Genetics and dysmorphology

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Chapter 9 Genetics and dysmorphology

Long Cases

Down syndrome

Down syndrome (DS) represents a common chromosomal disorder. The incidence has changed with the increase in the proportion of pregnancies diagnosed prenatally. In addition, the maternal age at parturition has changed, with more women over 35 giving birth; in 1986, 72% of babies with DS were born to younger mothers, whereas in 2004, 46% were born to younger mothers. However, the worldwide birth incidence of DS has not increased, but decreased from what it could have been by 2–18% per year. One in 350 pregnancies are affected, but only 1 in 1150 live births. Now (2010), 95% of fetuses identified with DS are terminated. In the USA, between 1989 and 2005, there was a 49% decrease between expected and observed rates, and in the UK, between 1989 and 2006, there was a 54% decrease between expected and observed rates. These trends can be attributed to availability of prenatal testing and women preferring selective terminations.

A non-invasive serum test is soon to be made available that may provide a definitive diagnosis of DS in the first trimester, with no risk to the fetus; this testing involves detecting cell-free fetal DNA (ffDNA) or RNA in maternal blood by real-time polymerase chain reaction. The impact of future testing is likely to be a further decrease in the birth incidence of DS.

Research has continued, now that chromosome 21 is sequenced fully, to unravel the neuropathogenesis of DS. Chromosome 21 has an estimated gene content of 329, including genes involved in mitochondrial energy production, folate or methyl group metabolism, and probably brain development, neuronal loss and neuropathology as found in Alzheimer’s disease. There are an increased number of associations noted with DS, in addition to Alzheimer’s syndrome, including increased risk of coeliac disease and a greater awareness of co-morbid psychiatric and behavioural conditions, which occur more often than in typically developing peers, but less often than in children with other forms of intellectual disability; these include autism, depression and disruptive behaviour disorders. The median age of survival in DS has improved in recent years, as have many aspects of quality of life. In 1983, average life expectancy for individuals with DS was 29 years; in 1997, it was 49 years; and currently, in 2010, it is over 60 years.

The increased risk of developing acute leukaemias in children with DS is being investigated, as transient leukaemia (TL), and the myeloid leukaemia of DS (ML DS) offer unique models to understand better the stepwise progression of leukaemia, and of gene dosage effects mediated by aneuploidy. (Aneuploid cells have an abnormal number of chromosomes: the most common aneuploidies are trisomies; most trisomies are not compatible with life, with the exception of DS and the sex chromosomal trisomies.)


Current state of health

Note any of the following symptoms:

CVS disease (fatigue, shortness of breath, cough, sweating, poor feeding, recurrent chest infections; symptoms suggesting arrhythmias, such as syncope, alteration of consciousness, dizziness, palpitations, ‘funny feeling’ in the chest, chest pain).

GIT disease (nausea, vomiting, change in bowel habit).

Recurrent infection (how often, what sites [usually upper or lower respiratory tract], treatment required, any prophylactic antibiotics).

Hearing impairment (compliance/problems with hearing aids, impacted cerumen, ventilation tubes for chronic otitis media).

Visual impairment (development of refractive disorders, keratoconus, corneal opacities, cataracts).

Weight concerns (obesity, non-compliance with diet, exercise, or sign of hypothyroidism).

OSA symptoms (snoring, restless sleep, daytime somnolence).

Skin problems (in children—seborrhoeic dermatitis, palmar/plantar hyperkeratosis, xerosis; in adolescents—folliculitis [especially back, buttocks, thighs, perigenital area], fungal infections [skin and nails], atopic dermatitis).

Oral health (level of oral hygiene, dental caries, peridontal disease, bruxism [stereotyped orofacial movements with teeth grinding], intervention for malocclusion, non-compliance with dental recommendations).

Respiratory problems (recurrent pneumonia due to silent aspiration).

Orthopaedic issues (limping can be due to atlantoaxial subluxation, acetabular dysplasia with subluxing hips [not more common in DS, but may appear later], slipped femoral epiphysis, arthritis or leukaemia).

Foot problems (hallux valgus, hammer toe deformities, plantar fasciitis, pedal arthritis).

Joint problems (polyarticular onset juvenile arthritis-like arthropathy).

Diabetes mellitus (increased drinking or eating, weight loss, lethargy).

Hypothyroidism (dry skin, cold intolerance, lethargy).

Haematological neoplasia (acute lymphoblastic leukaemia [ALL] or acute non-lymphoblastic leukaemia [ANLL] occur 10–15 times more frequently in DS, with usual symptoms of pallor, bruising, fever, hepatosplenomegaly and lymphadenopathy).

Reproductive issues in adolescents (difficulties with menstrual hygiene, use of oral contraceptives, Depo-provera, presentation of premenstrual syndrome [PMS] with temper tantrums, autistic behaviour episodes, seizures, sex education, desire to reproduce).

Neurological issues (seizures [more frequent than general population, but less than other causes of intellectual impairment], strokes [due to cyanotic CHD, or moyamoya disease]).


The examination of the child with DS in a long-case setting includes a full cardiological appraisal if the child has any CVS involvement, a documentation of the dysmorphic features of DS occurring in that child, plus an assessment for the development of any of numerous associated problems that may have arisen (e.g. thyroid disease, leukaemia). In addition, an assessment of function with respect to ADLs, a developmental assessment and an impression of behaviour based on direct interaction will give a complete picture, but time constraints may preclude these being assessed adequately. The approach given in Table 9.1 deals with the physical aspects of the child with DS that are able to be assessed objectively and within the time requirements. This approach can also be used in a short-case setting.

Table 9.1 The child with Down syndrome—physical examination

A. Measurements
Head circumference
Request/plot weight
Assess percentile charts specific for Down syndrome
Calculate height velocity
Request/plot birth parameters
Request/plot parents’ percentiles and ages at puberty
B. Systematic examination
The following is a selected listing of possible physical findings in children with Down syndrome—it does not include behavioural aspects
General inspection
Diagnostic facies
Tanner staging
Nutritional status

Skeletal anomalies

Skin Upper limbs Manoeuvres: palms up (to detect simian crease, clinodactyly); check for hyperextensibility (hypotonia) Structure of fingers Nails Palms Blood pressure: elevated (occult renal disease) Joints: hyperflexibility (usual), restriction of movement (arthropathy similar to juvenile arthritis) Head Size: small (measure and plot on Down syndrome specific growth charts) Shape: brachycephaly, flat occiput; facial profile (flat) Fontanelles: late closure Hair Eyes Inspection Conjunctival pallor (iron deficiency, transient myeloproliferative disorder (infant), acute myeloid leukaemia [AML], acute lymphoblastic leukaemia [ALL]) Scleral jaundice (coexistent liver disease) Iris: Brushfield’s spots (white speckling of the peripheral iris) Cornea Visual fields: field defect (CVA from cyanotic CHD) Eye movements Ophthalmoscopy: cataracts Nose Small, with flat nasal bridge Mouth and chin Central cyanosis: various forms of CHD Mouth: open (tendency to keep mouth open common) Palate: short hard palate Teeth: hypodontia, irregular placement, periodontal disease, dental caries Tongue: prominent (small pharynx, normal-sized tongue), geographical tongue, fissured tongue Tonsils: presence/size (can contribute to obstructive sleep apnoea [OSA]); absence (previous adenotonsillectomy for OSA) Ears Wearing hearing aid (hearing impairment in two thirds of cases); check aid works and that child will wear it Check hearing (for conductive, sensorineural or mixed loss) Structure: small, overfolded upper helix, small/absent earlobes, low-set Eardrums: ventilation tubes, chronic serous otitis media, permanent perforation, atelectatic eardrum, tympanic membrane scarring from previous infections or tubes, middle-ear cholesteatoma Neck Short, pterygium colli, scoliosis, excess skin back of neck (infant), low posterior hairline, goitre (coexistent thyroid disease) Torticollis (spinal cord compression from atlanto-axial instability) Chest Inspection Palpate and auscultate praecordium: various forms of CHD, loud second sound with obstructive sleep apnoea, development of mitral valve or tricuspid valve prolapse, or aortic regurgitation Abdomen Inspection Palpation Genitalia Tanner stage genitalia: measure penis length and testes parameters, estimate testes volume Penile anomalies: hypospadias (infant), corrected hypospadias Testicular anomalies: cryptorchidism, enlarged (testicular cancer [seminoma], leukaemic deposits) Gait, back and lower limbs Inspection of lower limbs Palpation: ankle oedema (CCF with CHD) Gait—standard examination (see the short-case approach) to detect: Back Lower limbs neurologically Joints: hyperflexibility (usual), restriction of movement (arthropathy similar to juvenile arthritis) Developmental assessment See the short case on developmental assessment—most children with Down syndrome have developmental quotient (DQ) and later intelligence quotient (IQ) in the range 50–70

Management issues

The following directs you to most areas of management relevant in the long case.

Cardiac disease

Around 30–50% of children with DS have CVS disease, the most common being septal defects (particularly atrioventricular (AV) canal, then VSD, then ASD), patent ductus arteriosus and tetralogy of Fallot; left-side defects are uncommon. These abnormalities are now more easily corrected, and are largely responsible for the increased life span of patients with DS. Cardiac disease may be entirely asymptomatic, so all neonates diagnosed with DS should have an echocardiogram after birth, and again at 6 weeks. The success rate for repair of septal defects is improving steadily: if not corrected, these conditions can lead to pulmonary hypertension, particularly if there is OSA, and shortened life span. Eisenmenger’s syndrome (reversal of shunting, to cause right-to-left shunt), more common in DS than in the general population, is now rare. Children with DS under 2 years of age with cyanotic CHD have an increased risk of cerebrovascular accident (CVA); they may present with seizures or acute onset hemiplegia. Children with DS over 2 years of age with cyanotic congenital heart disease (CHD) have an increased incidence of brain abscess, the severity of which relates to the degree of hypoxia. They may present with fever, headache, seizures or focal neurological signs. Around 50% of adolescents with DS syndrome and no previously known cardiac diagnosis develop mitral valve prolapse; aortic incompetence also can develop in adolescence. These are indications for continued monitoring. Despite obesity and unfavourable lipid levels in DS, the incidence of hypertension and atheroma is low. See further discussion of cardiac disease issues in the long case on cardiology (Chapter 6).

Behavioural and psychiatric issues

The most common behavioural issues include problems associated with ADHD-like behaviour, autism (appears in around 7% of children with DS), conduct/oppositional defiant disorder and aggressive behaviour. See the discussion in the long cases in Chapter 5 (Behavioural paediatrics) on each of these topics for relevant clinical aspects and their management. The diagnosis of autism is usually much later than in non-DS children, and parents often are reassured by various people that it is due to DS; there appear to be two groups, one where atypical behaviours appear in infancy, and the second when children have autistic regression at 3–7 years (this is a loss, or plateauing, of social and language skills). Depression is the other common psychiatric issue in DS, but tends to present beyond the paediatric age group. In those who appear depressed, thyroid function should be checked, as hypothyroidism can present in this way. Both the intellectual impairment and speech problems in DS complicate the prompt recognition of mental illness. Excluding sensory impairment in either vision or hearing, or both, should always occur before attributing new unusual behaviours to mental illness or Alzheimer’s syndrome. In the adult population, 25% of those with DS have major depression or aggressive behaviour.

Haematological disorders (including leukaemia)

Children with DS have an increased risk of developing leukaemia, but a decreased risk of developing solid tumours. Around 10% of newborns with DS develop a pre-leukaemic clone associated with a somatic mutation in the gene encoding for the haematopoietic transcription factor GATA1, which is on the X chromosome; this preleukaemia is called transient leukaemia (TL), or transient myeloproliferative disease (TMD) or transient abnormal myelopoiesis (TAM). TL is a form of self-limited leukaemia that is almost exclusive to neonates with DS, spontaneously regressing by 2–3 months. These infants must be followed up carefully, as some of them later develop myelodysplastic syndrome or, more often, megakaryoblastic leukaemia aged 1–3.

Both ALL and AML occur 10–20 times more frequently in children with DS compared to the general population. ALL and AML (most often acute megakaryoblastic leukaemia) occur with equal frequency (about 1 in 300 children with DS). In DS, AML usually occurs between ages 1 and 5 years (median 2 years). From 20 to 70% of patients with myeloid leukaemia of DS (ML DS) present with myelodysplastic syndrome with thrombocytopenia, followed by anaemia, developing over months. In ML DS, the presenting characteristics of these patients differ from those AML in the general population; patients with ML DS are younger than 5, have a low white cell count and do not show meningeal involvement. These patients have a better outcome than children without DS who have AML. In contrast, children with DS who develop ALL do not have a better outcome compared to their non-DS counterparts.

Chemotherapy in children with DS is associated with a higher morbidity and mortality. Anthracycline dosages are reduced in children with DS because of the increased long-term risk of cardiotoxicity in a population that may have compromised cardiac function due to congenital heart disease. For further discussion of leukaemia, see the long-case section on oncology (Chapter 14). The other haematological aberrations seen in DS are neonatal polycythaemia (occurs in two thirds of babies with DS) and macrocytosis (also in two thirds).

Lymphomas are more common in DS, as are testicular germ cell tumours (around 50 times the risk of the general population); males with DS usually have hypogonadism and often have cryptorchidism, so orchidopexy is useful to allow early detection of tumours. The risk of other solid tumours is decreased in DS.


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