Feeding Healthy Infants, Children, and Adolescents

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Last modified 22/03/2015

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Chapter 42 Feeding Healthy Infants, Children, and Adolescents

Early feeding and nutrition play important roles in the origin of adult diseases such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and the metabolic syndrome; therefore, appropriate feeding practices should be established in the neonatal period and carried out as a continuum from childhood and adolescence to adulthood. Optimal neonatal feeding practices require a multidisciplinary approach among health care providers, including physicians, nursing staff, nutritionists, and lactation consultants. Whether by breast or by bottle, successful infant feeding requires education and a supportive environment conducive to successful transition from fetal to neonatal life.

Feeding During the First Year of Life


Feedings should be initiated soon after birth unless medical conditions preclude them. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and World Health Organization (WHO) strongly advocate breast-feeding as the preferred feeding for all infants. The success of breast-feeding initiation and continuation depends on multiple factors, such as education about breast-feeding, hospital breast-feeding practices and policies, routine and timely follow-up care, and family and societal support (Table 42-1). The AAP recommends exclusive breast-feeding for a minimum of 4 mo and preferably for 6 mo. The advantages of breast-feeding are well documented (Tables 42-2 and 42-3), and contraindications are rare (Table 42-4).


Secretory lgA Specific antigen-targeted anti-infective action
Lactoferrin Immunomodulation, iron chelation, antimicrobial action, antiadhesive, trophic for intestinal growth
κ-casein Antiadhesive, bacterial flora
Oligosaccharides Prevention of bacterial attachment
Cytokines Anti-inflammatory, epithelial barrier function
Growth factors
Epidermal growth factor Luminal surveillance, repair of intestine
Transforming growth factor (TGF)

Nerve growth factor Promotes neural growth Enzymes Platelet-activating factor-acetylhydrolase Blocks action of platelet activating factor Glutathione peroxidase Prevents lipid oxidation Nucleotides Enhance antibody responses, bacterial flora


HIV and HTLV infection

Tuberculosis infection Breast-feeding is contraindicated until completion of approximately 2 wk of appropriate maternal therapy Varicella-zoster infection Herpes simplex infection Breast-feeding is contraindicated with active herpetic lesions of the breast CMV infection Hepatitis B infection Hepatitis C infection Breast-feeding is not contraindicated Alcohol intake Limit maternal alcohol intake to <0.5 g/kg/day (for a woman of average weight, this is the equivalent of 2 cans of beer, 2 glasses of wine, or 2 oz of liquor) Cigarette smoking Discourage cigarette smoking, but smoking is not a contraindication to breast-feeding Chemotherapy, radiopharmaceuticals Breast-feeding is generally contraindicated

CMV, cytomegalovirus; HbsAg, hepatitis B surface antigen; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; HTLV, human T-lymphotropic virus.

Mothers should be encouraged to nurse at each breast at each feeding starting with the breast offered 2nd at the last feeding. It is not unusual for an infant to fall asleep after the 1st breast and refuse the 2nd. It is preferable to empty the 1st breast before offering the 2nd in order to allow complete emptying and therefore better milk production. Table 42-5 summarizes patterns of milk supply in the 1st week.


Day 1 Some milk (~5 mL) may be expressed
Days 2-4 Lactogenesis, milk production increases
Day 5 Milk present, fullness, leaking felt
Day 6 onward Breasts should feel “empty” after feeding

Adapted from Neifert MR: Clinical aspects of lactation: promoting breastfeeding success, Clin Perinatol 26:281–306, 1999.

New mothers should be instructed about infant hunger cues, correct nipple latch, positioning of the infant on the breast, and feeding frequency. It is also suggested that a physician or a lactation expert observe a feeding to evaluate positioning, latch, milk transfer and maternal responses, and infant satiety. Attention to these issues during the birth hospitalization allows dialogue with the mother and family and can prevent problems that could occur with improper technique or knowledge of breast-feeding. As part of the discharge teaching process, issues surrounding infant feeding, elimination patterns, breast engorgement, basic breast care, and maternal nutrition should be discussed. A follow-up appointment is recommended within 24-48 hr after hospital discharge.


Breast-feeding jaundice is a common reason for hospital readmission of healthy breast-fed infants and is largely related to insufficient fluid intake (Chapter 96.3). It may also be associated with dehydration and hypernatremia. Breast milk jaundice causes persistently high serum indirect bilirubin in a thriving healthy baby. Jaundice generally declines in the 2nd wk of life. Infants with severe or persistent jaundice should be evaluated for problems such as galactosemia, hypothyroidism, urinary tract infection, and hemolysis before ascribing the jaundice to breast milk that might contain inhibitors of glucuronyl transferase or enhanced absorption of bilirubin from the gut. Persistently high bilirubin can require changing from breast milk to infant formula for 24-48 hr and/or phototherapy without cessation of breast-feeding. Breast-feeding should resume after the decline in serum bilirubin. Parents should be reassured and encouraged to continue collecting breast milk during the period when the infant is taking formula.

Growth of the Breast-fed Infant

The rate of weight gain of the breast-fed infant differs from that of the formula-fed infant, and the infant’s risk for excess weight gain during late infancy may be associated with bottle feeding. Some of the differences in weight gain are explained by the use of growth charts derived from predominantly formula-fed children, and several studies suggest that the growth pattern of the population of breast-fed infants should be considered the norm. The WHO, has published a growth reference based on the growth of healthy breast-fed infants through the 1st yr of life. The new standards (http://www.who.int/childgrowth) are the result of a study in which >8,000 children were selected from 6 countries. The infants were selected based on healthy feeding practices (breast-feeding), good health care, high socioeconomic status, and nonsmoking mothers, so that they reflect the growth of breast-fed infants in the optimal conditions and can be used as prescriptive rather than normative curves. Charts are available for growth monitoring from birth to age 6 yr. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now recommends use of these charts for infants 0 to 23 months of age.

Formula Feeding (Fig. 42-1)

Most women make their feeding choices for their infant early in pregnancy. In a U.S. survey, although 83% of respondents initiated breast-feeding, the percentage who continued to breast-feed declined to 50% at 6 mo. Fifty-two percent of infants received formula while in the hospital and by 4 mo 40% had consumed other foods as well. Despite efforts to promote breast-feeding and discourage complementary foods before 4 mo of age, supplementing breast-feeding with infant formula and early introduction of complementary foods remain common in the USA. Indications for the use of infant formula are as a substitute or a supplement for breast milk or as a substitute for breast milk when breast milk is medically contraindicated by maternal (see Table 42-4) or infant factors.


Figure 42-1 Feeding algorithm for term infants.

(From Gamble Y, Bunyapen C, Bhatia J: Feeding the term infant. In Berdanier CD, Dwyer J, Feldman EB, editors: Handbook of nutrition and food, Boca Raton, FL, 2008, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, pp 271–284, Fig. 15-3.)

Infant formulas marketed in the USA are safe and nutritionally adequate as the sole source of nutrition for healthy infants for the first 4-6 mo of life. Infant formulas are available in ready-to-feed, concentrated liquid or powder forms. Ready-to-feed products generally provide 20 kcal/30 mL (1 oz) and approximately 67 kcal/dL. Concentrated liquid products when diluted according to instructions provide a preparation with the same concentration. Powder formulas come in single or multiple servings and when mixed according to instructions will result in similar caloric density.

Although infant formulas are manufactured in adherence to good manufacturing practices and are inspected by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), there are potential issues. Powder preparations are not sterile, and although the number of bacterial colony-forming units per gram of formula is generally lower than allowable limits, outbreaks of infections with Enterobacter sakazakii have been documented, especially in premature infants. The powder preparations can contain other coliform bacteria but have not been linked to disease in healthy term infants. Care also needs to be taken in following the mixing instructions to avoid over or under dilution, using water either boiled or sterilized, and using the specific scoops provided by the manufacturer, because scoop sizes vary. Well water needs to be tested regularly for bacteria and toxin contamination. Municipal water can contain variable concentrations of fluoride, and if the concentrations are high, bottled water that is defluoridated should be used to avoid toxicity.

Parents should be instructed to use proper handwashing techniques when preparing formula or feeding the infant. Guidance to follow written instructions for storage should also be given. Once opened, ready-to-feed and concentrated liquid containers can be covered with aluminum foil or plastic wrap and stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 48 hr. Powder formula should be stored in a cool, dry place; once opened, cans should be covered with the original plastic cap or aluminum foil, and the powdered product can be used for up to 4 wk. Prepared formula stored in the refrigerator should be warmed by placing the container in warm water for ~5 min; similar to breast milk, formula should not be heated in a microwave, because the formula can be heated unevenly and result in burns despite appearing to be at the right temperature when the surface is tested.

Formula feedings should be ad libitum, with the goal of achieving growth and development to the child’s genetic potential. The usual intake to allow a weight gain of 25-30 g/day will be 140-200 mL/kg/day in the first 3 mo of life. Between 3 and 6 mo of age and between 6 and 12 mo of age, the rate of weight gain declines. The protein and energy content of infant formulas in the USA for term infants is ~2.1 g/100 kcal and 67 kcal/dL. No recommendations have been made for follow-up or weaning formulas, although these are available and marketed.

If feedings are adequate and weight, length, and head circumference trajectories are appropriate, then infants do not need additional water, unless dictated by high environmental temperature. Vomiting and spitting up are common, and when weight gain and general well-being are noted, no change in formula is necessary. Most infants thrive on cow’s milk protein–based formulas, although some infants exhibit intolerance or allergy to cow’s milk protein.

In addition to complementary foods introduced between 4 and 6 mo of age, continued breast-feeding or the use of infant formula for the entire 1st year of life should be encouraged. Whole cow’s milk should not be introduced until 12 mo of age. In children between 12 and 24 mo of age for whom overweight or obesity is a concern or who have a family history of obesity, dyslipidemia, or cardiovascular disease, the use of reduced-fat milk would be appropriate.

Cow’s Milk Protein–Based Formulas

Intact cow’s milk–based formulas in the USA contain a protein concentration varying from 1.45 to 1.6 g/dL, considerably higher than in mature breast milk (~1 g/dL). The whey : casein ratio varies from 18 : 82 to 60 : 40; one manufacturer markets a formula that is 100% whey. The predominant whey protein is β-globulin in bovine milk and α-lactalbumin in human milk. This and other differences between human milk and bovine milk–based formulas result in different plasma amino acid profiles in infants on different feeding patterns, but a clinical significance of these differences has not been demonstrated.

Plant or a mixture of plant and animal oils are the source of fat in infant formulas, and fat provides 40-50% of the energy in cow’s milk–based formulas. Fat blends are better absorbed than dairy fat and provide saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). All infant formulas are supplemented with long-chain PUFAs, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and arachidonic acid (ARA) at varying concentrations. ARA and DHA are found at varying concentrations in human milk and vary by geographic region and maternal diet. No studies in term infants have found a negative effect of DHA and ARA supplementation, but some studies have demonstrated positive effects on visual acuity and neurocognitive development. A critical review concluded that there are no consistent effects of long-chain PUFAs (LCPUFAs) on visual acuity in term infants. A Cochrane review concluded that routine supplementation of milk formula with LCPUFAs to improve the physical, neurodevelopmental, or visual outcomes of infants born at term cannot be recommended based on the current evidence. DHA and ARA derived from single-cell microfungi and microalgae are classified as generally recognized as safe for use in infant formulas at approved concentrations and ratios.

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