10.5 Disorders of fluids, electrolytes and acid–base
There are many physiological differences between adults and infants, and a few specific features that must be taken into account in managing fluid therapy. Infants have greater total body water, up to 70% of body weight compared with 60% in adults, the extra fluid being mostly extracellular, 30% of body weight compared with 20%1,2 (Fig. 10.5.1). The ionic composition of intracellular and extracellular fluid is shown in Table 10.5.1. Small children drink more to accommodate a higher metabolic rate and excrete a higher solute load, and thus urine volume is greater.

The following physiological differences apply to children:1–3
Clinical assessment
Capillary refill times were studied in 32 children, aged 1–26 weeks, admitted to hospital with dehydration.4 The authors recommended a cut-off value of 2 seconds, below which minimal or no dehydration exists. A capillary refill time of 2–3 seconds suggests a 50–100 mL kg−1 water deficit; 3–4 seconds 100–120 mL kg−1, and over 4 seconds >150 mL kg−1. However, ambient temperature affects capillary return.5
In children less than 4 years old clinicians overestimate the degree of dehydration by 3.2%.6 Other studies have suggested that the sensitivity of clinical examination for diagnosing dehydration is 74, 33 and 70% for mild, moderate and severe dehydration respectively.7 See Tables 10.5.2 and 10.5.3 for clinical signs associated with dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.8

Hypernatraemia |
Cutaneous signs |
Warm, ‘doughy’ texture |
Possibly decreased skin-fold tenting in severe dehydration, thereby giving appearance of lower level of dehydration |
Neurological signs |
Hypertonia |
Hyperreflexia |
Lethargy common, but marked irritability |
when touched |
Hypokalaemia |
Weakness |
Ileus with abdominal distension |
Cardiac arrhythmias |
Source: Based on Burkhart, 1999.8
Plasma bicarbonate concentration may be the single most useful laboratory test; a level less than 17 mmol L−1 indicates moderate or severe dehydration. Addition of this to the clinical scale improves the sensitivity of diagnosing moderate and severe dehydration to 90 and 100% respectively. Plasma bicarbonate was a better predictor than plasma urea and creatinine.7
Haemorrhagic shock
Clinical signs are of value in assessing degree of haemorrhage.9 See Table 10.5.4. Hypotension is a preterminal sign.
Class of haemorrhage | Blood volume lost (%) | Signs |
I | <15 | Minimal, slight tachycardia |
II | 15–30 | Tachycardia, tachypnoea, diminished pulse pressure, systolic BP unchanged, prolonged capillary refill, minimal decrease in urine output, anxiety |
III | 30–40 | Tachycardia, tachypnoea, decreased BP, decreased urine output, mental status changes |
IV | >40 | Hypotension, anuria, loss of consciousness |
Source: Based on Morgan and O’Neill,1998.9
Plasma osmolality can be calculated as well as measured in order to detect an osmolar gap.
Replacement of circulating volume
Also called volume resuscitation, this is an urgent priority in any cause of hypovolaemic shock, e.g. haemorrhage, sepsis, burns, anaphylaxis and dehydration. It requires isotonic fluids (Table 10.5.5). Hypotonic fluids are inappropriate. Crystalloids are inexpensive and readily available. Colloids have a theoretical advantage of increasing the colloid oncotic pressure of plasma, thus helping to maintain fluid in the vascular space. However, in a capillary leak syndrome such as septic shock, the colloid may pass into the interstitial space. In practice, albumin in saline solution has been tested against 0.9% saline in adult intensive care patients. There was no difference in mortality or intensive care unit (ICU) stay between the two therapies. More saline was administered than albumin (ratio 1.38:1), suggesting that albumin may be superior in patients where excessive water administration may be harmful, e.g. pulmonary oedema, pulmonary hypertension and encephalopathy. There was a suggestion that albumin may be superior in sepsis but inferior in traumatic brain injury.10 A problem with saline is that it has no bicarbonate and relatively high chloride, so it can lead to hyperchloraemic acidosis. Hartmann’s and Ringer’s solutions are more physiological, containing buffer and calcium.10–12

An initial bolus or boluses of 20 mL kg−1 to treat shock may be part of this initial fluid deficit.
How much fluid?
Thus a bolus dose of 20 mL kg−1 is a logical bolus dose of fluid with which to begin resuscitation.
Thus in dehydration repeated boluses may be necessary. Give a bolus, wait 10 minutes and reassess the patient again. Do not wait 10 minutes if it is clear that more than 20 mL kg−1 will be required.13–15
In severe sepsis such as meningococcaemia, 80–100 mL kg−1 may be required. Good evidence exists that early and vigorous resuscitation improves morbidity and mortality in paediatric sepsis and meningococcaemia.16 The volume and the rapidity of resuscitation seems to be more important than the type of fluid used.17–19