Chapter 429 Disturbances of Rate and Rhythm of the Heart
A number of effective pharmacologic agents are available for treating arrhythmias in adults; many have not been studied extensively in children. Insufficient data are available regarding pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and efficacy in the pediatric population, and therefore the selection of an appropriate agent is often necessarily empirical. Fortunately, the majority of rhythm disturbances in children can be reliably controlled with a single agent (Table 429-1). Transcatheter ablation is acceptable therapy not only for life-threatening or drug-resistant tachyarrhythmias but also for the elective definitive treatment of arrhythmias. For patients with bradycardia, implantable pacemakers are small enough for use in premature infants. Implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) are available for use in high-risk patients with malignant ventricular arrhythmias and an increased risk of sudden death.
429.1 Principles of Antiarrhythmic Therapy
Antiarrhythmic drugs are commonly categorized using the Vaughan Williams classification system. This system comprises 4 classes: Class I includes agents that primarily block the sodium channel, class II includes the β-blockers, class III includes those agents that prolong repolarization, and class IV are the calcium channel blockers. Class I is further divided by the strength of the sodium channel blockade (see Table 429-1).
429.2 Sinus Arrhythmias and Extrasystoles
Phasic sinus arrhythmia represents a normal physiologic variation in impulse discharges from the sinus node related to respirations. The heart rate slows during expiration and accelerates during inspiration. Occasionally, if the sinus rate becomes slow enough, an escape beat arises from the atrioventricular (AV) junction region (Fig. 429-1). Normal phasic sinus arrhythmia can be quite prominent in children and may mimic frequent premature contractions, but the relationship to the phases of respiration can be appreciated with careful auscultation. Drugs that increase vagal tone, such as digoxin, may exaggerate sinus arrhythmia; it is usually abolished by exercise. Other irregularities in sinus rhythm, especially bradycardia associated with periodic apnea are commonly seen in premature infants.
Wandering atrial pacemaker (Fig. 429-2) is defined as an intermittent shift in the pacemaker of the heart from the sinus node to another part of the atrium. It is not uncommon in childhood and usually represents a normal variant; it may also be seen in association with sinus bradycardia in which the shift in atrial focus is an escape phenomenon.
Premature atrial contractions are common in childhood, usually in the absence of cardiac disease. Depending on the degree of prematurity of the beat (coupling interval) and the preceding R-R interval (cycle length), premature atrial complexes may result in a normal, a prolonged (aberrancy), or an absent (blocked premature atrial complex) QRS complex. The last occurs when the premature impulse cannot conduct to the ventricle due to refractoriness of the AV node or distal conducting system (Fig. 429-3). Atrial extrasystoles must be distinguished from premature ventricular contractions (PVCs). Careful scrutiny of the electrocardiogram for a premature P wave preceding the QRS will either show a premature P wave superimposed on, and deforming, the preceding T wave, or a P wave that is premature and has a different contour from that of the other sinus P waves. Atrial premature complexes usually reset the sinus node pacemaker, leading to an incomplete compensatory pause, but this feature is not regarded as a reliable means of differentiating atrial from ventricular premature complexes in children.
PVCs may arise in any region of the ventricles. They are characterized by premature, widened, bizarre QRS complexes that are not preceded by a premature P wave (Fig. 429-4). When all premature beats have identical contours, they are classified as uniform, suggesting origin from a common site. When PVCs vary in contour, they are designated as multiform, suggesting origin from more than 1 ventricular site. Ventricular extrasystoles are often, but not always, followed by a full compensatory pause. The presence of fusion beats, that is, complexes with morphologic features that are intermediate between those of normal sinus beats and those of PVCs, proves the ventricular origin of the premature beat. Extrasystoles produce a smaller stroke and pulse volume than normal and, if quite premature, may not be audible with a stethoscope or palpable at the radial pulse. When frequent, extrasystoles may assume a definite rhythm, for example, alternating with normal beats (bigeminy) or occurring after 2 normal beats (trigeminy). Most patients are unaware of single premature ventricular contractions, although some may be aware of a “skipped beat” over the precordium. This sensation is due to the increased stroke volume of the normal beat after a compensatory pause. Anxiety, a febrile illness, or ingestion of various drugs or stimulants may exacerbate PVCs.
429.3 Supraventricular Tachycardia
Clinical Manifestations
The typical electrocardiographic features of the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome are seen when the patient is not having tachycardia. These features include a short P-R interval and slow upstroke of the QRS (delta wave) (Fig. 429-5). Though most often present in patients with a normal heart, this syndrome may also be associated with Ebstein anomaly of the tricuspid valve, or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The critical anatomic structure is an accessory pathway consisting of a muscular bridge connecting atrium to ventricle on either the right or the left side of the AV ring (Fig. 429-6). During sinus rhythm, the impulse is carried over both the AV node and the accessory pathway; it produces some degree of fusion of the 2 depolarization fronts that results in an abnormal QRS. During AVRT, an impulse is carried in antegrade fashion through the AV node (orthodromic conduction), which results in a normal QRS complex, and in retrograde fashion through the accessory pathway to the atrium, thereby perpetuating the tachycardia. In these cases, only after cessation of the tachycardia are the typical ECG features of WPW syndrome recognized (see Fig. 429-5). When rapid antegrade conduction occurs through the pre-excitation pathway during tachycardia and the retrograde re-entry pathway to the atrium is via the AV node (antidromic conduction), the QRS complexes are wide and the potential for more serious arrhythmias (ventricular fibrillation) is greater, especially if atrial fibrillation occurs.
Vagal stimulation by placing of the face in ice water (in older children) or by placing an ice bag over the face (in infants) may abort the attack. To terminate the attack, older children may be taught vagal maneuvers such as the Valsalva maneuver, straining, breath holding, or standing on their head. Ocular pressure must never be performed, and carotid sinus massage is very rarely effective. When these measures fail, several pharmacologic alternatives are available (see Table 429-1