Cushing’s Disease

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Last modified 13/03/2015

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Chapter 20 Cushing’s Disease

Cushing’s disease (CD), named for neurosurgery’s influential forefather, Harvey Cushing, is best treated by surgery. With proper preoperative evaluation and careful surgical technique, most affected patients can be cured while preserving normal pituitary function. If surgery alone is unsuccessful, nearly all patients can be cured of hypercortisolism with irradiation therapy or bilateral adrenalectomy. On the other hand, without treatment, or in the case of treatment failure, the patient’s quality of life is impaired and their lifespan is shortened.


Cushing’s syndrome, the syndrome produced by chronic exposure to excess glucocorticoids, has several etiologies (Table 20-1). The most common cause of Cushing’s syndrome is iatrogenic—that is, prescribed glucocorticoids for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, autoimmune disorders, and transplant patients requiring chronic immunosuppression, among others. Excluding iatrogenic causes, the most common cause of Cushing’s syndrome is an ACTH-secreting pituitary adenoma, defined as CD, which affects 60% to 80% of patients with spontaneous (noniatrogenic) Cushing’s syndrome (Table 20-1).1 The other common causes of Cushing’s syndrome, which must be distinguished from CD, are adrenal tumors and adrenal cortical hyperplasia, and ectopic ACTH secretion from a nonpituitary tumor, most commonly small-cell–lung cancer or bronchial carcinoid. Secretion of ACTH by lung carcinoma is not rare, but the ACTH is usually inactive, termed “big ACTH.”2 A rare cause of Cushing’s syndrome is ectopic secretion of corticotropin-releasing hormone causing corticotroph hyperplasia.

Table 20-1 Etiology of Cushing’s Syndrome

ACTH-Dependent 85%
Cushing’s disease 80–85%
Ectopic ACTH-secreting tumor 15–20%
Ectopic CRH-secreting tumor Rare (<1%)
ACTH-Independent 15%
Adrenal adenoma 7%
Adrenocortical carcinoma 7%
Bilateral micronodular adrenocortical hyperplasia Rare (1%)
Bilateral macronodular adrenocortical hyperplasia Rare (<1%)


The typical pituitary adenoma causing CD is a microadenoma (<1 cm greatest diameter) that stains for ACTH by immunohistochemistry. Larger adenomas are occasionally seen and may even present with apoplexy. These tumors are monoclonal.3 They disrupt the normal acinar pattern of the gland most clearly seen when stained for reticulin. They are typically basophilic by hematoxylin and eosin staining, but this terminology is no longer used, as immunohistochemistry for ACTH is more specific. Occasionally Cushing’s syndrome is attributed to corticotroph hyperplasia. When no definite tumor is identified at surgery and partial or total hypophysectomy is performed, the specimen must be meticulously and thoroughly examined with serial slices at closely spaced intervals, because tumors as small as 1 mm diameter, or less, may cause endocrinopathy from excess ACTH secretion. Corticotroph hyperplasia, which is usually a diagnosis of exclusion (i.e., only after no tumor can be found in the specimen from pituitary surgery), should be considered only after a careful search of the gland has ruled out a discrete adenoma. In our experience, hyperplasia is exceedingly rare (only two suspected, but unproven, cases from over 1200 operations for CD). A unique cytoplasmic staining pattern, known as Crooke’s hyaline change, occurs in corticotrophs of the normal pituitary—cells from which ACTH production has been shut down by chronic exposure to hypercortisolemia. The “hyaline” is comprised of intracytoplasmic microfilaments, which do not stain for ACTH. Crooke’s changes may also be found in the cells of the adenoma itself.

Mechanism of Hypercortisolemia in ACTH-Secreting Pituitary Adenomas

The basic endocrine disorder of the adenomas causing CD is that the sensitive negative feedback of cortisol on the production and release of ACTH is impaired (Fig. 20-1). However, ACTH-secreting pituitary adenomas are well-differentiated tumors derived from pituitary corticotrophs; thus, they typically retain negative feedback to glucocorticoids, it is just set at a higher threshold for suppression, as inhibition of ACTH release is retained in response to high doses of glucocorticoid. These well-differentiated tumor cells also retain their expression of CRH receptors and the cellular machinery necessary to respond to CRH. It is these features that underlie the typical diagnostic responses with provocative endocrine tests used for the differential diagnosis of Cushing’s syndrome (see below). Excessive production of ACTH leads to hyperplasia and overproduction of cortisol by the adrenal cortex, loss of normal diurnal plasma cortisol rhythm, and sustained hypercortisolemia. It is the excessive cortisol, rather than ACTH per se that causes the clinical manifestations of CD.

Clinical Manifestations

The typical patient with Cushing’s syndrome has truncal obesity with associated moon facies, enlarged dorsal fat pads (“buffalo hump”), and abdominal fat deposition with associated purple striae or “stretch marks” (Table 20-2). Hirsutism, especially noticeable on the face of women, is a common component, as are thin skin and easy bruisability, especially of the hands and forearms. Along with the outward appearance, mood or psychiatric disturbances are common, especially depression. A reversible form of brain atrophy is frequently displayed on imaging studies4 and may be a clue to the presence of Cushing’s syndrome in pediatric patients. Other signs include hypertension and hyperglycemia, often with frank diabetes mellitus. A hypercoagulable state has been described with Cushing’s syndrome, so prophylaxis for deep venous thrombosis in high-risk situations has been encouraged.5 Patients also may have complications related to immunosuppression, such as fungal or opportunistic infections. Spinal epidural lipomatosis may be symptomatic.6 Osteoporosis is common; related complications include vertebral compression fractures and susceptibility to traumatic long-bone fractures with minor trauma. Pediatric patients with CD stop growing linearly and gain weight, often producing morbid obesity.7 This “crossing of the weight and height curves” is so common in childhood Cushing’s syndrome that many consider it diagnostic of the condition. Affected children often appear cherubic. Symptoms caused by tumor growth and pressure on the optic nerves and chiasm are rare with CD, as the tumors are usually microadenomas.

Table 20-2 Symptoms and Signs of Cushing’s Syndrome

Fat Distribution Skin Manifestations
Centripetal obesity Purple striae
Moon facies Plethora
“Buffalo hump” Hirsutism
Supraclavicular fat pads Acne
Epidural lipomatosis Bruising
Musculoskeletal Metabolic/Circulatory
Osteoporosis; fractures Hypertension
Proximal muscle weakness
Pituitary Dysfunction
Decreased libido, impotence
Dwarfism (children)
Glucose intolerance
Hypokalemic alkalosis
Mental Changes

Life expectancy is greatly foreshortened by untreated CD. If left untreated, most patients succumb early to complications of the disease (diabetes, hypertension, myocardial infarction, stroke, or complications associated with immunosuppression).8


The diagnosis of Cushing’s syndrome, and its differential diagnosis, must be established with a high degree of certainty to avoid unnecessary surgery and treatment failure. Provocative endocrine testing is important in patients with Cushing’s syndrome, as hypercortisolism may come from causes other than a pituitary tumor, and ectopic ACTH-secreting tumors (typically lung neoplasia) and the pituitary adenomas causing CD are often too small to be detected with radiographic techniques.

Establishing Hypercortisolism

Cushing’s syndrome, when suspected clinically, is confirmed by demonstrating hypercortisolism or characteristics of its effects on the normal functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Confirmation of excess cortisol production is made by one or more standard testing procedures. Most commonly today these tests include one or more of the following: serial 24-hour urine-free cortisol measurements, diurnal plasma cortisol levels, evening salivary cortisol levels to detect loss of diurnal rhythm of cortisol secretion, or the overnight dexamethasone suppression test.

Urine-free cortisol (UFC) measurements are assayed using a variety of techniques. The normal upper levels vary with the technique used and with the laboratory performing the assay (Fig. 20-2). Hypercortisolism is associated with loss of normal diurnal variation in cortisol secretion, which is demonstrated by obtaining morning (8 to 9 a.m.) and evening (11 to 12 p.m.) plasma cortisol levels (Fig. 20-3). Salivary cortisol levels are also reliably used for this and are well suited for outpatient screening of adult and pediatric patients for hypercortisolism.9 A study of more than 140 patients demonstrated a sensitivity of 93% and a specificity of 100% using this test to determine the presence of Cushing’s syndrome (Fig. 20-4).10 Because of its simplicity, the overnight low-dose (1 mg) dexamethasone suppression test is commonly used to screen patients for hypercortisolism (Fig. 20-5). In persons with a normal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, AM cortisol levels are suppressed by the overnight low-dose dexamethasone suppression test (1.0 mg given the night before a morning [7 to 8 a.m.] cortisol measurement). A morning plasma cortisol level greater than 1.8 μg/dl after the bedtime (11 p.m.) administration of 1 mg of dexamethasone detects most patients with Cushing’s syndrome and justifies further diagnostic evaluation.11


FIGURE 20-2 Twenty-four–hour excretion of urine-free cortisol to screen patients for Cushing’s syndrome. Comparison of 24-hour excretion of urine-free cortisol value in normal subjects and patients with confirmed Cushing’s syndrome.

(Modified from Loriaux DL, Cutler GB Jr. Diseases of the adrenal glands. In: Kohler PO, ed. Clinical Endocrinology. New York: Wiley; 1986:167-238, with permission.)60

Differential Diagnosis of Hypercortisolism

Once excess cortisol production has been established, plasma ACTH levels are measured to distinguish between an ACTH-dependent and ACTH-independent etiology (Fig. 20-6; see also Fig. 20-1). With CD or ectopic ACTH secretion, the ACTH levels will be normal or elevated relative to the degree of glucocorticoid secretion. For this reason, these two entities are categorized as “ACTH-dependent” Cushing’s syndrome (see Table 20-1), in contrast to adrenal disease, in which plasma ACTH is low (<5 pg/ml) or undetectable (“ACTH-independent” Cushing’s syndrome, as the adrenal cortical cortisol secretion is autonomous).

At one time, the presence of Cushing’s syndrome and then differentiating CD from adrenal disease or ectopic ACTH secretion were examined with the 6-day dexamethasone suppression test, as described by Liddle.12,13 The first 2 days of the test were used for measurement of basal cortisol secretion. In most patients with CD, cortisol secretion, an indirect measure of ACTH secretion by the pituitary gland or the tumor, is not suppressed during the 2 days of low-dose dexamethasone (0.5 mg every 6 hours for 48 hours), but 24-hour urinary cortisol secretion is suppressed to less than 10% of baseline values by 2 days of high-dose dexamethasone (2 mg every 6 hours for 48 hours). In contrast, high-dose dexamethasone fails to suppress cortisol secretion in most cases of ectopic ACTH secretion. Because of the difficulty in successfully completing this test today, it is now rarely used, but has been replaced with the high-dose overnight dexamethasone suppression test. For this test, 8 mg of dexamethasone is administered orally at 11 p.m. and a morning (7 to 8 a.m.) plasma cortisol measurement is obtained;14 for greatest diagnostic accuracy, suppression of morning serum cortisol of greater than 68% is required to assign a diagnosis of CD (Fig. 20-7).14,15


FIGURE 20-7 High-dose (8 mg) overnight dexamethasone suppression test for the differential diagnosis of Cushing’s syndrome. Comparison of the high-dose overnight dexamethasone suppression test with the high-dose portion of the standard 6-day dexamethasone suppression test.

(Data from Tyrrell JB, Findling JW, Aron DC, Fitzgerald PA, Forsham PH. An overnight high-dose dexamethasone suppression test for rapid differential diagnosis of Cushing’s syndrome. Ann Intern Med. 1986;104:180-186.)

Another test available today to distinguish ectopic ACTH secretion from an ACTH-secreting pituitary tumor is the CRH stimulation test.1618 Since they are well-differentiated tumors derived from pituitary corticotrophs, most ACTH-secreting pituitary adenomas retain receptors for, and response to, CRH, whereas most ectopic tumors, tumors that are not derived from pituitary tissue, do not express receptors for CRH and do not respond to it (Fig. 20-8). The sensitivity and specificity of the test are optimal using ≥35% for the maximum ACTH response from the 15- or 30-minute samples to indicate CD (see Fig. 20-8B).18

If ACTH-dependent hypercortisolism is established, a sella MRI with and without contrast is obtained (see below). In many patients with CD, a high-resolution sella MRI will demonstrate the presence and location of a pituitary tumor. However, a negative sella MRI does not rule out an adenoma, as the false-negative rate using the standard T1-weighted spin echo after contrast enhancement in CD is as high as 50% at some centers.

If the results of the high-dose dexamethasone suppression test and the CRH stimulation test are consistent with CD and the pituitary MRI reveals a definite adenoma, no further diagnostic testing is necessary. However, if either of these provocative endocrine tests is inconsistent with CD, inferior petrosal sinus sampling is performed.

The test with the greatest diagnostic accuracy for the differential diagnosis of CD versus ectopic ACTH syndrome is bilateral simultaneous inferior petrosal sinus sampling performed with and without intravenous CRH administration.19 The test is performed by placement of catheters with their tips in the inferior petrosal sinuses and in a peripheral vein (Fig. 20-9A), and then obtaining serial, simultaneous samples for central and peripheral plasma ACTH concentrations at 2 and 0 minutes before and at 3, 5, and 10 minutes after intravenous CRH administration (1 μg/kg body weight). IPSS is only used in patients with confirmed hypercortisolism, as the test cannot discriminate between normal subjects and patients with CD. Further, since this is an invasive procedure with rare but serious associated risks,20 it is generally used in patients in whom the results of provocative endocrine testing to distinguish ectopic ACTH secretion from CD are conflicting or equivocal and in instances in which the sella MRI is negative. In this test the levels of ACTH in the primary venous drainage of the pituitary, the inferior petrosal sinuses, are compared to simultaneous ACTH measurements in the peripheral blood. A peak ratio of 2:1 petrosal:peripheral during baseline (before CRH) or 3:1 before or after CRH indicates a pituitary source of the excess ACTH, that is, CD.19 The sensitivity of the test is increased by sampling after administration of CRH, which, because it stimulates a pituitary adenoma to secrete ACTH, enhances the ACTH concentration differential between the central (inferior petrosal sinus) and the peripheral blood (Fig. 20-9B).19 It originally seemed that the procedure had a diagnostic accuracy 100%. However, reports of diagnostic errors, almost all false negative, have appeared, although in our experience the diagnostic accuracy approaches 100%. The accuracy of the test also relies upon successful placement of the catheter tips in the petrosal sinus bilaterally, since a false negative result may arise if the blood from both inferior petrosal sinuses cannot be catheterized successfully. Thus, venography is performed to ensure correct catheter placement and to evaluate the venous anatomy. A hypoplastic or anomalous inferior petrosal sinus in 0.8% of 501 patients was associated with false-negative results in patients with proven CD.21 It was briefly thought that comparison of petrosal sinus ACTH from the right to left sides would accurately indicate the side of the pituitary in which a small pituitary tumor was located, permitting a more focused search for it at surgery, or permitting removal of the half of the pituitary containing an adenoma that was too small to identify despite a thorough search of the gland during surgery.22 However, more experience with the technique for lateralization indicated that the lateralization accuracy is only about 70%, and even less so in pediatric patients,23 compromising its usefulness as a localizing measure during surgery.19


FIGURE 20-9 A, Anatomy and catheter placement in bilateral simultaneous blood sampling of the inferior petrosal sinuses. Confluent pituitary veins empty laterally into the cavernous sinuses, which drain into the inferior petrosal sinuses. B, Venous sampling during inferior petrosal venous sampling with ACTH levels from a patient with CD (left) and a patient with a bronchial carcinoid and ectopic ACTH secretion (right). C, Bilateral inferior petrosal vein sampling in the differential diagnosis of Cushing’s syndrome. Maximum ratio of ACTH concentration from one of the inferior petrosal sinuses to the simultaneous peripheral venous ACTH concentration in patients with Cushing’s syndrome in basal samples (left), and in basal and CRH-stimulated samples (right). During basal sampling, the maximum IPS:P ACTH ratio was ≥2.0 in 205 of 215 patients with confirmed CD, but was <2.0 in all patients with ectopic ACTH syndrome or primary adrenal disease. All patients with CD who received CRH had maximum IPS:P ACTH ratios of ≥3.0, whereas all patients with ectopic ACTH syndrome had IPS:P ratios of <3.0. The asterisks represent five patients with primary adrenal disease in whom ACTH was undetectable in the peripheral blood before and after CRH administration.

(A and C from Oldfield EH, Doppman JL, Nieman LK, et al. Bilateral inferior petrosal sinus sampling with and without corticotropin-releasing hormone for the differential diagnosis of Cushing’s syndrome. N Engl J Med. 1991;325:897-905.)


Sella magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the imaging procedure of choice for detecting and localizing the pituitary adenoma in patients with CD. MRI should be performed with and without contrast, as the adenomas typically have decreased enhancement compared to the normal gland (Fig. 20-10). The resolution of a 1.5-T magnet may reveal tumors as small as 3 mm in diameter. MRI provides other important anatomical information for the surgeon: aeration of the sphenoid, parasellar anatomy, location of the carotid arteries or coexisting aneurysms, extent of supra- or para-sellar extension of an adenoma, and ectopic parasellar tumors. Recently the spoiled gradient recalled acquisition (SPGR) technique, used with 1-mm nonoverlapping slices was shown to be more sensitive than the conventional spin echo approach (sensitivity 80% vs. 49%), a finding also true in pediatric CD.24,25 However, the incidence of false positives was also higher (4% vs. 2%). Since the sensitivity of the conventional MRI techniques (spin echo) for CD is only 50% to 75%,2629 many patients have a negative MRI. Furthermore, MRI is not always available or possible, as in patients with an MRI incompatible cardiac pacemaker or a morbidly obese patient who cannot be accommodated by the scanner. In these patients, a sella computerized tomography image (CT) with and without contrast may demonstrate a tumor, but CT is less sensitive than MRI. Furthermore, since the specificity of MRI is not 100% (MRI abnormalities consistent with adenomas occur in the pituitary gland in 10% of normal volunteers30

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