CHAPTER 12 Emergency Nuclear Radiology
Tc-99m is the most widely used tracer in nuclear medicine, accounting for over 85% of routine diagnostic procedures in a nuclear medicine department. The following radiation characteristics of technetium-99m make it an ideal agent (Fig. 12-1).
Tc-99m is obtained from “milking” a molybdenum-99 (Mo-99) generator (Fig. 12-2). Mo-99 is obtained as a by-product from the fission of uranium. Mo-99 is chemically separated from the other radionuclides in the reactor product. Purified Mo-99 as anionic molybdate solution is loaded on to the generator column, which contains alumina. The alumina, which is positively charged, is able to adsorb Mo-99 ions. The assembly is then autoclaved. Several normal saline washings of the column yield eluate containing Tc-99m. These washings are subjected to several quality control tests to determine eluate volume, radionuclide purity (“moly” breakthrough), radiochemical purity (proper chemical form of technetium as pertechnetate), pyrogenicity, sterility, and/or alumina breakthrough. The half-life of Mo-99 is 66 hours allowing for weekly delivery of the generator to elute Tc-99m.
The eluted technetium can now be tagged to the appropriate pharmaceutical for use. When radionuclides such as technetium are tagged to specific pharmaceuticals, they are called radiopharmaceuticals. The pharmaceutical portion of the diagnostic radiopharmaceutical is present in very small amounts and will not elicit any pharmacologic response in the patient. The radioactive component is present in even smaller amounts. The technetium-99m radiopharmaceuticals for use in the emergency situation are listed in Box 12-1.
In-111 is produced in a cyclotron from the radioactive parent Cd-112. It has a half-life of 67 hours (2.8 days). The principal photons are 178 keV and 247 keV. The relatively long half-life of In-111 allows sequential imaging (Fig. 12-3).
Gallium-67 Citrate
Gallium-67 is produced in a cyclotron from the parent zinc-68. Gallium-67 decays by electron capture to stable zinc-67 in 3.26 days (Fig. 12-4). The transition energy, which is 0.997 MeV, is dissipated by several electron capture transitions. Several gamma photons are emitted that are used for imaging. The principal ones are 93 keV with 37% abundance, 185 keV with 20% abundance, 300 keV with 17% abundance, and 394 keV with 5% abundance.
The components of the detection system/gamma camera (Fig. 12-5) include the following:
Radiopharmaceuticals and Techniques
The patient is imaged in a sitting position, although images could be obtained with the patient supine. Ideally, the patient is imaged on a large field-of-view (FOV) gamma camera using a parallel-hole collimator. A diverging collimator may be necessary in larger patients to encompass both lungs on the anterior and posterior views. The standard views are the anterior, posterior, right and left laterals, both right and left posterior oblique, and both right and left anterior oblique (Fig. 12-6). Generally, a minimum of 500,000 counts is accumulated per image.
Xenon can be used to assess all phases of ventilation. The most commonly used technique involves having the patient breathe xenon through a spirometer. The patient exhales as deeply as possible and then inhales 10 to 20 mCi of Xe-133. The respiration is suspended at the end of the inhalation for 15 seconds, while the first image is obtained. The patient breathes xenon out into a spirometer, which constitutes a closed system. Approximately 2 L of oxygen are used to dilute the expired xenon (Fig. 12-7). The patient rebreathes this mixture for 2 to 3 minutes, at which time another static image is obtained. This constitutes the equilibrium image. After equilibrium has been reached, fresh air is breathed in until the xenon is completely washed out. Images are obtained every 15 seconds for 2 to 3 minutes. For patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), the washout phase may be delayed up to 5 minutes to image areas of regional airway trapping. This entire process presupposes that the patient is able to cooperate with breathing into a spirometer or a closed system. The initial/single breath reflects the regional ventilatory rate. The equilibrium phase depicts the aerated volume of the lungs, while the washout phase delineates trapping. Xenon is fat soluble and partially soluble in blood, which will cause deposition in the liver, particularly in patients with fatty replacement in the liver.
Radiolabeled Aerosols
In the workup for PE, Tc-99m DTPA aerosol is ideal, since images can be obtained in projections to match the ventilation images. After inhalation, aerosol particles are deposited in the distal airways and not the alveoli. Following inhalation, the Tc DTPA particles dissolve in the fluids within the alveoli and ultimately diffuse across the epithelial barrier into the circulation. As long as the epithelial barrier is intact, the aerosol diffuses relatively slowly into the circulation. The half-time disappearance of the aerosol from the alveoli is about 80 minutes. This is much faster in patients whose epithelial barrier may be deficient, as in COPD or in smokers. The Tc DTPA that has entered into the circulation is cleared via the kidneys. Larger particles are deposited in the central airways, the mouth, and the alimentary tract (from swallowed particles) (Fig. 12-8).
Chest X-Ray
It is important to have a chest x-ray for evaluation before performing the ventilation-perfusion (VQ) scan (Fig. 12-9). It is good practice to have one that has been obtained within 24 hours of performing the VQ scan. It would be ideal to have a full-inspiration posteroanterior (PA) and lateral chest x-ray available for interpretation. However, a large percentage of the patients who are at risk for PE in the hospital or the intensive care unit setting may have several other cardiopulmonary pathologic processes that could interfere with the reading of the VQ scan. In these patients, one has to be satisfied with the portable radiograph, which is rarely of the quality of the standard PA and lateral radiographic study.