Chromosomes and Cell Division

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CHAPTER 3 Chromosomes and Cell Division

At the molecular or submicroscopic level, DNA can be regarded as the basic template that provides a blueprint for the formation and maintenance of an organism. DNA is packaged into chromosomes and at a very simple level these can be considered as being made up of tightly coiled long chains of genes. Unlike DNA, chromosomes can be visualized during cell division using a light microscope, under which they appear as threadlike structures or ‘colored bodies’. The word chromosome is derived from the Greek chroma (= color) and soma (= body).

Chromosomes are the factors that distinguish one species from another and that enable the transmission of genetic information from one generation to the next. Their behavior at somatic cell division in mitosis provides a means of ensuring that each daughter cell retains its own complete genetic complement. Similarly, their behavior during gamete formation in meiosis enables each mature ovum and sperm to contain a unique single set of parental genes. Chromosomes are quite literally the vehicles that facilitate reproduction and the maintenance of a species.

The study of chromosomes and cell division is referred to as cytogenetics. Before the 1950s it was thought, incorrectly, that each human cell contained 48 chromosomes and that human sex was determined by the number of X chromosomes present at conception. Following the development in 1956 of more reliable techniques for studying human chromosomes, it was realized that the correct chromosome number in humans is 46 (p. 5) and that maleness is determined by the presence of a Y chromosome regardless of the number of X chromosomes present in each cell. It was also realized that abnormalities of chromosome number and structure could seriously disrupt normal growth and development.

Table 3.1 highlights the methodological developments that have taken place during the past 5 decades that underpin our current knowledge of human cytogenetics.

Table 3.1 Development of methodologies for cytogenetics

Decade Development Examples of Application
1950–1960s Reliable methods for chromosome preparations Chromosome number determined to be 46 (1956) and Philadelphia chromosome identified as t(9;22) (1960)
1970s Giemsa chromosome banding Mapping of RB1 gene to chromosome 13q14 by identification of deleted chromosomal region in patients with retinoblastoma (1976)
1980s Fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH) Interphase FISH for rapid detection of Down syndrome (1994)
Spectral karyotyping for whole genome chromosome analysis (1996)
1990s Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) Mapping genomic imbalances in solid tumors (1992)
2000s Array CGH Analysis of constitutional rearrangements; e.g., identification of ∼5 Mb deletion in a patient with CHARGE syndrome that led to identification of the gene (2004)

CHARGE, coloboma of the eye, heart defects, atresia of the choanae, retardation of growth and/or development, genital and/or urinary abnormalities, and ear abnormalities and deafness.

Human Chromosomes


At the submicroscopic level, chromosomes consist of an extremely elaborate complex, made up of supercoils of DNA, which has been likened to the tightly coiled network of wiring seen in a solenoid (p. 31). Under the electron microscope chromosomes can be seen to have a rounded and rather irregular morphology (Figure 3.1). However, most of our knowledge of chromosome structure has been gained using light microscopy. Special stains selectively taken up by DNA have enabled each individual chromosome to be identified. These are best seen during cell division, when the chromosomes are maximally contracted and the constituent genes can no longer be transcribed.


Figure 3.1 Electron micrograph of human chromosomes showing the centromeres and well-defined chromatids.

(Courtesy Dr. Christine Harrison. Reproduced from Harrison et al 1983 Cytogenet Cell Genet 35: 21–27; with permission of the publisher, S. Karger, Basel.)

At this time each chromosome can be seen to consist of two identical strands known as chromatids, or sister chromatids, which are the result of DNA replication having taken place during the S (synthesis) phase of the cell cycle (p. 39). These sister chromatids can be seen to be joined at a primary constriction known as the centromere. Centromeres consist of several hundred kilobases of repetitive DNA and are responsible for the movement of chromosomes at cell division. Each centromere divides the chromosome into short and long arms, designated p (= petite) and q (‘g’ = grande), respectively.

The tip of each chromosome arm is known as the telomere. Telomeres play a crucial role in sealing the ends of chromosomes and maintaining their structural integrity. Telomeres have been highly conserved throughout evolution and in humans they consist of many tandem repeats of a TTAGGG sequence. During DNA replication, an enzyme known as telomerase replaces the 5′ end of the long strand, which would otherwise become progressively shorter until a critical length was reached when the cell could no longer divide and thus became senescent. This is in fact part of the normal cellular aging process, with most cells being unable to undergo more than 50 to 60 divisions. However, in some tumors increased telomerase activity has been implicated as a cause of abnormally prolonged cell survival.

Morphologically chromosomes are classified according to the position of the centromere. If this is located centrally, the chromosome is metacentric, if terminal it is acrocentric, and if the centromere is in an intermediate position the chromosome is submetacentric (Figure 3.2). Acrocentric chromosomes sometimes have stalk-like appendages called satellites that form the nucleolus of the resting interphase cell and contain multiple repeat copies of the genes for ribosomal RNA.

Methods of Chromosome Analysis

It was generally believed that each cell contained 48 chromosomes until 1956, when Tjio and Levan correctly concluded on the basis of their studies that the normal human somatic cell contains only 46 chromosomes (p. 5). The methods they used, with certain modifications, are now universally employed in cytogenetic laboratories to analyze the chromosome constitution of an individual, which is known as a karyotype. This term is also used to describe a photomicrograph of an individual’s chromosomes, arranged in a standard manner.

Molecular Cytogenetics

Fluorescent In-Situ Hybridization

This diagnostic tool combines conventional cytogenetics with molecular genetic technology. It is based on the unique ability of a portion of single-stranded DNA (i.e., a probe; see p. 35) to anneal with its complementary target sequence on a metaphase chromosome, interphase nucleus or extended chromatin fiber. In fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH), the DNA probe is labeled with a fluorochrome which, after hybridization with the patient’s sample, allows the region where hybridization has occurred to be visualized using a fluorescence microscope. FISH has been widely used for clinical diagnostic purposes during the past 15 years and there are a number of different types of probes that may be employed.

Different Types of FISH Probe

Centromeric probes

These consist of repetitive DNA sequences found in and around the centromere of a specific chromosome. They were the original probes used for rapid diagnosis of the common aneuploidy syndromes (trisomies 13, 18, 21; see p. 274) using non-dividing cells in interphase obtained from a prenatal diagnostic sample of chorionic villi. In the present, quantitative fluorescent polymerase chain reaction is more commonly used to detect these trisomies.

Comparative Genomic Hybridization

Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) was originally developed to overcome the difficulty of obtaining good-quality metaphase preparations from solid tumors. This technique enabled the detection of regions of allele loss and gene amplification (p. 220). Tumor or ‘test’ DNA was labeled with a green paint, and control normal DNA with a red paint. The two samples were mixed and hybridized competitively to normal metaphase chromosomes, and an image captured (Figure 3.10). If the test sample contained more DNA from a particular chromosome region than the control sample, that region was identified by an increase in the green to red fluorescence ratio (Figure 3.11). Similarly a deletion in the test sample was identified by a reduction in the green to red fluorescence ratio.

Array CGH

Cytogenetic techniques are traditionally based on microscopic analysis. However, the increasing application of microarray technology is also having a major impact on cytogenetics. Although array CGH is a molecular biology technique, it is introduced in this chapter because it has evolved from metaphase CGH and is being used to investigate chromosome structure.

Array CGH also involves the hybridization of patient and reference DNA, but metaphase chromosomes are replaced as the target by large numbers of DNA sequences bound to glass slides (Figure 3.11). The DNA target sequences have evolved from mapped clones (yeast artificial chromosome [YAC], bacterial artificial chromosome [BAC], or P1-derived artificial chromosome [PAC] or cosmid), to oligonucleotides. They are spotted on to the microscope slides using robotics to create a microarray, in which each DNA target has a unique location. Following hybridization and washing to remove unbound DNA, the relative levels of fluorescence are measured using computer software. Oligonucleotide arrays provide the highest resolution and can include up to 1 million probes.

The application of microarray CGH has extended from cancer cytogenetics to the detection of any type of gain or loss, including the detection of subtelomeric deletions in patients with unexplained intellectual impairment. Array CGH is faster and more sensitive than conventional metaphase analysis for the identification of constitutional rearrangements (with the exception of balanced translocations) and has replaced conventional karyotyping as the first-line test in the investigation of patients with severe developmental delay/learning difficulties and/or congenital abnormalities.

Chromosome Nomenclature

By convention each chromosome arm is divided into regions and each region is subdivided into bands, numbering always from the centromere outwards (Figure 3.12). A given point on a chromosome is designated by the chromosome number, the arm (p or q), the region, and the band (e.g., 15q12). Sometimes the word region is omitted, so that 15q12 would be referred to simply as band 12 on the long arm of chromosome 15.

A shorthand notation system exists for the description of chromosome abnormalities (Table 3.2). Normal male and female karyotypes are depicted as 46,XY and 46,XX, respectively. A male with Down syndrome as a result of trisomy 21 would be represented as 47,XY,+21, whereas a female with a deletion of the short arm of one number 5 chromosome (cri du chat syndrome; see p. 281) would be represented as 46,XX,del(5p). A chromosome report reading 46,XY,t(2;4)(p23;q25) would indicate a male with a reciprocal translocation involving the short arm of chromosome 2 at region 2 band 3 and the long arm of chromosome 4 at region 2 band 5.

Table 3.2 Symbols used in describing a karyotype

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Term Explanation Example
p Short arm  
q Long arm  
cen Centromere  
del Deletion 46,XX,del(1)(q21)
dup Duplication 46,XY, dup(13)(q14)
fra Fragile site  
i Isochromosome 46,X,i(Xq)
inv Inversion 46XX,inv(9)(p12q12)
ish In-situ hybridization  
r Ring 46;XX,r(21)
t Translocation 46,XY,t(2;4)(q21;q21)
ter Terminal or end