Fractures: General Management

Published on 16/03/2015 by admin

Filed under Orthopaedics

Last modified 16/03/2015

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Chapter 2 Fractures: General Management

It is generally accepted that the majority of common fractures can be well managed by the general physician. These injuries are usually easily recognized both clinically and roentgenographically (Fig. 2-1). A satisfactory end result in their treatment will depend not only on the care of the fracture but also on restoration of the function of the injured extremity. These goals are reached by appreciating both the bony and soft tissue structures involved.


Fracture: a break in the continuity of a bone

Alignment: rotational or angular position

Apposition: amount of end-to-end contact of the fracture (Fig. 2-3)

Delayed union: fracture healing that is slower than normal

Dislocation (luxation): disruption in the continuity of a joint

Fracture-dislocation: dislocation that occurs in conjunction with a fracture of the joint. If incomplete, it is called a fracture-subluxation (Fig. 2-4)

Malunion: healing in an unsatisfactory position

Nonunion: failure of bony healing

Pseudarthrosis: failure of bone healing that produces a “false joint” consisting of soft tissue

Subluxation: partial disruption in the continuity of a joint (an incomplete dislocation)

NOTE: Fractures do not dislocate, they displace (shorten, angulate, etc.). They are thus described according to the type, place in the bone, amount of displacement, and angulation (Fig. 2-5). Rotation (torsion) is often difficult to assess roentgenographically but relatively easy to assess clinically. Rotation is usually described in reference to the distal fragment, as is angulation.

General Considerations


The acute fracture usually presents with a history of trauma and pain, swelling, and tenderness. Deformity may not be present if the fracture is not displaced. A careful clinical examination to assess areas of point tenderness will make the interpretation of radiographic findings easier. In the child, palpation should begin a distance away from the suspicious area and move slowly toward the affected site.

Plain films are the mainstay in the radiographic assessment of these injuries and should be performed first. Two views taken at 90 degrees to each other are standard. Long-bone films should include the joint above and below the site of injury to avoid missing a dislocation or a second fracture at a distance from the more obvious one. Remember, two fractures often occur in the same extremity; the proximal one is most often missed. Comparison radiographs of the opposite limb are taken any time there is confusion with normal anatomy, especially in the child. Oblique views may be helpful in uncertain cases. Never accept inadequate radiographs. Evaluate the whole picture, and always look for a second injury.

Special studies are required on occasion. Computed tomographic (CT) scanning provides excellent bone visualization. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides better assessment of soft tissues. Bone scanning can detect subtle bone injuries, but very often, simply repeating plain films, sometimes adding oblique views, 2 weeks after an injury may reveal abnormalities in the patient whose initial films appeared normal. (By this time, the fracture line may become more apparent because healing has occurred.)

Among the fractures most commonly missed on initial examination are those involving the scaphoid, the talar neck, the radial head, and the tibial plateau. In addition, the Lisfranc injury in the foot and the undisplaced growth plate fracture may not always be obvious. Finally, a lumbar compression fracture often occurs in conjunction with an acute calcaneous fracture, but may not be recognized initially unless a search for it is made. (The heel fracture is usually so painful and apparent that the patient may not appreciate the back injury until moving around.) Each of these injuries is discussed in subsequent chapters.


All major long-bone fractures should be splinted before the patient is transported. Careless handling of the extremity that further damages the soft tissue should be avoided, but it is wise to correct any significant rotational or angular misalignment before applying a splinting device. This is done by gentle traction in the long axis of the limb. However, do not pull the protruding bone ends of an open fracture back into the wound. If this happens, be certain the surgeon is made aware that the fracture was compound.

A variety of splinting devices are available that make transfer of the patient more comfortable (Fig. 2-6). Their use should be only temporary, however, until the diagnosis is confirmed roentgenographically. These splints should not be kept on more than a few hours, and certainly not overnight. They are very uncomfortable and are not meant for extended use. They fit poorly and do not allow for proper care of the soft tissue and control of swelling.

If definitive treatment of the fracture is to be delayed, a bulky, well-padded soft dressing supplemented with plaster splints, sometimes called the “Robert Jones” dressing, should be applied (Fig. 2-7). This dressing is made by first applying several layers of cast padding or cotton roll circumferentially to the extremity. Plaster splints may then be added, and the entire dressing is secured with gauze or elastic bandage. Precut padded plaster splints should not be used alone without first dressing the limb circumferentially in several layers of cast padding. Remember: the treatment of the soft tissue is as important as the protection of the fracture.

The extremity is then elevated above the level of the heart, and ice is applied to control swelling. The neurologic and circulatory status of the extremity distal to the injury should always be checked and recorded (Table 2-1). A complete neurologic examination is usually unnecessary. If the patient can extend the thumb and flex and spread the fingers, the major nerves (radial, median, and ulnar) of the upper extremity are functioning; if the patient can flex and extend the toes, the major nerves (posterior tibial and peroneal) to the lower extremity are intact. If a neurologic or vascular impairment is present, it is often relieved by reduction of the fracture or dislocation. If a neurologic impairment persists following the reduction, it is usually treated by simple observation and exercises to prevent contractures. The prognosis is generally good for complete recovery. Circulatory impairment that persists requires immediate vascular evaluation. The initial neurologic examination is particularly important because if a deficit is discovered only after treatment, it may not be able to be determined whether it was present before or occurred as a result of treatment.

Table 2-1 Occasional Neurovascular Complication of Common Injuries

Bony Injury Lesion Prominent Early Findings
Anterior shoulder dislocation Circumflex axillary nerve injury Mid-deltoid numbness
Spiral fracture of humerus Radial nerve injury Wrist drop
Avulsion fracture of medial epicondyle Ulnar nerve injury Numbness of small finger, weak finger abduction, adduction
Severe elbow fracture Brachial artery injury Severe pain, pain on passive finger extension
Fractured distal radius, ulna Median or ulnar nerve injury Numbness, motor loss
Posterior dislocation of hip Sciatic nerve injury (usually peroneal portion) Foot drop, weak extensor hallucis longus, numbness on dorsum of foot or great toe
Fracture of upper fibula Peroneal nerve injury Same
Fracture of upper tibia Compartment syndrome Severe pain, pain on passive stretch of involved compartment muscles

Definitive Fracture Care

Fracture healing is mainly a local event and is influenced very little by generalized disease (except smoking) or advanced age. When a fracture occurs, the periosteum and other soft tissues are damaged, with a resulting outpouring of blood and exudate. The fibrin from this hematoma helps form a mesh that holds all of the elements of the fracture together. Cellular differentiation and tissue organization occur and lead to the formation of a soft, stabilizing callus that encompasses the fracture ends. Eventually, this callus matures into mineralized bone.

To encourage this sequence of healing, the bone ends must be kept in apposition, sufficient blood supply must be maintained, and the bone fragments must be adequately immobilized. Otherwise, fibrous tissue may form instead of callus and lead to nonunion and formation of a pseudarthrosis. Whereas healing bone does have some ability to “bridge” a gap, especially in the young, whose callus-generating periosteum is so active, distraction of the bone ends is to be avoided. Conversely, compression of the fractured bone ends tends to stimulate fracture healing in many cases. Also, bones such as the clavicle and tibia, which are subcutaneous and have less surrounding soft tissue and blood supply, tend to heal more slowly, whereas fractures in the vascular metaphysis of any bone heal more rapidly. Open fractures or those with soft tissue interposition also heal more slowly because these factors compromise the local environment. Another element that influences healing is the type of fracture. Spiral shaft fractures, for example, tend to heal much more readily than do transverse shaft fractures because of the large amount of bone surface and hematoma available in the spiral fracture.

It is in consideration of these various local factors that decisions regarding the treatment of all fractures are made. These decisions are based on the goals of fracture treatment: (1) alignment of the bones in both the angular and rotational planes, (2) restoration of proper length, (3) restoration of apposition of the bone ends, and (4) adequate immobilization.

The aim in treatment of upper extremity fractures is to ensure proper function of the hand, and some shortening and slight misalignment may be accepted. In the lower limb, stable weight bearing is the goal. Misalignment is less acceptable, and full length is preferred.

Some fractures require no treatment or, at most, simple restriction of activity with a sling or crutches (Table 2-2). Many other fractures are treatable by cast immobilization without the need for reduction. Fractures that need to be reduced are usually treated by one of four general methods: (1) open or closed reduction with internal fixation, (2) continuous traction usually followed by cast immobilization, (3) closed reduction with external skeletal fixation, or (4) closed reduction followed by cast immobilization.

Table 2-2 Common Fractures Not Requiring Cast Immobilization*

Fracture Treatment
Impacted surgical neck of humerus Shoulder immobilizer
Undisplaced radial head fracture Sling
Undisplaced olecranon Sling
Undisplaced patella Knee immobilizer
Shaft of fibula Crutches
Base of fifth metatarsal Hard sandal
Stress fracture Avoid offending activity
Toe phalanges (undisplaced) Tape to adjacent toe
Undisplaced calcaneus Crutches

* These fractures are stable and should not displace if the extremity is moved. A soft compression dressing for the first 2 to 3 days may be helpful in some cases.


Most common fractures can be treated by manual reduction and immobilization, but for this procedure to be successful, certain mechanical aspects of the fracture should be understood. Whenever a bone has been broken and the fractured ends separate, the soft tissue (mainly periosteum) on the side opposite the direction of displacement ruptures and allows the fracture to angulate and rotate (Fig. 2-8). The tissue on the side to which the displacement occurs remains intact, although it may be stripped off of the bone. This intact soft tissue forms a “hinge” that can be used in the treatment of many fractures to help guide the displaced distal fragment or fragments into place and to help maintain that position.

Many methods can be used to place bones back into their original position. Most of these require that the distal fragment be placed into apposition to the proximal one. Some fractures require only a “push” back into place (Fig. 2-9). Others need a more complicated maneuver that incorporates traction and manipulation of the fragments (Fig. 2-10). The nature of the fracture and its displacement determine which method is necessary.