Endoscopic and Radiologic Treatment of Biliary Disease

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CHAPTER 70 Endoscopic and Radiologic Treatment of Biliary Disease

Endoscopic therapy and radiologic treatment of biliary disease have evolved in separate but parallel manners. Endoscopic therapy is performed using endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) and, more recently, using endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-guided techniques. ERCP is performed primarily by endoscopists trained in a gastroenterology training program, but in some centers it is performed by surgeons. ERCP is one of the most technically demanding endoscopic procedures, and for the successful management of complex cases, the learning curve is steep. Radiologic therapy of the biliary tree is performed via a percutaneous approach by interventional radiologists. The two approaches should be seen as complementary rather than competitive. The decision to proceed with an endoscopic or radiologic approach is often based on local expertise; other considerations include physician referral patterns, location of a lesion within the biliary tree, failure of one method, and altered anatomy as a result of prior surgery.


Imaging of the biliary tree is of utmost importance in planning the management approach to patients with biliary disorders and is discussed briefly in this context.


Noninvasive imaging of the biliary tree frequently begins with transabdominal ultrasound, which provides a global picture of the liver and is nearly universally available. There is no radiation exposure, and contrast agents are not required. Intrahepatic ductal dilatation can be visualized easily and the size of the bile duct can be documented. Ultrasound also provides imaging of the gallbladder and detects gallstones. For detection of choledocholithiasis, ultrasound has a high specificity, but the sensitivity does not exceed 68% and is often lower than 50%.1,2 The sensitivity decreases if the stones are small and the bile ducts are not dilated. Ultrasound is highly accurate (78% to 98%) for detecting extrahepatic biliary obstruction.2 When used in conjunction with the clinical evaluation, ultrasound allows differentiation between liver parenchymal disease and extrahepatic biliary obstruction with a reasonable sensitivity and high specificity.2 Ultrasound is less accurate, however, at defining the level and cause of obstruction, with accuracy rates ranging from 27% to 95% and 23% to 88%, respectively.2 In addition, ultrasound is limited in the ability to distinguish malignant from benign causes of obstruction.2


Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) is a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study (and thus noninvasive) that is dependent on the high T2-signal characteristics of bile. It does not require administration of oral or intravenous contrast material. For the detection of choledocholithiasis, MRCP has a sensitivity ranging from 81% to 100%, a specificity ranging from 96% to 100%, and high overall diagnostic accuracy (Fig. 70-1).3 In addition, MRCP is highly accurate in demonstrating the presence of benign and malignant strictures4 and allows a thorough evaluation of the intrahepatic bile ducts. In patients suspected of having post-liver transplant biliary complications, intravenous administration of mangafodipir trisodium (Teslascan, Amersham Health, Princeton, NJ) may be used. This agent is excreted primarily in the bile and may improve imaging sensitivity for post-liver transplant biliary leaks and strictures.5 An MRI can be performed as well with an intravenous contrast agent, such as gadodiamide (Omniscan, GE Healthcare, United Kingdom) or gadopentetate dimeglumine (Magnevist, Bayer Healthcare, Leverkusen, Germany or Multihance, Bracco, Princeton, NJ), to detect and characterize mass lesions in the liver, porta hepatis, or pancreas. Contraindications to MRI include a cardiac pacemaker, automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator, and some types of cerebral aneurysm clips. A particular concern about gadolinium-based intravenous contrast agents is that they may precipitate nephrogenic systemic fibrosis, a rare scleroderma-like disease manifested by hardening of the skin and fibrotic changes that affect multiple organs. The cause remains unclear, but reports suggest that patients with preexisting kidney disease (renal failure) are at greatest risk.6,7

Multidetector computed tomography cholangiography (MDCT) with multiplanar reformation is a computed tomography (CT)-based imaging study. MDCT is a combination of rapid volume acquisition and thin-slice imaging. Water is used as an oral contrast agent for the biliary tree, and intravenous iodinated contrast is also administered. Images acquired in the axial plane can be reconstructed sagittally or coronally and reformatted three dimensionally. The intravenous contrast dye is not excreted in bile but enhances adjacent surrounding visceral structures such as the liver, pancreas, and other soft tissues. Bile ducts thus appear as low attenuation structures that are best visualized if dilated. The sensitivity and specificity of MDCT for bile duct strictures have been reported to be 85.7% and 100%, respectively.8 MDCT also has a high sensitivity and specificity for the detection of bile duct stones.9


Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (THC) is an invasive diagnostic test and can be therapeutic if necessary. In light of the array of noninvasive imaging studies, percutaneous THC is rarely performed purely for diagnostic purposes. Subsequent decompression of biliary obstruction, removal of a stone, balloon dilation of a stricture, and placement of a stent for a stricture can be performed. The procedure is generally reserved for patients for whom ERCP is precluded because of difficult endoscopic access across a biliary-enteric (Roux-en-Y) anastomosis, gastric bypass, or extrahepatic biliary stricture that cannot be traversed endoscopically. Serious procedure-related complications such as bleeding, sepsis, or bile leakage occur in approximately 2% to 4% of cases.10 The procedure generally can be performed with monitored moderate (“conscious”) sedation.11 Broad-spectrum intravenous antibiotics are usually administered prophylactically.


Review of CT and MR imaging of the liver prior to percutaneous THC can help determine the best approach (i.e., from the right or left side) and the location of the dominant dilated ducts and help avoid traversing adjacent structures, such as the colon, unintentionally. Dilated bile ducts on the left side may be easily accessible with a minimal number of needle passes with use of ultrasound guidance from a subxiphoid approach.12 A standard right-sided approach is used most frequently, however, and is performed from an intracostal approach, usually via the mid-axillary region below the 10th intercostal space. Higher punctures increase the risk of pneumothorax or biliary pleural effusion.

From either side, the procedure is initiated by advancing a 22-gauge needle under fluoroscopic guidance centrally toward the liver hilum and gently injecting contrast as the needle is withdrawn slowly. The initial use of such a small needle reduces hepatic trauma as well as the likelihood of bleeding despite the potential need for multiple needle passes to cannulate a bile duct, particularly when the bile ducts are not dilated. Ultrasound guidance and CT guidance can be used to access nondilated bile ducts.13,14

When a bile duct is cannulated, a diagnostic cholangiogram can be performed. Isolated ducts, because of strictures or stones that do not communicate with the rest of the biliary tree, may need to be opacified via additional needle passes. If the procedure is only diagnostic, and biliary obstruction is not evident, the needle is simply withdrawn. If the biliary system is obstructed, however, serious consideration should be given to traversing the obstruction and leaving a decompressive “external-internal” tube in place; abandoning an obstructed biliary system may lead to bile leakage from the puncture site. The risk of hepatic arterial injury is reduced by using a peripheral intrahepatic bile duct for final access. If the duct cannulated initially is too central (the larger branches of the hepatic artery tend to be more central), a more peripheral duct should be chosen for access into the biliary tree. Frequently, use of a second needle to puncture a more peripheral duct is required, and the initial needle is used to opacify and visualize this new and safer access duct. A 0.018-inch “micro” wire is then advanced via the needle into the biliary tree and the access system “upsized” by the passage of catheters of increasing diameter over the wire. When access is gained, the obstruction can be traversed and an external-internal biliary tube can be placed (Fig. 70-2). These tubes provide drainage holes positioned above the level of obstruction; the distal pigtail is configured within the small intestine. The size of the tube usually ranges from 8 to 12 French. A larger tube may yield better decompression, but care must be taken not to place a tube in which the size may actually obstruct drainage of smaller ducts, particularly in the setting of primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), in which many of the obstructed ducts are not dilated. If the obstruction cannot be traversed during the initial attempt, a drainage catheter can be left proximal to the obstruction in the biliary tree (external drainage), and subsequent attempts can be made via this access after several days of drainage. This delay often allows inflammation to decrease and increases the likelihood of subsequent internalization of a catheter. Generally, the external-internal drainage tube is left to external drainage until fever or blood in the biliary tree resolves. Capping of the external end of the tube to permit internal drainage only decreases biliary fluid losses, which can be more than 1 liter per day, and prevents associated dehydration or electrolyte abnormalities. Bile samples obtained during the initial procedure can be sent for culture or cytology.

Contraindications to percutaneous THC include coagulopathy. Generally the procedure is thought to be safe with an international normalized ratio (INR) of less than 1.8 and platelet count greater than 50,000/mm3. Any abnormalities should be corrected immediately before the procedure. Marked ascites between the liver and puncture site increases the risk of bile leakage, whereas a tortuous biliary catheter course may lead to malposition of the catheter or difficulty with future manipulations. In the presence of a substantial amount of perihepatic ascites, a pre-procedure paracentesis can be performed or ultrasound guidance can be used to place a small temporary peritoneal drainage catheter adjacent to the liver for the duration of the procedure. Biliary sepsis can be minimized by avoiding overdistention of the bile ducts and limiting the number of manipulations during the procedure. As soon as a tube is placed, it can be used as an access for further manipulations or interventions.

Following initial biliary decompression, further intervention should be avoided until fever and sepsis have resolved. Patients need to be monitored closely for the first 24 to 48 hours following the procedure. Brisk bleeding around the catheter site, through the catheter itself, or from the gastrointestinal tract suggests the possibility of hepatic arterial injury.15 Presentation of a hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm can be delayed, sometimes for a week or two after the initial procedure. If bleeding persists, the hemoglobin level drops substantially or the patient becomes hemodynamically unstable, hepatic angiography should be considered, and, if an injured arterial branch is demonstrated, embolization should be performed. A small amount of blood in the biliary tube or bile ducts following the original procedure, or during subsequent manipulations, is frequently self-limited and clears within one or two days.


Postoperative strictures may occur following laparoscopic cholecystectomy, major hepatic resection, and liver transplantation at a choledochocholedochal anastomosis or within an intrahepatic duct as a result of ischemia or recurrent PSC (Table 70-1) (see Chapters 66, 68, and 95). Dilation of a postoperative or other benign biliary stricture can be performed via percutaneous THC or through a mature, surgically-placed T-tube tract. Maturation of the T-tube tract usually requires six weeks. Percutaneous THC and biliary balloon dilation may be performed at the same session in the absence of clinical signs of cholangitis or sepsis. An 8-French or 10-French transhepatic tube is left in place, and the patient returns for repeat cholangiography six weeks later, at which time further stricture dilation is performed if bile duct narrowing of 30% or greater persists. The tube is then repeatedly upsized to a 12-French tube to facilitate healing of the stricture at a larger diameter. If the stricture resolves on follow-up, the biliary tube can be removed; otherwise, a similar procedure should be performed after six to eight weeks.

Table 70-1 Principal Causes of Benign Biliary Strictures


In one of the largest series published with long-term follow-up, percutaneous biliary balloon dilation was performed in 85 patients with a benign biliary stricture.16 In the 75 patients with follow-up, 205 percutaneous procedures were performed during 112 treatments of 84 biliary strictures. Stricture balloon dilation from 8 to 12 mm was performed. Procedures were repeated at 2- to 14-day intervals until cholangiography demonstrated free drainage of contrast material to the small intestine and no residual stenosis. An internal-external biliary drain was left in place for a mean of 14 to 22 days and removed if the patient did well when the catheter was clamped and had a normal cholangiogram. All procedures were technically successful. A total of 52, 11, 10, and 2 patients underwent a total of one, two, three, and four dilations, respectively. Major complications occurred in 2% of procedures: two subphrenic abscesses, one hepatic arterial pseudoaneurysm, and one case of hemobilia. The probability that clinically significant restenosis did not develop at 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 years was 0.52, 0.49, 0.49, 0.41, and 0.41, respectively, after the first treatment, and 0.43, 0.30, 0.20, 0.20, and 0.20, respectively, after the second treatment. No significant difference was found in the rate of restenosis for strictures at anastomotic and nonanastomotic sites. Overall, 56 of 75 patients (75%) had successful management with percutaneous therapy.

Following liver transplantation, percutaneous THC is used for treating complications in patients with a duct-to-duct anastomosis and especially in patients in whom hepaticojejunostomy has been performed; these latter anastomoses frequently cannot be accessed via an endoscopic approach. Hepaticojejunal anastomosis is performed at the time of liver transplantation in children, persons with PSC, persons who undergo reoperation for a complication of a duct-to-duct (choledococholedochal) anastomosis, and living-related donors. For treatment of both duct-to-duct and hepaticojejunal anastomotic strictures, percutaneous therapy provides a high nonoperative success rate.1719 In addition, in those patients in whom the bile duct is approachable via ERCP but who fail an endoscopic approach, a percutaneous approach is often successful.20


Most nonsurgical therapeutic interventions for PSC are now performed via ERCP (see Chapter 68). In the past, percutaneous therapy for a dominant stricture using balloon dilation followed by biliary drain placement for two to three months was found to be highly effective for treating obstructive biliary symptoms in patients with PSC21 but less effective in patients with jaundice for more than six months because of liver parenchymal dysfunction. More recently, only case reports of percutaneous therapy for PSC have appeared in the literature.22 In our experience, percutaneous therapy is useful for patients with a dominant stricture that cannot be accessed endoscopically (Fig. 70-3). In these cases, a guidewire or catheter passed percutaneously can be left in the duodenum to facilitate future endoscopic access (see later).


Widespread performance of laparoscopic cholecystectomy has led to an increased frequency of major bile duct injuries (see Chapter 66). Other causes of bile duct injury include bile duct exploration or biliary injury resulting from abdominal surgery or trauma. Percutaneous transhepatic biliary drain placement can be used as primary treatment of the injury or to augment surgical repair. Misra and colleagues26 retrospectively evaluated 51 patients who underwent percutaneous biliary management following laparoscopic cholecystectomy-related bile duct injuries over a 10-year period; 45 had operative repair prior to referral. Overall, 46 of the 51 were initially managed percutaneously, and 5 were managed percutaneously following failed hepaticojejunostomy. Nonoperative percutaneous management with balloon dilation resulted in an overall success rate of 58.8% at a mean follow-up of 76 months.


Bile duct stones can be managed percutaneously via cholecystostomy tubes, percutaneous placed drains, or surgical T-tubes. Gallbladder tube or T-tube tracts require approximately six weeks to mature prior to use. In many cases, bile duct stones can be cleared percutaneously by dilating the papilla from an antegrade approach.27,28 The stones, which may require mechanical fragmentation, are flushed into the duodenum. The percutaneous catheter is replaced for several days and then removed. With this approach, in one study27 stones were removed in 95 of 100 patients. In some cases, particularly in the setting of complex intrahepatic stones, a small-caliber choledochoscope (cholangioscope) can be passed through a mature percutaneous tract. Stones are then fragmented using a variety of techniques, with a high rate of success (see Chapter 65).29,30


Stents can be placed percutaneously for relief of malignant biliary obstruction, either preoperatively or for palliation. Stents are composed of either rigid plastic or self-expanding metal. Self-expanding metal stents (SEMS) were designed to avoid occlusion from bacterial biofilm, which invariably occurs in plastic stents and results in the need for re-intervention.

Distal bile duct strictures (e.g., caused by pancreatic head cancer) are preferably managed via ERCP (see later) because endoscopic stent placement is less painful than percutaneous stent placement and is associated with fewer complications. This conclusion is based on a randomized trial of endoscopic and percutaneous approaches using plastic stents.31 Percutaneous stent placement can easily be achieved in these patients, however. Multiple interventions are often needed to place plastic stents prior to final internalization of the stent because large-bore (≥10-French) stents require dilation of a tract through the liver, which often cannot be accomplished in one stage. Bleeding, which occurs with such aggressive dilation, often requires maintenance of an external catheter to drain blood within the biliary tree. More recently, SEMS have been used. In a classic study, percutaneous placement of SEMS was associated with significantly longer stent patency, reduction in the need for re-intervention, and shorter hospital stays.32 In addition, advantages of SEMS when placed percutaneously are the availability of small-diameter pre-deployment delivery systems, so that the percutaneous tract does not require dilation, and the capability for stent insertion in one step.32,33 In a randomized trial34 of endoscopic versus percutaneous palliation of malignant bile duct obstruction in which metal biliary stents were placed percutaneously in one step and plastic stents were placed endoscopically, percutaneous placement of SEMS was associated with a 34% lower rate of recurrent biliary obstruction.

Relief of hilar biliary obstruction (e.g., caused by hilar cholangiocarcinomas, or Klatskin tumors) is more difficult to achieve endoscopically than relief of distal bile duct obstruction. Several studies have suggested that the percutaneous approach to these tumors is superior to the endoscopic approach, with a lower rate of post-procedure cholangitis.34,35

Covered SEMS were designed to improve stent patency by reducing the frequency of occlusion resulting from tumor ingrowth and tissue hyperplasia. Studies have shown promising results,36,37 although no randomized trials of covered versus uncovered stents placed via the percutaneous approach have been published.


The standard treatment of acute calculous cholecystitis is cholecystectomy (see Chapters 65 and 66). Even with the advent of laparoscopic cholecystectomy, some patients are still not surgical candidates. Percutaneous cholecystostomy tube placement is a minimally invasive way to treat these patients and can be performed with a local anesthetic or with moderate sedation. Tube placement enables immediate decompression of the gallbladder. Bile samples obtained during tube placement can be used to guide antimicrobial therapy, and the tube can be used for cholangiography to confirm cystic duct obstruction or, if the cystic duct becomes patent, bile duct obstruction. Percutaneous gallbladder therapy is useful for the management of severe acute calculous cholecystitis as a nonoperative approach in elderly patients or persons who are poor candidates for surgery and as a way to avoid emergency surgery.38 In the last situation, an elective cholecystectomy can be performed subsequently, often laparoscopically.39,40

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