Cardiac Monitoring and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

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11 Cardiac Monitoring and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Note 1: This book is written to cover every item listed as testable on all Entry Level Examination (ELE), Written Registry Examination (WRE), and Clinical Simulation Examination (CSE).

The listed code for each item is taken from the National Board for Respiratory Care’s (NBRC) Summary Content Outline for CRT (Certified Respiratory Therapist) and Written RRT (Registered Respiratory Therapist) Examinations ( For example, if an item is testable on both the ELE and WRE, it will simply be shown as (Code: …). If an item is only testable on the ELE, it will be shown as (ELE code: …). If an item is only testable on the WRE, it will be shown as (WRE code: …).

Following each item’s code will be the difficulty level of the questions on that item on the ELE and WRE. (See the Introduction for a full explanation of the three question difficulty levels.) Recall [R] level questions typically expect the exam taker to recall factual information. Application [Ap] level questions are harder because the exam taker may have to apply factual information to a clinical situation. Analysis [An] level questions are the most challenging because the exam taker may have to use critical thinking to evaluate patient data to make a clinical decision.

Note 2: A review of the most recent Entry Level Examinations (ELE) has shown an average of six questions (out of 140), or 4% of the exam, will cover cardiac monitoring and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). A review of the most recent Written Registry Examinations (WRE) has shown an average of five questions (out of 100), or 5% of the exam, will cover cardiac monitoring and CPR. The Clinical Simulation Examination is comprehensive and may include everything that should be known by an advanced-level respiratory therapist.


1. Manipulate electrocardiogram monitors by order or protocol (ELE code: IIA18) [Difficulty: ELE: R, Ap]

a. Get the necessary equipment for the procedure

To perform electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring, it is necessary to select the proper cardiac electrodes and the monitoring unit. Cardiac electrodes, or leads, pick up the electrical signal from a heart contraction and conduct it to the monitor. They are usually called chest leads (or chest electrodes or precordial leads) and consist of four parts: (1) a conducting wire coated with an electrically neutral plastic, (2) an adapter at one end of the wire that plugs into the electrocardiograph machine, (3) a different adapter at the opposite end of the wire that attaches to a patient electrode, and (4) the patient electrode (Figure 11-1, A). Conducting jelly is added to the surface of the electrode to reduce the skin’s resistance to the heart’s electrical signal. An adhesive ring holds the electrode tightly to the skin. The conducting wire snaps or clips onto the back of the electrode. Typically, three to five of these chest leads are used for a period of hours or days for basic rhythm monitoring or Holter monitoring. Typically, three or four chest leads are used for rhythm monitoring. Holter monitoring typically involves using five chest leads.

One of the following monitoring units must be selected, based on the patient’s situation:

1. Basic bedside rhythm monitoring

A bedside rhythm monitoring unit usually receives input from three or four chest leads (Figure 11-1, B). That collective signal is sent to an oscilloscope (video display terminal) for a real-time display of the patient’s rhythm. These ECG machines have several additional features. They continuously display the patient’s heart rate. High and low heart rate alarm settings can be set. If the high or low setting is reached, an audible and visual alarm is triggered. The patient’s heart rhythm can be recorded on ECG paper manually by pushing a record button or automatically when an alarm setting is reached. These units are often seen mounted at the patient’s bedside in the intensive care unit.

2. Manipulate diagnostic electrocardiogram machines by order or protocol (ELE code: IIA19) [Difficulty: ELE: R, Ap]

b. Put the equipment together and make sure that it works properly

The limb leads come as a group of four with one for each arm and leg (Figure 11-3). Precordial leads came in a group of six and are placed on the chest in the positions shown in Figure 11-4. A conducting and adhesive jelly is used to reduce the skin’s resistance and to hold the lead in place. The limb leads are longer, and they may need to be held in place by a rubber strap.

3. Cardiac monitoring

c. Monitor the cardiac rhythm to evaluate the patient’s response to respiratory care (Code: IIIE6) [Difficulty: ELE: R, Ap; WRE: An]

Many hospitalized patients have serious cardiopulmonary problems. The patient may receive supplemental oxygen or inhaled bronchodilator medications. If a possibility exists that the patient will experience significant changes in heart rate or rhythm, he or she should be continuously monitored. This could include patients with serious cardiopulmonary problems, as listed previously. In addition, it could be a patient with an electrolyte disturbance or who is receiving replacement electrolytes intravenously, especially potassium. A bedside rhythm monitoring unit should have an oscilloscope for viewing the rhythm and additional features for counting the heart rate, setting high and low heart rate alarms, and recording the rhythm on standard ECG paper for a permanent record.

The most common chest electrode pattern used for rhythm monitoring is called lead II. The three chest electrodes are placed as shown in Figure 11-1, B. The negative (right arm, RA) electrode is on the right upper chest. The positive (left leg, LL) electrode is placed on the left lateral chest. The ground (left arm, LA) electrode is placed on the left upper chest. With this electrode configuration, known as the Einthoven triangle, the heart’s electrical signal is followed as it flows from the right atrium to the left ventricle. This results in the so-called normal ECG tracing with upright P, R, and T waves, as shown in Figures 11-5 and 11-6. Table 11-1 shows the sequential electrical events of the normal cardiac rhythm that correspond with those in Figure 11-5.


Figure 11-5 Sequence of electrical events of the cardiac cycle during normal sinus rhythm. (See Table 10-2 for the description of each event.)

(From Phillips RE, Feeney MK: The cardiac rhythms: a systematic approach to interpretation, ed 3, Philadelphia, 1990, Saunders.)


Figure 11-6 Timing of the electrical events of the cardiac cycle during normal sinus rhythm.

(From Spearman CB, Sheldon RL, Egan DF: Egan’s fundamentals of respiratory therapy, ed 4, St Louis, 1982, Mosby.)

TABLE 11-1 Electrophysiologic Events Represented by the Electrocardiogram Sequential Electrical Events Electrocardiographic of the Cardiac Cycle Representation

1. Impulse from the sinus node Not visible
2. Depolarization of the atria P wave
3. Depolarization of the atrio-ventricular node Isoelectric
4. Repolarization of the atria Usually obscured by the QRS complex
5. Depolarization of the ventricles QRS complex
a. Intraventricular septum a. Initial portion
b. Right and left ventricles b. Central and terminal portions
6. Quiescent state of the ventricles immediately after depolarization ST segment: isoelectric
7. Repolarization of the ventricles T wave
8. Afterpotentials following repolarization of the ventricles U wave

From Phillips RE, Feeney MK: The cardiac rhythms: systematic approach to interpretation, ed 3, Philadelphia, 1990, WB Saunders.

Holter monitoring is done to evaluate noncritical, home care patients with a suspected cardiac problem. Because the patient will be mobile for at least 1 day, the limb leads are placed on the upper and lower chest area. Precordial leads are placed normally. The patient wears a tight-fitting undershirt or netlike dressing to keep the leads in place. The patient cannot bathe while the leads are on.

4. Diagnostic electrocardiogram

c. Perform a diagnostic electrocardiogram (Code: IB9a) [Difficulty: ELE: R, WRE: Ap, An]

The 12-lead ECG involves the use of an electrocardiograph machine with heat-sensitive ECG recording paper, four limb leads, and six precordial leads (see Figures 11-3 and 11-4). Table 11-2 describes the locations of the precordial leads and the positive and negative electrode combinations that are used to record the heart’s electrical signal through the 12 different leads. Each lead individually records the heart’s electrical activity, but it does so from a different position in relation to the heart. These 12 leads give the physician a three-dimensional impression of how the cardiac conduction system and the myocardium are functioning. Abnormal functioning can be diagnosed. Review the normal anatomy and physiology of the heart and its conduction system, if necessary.

Clinical experience is important in performing a diagnostic ECG. Improper placement of the precordial or limb leads can easily result in a misleading ECG tracing and a misdiagnosis. For example, reversing the arm leads causes the QRS to be reversed in lead I. Technical errors in grounding the patient and not keeping the patient still during the ECG also result in useless tracings because of electrical interference and an unstable baseline.


1. Manipulate a manual resuscitator (bag-valve or bag-mask by order or protocol (ELE code: IIA5) [Difficulty: ELE: R, Ap, An]

b. Put the equipment together and make sure that it works properly

Figure 11-7 shows line drawings of a complete set of Laerdal infant, pediatric, and adult manual resuscitators. The following steps should be taken when the function of a manual resuscitator is evaluated:

2. Manipulate a mouth-to-valve mask resuscitator (ELE code: IIA5) [Difficulty: ELE: R, Ap, An]


1. Basic cardiac life support (ELE code: III I1a) [Difficulty: ELE: R, Ap, An]

The key steps of basic cardiac life support (BCLS) include the following:

c. Open the airway

The head-tilt/chin-lift maneuver is the procedure of choice for opening the airways of all victims except those with a known or suspected cervical (neck) spine injury. The victim is gently positioned on his or her back. In an adult, the head is firmly pushed back with one hand, and the jaw is pulled upward with the fingers of the other hand (Figure 11-9). In an infant, it is not necessary to tilt the head back beyond a neutral position. Children may need to have the head pushed back slightly beyond neutral.


Figure 11-9 Opening the adult’s airway. Top, Airway obstruction produced by the tongue and epiglottis. Bottom, Relief by head-tilt/chin-lift method.

(From Standards and guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation [CPR] and emergency cardiac care [ECC], JAMA 268:2186, 1992.) Copyright © 1992, American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

The jaw-thrust maneuver is the procedure of choice for opening the airway of all victims with a known or suspected cervical spine injury. The rescuer’s elbows are rested on the ground, and the hands are placed on either side of the victim’s jaw. Lifting of the jaw usually opens the airway and eliminates the need to tilt the head back. See Figure 11-10 for the adult maneuver.


Figure 11-10 Opening the adult’s airway by the jaw-thrust method.

(From Watson MA: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation. In: Barnes TA, editor: Respiratory care practice, St Louis, 1988, Mosby.)

Any obstruction that can be seen in the mouth or throat should be removed. The cross-finger technique can be used to open the mouth wide enough so that a finger or suction device can be inserted to remove a blockage (Figure 11-11). An oral airway should be used only in an unconscious patient to keep the tongue from falling back and blocking the airway.


Figure 11-11 The cross-finger method of opening the victim’s mouth to look for an obstruction.

(From Watson MA: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation. In: Barnes TA, editor: Respiratory care practice, St Louis, 1988, Mosby.)

d. Determine that the patient is not breathing

The rescuer places his or her face close to the victim’s face to look for rising and falling of the chest, listen for victim’s air movement, and feel any air movement from the victim’s breathing (Figure 11-12). The entire procedure should not take longer than 10 seconds.


Figure 11-12 Determining breathlessness by looking, listening, and feeling.

(From Standards and guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation [CPR] and emergency cardiac care [ECC], JAMA 268:2187, 1992.) Copyright © 1992, American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

e. Ventilate the patient

1. Mouth-to-mouth breathing

The first rescuer should begin mouth-to-mouth breathing as soon as possible if no spontaneous breathing by the victim occurs once the airway is opened. No matter the age of the victim, an effective seal must be present between the rescuer and the victim. The adult victim’s nose must be pinched closed; often the rescuer’s cheek can block the infant’s nose. The rescuer’s mouth can cover both the nose and mouth of an infant. Alternative methods include mouth-to-nose and mouth-to-stoma ventilation (Figure 11-13).


Figure 11-13 A, Adult mouth-to-mouth, mouth-to-nose (B), and mouth-to-stoma (C) ventilation.

(From Standards and guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation [CPR] and emergency cardiac care [ECC], JAMA 268:2188, 1992.) Copyright © 1992, American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

In an adult, two breaths large enough to raise the victim’s chest should be given. An adequate volume of 500 to 600 mL may be given. Blow into the victim’s mouth for more than 1 second. This is to ensure a large enough volume without having to use much pressure. Keeping the ventilating pressure as low as possible minimizes the risk of forcing air into the stomach. Ensure that the victim exhales completely by watching the chest fall and feeling the air escape against your cheek. Rescue breathing should be performed at a rate of 10 to 12 times per minute (every 4 to 5 seconds) if the victim has a pulse but is apneic.

A child should be given two breaths large enough to raise the victim’s chest. A child obviously needs less volume than an adult. All of the same considerations apply as for the adult. Rescue breathing should be performed at a rate of 12 to 20 per minute (every 3 to 5 seconds) in an infant and a child. A newly born infant should be ventilated at a rate of 40 to 60 per minute.

If the victim’s airway cannot be ventilated, reposition the head and attempt to ventilate again. Failure to ventilate a second time means that the victim has an obstructed airway. The following steps should be taken:


Figure 11-14 Administering the Heimlich maneuver to an unconscious adult victim of an airway obstruction.

(From Standards and guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation [CPR] and emergency cardiac care [ECC], JAMA 268:2193, 1992.) Copyright © 1992, American Medical Association. All rights reserved.


Figure 11-15 Administering (A) back blows and (B) chest thrusts to an infant victim of an obstructed airway.

(From Standards and guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation [CPR] and emergency cardiac care [ECC], JAMA 268:2258, 1992.) Copyright © 1992, American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

2. Manual resuscitator (bag-valve)

A manual resuscitator should be used during hospital-based CPR as soon as one is available. The resuscitation mask must be held to the victim’s face so that no air leak occurs during the forced inspiration (Figure 11-16). An assistant can hold the mask tightly to the face so that the rescuer who is pumping the resuscitation bag can use both hands. This has been shown to produce a larger tidal volume. If the victim’s airway contains an endotracheal tube or tracheostomy tube, the expiratory valve adapter fits directly over the tube adapter. Rescue breathing continues with the previously mentioned considerations for volume and rate. After an adult victim has had an endotracheal tube placed, the tidal volume goal is 500 to 600 mL over a 1-second period to produce a visible chest rise.


Figure 11-16 Ventilation of an adult with a manual resuscitation bag and mask.

(From Eubanks DH, Bone RC: Comprehensive respiratory care, ed 2, St Louis, 1990, Mosby.)

3. Mouth-to-valve mask ventilation

A mouth-to-valve mask device (or pocket mask) combines a resuscitation mask with a one-way valve mouthpiece. It is used to ventilate an apneic patient rather than perform mouth-to-mouth breathing. Concerns about protecting the rescuer from patient infections such as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and hepatitis have led to their widespread acceptance. As shown in Figure 11-8, the patient’s neck is hyperextended, the mask is applied over the mouth and nose to get an airtight seal, and the rescuer breathes into the mouthpiece. It is best if the rescuer is positioned at the victim’s head so that the chest can be seen to rise with each delivered breath. The one-way valve is designed so that the victim’s exhaled gas is vented out to the room air. Some units have a nipple adapter so that supplemental oxygen can be added to the delivered breath. Simply attach oxygen tubing between the nipple and oxygen flowmeter, and turn the flowmeter on to the manufacturer’s recommended flow. When this type of device is used with an adult victim, the tidal volume goal is 500 to 600 mL over a 1-second period to produce a visible chest rise. These devices should be replaced by a manual resuscitator as soon as possible.

g. Determine pulselessness

The carotid pulse is felt for in all victims except children younger than 1 year. The carotid pulse is found by gently feeling with two or three fingers in the groove between the larynx and the sternocleidomastoid muscle on either side of the neck (Figure 11-17). Check for 5 to 10 seconds to be sure that the victim is pulseless and not just bradycardic. In addition, check for other signs of circulation such as spontaneous breathing, coughing, and movement. An infant younger than 1 year should have the pulse felt in the brachial artery; the carotid artery is difficult to find in such young children because they have short, chubby necks.


Figure 11-17 Determining pulselessness by checking the carotid pulse of an adult.

(From Standards and guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation [CPR] and emergency cardiac care [ECC], JAMA 268:2189, 1992.) Copyright © 1992, American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

The femoral pulse can be felt for as an alternative site in victims in the hospital who are wearing few clothes. Once the CPR team has arrived and two-person CPR is instituted, the femoral pulse may be most accessible for monitoring the pulse and the effectiveness of the chest compressions.