Chapter 10 Ethics in Pediatric Intensive Care
A consequentialist might claim that removal of organs from persons in a persistent vegetative state does not harm the individuals because they can no longer experience meaningful life, or even hunger or thirst. The consequentialist also might assert that harvesting the organs best serves the class of patients in a persistent vegetative state because, overall, transplantation fosters the well-being (and by implication, happiness) of humans who can actually benefit from continued treatment. Some deontologists, however, surely would argue that the killing that necessarily results from the removal of vital organs, no matter what the intent, undermines human dignity and is morally impermissible.
With respect to the second issue, some persons urge physicians to ignore financial constraints to do everything “medically indicated” for patients, regardless of the economic consequences.1 The argument is that, at least for decisions about individual patients, physicians discharge their fiduciary responsibility only by advocating the best, even if most expensive, care. Macroeconomic concerns, regional and institutional issues, and microeconomics challenge this view.
From a macroeconomic perspective, our society resists increasing medical spending as an ever-increasing proportion of total social expenditure (such as percent of gross domestic product). Most Western industrial countries spend on average 9% of gross domestic product on health care. Does the United States get incrementally better outcomes for its 15% or larger outlay?2 By many measures of public health (e.g., infant mortality and longevity), the well-being of the U.S. population does not reflect our high medical expenses.2 Similarly, does the way we spend our health care dollar make the most sense? Should we spend great sums of money on expensive intensive care at the end of life for patients with little likelihood of benefit? In pediatrics, we have reason to believe that preventive measures (e.g., immunization and accident prevention) reduce morbidity and mortality rates3–5 and, in some cases, save money.3,4
With respect to microallocation, intensivists frequently engage in decisions about the distribution of specific services to particular patients, sometimes with clear awareness that competition exists under conditions of scarcity. With a nearly full ICU and a large demand for postoperative care for the cases on the next day’s operating room schedule, intensivists often must negotiate and juggle, trying to meet varying claims about who should occupy scarce beds and receive nursing attention. Even the decision to use one vasoactive drug or antibiotic instead of a far more or less expensive agent requires an attempt to balance expected benefit against drains on resources. It seems inappropriate to demand that physicians ignore such actual conflicts. Intensivists, like other practitioners, rarely enjoy the luxury of having a single duty to a single patient with an unlimited ability to pay for services. Although doctors might prefer to leave economic considerations to policymakers and the marketplace, justice issues do find their way into ICU routines.
Health Care Decision Making: Consent
In most circumstances, minors are legally incompetent; that is, state statutes determine the age at which children become legally entitled to make binding decisions, including those about medical care. In general, children have limited legal rights to make medical decisions for themselves until age 18 years. As a consequence, like other legally incompetent patients, surrogates must authorize medical treatment for children. Usually, parents serve as the valid surrogates for their children. Moreover, informed consent, per se, has limited direct application in pediatrics. Valid consent requires adequate information and understanding, involves judgments about a proposed intervention, and reflects personal values bearing on the situation; thus consent can only be given by a patient with decisional capacity.6 Strictly speaking, parents or guardians give informed permission, a concept supported by the American Academy of Pediatrics.7
When parents or another surrogate provide informed permission for older children and adolescents, clinicians should seek the child’s assent when possible. By obtaining the child’s assent, clinicians empower children to the extent of their capacity and foster trust in and improve patient-physician relationships. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, assent should include: “(1) Helping the patient achieve a developmentally appropriate awareness of the nature of his or her conditions; (2) telling the patient what he or she can expect with tests and treatment(s); (3) making a clinical assessment of the patient’s understanding of the situation and the factors influencing how he or she is responding (including whether there is inappropriate pressure to accept testing or therapy); and (4) soliciting an expression of the patient’s willingness to accept the proposed care.”7 In certain situations, U.S. federal regulations require respecting the child’s wishes, such as in proposed participation of a minor in research that provides no substantive potential for individual benefit. In the clinical arena, when treatment refusal is not life-threatening, physicians should make an effort to understand the patient’s reasons for refusal and help him or her understand the consequences of such a decision.6
In addition to specific legislative rights for some children to consent for themselves, another legal notion may apply. Courts have used the theory of the “mature minor” in judging whether a child has the capacity and maturity to decide what is best for herself or himself. Such cases typically involve chronic or long-standing medical conditions where the minor has had an opportunity to observe the implications of the disorder; to experience the effects of the disease; and to reflect on the religious, moral, and factual matters relevant to medical decisions. Examples of such situations include adolescents with cystic fibrosis, end-stage renal disease, and muscular dystrophies. The mature minor doctrine allows that, in selected cases, the child may accept or decline life-sustaining treatment, such as dialysis, mechanical ventilation, and transplantation, with or without agreement from the family. Other situations might include those where long-standing and well-thought-out beliefs, such as those held by adolescent Jehovah’s Witnesses, would lead the child to refuse blood transfusions that otherwise might be essential for appropriate medical care. These cases require careful individual determinations about the actual capacities of the patient and the issues involved, and prudence may suggest judicial review. (This discussion does not imply that legal entitlement equals the best moral solution to dilemmas or disputes. However, the law recognizes that some children have legitimate independent claims regarding their medical care that may differ from the expressed wishes of their parents or guardians. This legal recognition suggests that, at times, professionals should support admittedly divisive stances that minor patients take.)