Curative Catheter Ablation for Supraventricular Tachycardia: Techniques and Indications

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Chapter 93 Curative Catheter Ablation for Supraventricular Tachycardia

Techniques and Indications

The current popularity of radiofrequency (RF) catheter ablation is, in large part, attributed to its contribution to the management of supraventricular tachycardias (SVTs). The electrophysiologist is able to ablate as well as analyze mechanisms, evaluate the results of ablation, and re-ablate, if necessary, all with minimal morbidity.

This chapter briefly reviews the basic principles of performing curative catheter ablation for SVTs. The arrhythmias considered below include arrhythmias involving accessory atrioventricular (AV) connections, AV nodal re-entry tachycardia (AVNRT), atrial tachycardia (AT), including typical flutter and other macro–re-entrant right and left AT (atypical flutters), and non–re-entrant AT.

Accessory Atrioventricular Connections

The anatomic substrate of accessory AV connections is the myocardium bridging the AV annuli, which, in normal individuals, are fibrous and electrically insulating (Box 93-1).1 The sequence of normal initial ventricular septal depolarization is altered by conduction through these connections inserting into the ordinary myocardium and bypassing the normal insulated and septally conducting His-Purkinje system. The relatively slow spread of activation through the ordinary myocardium contrasts with the coordinated septal endocardial breakthrough of Purkinje ramifications and results in the δ-wave in the surface electrocardiogram (ECG). In addition to providing an additional route for impulse conduction between the atria and the ventricles, nearly all accessory connections exhibit conduction properties different from the AV node. Decremental conduction is not ordinarily seen; that is, with increasing frequency or shortening coupling intervals, the conduction time across the pathway does not significantly increase.

Box 93-1 Checklist for Catheter Ablation of Accessory Atrioventricular Connections


ECG, Electrocardiogram; IVC, inferior vena cava; AV, atrioventricular; VA, ventriculoatrial; SVT, supraventricular tachycardia; AVNRT, atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia; AP, accessory pathway; RF, radiofrequency.

Ventricular Pre-excitation and Its Mechanisms

Pre-excitation is defined as ventricular myocardial activation by a pathway other than the His-Purkinje system during sinus rhythm or atrial pacing. The normal H-V interval includes the time required for activation to proceed from the bundle of His recording site down the bundle branches to the distal ramifications of the Purkinje fibers before exiting to depolarize the working myocardium. Therefore pre-excitation is inferred if the H-V interval is abnormally short during sinus rhythm or atrial pacing. The H-V interval may be normal if too little myocardium is pre-excited (consequently generating feeble voltage) to be evident on the surface ECG. With an increased frequency of supraventricular impulses, more of the ventricular myocardium is pre-excited through the accessory connection (with a progressive widening of the QRS and shortening of the H-V interval) because of decremental conduction through the AV node and nondecremental conduction through accessory AV connections. Incremental atrial pacing is an integral part of the evaluation of accessory AV connections and increases pre-excitation, thus allowing the optimal surface ECG localization of pathway insertion. Pre-excitation may be difficult to discern on the surface ECG in sinus rhythm in case of accessory connections with long anterograde conduction times or short conduction times through the AV node. Pre-excitation should, however, be detectable by rapid pacing or slowing conduction through the AV node.

An accessory pathway with a long antegrade conduction time can manifest with an isoelectric interval separating the end of the P wave from the onset of ventricular activation, which may persist even during atrial pacing or AT. An electrical connection between the AV node and the ventricular myocardium bypassing the His-Purkinje system has also been postulated to be responsible for such an ECG but has not been conclusively demonstrated. The so-called fasciculoventricular connections can also produce similar ECG manifestations with a high septal breakthrough from the normally insulated bundle of His or bundle branch being the anatomic correlate. Interestingly, no clinical arrhythmia correlate has been described for what may be no more than an anatomic variant.

Electrophysiological Characteristics of Accessory Pathways

Normal retrograde (ventriculoatrial [VA]) activation over the AV conduction system depolarizes the atria from the septal region and decrements by at least 20 ms with faster stimulation. Nondecremental free wall activation (the so-called eccentric activation) suggests VA conduction over an accessory AV connection. Dynamic maneuvers are required to distinguish between septally situated accessory pathways and normal routes of VA conduction.

During sinus rhythm, ventricular extrastimuli resulting in atrial activation preceding retrograde bundle of His activation indicate an accessory connection. If moving the ventricular pacing site from the apex toward the septum decreases the stimulus to atrial activation time instead of increasing it, an accessory VA connection should be considered. Moving away from the apex increases the conduction time to the normal AV conduction system through the distal Purkinje myocardial interface, whereas it decreases the conduction time to the annular insertion of an accessory pathway.2 Similarly, high output–dependent capture of the insulated right bundle or the bundle of His contrasted with lower output ventricular myocardial capture at the same site can show changes in atrial activation sequence, retrograde His to atrial activation time, and stimulus to atrial activation timing, which suggest the presence of more than one retrograde pathway of VA conduction.3 Unchanged atrial activation sequence coupled with a constant H-A interval and prolongation of the stimulus-A interval resulting from loss of His–right bundle capture indicate the presence of the normal VA conduction alone. Conversely, the absence of change in any of the intervals and sequences indicates the sole presence of accessory pathway retrograde conduction. If the accessory pathway is remote from the pacing site or is captured only with a long conduction time or if conduction through the AV node is very rapid, conduction through the accessory pathway may be completely masked. In practice, left free wall pathways remote from a right ventricular pacing site may fulfill these conditions and are therefore likely to be masked.

During a tachycardia, evidence of conduction through an accessory AV connection can be obtained by delivering late ventricular extrastimuli coincident with or 10 ms before activation of the bundle of His, thus ensuring the encountering of complete refractoriness within the bundle of His. If the extrastimulus is earlier than the His electrogram, the lack of anticipation of the ventricular electrogram, the bundle of His electrogram, or both confirms His-Purkinje refractoriness. The presence of conduction through an accessory connection is indicated if the ventricular extrastimulus advances or delays atrial activation or terminates the tachycardia without conduction to the atria.4 Tachycardia termination by a His-synchronous ventricular extrastimulus without conduction to the atria or with anticipation of the succeeding ventricular or bundle of His electrogram indicates participation of the accessory pathway in the tachycardia.

In addition to establishing the presence of an accessory connection, the electrophysiological study (EPS) allows assessment of the arrhythmogenic potential of the accessory connection. The indications for curative ablation of accessory pathways chiefly depends on their proven threat—pre-excited AF degenerating to VF—or their potential threat, indicated by R-R intervals shorter than 200 to 250 ms during AF or the presence of clinical tachycardias using the accessory pathway.5

Successful ablation of an accessory AV connection requires precise localization, and the surface ECG is a vital starting point. Although many algorithms have been described, those using the δ-wave vector are more difficult to use compared with the mean QRS vector during full or maximal pre-excitation. ECG pattern recognition allows the planning of a strategy specific to the presumed location.

Retrograde Transaortic Approach

In our laboratory, a retrograde arterial approach is preferred, whereas the trans-septal approach is used secondarily. Trans-septal access is the first-line approach in case of aortic or arterial abnormalities, such as the presence of prosthetic valves; aortic stenosis; or severe aortic, femoral, or iliac atherosclerosis. In pediatric patients, the trans-septal approach may be preferred to avoid injury to the aortic valve.

Entering the left ventricle in a retrograde fashion across the aortic valve is an important part of the retrograde arterial approach. When the catheter is brought down to the root of the aortic valve, it meets the resistance of the aortic valve, and catheter flexion combined with continued gentle pressure facilitates the formation of a loop. The loop generally crosses the aortic valve into the left ventricular cavity before a 180-degree flexion. This may be facilitated by gentle torquing. It is imperative to avoid the catheter tip entering a coronary artery, and the catheter should be promptly withdrawn in case of any doubt. Rare instances of complications resulting from an unrecognized position within the left coronary system have been reported. The catheter can also easily enter the right coronary artery ostium, particularly if it has a downward takeoff. Entry into the left ventricle occasionally produces mechanical trauma and block within the normal AV conduction axis, which does not become apparent until the accessory pathway conducting in an anterograde fashion has been ablated. Fortunately, spontaneous recovery of normal conduction is the most common outcome. After crossing the aortic valve, the catheter should be straightened before it is gently advanced toward the posterolateral left ventricular free wall. Progressive flexion of the catheter tip as it touches the free wall brings the catheter tip near or at the level of the mitral annulus and under the mitral valve leaflet, as indicated by the recording of a significant atrial electrogram. The posterior and lateral mitral annulus should be mapped at this level.

Although catheter stability is the strong suit of the retrograde left-sided approach, this same characteristic renders mapping the mitral annulus difficult. Moving from one position to another requires catheter withdrawal from under the leaflet and repositioning it anew. Clockwise rotation positions the catheter tip more laterally and anteriorly, whereas counterclockwise rotation brings the tip around more medially. The size of the catheter curve is important; a large curve does not allow the catheter tip to reach the annulus level, and a small curve means that the catheter tip “floats” or bounces without stable contact. A more atrial position (where the catheter tip makes contact with the atrial side of the mitral leaflet) can be achieved by torquing the catheter counterclockwise so that it slips medially onto the atrial side through the posterior commissure. The further anterior the accessory pathway, the more difficult it is to reach the atrioventricular annulus with the catheter tip from the retrograde approach. This situation may call for a larger curve or a trans-septal approach. The catheter tip can be much more freely moved to map the annulus on the atrial side of the mitral leaflet but, typically, is less stable than when positioned under the leaflet. Ectopy, not uncommon during RF delivery in this position, can easily dislodge the catheter.

Electrophysiological Localization

A multi-catheter approach can cover both AV annuli and provide corroboration of localization rapidly. Successful and equally rapid ablation can, however, be achieved with fewer catheters—typically two or three. In the case of evident pre-excitation, a single ablation catheter may be successfully used, which may be followed by an adenosine test; but the assessment of retrograde VA conduction usually requires an additional intracardiac catheter.

When even the best unipolar and bipolar endocardial electrograms are not good enough, an epicardial or intramyocardial pathway insertion may need to be evaluated or considered. Ventricular electrograms close to or at the site of insertion can be late, not only because the insertion may be far from the endocardium but also because of the endocardial insertion of an oblique pathway. Changing the pacing site (e.g., from the right ventricular apex to the lateral left ventricular or the right ventricular infundibulum) can help distinguish apparently early atrial electrograms (during ventricular pacing) because of an oblique pathway course. Simultaneous comparison of endocardial and epicardial recordings obtained from within the coronary sinus is useful; bracketing, as well as electrogram timing and dv/dt (rate of ventricular electrogram depolarization) comparison, can provide valuable clues. Ablation within the coronary sinus may be necessary (Figure 93-1), although conventional RF delivery achieves only low power and is frequently ineffective. Ablation in the coronary sinus and veins with a catheter with an open irrigated tip can achieve good results; however, stepwise increments in RF power (a cautious maximum of 25 W) are prudent. Pops in the thin-walled coronary venous structure can be devastating; damage to adjacent coronary arteries has also been reported.

Localizing a pathway conducting in an antegrade fashion involves sampling the annulus of interest for the shortest local AV intervals and the earliest V (local ventricular electrogram)-δ intervals. Some posteroseptal pathways exhibit long AV times at successful sites, which suggests slow conduction through the accessory pathway. The correct assessment of the timing of ablation catheter electrograms requires comparison with the surface ECG lead showing the maximum pre-excitation.

Local Electrogram Characteristics

Bipolar and unipolar electrograms should both be used for mapping (Figure 93-2)—the former because of their higher signal/noise ratio and the latter because of their simple morphologic pattern recognition–based analysis.6 Localization based on bipolar electrograms requires distinction of atrial electrograms from ventricular electrograms by using late-coupled ventricular and atrial extrastimuli. However, these maneuvers can be difficult to perform or analyze and may even induce arrhythmias. The contribution of the proximal ring electrode to bipolar electrograms from the distal bipole can be misleading. Atrial electrograms can be distinguished from ventricular electrograms by using unipolar electrograms from the distal electrode.

Unipolar electrograms with a steep QS morphology are particularly useful for localizing the site of ventricular insertion on the basis of a steep QS morphology (the absence of an initial R wave) during sinus rhythm, pacing, or even ongoing AF and also in patients with Ebstein’s anomaly who exhibit low-amplitude, fractionated bipolar electrograms on the tricuspid annulus. Unipolar electrograms should be recorded with wide band filters—0.05 to 500 Hz—because the low-frequency content makes important contributions to the generation of RS or QS patterns. Instead of Wilson’s central terminal, a remote cutaneous or inferior vena cava (IVC) electrode may be useful as a ground, allowing common mode rejection of contaminating 50- or 60-Hz line noise. Notch filters should also be used with caution, if at all. Once the atrial and ventricular electrograms have been recognized, the intervening deflections represent presumptive accessory pathway potentials (see Figure 93-1).7 Certainly, the best validation is the prompt abolition of accessory pathway conduction by RF ablation at this site (assuming appropriate power delivery and contact). In practice, accessory pathway potential validation often is a retrospective exercise.

For patients without pre-excitation, the target of choice is the shortest VA interval during orthodromic AVNRT because this effectively rules out the fusion of activation through the normal AV axis with activation through the accessory connection. Ablation during ongoing AVNRT can, however, lead to dislodgment of the ablation catheter at tachycardia termination. Prompt initiation of ventricular pacing after tachycardia termination has been advocated to minimize or prevent instability. If no tachycardia is inducible and retrograde conduction through the normal AV axis can be excluded or distinguished, earliest atrial activation during ventricular pacing is a reasonable target. In the presence of an obliquely coursing accessory pathway, changing the ventricular pacing site is useful in evaluating electrogram timing as pointed out above.

Individual Pathway Locations

Right Free Wall Atrioventricular Accessory Connections

Right free wall pathways are defined by a location within the arc of the tricuspid annulus extending from approximately the 12 o’clock position to the 6 o’clock position, as viewed from the left anterior oblique 45-degree view. The tricuspid annulus has a much more vertical orientation compared with the mitral annulus, the right ventricle is much thinner than the left ventricle, and there is no counterpart of the coronary sinus. Access to the right AV annulus is much more direct than on the left side, but a position on the annulus is more difficult to achieve, particularly from the femoral route. Right atrial free wall contraction tends to dislodge the catheter tip and long sheaths or large curve catheters facilitate ablation by improving stability. The radiolucent shadow of annular fat is a useful clue to the level of the tricuspid annulus, particularly when annular electrograms are fractionated and of low amplitude, as in Ebstein’s anomaly. Unipolar electrograms can be of help, and recordings from within the right coronary artery have been used, although the latter run the risk of significant complications. Unlike the usual QS morphology at successful ablation sites of other pathway locations, the ventricular electrogram has a two-stepped deflection; the first steeper deflection indicates local right ventricular activation, and the second represents far-field activation probably originating from the septum and the left ventricle.

The typical successful ablation site for right free wall pathways shows ventricular electrograms with timings approximately 20 to 30 ms earlier than for left free wall pathways. The atrial insertion of the pathway is activated before the end of atrial activation so that right ventricular pre-excitation actually begins within the P wave, and pre-excitation of the thin-walled right ventricle does not become evident on the surface ECG as early as for pathways inserting into the thicker left ventricle. Local ventricular activation of –10 to –20 ms (preceding the QRS) is therefore usually not “early enough” for pathways in this location. Ablation at this location is characterized by the lower electrode temperatures during RF delivery—related to catheter contact, electrode orientation, and stability and high-power delivery during temperature-controlled RF applications. Mechanical block of accessory pathway conduction may be frequent, and an eventual recurrence is more likely for pathways at this location despite the “security” RF applications.

Septal Atrioventricular Accessory Connections

Septally situated pathways have been divided into anteroseptal, mid-septal, and posteroseptal pathways. The anteroseptal pathways are located on the tricuspid valve (TV) annulus (because of the aortomitral fibrous continuity on the left side) between the 12 o’clock position (in the left anterior oblique view) and the bundle of His region—with the provisio that any His potential recorded at the site be less than 0.1 mV. A larger His deflection defines the pathway as para-Hisian. Posteroseptal pathways are defined by a location between the coronary sinus ostium to approximately the 6 o’clock position on either AV annulus. The mid-septal pathways are more difficult to define in terms of location and are broadly considered to be between the His and coronary sinus ostial locations, excluding the para-Hisian pathways. Except for the anteroseptal pathways, the septal pathways have in common the possibility of being accessible from either annulus and proximity to the AV node or the bundle of His. An epicardial location is more frequent for the posteroseptal pathways; therefore mapping of the coronary sinus and the middle cardiac vein is often necessary.

The anteroseptal pathways can be ablated with advantage from the superior vena cava (SVC) approach, with active catheter flexion bringing the catheter tip in contact with the annulus; with the femoral approach, relaxing the catheter tip flexion is required to achieve contact, and unless the catheter is bi-steerable, this is a passive movement providing much less stable contact. It may also be easier to achieve a position under the tricuspid valve by making a loop in the right ventricle using an approach from above.

The main concern with regard to the mid-septal pathways is to avoid damage to the AV node and the normal conduction axis. As for the para-Hisian pathways, proximity to the bundle of His allows an estimation of this risk. Proximity to the compact AV node is, however, difficult to estimate in the absence of an electrogram marker. The appearance of junctional rhythm is a clear warning that should prompt cessation of RF delivery, and a narrow QRS complex without a preceding P wave should not be mistaken for loss of pre-excitation. Using conventional RF, the strategy for pathways estimated to be close to the AV node or the bundle of His should center around careful mapping for the best electrograms and delivering low RF power at sites thought to be farthest from the conduction axis, usually on the ventricular side of the AV ring. At prospective ablation sites, it is useful to verify the presence and the amplitude of a bundle of His deflection concealed by pre-excitation by using programmed stimulation to induce antegrade pathway block or sustained orthodromic AVNRT. RF power may be increased cautiously in steps of 5 W, but energy delivery should be terminated immediately in case of junctional rhythm or if loss of pre-excitation does not occur promptly. Cryoablation offers the theoretical advantage of reversible cryomapping. In practice, although a greater margin of reversible lesion creation with cryoablation and therefore a lower risk of AV block may exist, this energy source has a clearly higher risk of recovery of pathway conduction.8

The posteroseptal pathways have a higher likelihood of an epicardial course or insertion. Moreover, the anatomic boundaries of the posterior pyramidal space frequently require a choice to be made between the right or left endocardial sites and the sites within the proximal coronary sinus or the middle cardiac vein. A steep QS complex in lead II or an rS complex in leads V5-V6 during pre-excitation may be a clue to an insertion into the middle cardiac vein.9 If endocardial mapping is not good enough or the ablation is unsuccessful, mapping within the coronary sinus and the middle cardiac vein is performed under the guidance of a coronary sinus angiogram. Occlusion balloon angiography provides the best opacification of the great cardiac vein and related branches, but adequate visualization of the proximal coronary sinus and the middle cardiac vein can be achieved from the femoral approach by using an Amplatz catheter. Successful ablation sites are frequently clustered in proximity to venous anomalies such as aneurysms or diverticula. A superior approach from the internal jugular vein provides a relatively straight and vertical catheter course to the middle cardiac vein and should be considered in case of difficulty with the femoral approach. Ablation within the coronary sinus or cardiac veins with a conventional nonirrigated ablation catheter is frequently ineffective because of low delivered powers and high electrode temperatures as a consequence of limited blood flow around the electrode. Ablation in the middle cardiac vein can damage the posterior descending and posterior left ventricular branches of the distal right coronary artery. Ineffective low power delivery can be overcome by using an irrigated tip catheter that allows power to be titrated up to a limit of 25 to 30 W to avoid pops or damage to nearby coronary arteries (within 2 to 3 mm of the site of ablation).

Specific Situations

During an ablation procedure, sustained AF is not infrequent, which renders mapping difficult. No alternative to electrical cardioversion may be available because type I or III antiarrhythmic drugs may alter the accessory pathway properties and may even eliminate pre-excitation. Mapping the earliest ventricular activation during the widest QRS (indicating maximum pre-excitation) is feasible, as is ablation, particularly when guided by unipolar electrograms. Verification of bi-directional conduction block (assessment of VA conduction) is not possible during AF.

Multiple pathways are not common but may be encountered, particularly in association with Ebstein’s anomaly. Changing patterns of pre-excitation and VA intervals and sequences are important clues. However, the same principles of mapping and ablation described above are usually effective.

The substrates of the “Mahaim” pathways (decremental atriofascicular or atrioventricular pathways) and permanent junctional reciprocating tachycardias are both thought to be accessory pathways with long conduction times—antegrade in case of the atriofascicular or AV Mahaim pathways and retrograde in case of persistent junctional reciprocating tachycardia (PJRT). In addition, these two accessory pathway variants share another characteristic—that of one-way conduction only. The few available histologic studies suggest that the anatomic substrate of PJRT is a long and tortuous muscular fascicle, whereas in the case of the Mahaim fiber, an accessory node–like structure is thought to exist at its atrial origin.10 Atriofascicular and AV Mahaim fibers are most effectively ablated by targeting the pathway potentials at the level of the annulus; they resemble the bundle of His potentials but continue to precede ventricular activation even during pre-excitation. PJRT is ablated by targeting the earliest atrial activation during the tachycardia, and, as with every ablation within that posteroseptal area, care must be taken to ensure a reasonable distance from the normal AV conduction axis.

An accessory pathway with a large insertion or an insertion with multiple branches may occasionally be encountered.11 Multiple coalescent lesions, each of which modifies local electrogram parameters, have been used.

Another uncommon variant is an appendage to the ventricular connection characterized by an insertion bridging the appendage tip to the ventricle away from the annulus.12 Careful mapping, aided by three-dimensional mapping as needed, can clarify the exact location of the insertion. Similarly, the unusual variant of surgically acquired pre-excitation is encountered rarely after right atrial appendage anastomosis to the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) (historically performed as a palliative procedure for tricuspid atresia). In the appropriate surgical context and with the pre-excited QRS resembling an RVOT tachycardia, careful mapping has allowed successful ablation.

An additional arrhythmia substrate such as AVNRT or AT may coexist. The electrophysiological maneuvers described above can assist in deciding whether the accessory pathway participates in the tachycardia.13 However, in practice, elimination of the accessory pathway substrate typically unmasks the AVNRT or AT, which can then be ablated in the standard fashion.

Indications for catheter ablation include the following: