Cardiovascular Pharmacology

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10 Cardiovascular Pharmacology

Key points

Anti-Ischemic Drug Therapy

Drug Therapy for Systemic Hypertension

Pharmacotherapy for Acute and Chronic Heart Failure

Pharmacotherapy for Cardiac Arrhythmias

Anti-ischemic drug therapy

Anti-ischemic drug therapy during anesthesia is indicated whenever evidence of myocardial ischemia exists. The treatment of ischemia during anesthesia is complicated by the ongoing stress of surgery, blood loss, concurrent organ ischemia, and the patient’s inability to interact with the anesthesiologist. Nonetheless, the fundamental principles of treatment remain the same as in the unanesthetized state. All events of myocardial ischemia involve an alteration in the oxygen supply/demand balance (Table 10-1). The American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) Guidelines on the Management and Treatment of Patients with Unstable Angina and Non-ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction provide an excellent framework for the treatment of patients with ongoing myocardial ischemia.1 These guidelines detail the initial evaluation, management, hospital care, and coronary revascularization strategies in the nonanesthetized patient with an acute coronary syndrome. In the anesthetized patient with evidence of myocardial ischemia, initiation of anti-ischemic drug therapy is indicated. This section reviews the common agents used for this purpose (see Chapter 18).

TABLE 10-1 Myocardial Ischemia: Factors Governing O2 Supply and Demand

O2 Supply O2 Demand
Heart rate* Heart rate*
O2 content Contractility
Hgb, SAT%, Pao2 Wall tension
Coronary blood flow Afterload
CPP = DP − LVEDP* Preload (LVEDP)*

CPP, coronary perfusion pressure; CVR, coronary vascular resistance; DP, diastolic blood pressure; Hgb, hemoglobin; LVEDP, left ventricular end-diastolic pressure; SAT%, percent oxygen saturation.

* Affects both supply and demand.

Modified from Royster RL: Intraoperative administration of inotropes in cardiac surgery patients. J Cardiothorac Anesth 6(suppl 5):17, 1990.



Nitroglycerin (NTG) is clinically indicated as initial therapy in nearly all types of myocardial ischemia.2 Chronic exertional angina, de novo angina, unstable angina, Prinzmetal’s angina (vasospasm), and silent ischemia respond to NTG administration.26 NTG therapy decreases the incidence of anginal attacks and improves exercise tolerance before angina symptoms.7 During therapy with intravenous (IV) NTG, if blood pressure (BP) declines and ischemia is not relieved, the addition of phenylephrine will allow coronary perfusion pressure (CPP) to be maintained while allowing greater doses of NTG to be used for ischemia relief.8 If reflex increases in heart rate (HR) and contractility occur, combination therapy with β-adrenergic blockers may be indicated to blunt this undesired increase in HR. Combination therapy with nitrates and calcium channel blockers may be an effective anti-ischemic regimen in selected patients; however, excessive hypotension and reflex tachycardia may be a problem, especially when a dihydropyridine calcium antagonist is used.9

Mechanism of Action

NTG enhances myocardial oxygen delivery and reduces myocardial oxygen demand. NTG is a smooth muscle relaxant that causes vasculature dilation. Nitrate-mediated vasodilation occurs with or without intact vascular endothelium.10 Nitrites, organic nitrites, nitroso compounds, and other nitrogen oxide–containing substances (e.g., nitroprusside) enter the smooth muscle cell and are converted to reactive nitric oxide (NO) or S-nitrosothiols, which stimulate guanylate cyclase metabolism to produce cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)1113 (Figure 10-1). A cGMP-dependent protein kinase is stimulated with resultant protein phosphorylation in the smooth muscle. This leads to a dephosphorylation of the myosin light chain and smooth muscle relaxation.14,15 Vasodilation is also associated with a reduction of intracellular calcium.16 Sulfhydryl (SH) groups are required for formation of NO and the stimulation of guanylate cyclase. When excessive numbers of SH groups are metabolized by prolonged exposure to NTG, vascular tolerance occurs.17 The addition of N-acetylcysteine, an SH donor, reverses NTG tolerance.18 The mechanism by which NTG compounds are uniquely better venodilators, especially at lower serum concentrations, is unknown but may be related to increased uptake of NTG by veins compared with arteries.19

Physiologic Effects

Two important physiologic effects of NTG are systemic and regional venous dilation (Figure 10-2). Venodilation can markedly reduce venous pressure, venous return to the heart, and cardiac filling pressures. Prominent venodilation occurs at lower doses and does not increase further as the NTG dose increases.20 Venodilation results primarily in pooling of blood in the splanchnic capacitance system.21 Mesenteric blood volume increases as ventricular size, ventricular pressures, and intrapericardial pressure decrease.21

NTG increases the distensibility and conductance of large arteries without changing systemic vascular resistance (SVR) at low doses.22 Improved compliance of the large arteries does not necessarily imply afterload reduction. At greater doses, NTG dilates smaller arterioles and resistance vessels, reducing afterload and BP23 (see Figure 10-2). Reductions in cardiac dimension and pressure reduce myocardial oxygen consumption (MVO2) and improve myocardial ischemia24 (Figure 10-3). NTG may preferentially reduce cardiac preload, while maintaining systemic perfusion pressure, an important hemodynamic effect in myocardial ischemia. However, in hypovolemic states, greater doses of NTG may markedly reduce systemic BP to dangerous levels. A reflex increase in HR may occur at arterial vasodilating doses.

NTG causes vasodilation of pulmonary arteries and veins and predictably decreases right atrial (RAP), pulmonary artery (PAP), and pulmonary capillary wedge pressures (PCWP).23 Pulmonary artery hypertension may be reduced in various disease states and in congenital heart disease with NTG.25,26 Renal arteries, cerebral arteries, and cutaneous vessels also dilate with NTG.27 Blood flow to the kidney and brain may decrease if adequate renal and cerebral perfusion pressures are not maintained.

NTG has several important effects on the coronary circulation (Box 10-1). NTG is a potent epicardial coronary artery vasodilator in both normal and diseased vessels. Stenotic lesions dilate with NTG, reducing the resistance to coronary blood flow (CBF) and improving myocardial ischemia.28,29 Smaller coronary arteries may dilate relatively more than larger coronary vessels; however, the degree of dilation may depend on the baseline tone of the vessel.30 NTG effectively reverses or prevents coronary artery vasospasm.31

Total CBF may initially increase but eventually decreases with NTG despite coronary vasodilation32 (Figure 10-4). Autoregulatory mechanisms probably result in decreases in total flow as a result of reductions in wall tension and myocardial oxygen consumption.23 However, regional myocardial blood flow may improve by vasodilation of intercoronary collateral vessels or reduction of subendocardial compressive forces33 (Figure 10-5). Coronary arteriographic studies in humans demonstrate that coronary collateral vessels increase in size after NTG administration.34 This effect may be especially important when epicardial vessels have subtotal or total occlusive disease.35 Improvement in collateral flow also may be protective in situations in which coronary artery steal may occur with other potent coronary vasodilator agents. The improvement in blood flow to the subendocardium, the most vulnerable area to the development of ischemia, is secondary to both improvement in collateral flow and reductions in left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP), which reduce subendocardial resistance to blood flow.36 With the maintenance of an adequate CPP (e.g., with administration of phenylephrine), NTG can maximize subendocardial blood flow8 (see Figures 10-4 and 10-5). The ratio of endocardial to epicardial blood in transmural segments is enhanced with NTG.36 Inhibition of platelet aggregation also occurs with NTG; however, the clinical significance of this action is unknown.37


Organic nitrates are biotransformed by reduction hydrolysis catalyzed by the hepatic enzyme glutathione-organic nitrate reductase.15 The rate of hepatic denitrification is characteristic of each nitrate and is further dependent on hepatic blood flow or presence of hepatic disease.15 Common organic nitrates for clinical use are shown in Table 10-2.

Sublingual Nitroglycerin

Sublingual NTG (0.15- to 0.6-mg tablets) achieves blood levels adequate to cause hemodynamic changes within several minutes; physiologic effects last 30 to 45 minutes.38 Sublingual bioavailability is approximately 80% and bypasses the high first-pass biodegradation in the liver (90%) by nitrate reductase to glycerol dinitrate and nitrite, which are excreted renally. Plasma half-life of sublingual NTG is 4 to 7 minutes. NTG spray has pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics equivalent to those of a 0.4-mg sublingual tablet; however, it has a longer shelf half-life compared with the tablets, which decompose in air and warm temperatures.39 A tablet that adheres to the buccal area between the upper lip and teeth has rapid onset and has the advantage of longer half-life than sublingual tablets.40 Although NTG is readily absorbed through the gastric mucosa, the high rate of liver metabolism makes oral administration highly unpredictable.

Nitroglycerin Ointment and Patches

NTG ointment (2%) is readily absorbed through the skin, with this method of administration providing longer-lasting effects.41 Adequate NTG blood levels are reached within 20 to 30 minutes, and duration of action is 4 to 6 hours.41 Ointment is administered in inches (15 mg/inch), but the surface area of application and not the amount administered determines the blood level achieved. NTG ointment is messy, requires application four times a day, and is most appropriate for nursing administration in special care units.42

NTG patches contain either liquid NTG or NTG bonded to a polymer gel and slowly released to the skin through a semipermeable membrane.43 The pharmacokinetics approach that of a consistent IV infusion.43 Blood levels are reached within 20 to 30 minutes, and a steady state is reached within 2 hours. Blood levels may be maintained up to 24 hours and are largely determined by patch size. Patches or disks contain an NTG concentration per square centimeter, and dosages of 0.2 to 0.8 mg/hr usually are required for relief of myocardial ischemia. Although convenient for patients, tolerance may be a problem with these sustained-release preparations.41 Intermittent therapy is recommended to avoid tolerance.44

Intravenous Nitroglycerin

NTG has been available since the early 1980s as an injectable drug with stable shelf half-life in a 400-μg/mL solution of D5W (5% dextrose in water). Blood levels are achieved instantaneously, and arterial dilating doses with resulting hypotension may quickly occur. If the volume status of the patient is unknown, initial dosages of 5 to 10 μg/min are recommended. The dosage necessary for relieving myocardial ischemia may vary from patient to patient, but relief is usually achieved with 75 to 150 μg/min. In a clinical study of 20 patients with rest angina, a mean dosage of 72 μg/min reduced or abolished ischemic episodes in 85% of patients.45 However, doses as high as 300 to 400 μg/min may be necessary for ischemic relief in some patients. Arterial dilation becomes clinically apparent at doses around 50 μg/min. Drug offset after discontinuation of an infusion is rapid (2 to 5 minutes). The dosage of NTG available is less when administered in plastic bags and polyvinylchloride tubing because of NTG absorption by the bag and tubing, although this is not a significant clinical problem because the drug is titrated to effect.46

Adverse Effects

The metabolism of NTG by liver nitrate reductase produces a nitrite that oxidizes the ferrous iron of hemoglobin to the ferric form of methemoglobin. The ferric iron does not bind or release oxygen.47 Methemoglobin is formed normally and is reduced by enzyme systems within the red blood cell.48 Normally, methemoglobin levels do not exceed 1%, but may increase when direct oxidants are present in the serum (nitrates, sulfonamides, aniline dye derivates). Methemoglobinemia with levels up to 20% is not a clinical problem. Documented increases in methemoglobin blood levels occur with IV NTG, averaging 1.5% in one study of 50 patients receiving NTG for longer than 48 hours.49 NTG dosages of 5 mg/kg/day orally should be avoided to prevent significant methemoglobinemia.50 However, rare instances of smaller doses causing clinically significant problems have been reported.51 Nitrates are effective in producing methemoglobin to bind cyanide in sodium nitroprusside toxicity.

Several mechanisms of nitrate tolerance have been proposed, including a depletion of SH groups, neurohumoral activation, volume expansion, and/or downregulation of nitrate receptors.5257 Tolerance may occur with all forms of nitrate administration that maintain continuous blood levels of the drug.17,5861 Discontinuation of the drug after prolonged exposure may result in a rebound phenomenon, possibly resulting in coronary vasospasm and myocardial ischemia or infarction.62 Tolerance to NTG apparently does not occur in all patients.63 If tolerance develops after prolonged exposure, physiologic responsiveness may be achieved with greater dosages of NTG, an important observation during NTG administration in cardiac surgery.64 Intermittent dosing with a nitrate-free interval each day or night can maintain NTG responsiveness.44,65

NTG interferes with platelet aggregation.66 The ability of the platelet to adhere to damaged intima is reduced.67 Primary and secondary wave aggregation of platelets is also attenuated.68 Previously formed platelet plugs are disaggregated.69 A clinical study of 10 patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) demonstrated that a mean dosage of NTG (1.19 μg/kg/min) inhibited platelet aggregation by 50%, with a return to baseline platelet aggregation 15 minutes after the infusion was discontinued70 (Figure 10-6). NO production increases cGMP, which modulates intracellular platelet calcium and reduces platelet secretion of proaggregatory factors.71 The clinical significance of these actions remains unclear. As with other potent vasodilators, NTG may increase intrapulmonary shunting of blood and reduce arterial oxygen tension.

NTG may induce resistance to the anticoagulant effects of heparin.72 During simultaneous infusions of NTG and heparin, an increase in the NTG infusion caused the activated partial thromboplastin time to decrease.73 Becker et al74 reported NTG-induced heparin resistance at NTG infusion rates greater than 350 μg/min. The authors suggested a qualitative problem with antithrombin III (AT III) because AT III levels did not decrease. Others have suggested that NTG interferes with AT III binding to heparin by N-desulfation of the heparin molecule at the AT III binding sites.75 N-desulfation of heparin reduces its anticoagulant activity.76

NTG is contraindicated in patients who have used sildenafil, vardenafil, or tadalafil, or in patients who are hypotensive. These drugs for erectile dysfunction inhibit the phosphodiesterase (PDE5) that degrades cGMP, and the cGMP mediates vascular smooth muscle relaxation by NO. NTG-mediated vasodilation is markedly enhanced and prolonged, resulting in cases of profound hypotension, myocardial infarction (MI), and death.77 Small doses of NTG have been used, but the amount of time that must elapse after a patient’s last dose of one of these medications before regular doses of nitrates may be safely administered is unclear.7880


β-Adrenergic Blockers

β-Adrenergic blockers have multiple favorable effects in treating the ischemic heart during anesthesia (Box 10-2). β-Adrenergic blockers reduce oxygen consumption by decreasing HR, BP, and myocardial contractility. HR reduction increases diastolic CBF. Increased collateral blood flow and redistribution of blood to ischemic areas may occur with β-blockers. More free fatty acids may be available for substrate consumption by the myocardium. Microcirculatory oxygen delivery improves, and oxygen dissociates more easily from hemoglobin after β-adrenergic blockade. Platelet aggregation is inhibited. β-Blockers should be started early in patients with ischemia in the absence of contraindications.1 Many patients at high risk for perioperative cardiac morbidity should be started on β-blockers before surgery and continued for up to 30 days after surgery.8284 The choice of which β-blocker for any individual patient is based on clinician familiarity and desired pharmacologic profile. There is no evidence that one specific agent is superior to another; however, β-blockers without intrinsic sympathomimetic activity (ISA) are preferable when treating acute myocardial ischemia.

β-Blockers administered during MI reduce myocardial infarct size.85 In addition, a reduction in morbidity has been shown to occur with acute IV metoprolol during MI.85 Similar findings with reductions in mortality extending up to 3 years after MI have been shown in numerous trials with β-adrenergic blockers86,87 (Figure 10-7). The mechanisms for mortality reduction are unclear. In the absence of contraindications, β-blockers should be a routine part of care in patients with all forms of CAD, including unstable angina and recent MI.


Figure 10-7 Cumulative mortality curves for timolol (top), propranolol (center), and metoprolol (bottom) after myocardial infarction mortality reduction trials.

(Modified from Turi ZG, Braunwald E: The use of β-blockers after myocardial infarction. JAMA 249:2512, 1983. copyright 1983 American Medical Association.)

Data confirm the important role of β-blockade in treating patients after acute MI and in reducing mortality in high-risk populations. Immediate β-blockade after thrombolytic therapy in patients with acute MI significantly decreased recurrent early myocardial ischemia and reinfarction.88 Early β-blockade is indicated in the treatment of MI89,90 (Box 10-3). In fact, β-blocker therapy after MI may be greatly underused in patients older than 65 years.91 Atenolol has been found to reduce ischemia and adverse outcome in patients with mildly symptomatic ischemia.92 Multiple studies have shown that perioperative administration of β-adrenergic blockers reduces both mortality and morbidity when given to patients at high risk for CAD who must undergo noncardiac surgery8284,93,94 (Figures 10-8 to 10-10). These data suggest that intermediate- and high-risk patients presenting for noncardiac surgery should receive perioperative β-adrenergic blockade to reduce postoperative cardiac mortality and morbidity. However, in the Perioperative Ischemic Evaluation Study (POISE) trial, the use of higher dose metoprolol started in patients on the day of noncardiac surgery was associated with increased risk for severe stroke and greater total mortality.95 These findings have led to increased scrutiny of perioperative β-blockade usage. Recent ACC/AHA recommendations on the perioperative use of β-adrenergic blockade for noncardiac surgery are given in Box 10-4.81

BOX 10-3 ACC/AHA Guidelines for Early Use of β-Adrenoceptor Blocking Agents after Stemi

Reproduced from Antman EM, Hand M, Armstrong PW, et al: 2007 focused update of the ACC/AHA 2004 guidelines for the management of patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction: A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Writing Group to Review New Evidence and Update the ACC/AHA 2004 Guidelines for the Management of Patients with ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction). Circulation 117:296, 2008, by permission.90

Early Therapy

Class IIa:

1. It is reasonable to administer an IV β-blocker at the time of presentation to STEMI patients who are hypertensive and who do not have any of the following: 1) signs of heart failure, 2) evidence of a low output state, 3) increased risk* for cardiogenic shock, or 4) other relative contraindications to β-blockade (PR interval greater than 0.24 seconds, second- or third-degree heart block, active asthma, or reactive airway disease). (Level of Evidence: B)

Class III

1. IV β-blockers should not be administered to STEMI patients who have any of the following: 1) signs of heart failure, 2) evidence of a low output state, 3) increased risk* for cardiogenic shock, or 4) other relative contraindications to β-blockade (PR interval > 0.24 seconds, second- or third-degree heart block, active asthma, or reactive airway disease). (Level of Evidence: A)

STEMI, ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction.

BOX 10-4 Recommendations for Perioperative β-Blocker Therapy

Adapted from Fleisher LA, Beckman JA, Brown KA, et al: 2009 ACCF/AHA focused update on perioperative beta blockade incorporated into the ACC/AHA 2007 guidelines on perioperative cardiovascular evaluation and care for noncardiac surgery: A report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. Circulation 120:e169, 2009, by permission.

β Receptor

The β receptor was conceptualized by Ahlquist,96 who divided various physiologic effects of catecholamine stimulation into α and β responses. The β receptor has been identified biochemically as a polypeptide chain of approximately 50,000 to 60,000 kDa.97 The receptor’s structure is common to most receptor proteins that have been identified: seven transmembrane crossings with two extramembranous terminal ends98 (Figure 10-11). All receptors that transduce a signal through G proteins share this basic structure.99 There are three extracellular and intracellular loops connecting the intramembranous portion of the receptor.98 Agonist-antagonist binding occurs at the intramembranous portion, whereas the intracellular loops modulate interaction with the G-protein complex.100,101 The terminal intracellular end contains amino acid residues that undergo phosphorylation, which relates to desensitization and downregulation of the receptor.102

Receptor stimulation activates a G protein, which stimulates adenylyl cyclase. The G-protein complex is composed of both stimulatory (Gs) and inhibitory (Gi) intermediary proteins.99 Adenylyl cyclase converts adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), which phosphorylates a protein kinase and produces the appropriate cellular response. A typical cascade of this sequence leading to increases in myocardial contractility from β-receptor stimulation is illustrated in Figure 10-12.

β-Receptor numbers in any tissue may decrease with chronic stimulation (downregulation) or increase with chronic blockade (upregulation). The process of desensitization of the adrenergic response in chronic stimulation (i.e., congestive heart failure [CHF]) may involve downregulation of the receptors but may involve either the G-protein complex or adenylyl cyclase. Desensitization may occur quickly, whereas downregulation with actual internalization of the receptor within the cell may take days to weeks.103 Myocardial ischemia increases β-receptor density, although it remains controversial whether this upregulation results in greater adrenergic response.104 Several studies have demonstrated that high-affinity β receptors in nonischemic tissue were shifted to a low-affinity state during ischemia.105,106 Also, the levels of Gs and its activity are reduced during myocardial ischemia.107 However, stimulation of these receptors with isoproterenol during ischemia does result in increases in cAMP production.104,108

There are two types of β receptors with a multitude of responses109 (Table 10-3). Both β1– and β2-receptor stimulation primarily involve cardiac function (Figure 10-13). Responses of isolated human atrial tissue demonstrated greater inotropic response to β1– than to β2-receptor stimulation.110 Endogenous norepinephrine produces inotropic responses in human atrial appendages and ventricular papillary muscle by β1-receptor stimulation, whereas epinephrine produces its maximal inotropic effects on the atria by β2-receptor stimulation and up to 50% of its maximal inotropic response in the ventricle by β2-receptor stimulation.111,112 Sinus node, atrioventricular (AV) node, the left and right bundle branches, and the Purkinje system contain higher densities of β2 receptors.113 Clearly, both receptor subtypes have cardiac inotropic, chronotropic, and dromotropic properties.

TABLE 10-3 Physiologic Effects of β1– and β2-Receptor Stimulation

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Physiologic Effect β1 Response β2 Response
Increased heart rate ++ ++
Increased contractility    
Atrium + ++
Ventricle ++ ++
Increased automaticity and conduction velocity    
Nodal tissue ++ ++
His-Purkinje ++ ++
Arterial relaxation