2 major risk factors in USA: Tobacco and alcohol abuse
90-100% of cases arise from Barrett mucosa
Increasing in prevalence relative to SCC, especially in USA
Double-contrast esophagography
Best for detection of early cancer
Usually sessile polyp or flattening of esophageal wall
Advanced cancer
Luminal constriction (stricture) with nodular or ulcerated mucosa
Polypoid, ulcerative, varicoid, irregular constricting forms
CT: Useful for staging
Mediastinal and abdominal lymphadenopathy
Liver and other metastases
PET/CT: Superior to CT in detecting regional and distant metastases
Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS)
Best technique for determining locoregional extent of tumor
Reflux esophagitis (with stricture)
Esophageal intramural benign tumors
Esophageal metastases and lymphoma
Foreign body, esophagus
Dramatic change from squamous cell to adenocarcinoma prevalence in USA within past 20 years
Early cancer: 5-year survival = 90%
Surgery, radiation (pre- and postoperative radiation)
Esophagectomy with gastric interposition is most common
Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC): Malignant transformation of squamous epithelium
Adenocarcinoma: Malignant dysplasia in columnar metaplasia (Barrett mucosa)
General Features
Best diagnostic clue
Fixed irregular narrowing of esophageal lumen with destroyed mucosal pattern
Middle 1/3 (50%), lower 1/3 (30%), upper 1/3 (20%)
Classification of advanced esophageal cancer based on gross pathology and radiographic findings
Infiltrating, polypoid, ulcerative, varicoid lesions
Other general features
Carcinoma is most common tumor of esophagus (> 95%)
Squamous cell cancer (SCC)
Accounts for about 40% of esophageal cancer in USA and 90% in developing countries
Decreasing in relative prevalence as adenocarcinoma becomes more common
Human papillomavirus: Synergistic increased risk factor
Especially in China and South Africa
1% of all cancers and 7% of all gastrointestinal cancers
2 major risk factors in USA: Tobacco and alcohol abuse
Accounts for > 60% of esophageal cancer in USA
Increasing in prevalence relative to SCC
90-100% of cases arise from Barrett mucosa
Radiographic Findings
Chest radiograph (PA and lateral view): Advanced carcinoma
Hilar, retrohilar, or retrocardiac mass
Anterior bowing of posterior tracheal wall
Retrotracheal stripe thickening > 3 mm
Double-contrast esophagography: En face and profile views
Early esophageal squamous cell cancer
Plaque-like lesions: Small, sessile polyps, or depressed lesions
Early adenocarcinoma in Barrett esophagus
Plaque-like lesions: Flat, sessile polyps
Localized area of flattening/stiffening in wall of peptic stricture (common in distal 1/3)
Advanced esophageal squamous cell cancer
Infiltrating lesion (most common): Irregular narrowing, luminal constriction (stricture) with nodular or ulcerated mucosa
Polypoid lesion: Lobulated, fungating intraluminal mass
Ulcerative lesion: Well-defined meniscoid ulcers with radiolucent rim of tumor surrounding ulcer in profile view
Varicoid lesion: Thickened, tortuous, serpiginous longitudinal folds due to submucosal spread of tumor, mimicking varices
Key difference: No change on repeated films
Advanced adenocarcinoma in Barrett esophagus
Radiologically indistinguishable from SCC
Long infiltrating lesion in distal esophagus
Diagnostic Imaging_ Gastrointes - Michael P Federle