Blood and Tissue Protozoa
1. Explain the general life cycle of Plasmodium spp. including both asexual and sexual stages, exoerythrocytic and erythrocytic cycle trophozoites, schizonts, hypnozoites, merozoites, gametocytes, and sporozoites.
2. Describe the distinguishing morphologic characteristics, clinical disease, vectors, stages of infectivity, and laboratory diagnosis for Plasmodium spp., Babesia spp., and Trypanosoma and Leishmania spp.
3. Define paroxysm in malarial periodicity.
4. Compare and contrast recrudescence and relapse including the physiologic basis for each during infection with malaria.
5. Compare and contrast the pathogenesis of infections with P. falciparum, P. malariae, P. ovale, P. vivax, and P. knowlesi including variation in signs and symptoms.
6. Differentiate intracellular forms of Babesia spp. from Plasmodium spp.
7. Define and describe the life cycle stages of Trypanosoma and Leishmania spp. including amastigotes, promastigotes, trypomastigotes, epimastigotes, and metacyclic trypanosome forms when appropriate.
Plasmodium spp.
The vector for malaria is the female anopheline mosquito. When the vector takes a blood meal, sporozoites contained in the salivary glands of the mosquito are discharged into the puncture wound (Figure 49-1). Within an hour, these infective sporozoites are carried via the blood to the liver, where they penetrate hepatocytes and begin to grow, initiating the preerythrocytic or primary exoerythrocytic cycle. The sporozoites become round or oval and begin dividing repeatedly. Schizogony results in large numbers of exoerythrocytic merozoites. Once these merozoites leave the liver, they invade the red blood cells (RBCs), initiating the erythrocytic cycle. A dormant schizogony may occur in P. vivax and P. ovale organisms, which remain quiescent in the liver. These resting stages have been termed hypnozoites and lead to a true relapse, often within 1 year or up to more than 5 years later. Delayed schizogony does not occur in P. falciparum, P. malariae, or P. knowlesi.
Plasmodium Vivax (Benign Tertian Malaria)
General Characteristics
P. vivax infects only the reticulocytes; thus, the parasitemia is limited to approximately 2% to 5% of the available RBCs (Tables 49-1 to 49-3, Figures 49-2 and 49-3). Splenomegaly occurs during the first few weeks of infection, and the spleen will progress from being soft and palpable to hard, with continued enlargement during a chronic infection. If the infection is treated during the early phases, the spleen will return to its normal size. A secondary or dormant schizogony occurs in P. vivax and P. ovale, which remain quiescent in the liver. These resting stages have been termed hypnozoites.
TABLE 49-1
Plasmodium spp.: Clinical Characteristics of the Five Human Infections
Infection | P. vivax | P. ovale | P. malariae | P. falciparum | P. knowlesi | Comments |
Incubation period | 8-17 days | 10-17 days | 18-40 days | 8-11 days | 9-12 days | All may be extended for months to years |
Prodromal symptoms Severity Initial fever pattern |
Mild to moderate Irregular (48 hr) |
Mild Irregular (48 hr) |
Mild to moderate Regular (72 hr) |
Mild Continuous remittent |
Mild to moderate Regular (24 hr) |
All may mimic influenza symptoms Early symptoms may reflect lack of regular periodicity |
Symptom periodicity | 48 hr | 48 hr | 72 hr | 36-48 hr | 24-27 hr | |
Initial paroxysm Severity Mean duration |
Moderate to severe 10 h |
Mild 10 h |
Moderate to severe 11 h |
Severe 16-36 h |
Moderate to severe Not available |
P. knowlesi might increase/lose virulence on passage in humans |
Duration of untreated primary attack | 3-8+ wk | 2-3 wk | 3-24 wk | 2-3 wk | Not available | |
Duration of untreated infection | 5-7 yr | 12 mo | 20+ yr | 6-17 mo | Not available | |
Parasitemia limitations | Young RBCs | Young RBCs | Old RBCs | All RBCs | All RBCs | |
Anemia | Mild to moderate | Mild | Mild to moderate | Severe | Moderate to severe | P. knowlesi can be as dangerous as P. falciparum |
CNS involvement | Rare | Possible | Rare | Very common | Possible | |
Nephrotic syndrome | Possible | Rare | Very common | Rare | Probably common |
TABLE 49-2
Plasmodia in Giemsa-Stained Thin Blood Smears
Plasmodium vivax | Plasmodium malariae | Plasmodium falciparum | Plasmodium ovale | Plasmodium knowlesi | |
Persistence of exoerythrocytic cycle | Yes | No | No | Yes | No |
Relapses | Yes | No, but long-term recrudescence is recognized | No long-term relapses | Possible, but usually spontaneous recovery | No |
Time of cycle | 44-48 hr | 72 hr | 36-48 hr | 48 hr | 24 hr |
Appearance of parasitized RBCs; size and shape | 1.5-2 times larger than normal; oval to normal; may be normal size until ring fills half of cell | Normal shape; size may be normal or slightly smaller | Both normal | 60% of cells larger than normal and oval; 20% have irregular, frayed edges | Normal shape, size |
Schüffner’s dots (eosinophilic stippling) | Usually present in all cells except early ring forms | None | None; occasionally comma-like red dots are present (Maurer’s dots) | Present in all stages including early ring forms; dots may be larger and darker than in P. vivax | No true stippling; occasional faint dots |
Color of cytoplasm | Decolorized, pale | Normal | Normal, bluish tinge at times | Decolorized, pale | Normal |
Multiple rings/cell | Occasional | Rare | Common | Occasional | Common |
All developmental stages present in peripheral blood | All stages present | Ring forms few, since ring stage brief; mostly growing and mature trophozoites and schizonts | Young ring forms and no older stages; few gametocytes | All stages present | All stages present |
Appearance of parasite; young trophozoite (early ring form) | Ring is ![]() |
Ring often smaller than in P. vivax, occupying ![]() |
Delicate, small ring with small chromatin dot (frequently 2); scanty cytoplasm around small vacuoles; sometimes at edge of red cell (appliqué form) or filamentous slender form; may have multiple rings per cell | Ring is larger and more ameboid than in P. vivax; otherwise similar to P. vivax | Rings ![]() ![]() |
Growing trophozoite | Multishaped irregular ameboid parasite; streamers of cytoplasm close to large chromatin dot; vacuole retained until close to maturity; increasing amounts of brown pigment | Non-ameboid rounded or band-shaped solid forms; chromatin may be hidden by coarse dark brown pigment | Heavy ring forms; fine pigment grains | Ring shape maintained until late in development; non-ameboid compared to P. vivax | Slightly ameboid and irregular; band forms seen; very little pigment |
Mature trophozoite | Irregular ameboid mass; 1 or more small vacuoles retained until schizont stage; fills almost entire cell; fine brown pigment | Vacuoles disappear early; cytoplasm compact, oval, band shaped, or nearly round and almost filling cell; chromatin may be hidden by peripheral coarse dark brown pigment | Not seen in peripheral blood (except in severe infections); development of all phases following ring form occurs in capillaries of viscera | Compact; vacuoles disappear; pigment dark brown, less than in P. malariae | Denser cytoplasm (slightly ameboid) band forms seen; little to no malaria pigment (scattered, fine brown grains) |
Schizont (pre-segmenter) | Progressive chromatin division; cytoplasmic bands containing clumps of brown pigment | Similar to P. vivax except smaller; darker, larger pigment granules peripheral or central | Not seen in peripheral blood (see above) | Smaller and more compact than P. vivax | Between 2 and 5 divided nuclear chromatin masses; abundant pigment granules occupy ![]() |
Mature schizont | 16 (12-24) merozoites, each with chromatin and cytoplasm, filling entire red cell, which can hardly be seen | 8 (6-12) merozoites in rosettes or irregular clusters filling normal-sized cells, which can hardly be seen; central arrangement of brown-green pigment | Not seen in peripheral blood | ![]() |
RBCs normal size; distorted/fimbriated RBCs very rare; occupy whole RBC; maximum of 16 merozoites; no rosettes; grapelike clusters |
Macrogametocyte | Rounded or oval homogeneous cytoplasm; diffuse delicate light brown pigment throughout parasite; eccentric compact chromatin | Similar to P. vivax, but fewer in number; pigment darker and more coarse | Gender differentiation difficult; “crescent” or “sausage” shapes characteristic; may appear in “showers” with black pigment near chromatin dot, which is often central | Smaller than P. vivax | Occupy most of RBC; bluish cytoplasm; dense pink chromatin at periphery of parasite |
Microgametocyte | Large pink to purple chromatin mass surrounded by pale or colorless halo; evenly distributed pigment | Similar to P. vivax, but fewer in number; pigment darker and more coarse | Same as macrogametocyte (described above) | Smaller than P. vivax | Occupy most of RBC; cytoplasm pinkish purple; early forms similar to mature trophozoite |
Main criteria | Large pale red cell; trophozoite irregular; pigment usually present; Schüffner’s dots not always present; several phases of growth seen in one smear; gametocytes appear as early as third day | Red cell normal in size and color; trophozoites compact, stain usually intense, band forms not always seen; coarse pigment; no stippling of red cells; gametocytes appear after a few weeks | Development following ring stage takes place in blood vessels of internal organs; delicate ring forms and crescent-shaped gametocytes are only forms normally seen in peripheral blood; gametocytes appear after 7-10 days | Red cell enlarged, oval, with fimbriated edges; Schüffner’s dots seen in all stages; gametocytes appear after 4 days or as late as 18 days | Ring forms compact; single/double chromatin dots, appliqué forms, multiple rings/RBC (mimic P. falciparum); overall RBCs not enlarged; developing stages mimic P. malariae (band forms, 16 merozoites in mature schizont, but no rosettes) |
TABLE 49-3
Malaria Characteristics with Fresh Blood or Blood Collected Using EDTA with No Extended Lag Time*
Type of Malaria | Characteristics |
Plasmodium vivax (benign tertian malaria) |
2. Tends to infect any cell regardless of age, thus very heavy infection may result
4. No Schüffner’s dots (Maurer’s dots: may be larger, single dots, bluish)
5. Multiple rings/cell (only young rings, gametocytes, and occasional mature schizonts are seen in peripheral blood)
6. Delicate rings, may have two dots of chromatin/ring, appliqué or accolé forms
2. Tends to infect any cell regardless of age, thus very heavy infection may result
3. All sizes of RBCs, but most tend to be normal size
4. No Schüffner’s dots (faint, clumpy dots later in cycle)
5. Multiple rings/cell (may have 2-3)
6. Delicate rings, may have two or three dots of chromatin/ring, appliqué forms
7. Band form trophozoites commonly seen
Early stages mimic P. falciparum; later stages mimic P. malariae
*Preparation of thick and thin blood films within <60 min of collection.
After a few days of irregular periodicity, a regular 48-hour cycle is established. An untreated primary attack may last from 3 weeks to 2 months or longer. Over time, the paroxysms (symptomatic period) become less severe and more irregular in frequency and then cease altogether. In approximately 50% of patients infected with P. vivax, relapses occur after weeks, months, or even after 5 years or more. The RBCs tend to be enlarged (young RBCs), there may be Schüffner’s dots (exclusively found in P. vivax and P. ovale) after 8 to 10 hours, the developing rings are ameboid, and the mature schizont contains 12 to 24 merozoites (Figure 49-3 [3]).
Plasmodium Ovale
General Characteristics
Although P. ovale and P. vivax infections are clinically similar, P. ovale malaria is usually less severe, tends to relapse less frequently, and usually ends with spontaneous recovery, often after no more than 6 to 10 paroxysms (see Tables 49-1 to 49-3, Figures 49-2 and 49-3). Like P. vivax, P. ovale infects only the reticulocytes, so that the parasitemia is limited to approximately 2% to 5% of the available RBCs. For many years the literature has stated that as with P. vivax, a secondary or dormant schizogony occurs in P. ovale, which remain quiescent in the liver. However, newer findings indicate that hypnozoites have never been demonstrated by biologic experiments.