Cardiopulmonary Bypass and the Anesthesiologist

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Last modified 07/02/2015

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Chapter 22 Cardiopulmonary Bypass and the Anesthesiologist


The cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) circuit is designed to perform four major functions: (1) oxygenation and carbon dioxide elimination, (2) circulation of blood, (3) systemic cooling and rewarming, and (4) diversion of blood from the heart to provide a bloodless surgical field. Typically, venous blood is drained by gravity from the right side of the heart into a reservoir that serves as a large mixing chamber for all blood return, additional fluids, and drugs. Because (in most instances) negative pressure is not employed, the amount of venous drainage is determined by the central venous pressure, the column height between the patient and reservoir, and resistance to flow in the venous circuitry.

Venous return may be decreased deliberately (as is done when restoring the patient’s blood volume before coming off bypass) by application of a venous clamp. From the reservoir, blood is pumped to an oxygenator and heat exchanger unit before passing through an arterial filter and returning to the patient. Additional components of the circuit generally include pumps and tubing for cardiotomy suction, venting, and cardioplegia delivery and recirculation, as well as in-line blood gas monitors, bubble detectors, pressure monitors, and blood sampling ports. A schematic representation of a typical bypass circuit is depicted in Figure 22-1.

The cannulation sites and type of CPB circuit used are dependent on the type of operation planned. Most cardiac procedures use full CPB, in which the blood is drained from the right side of the heart and returned to the systemic circulation through the aorta. The CPB circuit performs the function of heart and lungs. Aortoatriocaval cannulation is the preferred method of cannulation for CPB, although femoral arteriovenous cannulation may be the technique of choice for emergency access, repeat sternotomy, and other clinical settings in which aortic or atrial cannulation is not feasible. Procedures involving the thoracic aorta are often performed using partial bypass in which a portion of oxygenated blood is removed from the left side of the heart and returned to the femoral artery. Perfusion of the head and upper extremity vessels is performed by the beating heart, and distal perfusion is provided below the level of the cross-clamp by retrograde flow by the femoral artery. All blood passes through the pulmonary circulation, eliminating the need for an oxygenator.


The primary objective of CPB is maintenance of systemic perfusion and respiration. Controversy arises with the question of whether systemic oxygenation and perfusion should be “optimal or maximal.” Remarkably, after more than one-half century of CPB, there is continued disagreement regarding the fundamental management of extracorporeal circulation. Clinicians and investigators disagree on what are the best strategies for arterial blood pressure goals, pump flow, hematocrit, temperature, blood gas management, or mode of perfusion (pulsatile vs. nonpulsatile) (Box 22-1). Additional considerations of what is best relate to other goals of CPB: maintenance of homeostasis, facilitation of surgery, and avoidance of complications.1

Perfusion Pressure during Cardiopulmonary Bypass

Selection of perfusion pressure during CPB is based on balancing the demands of surgical access (bloodless field) with patient outcome (adequate oxygen delivery). Lower flow and pressure during CPB may optimize visualization, whereas higher flow and pressure may minimize patient complications. Determining the optimum perfusion pressure has been extremely challenging because no single study can adequately address all the complexities of CPB. Because of the brain’s poor tolerance of ischemia, neurologic outcome has been the most common outcome studied in relation to perfusion pressure. The complicated relationship between neurologic outcome and perfusion pressure is likely related to two causes of adverse neurologic outcomes: hypoperfusion and embolism.

Between mean arterial pressures (MAP) of 50 and 150 mmHg, cerebral autoregulation maintains a relatively constant blood flow and oxygen delivery. During hypothermic CPB, the lower limit of cerebral autoregulation may be as low as 20 to 30 mmHg,2 affording some additional protection against hypoperfusion. Increasing perfusion pressure to alleviate the risk of hypoperfusion may lead to greater embolic load and worse outcomes. Ultimately, the selection of perfusion pressure during CPB will need to be based on clinical outcome studies.

Subgroups at increased risk for adverse outcomes that may benefit from higher perfusion pressure during CPB include patients with severe atheromatous disease (cerebrovascular or aortic arch), advanced age, systemic hypertension, and diabetes. Increased cerebral dysfunction in the elderly may be a result of slower vasodilatation of cerebral resistance vessels during periods of rewarming and subsequent transient episodes of metabolism-flow mismatch with resultant ischemia. It is unknown what the effect of elevating perfusion pressure during rewarming would be on neurologic outcome. Hypertensive patients are generally accepted to have intact pressure-flow autoregulation, with a rightward shift in the cerebral autoregulation curve such that pressure-dependent flow patterns develop at higher perfusion pressures than in the normal population. In hypertensive patients the use of higher perfusion pressure during CPB is common practice. Patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus appear to have impaired metabolism-flow coupling during CPB. They also have some loss of pressure-flow autoregulation.

Once the CPB team has selected target perfusion pressures during CPB, a few technical issues emerge. Throughout this discussion perfusion pressure and MAP have been used almost interchangeably. In general, cerebral perfusion pressure is what is of most concern. Cerebral perfusion pressure is determined by the difference between MAP and the higher of central venous pressure and intracranial pressure. The latter values are usually less than 5 mmHg during CPB. However, in the presence of compromised cerebral venous drainage (malpositioned cannula, patient positioning), MAP will not accurately reflect cerebral perfusion pressure.

Measurement artifacts also play a role in perfusion pressure management. MAP may vary by as much as 20 mmHg over 30 seconds while pump flow is constant. The mechanism of this oscillation and its relation to outcome are unclear. A more common artifact is discordance between radial arterial and central arterial pressures during rewarming. This difference may be as great as 30% and is believed to occur from opening of arteriovenous shunts in the arm.

After acknowledging the technical issues of pressure monitoring, the CPB team is left to maintain the selected perfusion pressure. To achieve these perfusion pressure goals the team has two general options: alterations of pump flow or administration of vasoactive agents. Increasing pump flow may be used as a temporizing measure for hypotension if surgical demands allow it; however, this may come at the cost of dangerously reducing reservoir volume. Alternatively, phenylephrine and norepinephrine may be used to support perfusion pressure. In the case of hypertension, pump flow may be reduced, although this increases the potential for inadequate oxygen delivery; more commonly, a vasodilator, such as sodium nitroprusside or nitroglycerin, is employed. Isoflurane or another volatile anesthetic may be administered through the pump oxygenator, with careful attention paid to its use during weaning from CPB.

Pump Flow during Bypass

Like perfusion pressure, pump flow during CPB represents a careful balance between the conflicting demands of surgical visualization and adequate oxygen delivery. Two theoretical approaches exist. The first is to maintain oxygen delivery during bypass at normal levels for a given core temperature. Although this may limit hypoperfusion, it does increase the delivered embolic load. The second approach is to use the lowest flows that do not result in end-organ injury. This approach offers the potential advantage of less embolic delivery as well as potential improved myocardial protection and surgical visualization.

During CPB, pump flow and pressure are related through overall arterial impedance, a product of hemodilution, temperature, and arterial cross-sectional area. This is important because the first two factors, hemodilution and temperature, are criticaldeterminants of pump flow requirements. Pump flows of 1.2 L/min/m2 perfuse most of the microcirculation when the hematocrit is near 22% and hypothermic CPB is being employed. However, at lower hematocrits or periods of higher oxygen consumption these flows become inadequate.

Most perfusion teams also monitor mixed venous saturation, targeting levels of 70% or greater. Unfortunately, this level does not guarantee adequate perfusion of all tissue beds, because some (muscle, subcutaneous fat) may be functionally removed from circulationduring CPB. Hypothermic venous saturation may overestimate end-organreserves. Regionalperfusion of various end-organs (brain, kidney, small intestine, pancreas, and muscle) has been quantified with a fluorescent microsphere technique.3 Cerebral blood flow was unchanged at higher pump flows. Renal perfusion was maintained at flows of 1.9 and 1.6 L/min/m2. Perfusion to the pancreas was constant at all flows, and small bowel perfusion varied linearly with pump flow. Muscle bed flows were decreased at all flows.

During CPB, most of the outcomes studied in relation to pump flow are those related to the organs at high risk for ischemic injury (i.e., kidney and brain). Much work has been applied to examining the relationship between renal dysfunction and pump flow. Preexisting renal disease is a consistent predictor of postoperative renal dysfunction, the incidence of which ranges between 3% and 5%. Renal function appears unaltered when pump flows greater than 1.6 L/min/m2 are employed, but whether this management will affect outcomes in patients with preexisting renal dysfunction is less clear.

Bypass Temperature Management Strategy

Although hypothermic temperatures have been employed since the advent of extracorporeal circulation, the importance of reduced temperatures during bypass was challenged in the early 1990s.

Temperature Monitoring

Because the brain is vulnerable to hyperthermic temperatures, it is important to use the temperature-monitoring site most likely to reflect cerebral temperature. The most commonly used sites in cardiac surgery patients include esophageal, nasopharyngeal, tympanic, pulmonary arterial, rectal, urinary bladder, subcutaneous (or muscle), and cutaneous sites. Unfortunately, none of these monitoring locations has been demonstrated to reflect cerebral temperature reliably. With exposure of the brain, investigators have placed a thermocouple directly in the cerebral cortex. Brain temperature was compared with values obtained from sensors in eight locations.5 Investigators found a poor concordance between cerebral temperature and values obtained at the other monitoring sites. Locations hypothesized to best reflect core temperature—tympanic membrane, esophagus, nasopharynx, pulmonary artery—sometimes overestimated cerebral temperature or underestimated brain temperature. Because of the substantial variability noted in central temperature readings (Fig. 22-2) and lack of the concordance of central temperature measures in every patient, the investigators recommended the use of at least three measures of central or core temperature.

Acid-Base Strategy

The management of acid-base status during hypothermic CPB has been a long-standing source of debate. Understanding of the physiologic responses to hypothermia, and the influences of PCO2 have led to shifts in clinical practice over the past decades. Two strategies exist for managing acid-base balance during periods of hypothermia: α-stat and pH-stat. The term α-stat was first proposed to describe the theory that acid-base regulation in vertebrate animals functioned during temperature fluctuation to maintain a constant ratio (α) of dissociated to undissociated forms of the imidazole ring on histidine. It is this protein charge state that is important in regulating pH-dependent cellular processes. Hypothermia increases the solubility of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood, leading to a decrease in PCO2 and an increase in pH at lower temperatures. With α-stat blood gas management, the uncorrected (37°) pH is kept at 7.40 with the PCO2 at 40 mmHg, creating a relative alkalosis at the patient’s actual body temperature. This strategy is considered to be physiologic because the ionization state of histidine is unchanged over all temperature ranges and protein structure and function are preserved.

The pH-stat approach to acid-base balance maintains a pH of 7.40 and PCO2 of 40 mmHg when corrected for body temperature, typically requiring the addition of CO2 during hypothermic CPB. This method of blood gas management was generally favored until the mid 1980s because it was believed that the potent vasodilatory effects of CO2 would provide increased cerebral blood flow and thereby minimize the risk of cerebral ischemia during CPB. It is now recognized that pH-stat management during hypothermia produces passive cerebral vasodilation, impairs autoregulatory responses to blood pressure changes and metabolic demands in the brain, and does not improve overall oxygen balance. In contrast, α-stat management preserves autoregulation and the relationship between cerebral blood flow and metabolism. Neither blood gas strategy has any significant effect on hypothermic cerebral metabolism. The increased CBF seen with pH-stat may also increase the risk of cerebral embolization or produce a steal phenomenon.6

Fluid Management

The choice of fluid for priming the extracorporeal circuit in CPB remains controversial. The idea of using nonblood prime was first introduced in 1959. This technique of hemodilution was found to be safe when combined with hypothermia to reduce oxygen consumption and demand. The use of nonblood primes and moderate hemodilution for CPB has become routine in most centers. A reduction in hematocrit from 40% to 20% allows cooling to 22°C without an increase in blood viscosity or required driving pressure. Hematocrit reduction may be achieved before bypass by means of acute normovolemic hemodilution in the hope of reinfusing the patient’s own heparin-free blood, rather than allogeneic red blood cells, after CPB.

Several studies have investigated the differences between colloid and crystalloid priming solutions. In general, crystalloid solutions lead to decreased colloid osmotic pressure with a resultant increase in extracellular water retention, irrespective of the osmolarity of the pump prime. Albumin, unlike a pure crystalloid prime, can decrease the interaction of blood components with the bypass circuit by coating the fluid pathway surfaces. In their meta-analysis of 21 controlled trials enrolling 1346 patients, Russell and associates showed a notably smaller drop in on-bypass platelet counts in patients treated with albumin in the pump prime.7

Ultrafiltration during bypass can be used as a means of reducing excess water accumulation. Modified ultrafiltration describes the process of hemofiltration immediately after the cessation of bypass. This process results in a more consistent reduction in total body water with significant increases in hematocrit, myocardial contractility, cardiac index, and improved pulmonary compliance.


Myocardial Injury

Most coronary revascularization procedures are completed with the assistance of CPB. Although the completion of coronary anastomoses is facilitated by CPB (i.e., the surgeon can operate on a quiet, nonbeating heart), the heart is subjected to a series of events leading to ischemic myocardium during extracorporeal circulation. The operation, which is designed to preserve and improve myocardial function, is sometimes associated with myocardial damage (Box 22-2). The extent and incidence of this injury are dependent on the sensitivity and specificity of the diagnostic methods being used. However, most patients who undergo cardiac operations sustain some degree of myocardial injury. Although patients with normal ventricular function may tolerate these minor amounts of injury without detectable sequelae, those with impaired ventricular function preoperatively may not be able to tolerate the slightest injury. As the patient population for CPB continues to become older and have greater degrees of concomitant illness, understanding the physiology of and developing effective preventive strategies for myocardial injury during CPB are increasingly important. Because myocardial damage influences early and long-term results, the identification and control of factors associated with myocardial injury are critical to ensuring good outcomes. Although injury may be linked to anesthetic and surgical management, myocardial injury usually is thought to occur from inadequate myocardial protection during CPB.


The underlying mechanism for most types of myocardial injuries during CPB is ischemia. Ischemia develops when oxygen demand outstrips its supply in the heart. This process involves a complex cascade of events that compromise high-energy phosphate and calcium homeostasis. Many reports confirm the role of high-energy phosphate depletion and intracellular calcium accumulation in the pathogenesis of myocardial damage during ischemia and subsequent reperfusion. Oxidative phosphorylation ceases when the tissue PO2 falls below 5 to 10 mmHg. Then creatine phosphate (CP) and anaerobic production become the main sources of high-energy phosphate. These mechanisms are unfortunately limited. Creatine kinase (CK)–mediated transfer of high-energy phosphate from CP to adenosine diphosphate (ADP) provides an immediate source of energy; the amount of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) produced by transfer is limited initially by substrate availability and subsequently by lactate inhibition. Anaerobic production is inefficient and self-limiting because of accumulation of metabolites (i.e., lactate, pyruvate, and hydrogen ions) with inhibition of enzyme systems. As high-energy phosphate stores become depleted, the cardiac cells are no longer able to maintain normal transport of calcium out of the cell. Energy-dependent mechanisms that lower intracellular ionized calcium concentration and terminate the contractile process fail because of a lack of high-energy phosphate. The cytosolic concentration of ionized calcium remains high, and energy use persists with the formation of rigor bonds between the contractile proteins. Continued energy use with calcium and proton-activated release of destructive lipoprotein lipase eventually leads to loss of cell integrity and function.

Certain specific events during CPB are associated with myocardial ischemia and injury (Table 22-1). These events lead to ischemia by increasing oxygen demands, decreasing oxygen supply, or a combination of both. When these factors are present together they potentiate myocardial damage. For example, the distended, fibrillating ventricle with a low perfusion pressure is particularly susceptible to damage.

Table 22-1 Factors Associated with Myocardial Injury during Cardiopulmonary Bypass

Abnormal perfusate composition
Persistent ventricular fibrillation
Inadequate myocardial perfusion
Ventricular distention
Ventricular collapse
Coronary embolism
Aortic cross-clamping

Aortic Cross-Clamping

Aortic cross-clamping, potentially a major cause of myocardial injury during CPB, was a product of evolution. Initially, continuous aortic or direct coronary artery perfusion of the empty, beating heart was used to “protect” the myocardium during cardiac repairs. Ventricular fibrillation was frequently induced and maintained to “quiet” the heart and thereby improve exposure and prevent air embolism. Despite continuous perfusion, myocardial damage commonly occurred. Although myocardial protection improved with the addition of moderate cardiac hypothermia (28° to 32°C), operating conditions did not. Most surgeons found it difficult to perform precise repairs on the firm, bleeding, beating, or fibrillating heart. To improve exposure and minimize the complications associated with direct coronary cannulation for aortic valve replacement (AVR), myocardial ischemia was induced by aortic cross-clamping. However, the technique of normothermic or moderate hypothermic ischemic arrest is not without problems. First, the heart continues to beat for some time after application of the aortic cross-clamp, thereby compromising the anticipated improvement in operating conditions. Persistent electrical and mechanical activity during much of the ischemic period needlessly depletes high-energy phosphate and compromises post-repair ventricular performance. Second, few surgeons can complete a complex repair quickly enough to prevent significant myocardial damage in the unprotected heart. Third, the use of intermittent cross-clamping with periods of reperfusion does little to improve operating conditions or prevent necrosis. Reactive hyperemia after release of the aortic clamp continues to obscure the operative field. Multiple short periods of reperfusion, particularly in the presence of VF, may potentiate rather than prevent ischemic damage. Defibrillation to improve reperfusion reintroduces the problem of systemic air embolism during open repairs.

Rapid cessation of electrical and mechanical activity immediately after aortic cross-clamping is desirable to potentiate surgical exposure and myocardial preservation. The extent of necrosis in unprotected myocardium is directly related to the duration of aortic cross-clamping. The ischemic time should be minimized. Variability among patients in terms of myocardial vulnerability makes it difficult to accurately predict safe periods of interval ischemia. Prolonged surgical time demands direct interventions to protect the myocardium. These focus along the lines of maximizing high-energy phosphate production while minimizing high-energy phosphate use and intracellular calcium accumulation during the ischemic period. Specific interventions include hypothermia, cardioplegia, β-adrenergic and calcium channel blockade, and adenosine-regulating compounds. Uninterrupted periods of ischemia provide the best operating conditions while minimizing the risk of reperfusion injury and air embolism.

Myocardial Protection

Myocardial protection strategies can be summarized with four basic concepts:

The first concept includes phenomena under the direct control of the anesthesiologist. In the pre-bypass period, the heart should be prepared for ischemic arrest by optimizing myocardial metabolism and providing hemodynamic conditions that optimize myocardial oxygen supply-demand ratios.

Patients coming to cardiac surgery (especially in this era of same-day admissions) are frequently dehydrated and hypoglycemic. The anesthesiologist should rehydrate the patient and administer sufficient glucose to improve the heart’s ability to tolerate ischemic arrest. Because the initiation of bypass is frequently accompanied by hypotension, the anesthesiologist should be prepared to administer vasoconstrictive drugs (e.g., phenylephrine) to maintain coronary perfusion pressure. Similarly, ventricular distention must be avoided (especially before fibrillatory arrest) because increases in left ventricular end-diastolic pressure decrease coronary perfusion pressures and greatly compromise subendocardial oxygen delivery. The anesthesiologist should monitor intraventricular volume with a transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) probe after the initiation of bypass. The surgeon can prevent ventricular distention by placing a hole in the left atrium, left ventricle, or pulmonary artery or by placing a vent in the left ventricle. Although negative pressure venting enhances the risk of intracavitary air entrapment, many surgeons prefer active venting to passive methods. Several pharmacologic interventions administered to patients or added to the cardioplegic solution may enhance myocardial protection. β-Receptor antagonists (e.g., propranolol, esmolol) provide myocardial protection by decreasing heart rate and myocardial metabolism. The heart rate should be maintained at less than 80 beats per minute in patients with ischemic heart disease in the pre-bypass period.

Renal Dysfunction

The effects of CPB on the renal system have significant health and economic impacts; however, despite intensive investigation into the pathogenesis and prevention of renal failure, there remains limited progress in the development of effective protective strategies in recent decades.9 Because intravascular volume depletion and hypoperfusion can lead to exacerbation of renal ischemia and accentuate the risk for postoperative acute renal failure, avoidance of nephrotoxic agents and close attention to intravascular volume, blood pressure, and cardiac output (CO) are central in the effort to reduce the occurrence of acute renal failure after cardiac surgery.

Gastrointestinal Effects

The effects of CPB on the gastrointestinal system are complex and not fully elucidated. Although most patients undergoing cardiac surgery do not suffer adverse changes in gastrointestinal function, subclinical perturbations including transient elevations in hepatocellular enzymes and hyperamylasemia have been observed after CPB. Although the incidence of gastrointestinal complications after CPB is low (range, 0.3% to 3.7%), they are associated with significant morbidity and remarkably high mortality (range, 11% to 67%) compared with cardiac surgery patients without postoperative gastrointestinal compromise. The frequently reported adverse gastrointestinal outcomes include gastroesophagitis, upper and lower gastrointestinal hemorrhage, hyperbilirubinemia, hepatic and splenic ischemia, colitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, diverticulitis, mesenteric ischemia, as well as intestinal obstruction, infarction, and perforation.10

Although the pathophysiology of gastrointestinal complications after cardiac surgery is likely multifactorial, a unifying mechanism is splanchnic hypoperfusion. The gastrointestinal system is particularly vulnerable for ischemia due to the lack of autoregulation and to the preferential shunting of blood away from the gastrointestinal circulation during periods of hypotension. Hypothermia and nonpulsatile flow during CPB may be detrimental to mucosal perfusion. However, hypothermia has little effect on hepatic arterial blood flow and may actually increase portal flow. There is no significant difference in hepatic blood flow between pulsatile and nonpulsatile perfusion at high flow rates (2.4 L/min/m2) during hypothermia. Perhaps more important to the development of inadequate gastrointestinal perfusion is the significant increase in total body oxygen consumption in the immediate hours after CPB. Visceral hypotension is the most significant factor in the development of gastrointestinal complications after cardiac surgery. Gut ischemia of sufficient duration impairs gastrointestinal tract barrier function. Studies evaluating gut permeability have shown that CPB is associated with an increase in mucosal permeability and systemic endotoxin concentration.

Endocrine and Inflammatory Responses

Endocrine Response

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