Calculation of Mixtures from Stock Medications
• Interpret labels for the weight/volume of solute in solvent
• Dilute stock medications to the required strength using strengths expressed as percentages, fractions, and ratios
• Calculate the weight/volume of active ingredient in a substance
• Using alligation, calculate the weight/volume of stock medications needed to prepare a desired compound
Interpreting Solution Labels and Calculating Solutions In Percentages
With percentage preparations, the easiest method for calculation is the ratio and proportion method. If a review of the ratio and proportion method is necessary, see Chapter 2.
Reducing and Enlarging Ordered Preparations
When a volume of a known solution requires reducing or enlarging to meet a physician’s order, the original strength of the preparation may be used for the calculation of the new volume or weight of the preparation. For example, using the above calculations in Example 13-4, if the physician desires 100 mL, the answer can be figured using ratio and proportion.