Cardiovascular system

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11 Cardiovascular system


The twentieth century saw major changes in patterns of cardiovascular disease. In the developed world, syphilitic and tuberculous involvement of the cardiovascular system became rare, and the incidence of rheumatic disease declined considerably. On the other hand, myocardial and conducting tissue disease were diagnosed with increasing frequency and the importance of arterial hypertension became recognized. Coronary artery disease emerged as the major cardiovascular disorder of the era, becoming the most common cause of premature death throughout Europe, North America and Australasia. In the last 30 years, there has been a steady fall in age-specific death rates from coronary artery disease in Western societies, but elsewhere its prevalence is increasing and in the underdeveloped world it now threatens to overtake malnutrition and infectious disease as the major cause of death.

As patterns of cardiovascular disease changed, so did the cardiologist’s diagnostic tools. A century that started with the stethoscope, the sphygmomanometer, the chest X-ray and a very rudimentary electrocardiogram saw the development of a variety of new imaging modalities, using ultrasound, radioisotopes, X-rays and magnetic resonance. This non-invasive capability was complemented by introduction of the catheterization laboratory, permitting angiographic imaging, electrophysiological recording and tissue biopsy of the heart. Add to this the resources of the chemical pathology, bacteriology and molecular biology laboratories, and the array of diagnostic technology available to the modern cardiologist becomes almost overwhelming. Nevertheless, most of the common cardiac disorders encountered in clinical practice can still be diagnosed at the bedside on the basis of a careful history and physical examination. Indeed, this simple fact defines the true art of cardiology and remains as relevant now as it was before recent technological advances.

The cardiac history

The history should record details of presenting symptoms, of which the most common are chest pain, fatigue and dyspnoea, palpitations, and presyncope or syncope (see below and Box 11.1). Previous illness should also be recorded, as it may provide important clues about the cardiac diagnosis – thyroid, connective tissue and neoplastic disorders, for example, can all affect the heart. Rheumatic fever in childhood is important because of its association with valvular heart disease; and diabetes and dyslipidaemias because of their association with coronary artery disease. Smoking is a major risk factor for coronary artery disease. Alcohol abuse predisposes to cardiac arrhythmias and cardiomyopathy. The cardiac history should quantify both habits in terms of pack-years smoked and units of alcohol consumed. The family history should always be documented because coronary artery disease and hypertension often run in families, as do some of the less common cardiovascular disorders, such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Indeed, in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a family history of sudden death is probably the single most important indicator of risk. Finally, the drug history should be recorded, as many commonly prescribed drugs are potentially cardiotoxic. β-Blockers and some calcium channel blockers (diltiazem, verapamil), for example, can cause symptomatic bradycardias, and tricyclic antidepressants and β agonists can cause tachyarrhythmias. Vasodilators cause variable reductions in blood pressure which can lead to syncopal attacks, particularly in patients with aortic stenosis. The myocardial toxicity of certain cytotoxic drugs (notably doxorubicin and related compounds) is an important cause of cardiomyopathy.

Box 11.1 Structure for the cardiac history

Chest pain

Myocardial ischaemia, pericarditis, aortic dissection and pulmonary embolism are the most common causes of acute, severe chest pain. Chronic, recurrent chest pain is usually caused by angina, oesophageal reflux or musculoskeletal pain.

Myocardial ischaemia

Ischaemia of the heart results from an imbalance between myocardial oxygen supply and demand, producing pain called angina (Boxes 11.2 and 11.3). Angina is usually a symptom of atherosclerotic coronary artery disease, which impedes myocardial oxygen supply. Other causes of coronary artery disease (Box 11.4) are rare. However, it is important to be vigilant for causes of angina due to increased myocardial oxygen demand, such as aortic stenosis. The history is diagnostic for angina if the location of the pain, its character, its relation to exertion and its duration are typical. The patient describes retrosternal pain which may radiate into the arms, the throat or the jaw. It has a constricting character, is provoked by exertion and relieved within minutes by rest. The patient’s threshold for angina is typically reduced after eating or in cold weather due to the diversion of blood to the gut and the increased myocardial work consequent upon peripheral vasoconstriction, respectively. Occasionally angina is provoked only by the first significant activity of the day, a phenomenon known as the ‘warm-up effect’ and due to myocardial preconditioning. Less commonly, myocardial ischaemia may manifest as breathlessness, fatigue or symptoms that the patient finds difficult to describe – ‘I just have to stop’ – in which case the clues to the diagnosis are the relation of symptoms to exertion, the presence of risk factors for coronary artery disease and the absence of an alternative explanation for the symptoms, such as heart failure.

Acute coronary syndromes

In these life-threatening cardiac emergencies, the pain is similar in location and character to angina but is usually more severe, more prolonged and unrelieved by rest (Box 11.5).

Pulmonary embolism

Peripheral pulmonary embolism causes sudden-onset sharp, pleuritic chest pain, breathlessness and haemoptysis. Major, central pulmonary embolism presents with breathlessness, chest pain that can be indistinguishable from ischaemic chest pains and syncope. Risk factors for pulmonary embolism should be sought in the history (Box 11.8).

Rare cardiovascular causes of chest pain include mitral valve disease associated with massive left atrial dilatation. This causes discomfort in the back, sometimes associated with dysphagia due to oesophageal compression. Aortic aneurysms can also cause pain in the chest owing to local compression.


Dyspnoea is an abnormal awareness of breathing occurring either at rest or at an unexpectedly low level of exertion. It is a major symptom of many cardiac disorders, particularly left heart failure (Table 11.1), but its mechanisms are complex. In acute pulmonary oedema and orthopnoea, dyspnoea is due mainly to the elevated left atrial pressure that characterizes left heart failure (Box 11.9). This produces a corresponding elevation of the pulmonary capillary pressure and increases transudation into the lungs, which become oedematous and stiff. Oxygenation of blood in the pulmonary arterioles is reduced causing hypoxaemia, and this, together with the extra effort required to ventilate the stiff lungs, causes dyspnoea. In exertional dyspnoea, other mechanisms are also important.

Table 11.1 Causes of heart failure

Ventricular pathophysiology Clinical examples
Restricted filling

Pressure loading

Volume loading Contractile impairment Arrhythmia

Exertional dyspnoea

This is the most troublesome symptom in heart failure (Box 11.10). Exercise causes a sharp increase in left atrial pressure and this contributes to the pathogenesis of dyspnoea by causing pulmonary congestion (see above). However, the severity of dyspnoea does not correlate closely with exertional left atrial pressure, and other factors must therefore be important. These include respiratory muscle fatigue and the effects of exertional acidosis on peripheral chemoreceptors. As left heart failure worsens, exercise tolerance deteriorates. In advanced disease, the patient is dyspnoeic at rest.

Dizziness and syncope

Cardiovascular disorders produce dizziness and syncope by transient hypotension, resulting in abrupt cerebral hypoperfusion. For this reason, patients who experience cardiac syncope usually describe either brief lightheadedness or no warning symptoms at all prior to their syncopal attacks. Recovery is usually rapid, unlike with other common causes of syncope (e.g. stroke, epilepsy, overdose).

Stokes-Adams attacks

These are caused by self-limiting episodes of asystole (Fig. 11.2) or rapid tachyarrhythmias (including ventricular fibrillation). The loss of cardiac output causes syncope and striking pallor. Following restoration of normal rhythm, recovery is rapid and associated with flushing of the skin as flow through the dilated cutaneous bed is re-established.

The cardiac examination

A methodical approach is recommended, starting with inspection of the patient and proceeding to examination of the radial pulse, measurement of heart rate and blood pressure, examination of the neck (carotid pulse, jugular venous pulse), palpation of the anterior chest wall, auscultation of the heart, percussion and auscultation of the lung bases and, finally, examination of the peripheral pulses and auscultation for carotid and femoral arterial bruits (Box 11.11).

Inspection of the patient

Chest wall deformities such as pectus excavatum should be noted, as these may compress the heart and displace the apex, giving a spurious impression of cardiac enlargement. The presence of a median sternotomy scar usually indicates previous coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) and/or cardiac valve surgery. The long saphenous vein is the standard conduit for vein grafts so patients with prior CABG often also have a scar along the medial aspect of one or both legs. A lateral thoracotomy scar may indicate previous mitral valvotomy. Large ventricular or aortic aneurysms may cause visible pulsations. Superior vena caval obstruction is associated with prominent venous collaterals on the chest wall. Prominent venous collaterals around the shoulder occur in axillary or subclavian vein obstruction.

Arterial pulse

The arterial pulses should be palpated for evaluation of rate, rhythm, character and symmetry.


This is defined by the volume and waveform of the pulse and should be evaluated at the right carotid artery (i.e. the pulse closest to the heart and least subject to damping and distortion in the arterial tree). Pulse volume provides a crude indication of stroke volume, being small in heart failure and large in aortic regurgitation. The waveform of the pulse is of greater diagnostic importance (Fig. 11.3). Severe aortic stenosis produces a slow-rising carotid pulse; the fixed obstruction restricts the rate at which blood can be ejected from the left ventricle. In aortic regurgitation, in diastole, the left ventricle receives not only its normal pulmonary venous return but also a proportion of the blood ejected into the aorta during the previous systole as it flows back through an incompetent valve. The resultant large stroke volume, vigorously ejected, produces a rapidly rising carotid pulse, which collapses in early diastole owing to backflow through the aortic valve. This collapsing pulse can be exaggerated at the radial artery by lifting the arm. In mixed aortic valve disease, a biphasic pulse with two systolic peaks is occasionally found. Alternating pulse – alternating high and low systolic peaks – occurs in severe left ventricular failure but the mechanism for this is unknown. Paradoxical pulse refers to an inspiratory decline in systolic pressure greater than 10 mmHg (Fig. 11.4). In normal circumstances, inspiration results in an increase in venous return as blood is ‘sucked into’ the thorax by the decline in intrathoracic pressure. This increases right ventricular stroke volume, but left ventricular stroke volume falls slightly (ventricular interdependence). When the heart is constrained in a ‘fixed box’ by a pericardial effusion (cardiac tamponade) or by thickened pericardium (pericardial constriction), the increased inspiratory right ventricular blood volume reduces left ventricular compliance resulting in a more pronounced reduction in left ventricular filling, stroke volume and systolic blood pressure during inspiration. ‘Pulsus paradoxus’ therefore represents an exaggeration of the normal inspiratory decline in systolic pressure and is not truly paradoxical. Pulsus paradoxus in acute severe asthma is thought to be due to negative pleural pressure increasing afterload and thereby impedence to left ventricular emptying.

Measurement of blood pressure

Blood pressure is measured indirectly, traditionally by sphygmomanometry, but automated blood pressure monitors are being used increasingly in clinical practice. The principle of manual blood pressure measurement is that turbulent flow through a partially compressed artery (typically the brachial) creates noises that can be auscultated with a stethoscope and the points at which these noises (called Korotkoff sounds) change in intensity correlate with systemic arterial pressures. Accurate blood-pressure measurement requires careful technique; patients should be sitting or lying at ease as significant changes in arterial pressure occur with exertion, anxiety and changes in posture. The manometer should be at the same level of the cuff on the patient’s arm and the observer’s eye. For most adult patients, a standard cuff (12 cm width) is appropriate, but obese subjects require use of a wider (thigh) cuff of 15 cm or the blood pressure will be overestimated. For children, various sized cuffs are available; select the one which covers most of the upper arm leaving a gap of 1 cm or so below the axilla and above the antecubital fossa.

Palpate the radial pulse as the cuff is inflated to a pressure of 20 mmHg above the level at which radial pulsation can no longer be felt. Place the stethoscope lightly over the brachial artery and reduce the pressure in the cuff at a rate of 2-3 mmHg/second until the first sounds are heard. This is the first Korotkoff sound and correlates with systolic blood pressure as flow is just possible through the pressure applied by the compressive cuff. As the pressure is lowered further, subtle changes in pitch and volume occur; these are the second and third Korotkoff sounds and are not important clinically. With further lowering of the pressure in the cuff, the artery becomes less compressed, flow becomes less turbulent and the sounds over the brachial artery become muffled. This is the fourth Koroktoff sound. Shortly after this (usually 1-10 mmHg lower), the sounds die away completely as flow is unimpeded by the cuff; this is the fifth Korotkoff sound and correlates most accurately with diastolic blood pressure. Its identification is also less subjective than the fourth, but in some conditions (aortic regurgitation, arteriovenous fistula, pregnancy), the Korotkoff sounds remain audible despite complete deflation of the cuff. In such situations, phase 4 must be used for the diastolic measurement. Both systolic and diastolic values are recorded; the difference between these two values is called the pulse pressure. Certain conditions of the aortic valve may cause important abnormalities of pulse pressure. Supine and erect blood pressure measurements provide an assessment of baroreceptor function, a postural drop being defined by a fall in systolic blood pressure on standing. It is essential to work swiftly as well as accurately, as compression of a limb will, by itself, cause a rise in blood pressure. If several successive measurements are made, the air pressure in the cuff should be allowed to fall to zero between readings.

Jugular venous pulse

Fluctuations in right atrial pressure during the cardiac cycle generate a pulse that is transmitted backwards into the jugular veins. It is best examined in good light while the patient reclines at 45°. If the right atrial pressure is very low, however, visualization of the jugular venous pulse may require a smaller reclining angle. Alternatively, manual pressure over the upper right side of the abdomen may be used to produce a transient increase in venous return to the heart which elevates the jugular venous pulse (hepatojugular reflux).

Jugular venous pressure

The jugular venous pressure (JVP) should be assessed from the waveform of the internal jugular vein which lies adjacent to the medial border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Distention of the external jugular vein is a useful clue to an elevated JVP but, strictly speaking, it should not be used because it can be compressed as it passes under the clavicle. The JVP is measured in centimetres vertically from the sternal angle to the top of the venous waveform. The normal upper limit is 4 cm. This is about 9 cm above the right atrium and corresponds to a pressure of 6 mmHg. Elevation of the JVP indicates a raised right atrial pressure unless the superior vena cava is obstructed, producing engorgement of the neck veins (Box 11.12). During inspiration, the pressure within the chest decreases and there is a fall in the JVP. In constrictive pericarditis, and less commonly in tamponade, inspiration produces a paradoxical rise in the JVP (Kussmaul’s sign) because the increased venous return that occurs during inspiration cannot be accommodated within the constrained right side of the heart (Fig. 11.5).

Waveform of jugular venous pulses

In sinus rhythm, the jugular venous pulse has a double waveform attributable to the ‘a’ and ‘v’ waves separated by the ‘x’ and ‘y’ descents. The ‘a’ wave is produced by atrial systole. It is followed by the ‘x’ descent (marking descent of the tricuspid valve ring), which is interrupted by the diminutive ‘c’ wave caused by tricuspid valve closure. Atrial pressure then rises again, producing the ‘v’ wave as the atrium fills passively during ventricular systole. The decline in atrial pressure as the tricuspid valve opens to allow ventricular filling produces the ‘y’ descent. Important abnormalities of the pattern of deflections are shown in Figure 11.6.


Figure 11.6 Waveform of the jugular venous pulse. (A) The ECG is portrayed at the top of the illustration. Note how electrical events precede mechanical events in the cardiac cycle. Thus the P wave (atrial depolarization) and the QRS complex (ventricular depolarization) precede the ‘a’ and ‘v’ waves, respectively, of the JVP. (B) Normal JVP. The ‘a’ wave produced by atrial systole is the most prominent deflection. It is followed by the ‘x’ descent, interrupted by the small ‘c’ wave marking tricuspid valve closure. Atrial pressure then rises again (‘v’ wave) as the atrium fills passively during ventricular systole. The decline in atrial pressure as the tricuspid valve opens produces the ‘y’ descent. (C) Giant ‘a’ wave. Forceful atrial contraction against a stenosed tricuspid valve or a non-compliant hypertrophied right ventricle produces an unusually prominent ‘a’ wave. (D) Cannon ‘a’ wave. This is caused by atrial systole against a closed tricuspid valve. It occurs when atrial and ventricular rhythms are dissociated (complete heart block, ventricular tachycardia) and marks coincident atrial and ventricular systole. (E) Giant ‘v’ wave. This is an important sign of tricuspid regurgitation. The regurgitant jet produces pulsatile systolic waves in the JVP. (F) Prominent ‘x’ and ‘y’ descents. These occur in constrictive pericarditis and give the JVP an unusually dynamic appearance. In tamponade, only the ‘x’ descent is usually exaggerated.

In atrial fibrillation, there is no atrial contraction. Consequently, there is no ‘a’ wave and the jugular venous pulse loses its double waveform. It is not always easy to differentiate venous from arterial pulsations in the neck, but several features help to distinguish the jugular venous pulse from the carotid arterial pulse (Box 11.13).

Auscultation of the heart

The diaphragm and bell of the stethoscope permit appreciation of high- and low-pitched auscultatory events, respectively. The apex, lower left sternal edge, upper left sternal edge and upper right sternal edge should be auscultated in turn. These locations correspond respectively to the mitral, tricuspid, pulmonary and aortic areas, and loosely identify sites at which sounds and murmurs arising from the four valves are best heard (Box 11.14).

Heart murmurs

These are caused by turbulent flow within the heart and great vessels (Fig. 11.8). Occasionally the turbulence is caused by increased flow through a normal valve – usually aortic or pulmonary – producing an ‘innocent’ murmur. However, murmurs may also indicate valve disease or abnormal communications between the left and right sides of the heart (e.g. septal defects).