
Published on 23/06/2015 by admin

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Last modified 23/06/2015

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12.1 Dermatology


Approximately 65 000 children a year attend the emergency department (ED) at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne and about 15 000 of these have some skin findings relevant to their visit. For 4000 children (6%), skin findings are a primary reason for their visit. These figures are likely to be representative of other tertiary teaching hospital EDs in Australasia. Diagnosing and managing these children requires a careful history and astute observation, particularly focusing on the appearance, site and development of their rashes.

For children who present to the ED with the primary symptom in another organ, the physician has an opportunity to observe cutaneous signs of disease, which may be relevant or may be coincidental to the child’s presentation, for example, a 5-year-old boy (Fig. 12.1.1) who presents with gastroenteritis. You notice the mild comedonal rash on his forehead and recognise that this is unusual at this age. Examination shows that he is tall for his age and has inappropriate penile (but not testicular) growth. His hyperadrenergic state can be investigated and treated years before it might otherwise have been recognised.

The discussion of diseases in this chapter is based on the features of the presenting rash and follows the algorithm given in Essentials. Diseases are grouped under their main morphology, e.g. vesicular, papular, eczematous, or purpuric. Mouth, anogenital, hair and nail problems are considered separately.

Erythroderma and skin failure

Erythroderma is one form of skin failure and refers to any condition that causes most of the skin surface to become red, often with some degree of scaling. Skin failure is rarely taught as a concept but is analogous to failure of any other organ system. Skin failure refers to the inability of the skin to adequately perform its functions, such as fluid and electrolyte balance, temperature control and protection from infection. Any child presenting with extensive areas of skin pathology or skin loss has some degree of skin failure. This may be well tolerated in otherwise healthy children but may be life threatening, especially in infants and those children with associated disorders.

Children presenting with erythroderma will usually be found to have one of the following: atopic eczema (with or without secondary staphylococcal infection); an allergic reaction; or sepsis with toxin-mediated skin involvement. Less common causes include: psoriasis; pityriasis rubra pilaris; several forms of inherited ichthyosis; some other genodermatoses; and internal lymphoid malignancies. In 10–20% of children with erythroderma, no cause can be found.

Vesiculobullous rashes

Vesicles are usually caused by infections (herpes simplex virus, varicella zoster virus, enterovirus, tinea, scabies or impetigo) or contact dermatitis. Also, consider drug reactions, erythema multiforme and photosensitivity. Dermatitis herpetiformis is a rare cause of itchy vesicles and papules. Larger blisters occur with staphylococcal infections, tinea, erythema multiforme, Stevens–Johnson syndrome, immune-mediated blistering disorders, arthropod bites, contact dermatitis, fixed and bullous drug reactions, mastocytosis, burns or trauma.

Many vesicles and blisters are fragile and rupture easily. A vesicular disease may present with a number of shallow monomorphic erosions but no vesicles. A bullous disease may present with several larger shallow erosions with surrounding loose epithelium but no bullae. Vesicles present for more than a couple of days become cloudy and vesiculopustular.

Varicella (chickenpox)

Varicella is caused by infection with varicella zoster virus. It usually occurs in children less than 15 years of age, and is highly contagious. The incubation period is 2–3 weeks. The contagious period begins 2 days before the rash and continues until the lesions are crusted. Clinical disease begins with a fever and malaise but these are usually mild. Lesions on the skin appear initially as erythematous macules, rapidly becoming small vesicles and then crusting. Over the next few days, anything from a few to hundreds of lesions may develop, initially on the face and trunk and gradually spreading onto the extremities. Superficial ulcers may be seen on all mucosal surfaces. Itch is not always present but may be marked. Vaccinated children may develop attenuated disease with fewer lesions and without constitutional symptoms. Diagnosis is clinical but can be confirmed by serology or immunofluorescence of vesicular scrapings for varicella-zoster virus antigen. Complete resolution occurs in most children but some scarring is common.

Children with varicella usually remain systemically well and afebrile after the first few days. If persistent fever and malaise is present, search for complications. In previously well children, the most common complications are:

In neonates, immunocompromised children and adolescents, varicella can be more severe and occasionally fatal.


Zoster is uncommon in childhood but can occur at any age, even in the neonatal period. It occurs in children who have previously had primary varicella infection. Zoster in a young child is usually associated with primary varicella having occurred in infancy. The primary infection may have been mild and may even have gone unnoticed because of maternally-acquired IgG.

Radicular pain may be the first symptom of zoster but pain is less common than in adults and may not be present. Vesicles on an erythematous background appear in one or more groups aligned in a dermatomal distribution, frequently with a striking midline cut-off. The affected area can be an isolated group of a few vesicles suggestive of herpes simplex virus infection. Alternatively, there may be extensive involvement of one or more dermatomes. Lesions continue to appear for a few days and then resolve over 2 weeks, generally without sequelae. Postherpetic neuralgia is very uncommon after childhood zoster.

Complications include generalised dissemination during the first week of the rash, sometimes with pulmonary or brain involvement. This can be seen in both normal and immunocompromised children. Zoster on the head is occasionally accompanied by an aseptic meningitis, which resolves fully without treatment. Zoster lesions on the tip of the nose imply involvement of the nasociliary branch of the ophthalmic nerve and may accompany ocular involvement including keratitis and conjunctivitis. Facial nerve palsy and ear involvement can occur (Ramsay Hunt syndrome).

Immunocompromised children are much more likely to develop zoster. In such cases, zoster may be severe, extensive and prolonged. Significant dermatomal scarring can result.

Herpes simplex infection (HSV)

Herpes simplex infection in childhood is common. Intrauterine, intrapartum and neonatal infection are considered elsewhere. Primary herpes infection after the neonatal period may be either primary herpetic gingivostomatitis or primary cutaneous herpes simplex. In children with impaired immune function, HSV infection can present as indolent, slowly growing, irregular ulcers. Most HSV infections in children are caused by HSV-1, but HSV-2 may also cause gingival and cutaneous infection.

Primary cutaneous herpes simplex can present at any age. There may be a history of a family member with a recently activated herpes simplex lesion on the lip (‘cold sore’). However, the virus is ubiquitous and transmission more often occurs from an unknown source. At least 50% of the population have HSV-1 antibodies, and many of these have never had an obvious infection. Painful grouped vesicles on an erythematous base can appear at any site. Multiple lesions rupture, crust and coalesce into larger erosions with scalloped edges. There may be associated fever, malaise and lymphadenopathy.

Eczema herpeticum

Herpes simplex infection in children with eczema is quite common. It occurs in children with any severity of eczema including children with mild eczema under excellent control. Many cases are misdiagnosed either as an exacerbation of the eczema or as bacterial infection (Fig. 12.1.3). Grouped vesicles may be prominent, but more often vesicles are rudimentary or absent and the infection may present as a group of shallow 2–4 mm monomorphic erosions on an inflamed base. In more severe cases, evolution is rapid and large crops of vesicles can arise daily. Ulcers may coalesce into larger erosions with scalloped edges. The infected area may not be painful or itchy.

In an atopic child, a high index of suspicion is needed about any patch of skin where small erosions or crusts are present and not responding to standard eczema therapy with moisturisers and topical cortisone derivatives. One reason for the under diagnosis of this condition is that even without treatment, resolution usually occurs in 1–4 weeks. However, dissemination may occur, leading to multifocal and extensive erosions, malaise and secondary bacterial infection. In the past, disseminated eczema herpeticum had a significant mortality but this has declined with the recognition and aggressive treatment of secondary bacterial infections.

After complete resolution, recurrences may occur at the same or different sites, sometimes as often as every few weeks. Recurrences can be widespread and severe but usually decrease in severity over 1 to 2 years.


Impetigo (school sores)

This is caused by Staphylococcus aureus or group A Streptococcus or both.

Non-bullous impetigo presents initially as small erythematous vesicles that rapidly rupture to form yellow-crusted lesions, commonly on the face.

Bullous impetigo is due to Staphylococcus aureus and presents as flaccid blisters on normal skin. Lesions are rounded and well demarcated and may be single, grouped or widespread. Their onset and spread may be rapid or occur over days. New blisters appear and existing blisters rupture to give shallow moist erosions that can be many centimetres in size. There is often loose epithelium and/or brown crusting peripherally and some degree of central healing (Fig. 12.1.4). In more chronic cases, lesions may appear annular.

Impetigo is often secondary to itchy conditions such as scabies infection (especially hand impetigo), atopic eczema and head lice.

Post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis may occur in the ensuing 2 months. Contrary to long-held beliefs, it now seems likely that chronic streptococcal impetigo may also be a precursor of rheumatic heart disease in communities where medical conditions are poor and skin hygiene is suboptimal.1

Erythema multiforme

This is a specific hypersensitivity syndrome that occurs at any age, often preceded by facial herpes simplex virus infection. It is over-diagnosed in emergency departments. Most children diagnosed with erythema multiforme actually have urticaria, often with large lesions with annular or polycyclic borders. In erythema multiforme, the primary lesions are red papules, usually symmetrical and involving the forearms, palms, feet, face, neck and trunk. They can be found anywhere. There may be few or many lesions. At least some of the papules will form classical target lesions – these have an inner zone of epidermal injury (purpura, necrosis or vesicle), an outer zone of erythema and sometimes a middle zone of pale oedema (Fig. 12.1.5). These papules and target lesions are not migratory. The involvement of mucous membranes is common but unlike Stevens–Johnson syndrome, is limited to isolated patches. Most cases are caused by herpes simplex virus, including most of the cases that occur without prior symptoms. Drugs are an uncommon cause. Erythema multiforme does not evolve into Stevens–Johnson syndrome. They are different conditions.

Stevens–Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis

Stevens–Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis are believed by many to be variants of the one condition. Most cases are thought to be triggered by medications, especially antibiotics (sulfonamides, penicillins), anticonvulsants (lamotrigine) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Mycoplasma and other infections may be the cause in some children. Fever, myalgia, arthralgia, headache and other organ involvement are usually present as a prodromal illness for several days. The rash evolves suddenly, characterised by widespread blisters on an erythematous or purpuric macular background, often with extensive mucous membrane haemorrhagic crusting. Lesions are usually on the face and trunk or generalised rather than acral, and typical target lesions are not seen. There may be tender erythematous areas with a positive Nikolsky sign (‘normal’ skin separates if rubbed). Mucous membrane involvement can be extensive, severe and painful. Conjunctivitis, corneal ulceration and blindness can occur. Anogenital lesions can lead to urinary retention.


Note: Stevens–Johnson syndrome is not severe erythema multiforme. They are distinct conditions. Permanent sequelae are rarely seen in severe erythema multiforme and concurrent drug use is unlikely to be the cause. Skin lesion distribution and morphology are the best discriminating factors. Mucous membrane involvement can be seen in both conditions but is confluent in Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

Sunburn and photosensitivity

Excessive solar radiation to the skin causes erythema and tenderness commencing at least half an hour after the beginning of the exposure. Tenderness worsens for a day and resolves in 4 days. In more severe cases, oedema and blistering may be widespread. Healing is accompanied by desquamation and intense itch. Sunburn occurs more rapidly when the sun is overhead (summer, closer to the equator, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.), and when the skin is less pigmented, but can occur with any skin type. Children with sensitive skin can burn significantly within 15 minutes of midday exposure in summer.

Any child presenting to the ED with sunburn or with a rash in sun-exposed areas may have an underlying photosensitivity disorder. These can be considered in four groups.

A high index of suspicion is needed to diagnose photosensitivity. There have been examples of sunburn in children that were attributed to parental neglect but were actually due to a photosensitivity disorder. These diseases are common but diagnostic traps abound. For example, sun-induced rashes may develop in spring with the first sun exposure of untanned skin after winter, but not later in summer. The rash may develop on areas usually covered in winter such as the neck and arms and not on the face. Sun-induced rashes may require a few minutes or several days of sun exposure and may commence days after the exposure. In erythropoietic protoporphyria, sun exposure induces pain without skin changes initially. Viral exanthems may occur exclusively or mainly in areas of sun-exposed skin. Children with solar urticaria develop urticaria on sun-exposed areas.

Porphyrias and other inherited disorders with photosensitivity

The porphyrias are a group of inherited enzymatic defects in haem synthesis leading to increased levels of porphyrins, some of which cause photosensitivity.