX gene is on the X chromosome at band Xq27. The gene is 33 kb long. F-IX is synthesised in the liver and released into the circulation in inactive form. Molecular defects described include single-gene rearrangements, large deletions, additions and missense mutations.

Over 60% of cases have a positive family history; over 30% are spontaneous mutations. Diagnosis is based on prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), F-VIII or F-IX assay, and DNA analysis; the last of these allows prenatal and carrier diagnosis.


Ask about the following.

Available treatment modalities


Treatment of acute haemorrhage

1. Control of specific bleeding problems

Chronic problems

Joint involvement and synovectomy

Haemophilic arthropathy proceeds through many stages, with a cycle of haemarthrosis from inflammatory changes with erosion of cartilage and bone to proliferative chronic synovitis (highly vascular tissue) and increased haemarthrosis. Hypertrophied synovium causes destruction of cartilage, narrowing of the joint space, bone resorption and cyst formation, resulting in anatomical joint instability and chronic pain. Disuse leads to osteoporosis. Abnormal epiphyseal growth will occur, followed by atrophy of local muscles and further joint instability. Finally, the joint becomes immobile, with repeated bleeding, leading to fibrous and bony ankylosis of large joints or complete destruction of small joints.

Haemophilic arthropathy can be staged radiographically:

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) gives the best assessment of synovial hypertrophy, and can give additional information particularly in stage 2, demonstrating erosion, cysts and joint effusions.

The optimal treatment to prevent this cycle is prophylaxis (see below), which is associated with a significant reduction in the average number of haemarthroses per year and in the rate of joint deterioration. When children are started on prophylactic replacement therapy to keep plasma factor levels above 1%, this effectively changes severe disease to moderate disease, and if it is commenced in children between 1 and 3 years of age, joint destruction will not occur.

Prompt treatment of any breakthrough bleeding and intensive physiotherapy are also important. Brief courses of oral corticosteroids (1–4 weeks) may be given in cases of severe synovitis as well, to decrease the synovium, but their beneficial effect is temporary. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be used, although ibuprofen has been associated with increased bleeding in some patients. COX-2 inhibitors may be used without the associated risk of bleeding.

If a joint remains chronically enlarged despite optimum medical therapy, surgical intervention may be considered (e.g. synovectomy). The rationale for synovectomy is that removing synovium decreases bleeds, thus reducing ongoing joint damage. Arthroscopic synovectomy is performed more commonly than the open-joint procedure. An alternative is isotopic or chemical synovectomy (synoviorthesis), where the synovium is ablated by intra-articular injection of colloidal P32 chromic phosphate (or yttrium-90; or rhenium-186, erbium-169 or radioactive gold) or chemical agents (oxiteracicline chlorhydrate, osmic acid, hyaluronic acid, rifampicin). Radioactive agents seem to have better results in the long term, with more rapid rehabilitation. Short-term results are very good with either mode of treatment. Complications of synovectomy can include rebleeding, long periods of rehabilitation, long-term ankylosis and the potential requirement for total joint replacement (arthroplasty). Arthroplasty has very good short-term effects; the most common joints on which it is performed are the knees, hips, shoulders and, less often, the elbows or ankles.

Specific discussion areas


This is the standard approach for most boys with severe haemophilia. There are a number of types of prophylaxis; the specific terminology used is as follows.

Primary prophylaxis

Primary prophylaxis is the ongoing regular infusion of F-VIII from early childhood, before significant joint bleeding is established, to prevent most bleeding episodes. This is usually started after the first significant joint bleed (often at around 12 months of age) and is typically given through a venous access port (see below). In neonates who have intracranial bleeding, prophylaxis is best started as soon as possible (i.e. without waiting until after a first major joint bleed), implanting a venous access port during the hospital admission for the presenting intracranial bleed (in one of the author’s patients, this included a [successful] burr hole at age 4 days for a subdural haematoma with midline shift, a ‘blown’ pupil and incipient coning). Recombinant F-VIII is given three times a week, at a dose of 25–40 units/kg. Prophylaxis has led to a marked decrease in the number of bleeds suffered by these children. The age at which prophylaxis is started is an independent predictor for the development of arthropathy; the earlier it is started, the less joint disease will occur, irrespective of the variables of dose and infusion intervals used at the start of treatment before the age of 3 years. The increased cost of prophylaxis may be offset by the decrease in later interventions such as synovectomy and the avoidance of significant arthritis in the adult years.

Primary prophylaxis can be determined either by age, starting long-term continuous (52 weeks a year) treatment before 2 years and before any clinically evident joint bleeds, or by first joint bleed, starting long-term continuous (52 weeks a year) treatment before the onset of joint damage.

The advantages of primary prophylaxis include: the prevention of (a) haemarthroses, (b) chronic joint disease and (c) pain; less school interruption (and higher academic achievement in mathematics and reading); increased participation in physical activities; and less frequent hospital visits.

The disadvantages include the port requirement in younger children, the increased number of injections, the increased usage of products, the possible earlier development of inhibitors, and the requirement for a compliant patient and family. F-VIII is provided in 250-, 500-, 1000- and 2000-unit bottles, so the dose is rounded up to the nearest number of bottles (that is, dose divisible by 250).

Prophylaxis will not prevent all bleeds. It should be continued until the patient is 18 years of age, and may continue indefinitely. There are no long-term studies of patients who discontinue prophylaxis in adulthood.

Inhibitors and immune tolerance therapy (ITT)

After treatment with F-VIII or F-IX concentrates, patients can develop antibodies against F-VIII or F-IX, which are called inhibitors. Inhibitors are polyclonal IgG antibodies, usually directed against functional epitopes of F-VIII or F-IX. These develop in 20–30% of patients with severe haemophilia A, although in only 1–4% of those with haemophilia B. Of those with haemophilia A, some 35–50% are termed ‘low responders’, where the antibody circulates at low levels and no major anamnestic response occurs. The remaining patients are ‘high responders’, and do show an anamnestic response to F-VIII infusion.

Low responders may benefit from infusions at a greater dose or from more frequent infusions. Patients with high-responding inhibitors typically will not respond to standard clotting factor concentrate. These patients may require ‘bypassing’ agents, such as activated factor VIIa (Novoseven RT [Novo Nordisk]) for the treatment of bleeding. The recommended dose of recombinant factor VIIa is 90–120 micrograms/kg given every 2 hours until bleeding stops (for an acute bleed), or for at least 24 hours for major surgery (including total hip and knee replacement). F-VIIa enhances the generation of thrombin on platelets activated by the initial thrombin formation, and the formation of a firm fibrin plug that is resistant to premature fibrolysis. F-VIIa is expensive; in 2010 in Australia, it cost $1.20 per microgram.

Immune tolerance therapy (ITT), also called tolerisation, refers to eradicating inhibitors by manipulating the immune system through recurrent exposure to regular infusions of F-VIII or F-IX. There is controversy over the ideal dosing, interval and product choice. Many patients can be tolerised on a regimen of plasma-derived F-VIII, in a dose of about 40 units/kg three times a week. An international study is under way to compare high-dose 200 units/kg/day infusions of F-VIII with 50 units/kg, three times a week. The advantages of ITT include better control of bleeds and reduced use of expensive products. The disadvantages include increased use of F-VIII in some cases, and a success rate of up to 80%. Inhibitors to F-IX are less common; around a third of patients achieve successful immune tolerance. In response to exposure to F-IX replacement, severe allergic reactions have been described, including anaphylaxis; also, nephrotic syndrome can develop. Hence ITT must be considered very carefully in these patients. Rituximab, a monoclonal antibody directed against CD-20 positive cells, is being evaluated for those who fail to respond to ITT. Occasionally, immune modulation with steroids, or cyclophosphamide (to inhibit antibodies), IV immunoglobulin, plasmapheresis or protein A adsorption (to remove antibodies) is needed.

Sickle cell disease (SCD)

The last decade has seen several advances in the management of sickle cell anaemia (SCA), which occurs in around 1 in 500 African Americans, and in 1 in 1000–1400 Hispanic Americans. It has become clear that blood transfusion therapy has widened clinical applications, that hydroxyurea treatment effectively decreases painful crises and the requirement for transfusions, and that a cure can be obtained through haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), for which there are now clear indications. The two main pathophysiological processes are haemolytic anaemia and vaso-occlusion. These are secondary to deoxygenation of the haemoglobin S (HbS) molecule, which aggregates into a polymer, which then causes a distortion of the red blood cell to a ‘sickle’ shape. Sickle cells block the microvasculature; the consequent deleterious effects of SCA can involve most organ systems. The rate of sickling is related to the concentration of deoxy-HbS: it takes only seconds—and if the cell is rammed through the capillaries, it becomes reoxygenated and the polymers of HbS depolymerise. The cell shape lags behind, and repeated hypoxic stress will alter the cytoskeleton of the cell and cause an irreversibly sickled cell. Organ damage in SCA can develop throughout childhood, starting with splenic and renal changes in infancy, and continuing through to pulmonary and neurological involvement with vasculopathy in older children and adolescents.

Although the condition is less common in Australia than in the USA, Canada or the UK, children suffering from it do tend to appear in the examination setting. Because of their relative infrequency, candidates (and consultants) may find management of these children challenging.

Background information

Basic defect

Sickle cell anaemia is due to a homozygosity for the genetic point mutation (a single nucleotide change, GAT to GTT), whereby glutamic acid is replaced by valine at position 6 on the β-globin chain (abbreviated as Glu6Val) of the haemoglobin heterotetramer: the resulting haemoglobin is HbS. Deoxygenated HbS polymerises, is denatured and releases toxic oxidants, distorting (sickling) the red cell shape. HbS adversely affects the erythrocyte membrane, leading to greater adherence to endothelial cells and shortened red-cell survival. Sickled red cells have difficulty negotiating the capillary beds. They block vessels (intermittent vaso-occlusive episodes, leading to ischaemia) and are destroyed prematurely (haemolysis). In the homozygous state (HbSS disease) there is no HbA, and over 90% HbS. In the heterozygous state, red blood cells contain 30–45% HbS.

The gene has a wide geographical distribution, including equatorial Africa, the USA, the Caribbean, Italy and Greece, the Near and Middle East, and India, especially areas with endemic malaria. The β-globin gene cluster is on chromosome 11. The beta S gene is flanked by distinct haplotypes that are associated with specific ethnic groups of particular geographical regions, which may determine disease severity. They are named after the places where their initial identification occurred. Haplotype CAR (Central Africa Republic) leads to more severe disease than the Benin haplotype, which in turn is more serious than the Senegal haplotype.

Suggestions of more aggressive treatment for more aggressive haplotypes have been made, considering potential curative therapy such as bone marrow transplant (BMTx) or gene insertion.

Note that there is an inverse relationship between the level of HbF and clinical severity. Children with high HbF have mild disease. The percentage of HbF is the most important predictor of early mortality in patients with SCD. In unaffected children, HbF comprises 5% of total haemoglobin by 3–6 months of age, and less than 1% in adults. SCD patients can have HbF levels between 1% and 20%; those with the genetic mutation for hereditary persistence of HbF (HPFH) may have HbF levels between 30% and 40% of total haemoglobin.


Haemoglobin electrophoresis is the most common technique used in the diagnosis of haemoglobinopathies. The diagnosis of sickle cell disease requires demonstration of the presence of significant amounts of HbS by high-performance liquid chromatography, isoelectric focusing, or cellulose acetate or citrate agar electrophoresis, and the lack of a normal β-globin gene (HBB) on molecular genetic testing. Targeted mutation analysis can detect the HBB mutations Glu6Val (for Hb S), Glu6Lys (for Hb C), Glu121Gln (for Hb D-Punjab) and Glu121Lys (for Hb O-Arab), the large number of β-thalassaemia mutations, and various other specific haemoglobin variants. HBB sequence analysis may be used if targeted mutation analysis is uninformative, or as the initial test to detect mutations associated with β-thalassaemia variants. In the USA, all 50 states now screen all newborns for the presence of SCD: the most common method used is electrophoresis and high-performance liquid-chromatography (HPLC). When initial testing detects a haemoglobinopathy, the result is confirmed within 6 weeks by another complementary method; for compound heterozygotes (e.g. HbSC, SD or SO), a repeat test is sufficient. Newborns with HbF levels higher than HbS levels could have any of: homozygous sickle cell (HbSS), S β0-thalassaemia or S β+-thalassaemia with a low level of HbA; these can be difficult to distinguish in the neonatal period when 95% of total haemoglobin is HbF, and molecular testing may be needed. Additional testing is performed again at 1 year of age, once HbF levels have fallen, to determine if there is coexisting thalassaemia, which is important for genetic counselling.

Major complications

Vaso-occlusion and haemolysis are the main pathological processes in SCD. The organs most commonly affected are the spleen, brain, kidneys and lung. Accordingly, the most lethal complications (and common ages affected) are splenic sequestration (under 5 years), overwhelming sepsis due to functional asplenia (under 3 years), stroke (median 5 years), and acute chest syndrome (usually 2–4 years).

SICKLE CELL is a mnemonic for vaso-occlusive complications:

Painful crises (or vaso-occlusive pain events [VOE]) and acute chest syndrome (ACS) are the most common sickle-cell related complications in HbSS, HbSC and β-/sickle thalassaemia patients. The risks of these begin in the first year of life; both are vaso-occlusive events.

The most dangerous complications are splenic sequestration, sepsis and CVAs.