Antimicrobial Drugs

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Last modified 02/03/2015

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Antimicrobial Drugs



An antibiotic is a drug, produced by a microorganism, that may be used to inhibit or destroy another microbe when administered at appropriate therapeutic doses that limit harmful effects to the patient. As early as 1877, Louis Pasteur and J.L. Joubert described the competition between microbes and proposed that additional research be undertaken to explore their therapeutic uses.

The term “antibiotic” was coined in 1899 and used to describe this competitive interaction. In 1929, Alexander Fleming (1881–1955) published his findings on the antibacterial properties of Penicillium notatum. H.W. Florey and E.B. Chastain, directing a team of investigators at Oxford, began experiments designed to reveal details of the systemic chemical interactions of penicillin. The results of their early work were published in 1940 and this generated interest in the field and promoted work on other antibiotics that might be useful in cases where penicillin was not.

Gerhard Domagk was born in 1895 in Lagow, Brandenburg, which was then part of Germany but now is in Poland. His medical education was interrupted by World War I, but he later completed his studies and the degree was awarded in 1921.

While working on dyes at the I.G. Farbenindustrie he discovered that sulfamidochrysoidine (Prontosil) and Prontosil Red, if injected into mice previously given lethal doses of Streptococcus spp., allowed the mice to survive with few or no detrimental side effects. And in 1935, when his daughter became infected with a virulent strain of Streptococcus, he gave her Prontosil in doses based on his laboratory results in mice! She recovered and the news triggered a worldwide sensation. In 1939, Domagk was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. After initially accepting the award, he was forced to refuse it by the policies of Adolph Hitler. In 1947, after World War II, he accepted the award.

Mechanisms of Antimicrobial Action

The general goal of any antimicrobial agent is to disrupt the metabolism or structure of an organism to such a point that it can no longer survive or reproduce. The organisms can thus be affected in two different ways: by microbicidal action or by microbiostatic action. Microbicidal action simply kills the microorganism whereas microbiostatic action reversibly inhibits growth. If the antimicrobial agent is microbiostatic, once it is removed the microorganism will usually recover and grow again normally. Factors that can influence the effectiveness of either type of antimicrobial action include the concentration of the agent as well as the type and nature of the target organisms. An agent that may be microbicidal at a certain concentration may only be microbiostatic at lower levels and one that is lethal to one type of organism may only inhibit another (see Dose Effects in Chapter 21, Pharmacology). The effectiveness of microbiostatic agents may also be dependent on external factors such as the host’s own immune system. Because this agent does not directly destroy the target pathogen, the infection must ultimately be eliminated by the host’s own defensive mechanisms.

Regardless of the final result, antimicrobial agents use a number of different mechanisms of action to either kill or inhibit microbial growth. These mechanisms are varied and can target highly specific structures or metabolic functions necessary for the survival of the microorganism. Because of the diversity of microorganisms, which include not only the bacteria but also viruses, fungi, protozoans, and helminths, the variety of agents to control them is equally diverse. Despite the diversity of specific target microorganisms, the general metabolic/structural targets affected are in many cases shared by most antimicrobial agents. Regardless of the target organism, the mechanisms of action can be divided into five basic categories:

Inhibition of Cell Wall Synthesis

As discussed in Chapter 3 (Cell Structure and Function) and Chapter 6 (Bacteria and Archaea), most bacterial cells contain a rigid cell wall composed of peptidoglycan, which protects the cell from rupturing in hypotonic environments. Young, growing cells must constantly synthesize new peptidoglycan and transport it to the wall (Figure 22.1). Agents such as penicillins and cephalosporins chemically react with the enzymes responsible for completing the peptidoglycan layer, thus preventing the assembly process. This disruption may occur at numerous different sites in the layer and at different points in the process, but in all cases it causes weaknesses at growth points in the layer, which in turn renders the cell vulnerable to lysis. In a hypotonic environment, water then enters the cell and eventually causes it to burst.

Inhibition of Protein Synthesis

Most of the agents that inhibit protein synthesis involve disrupting the process of translation (see Chapter 3, Cell Structure and Function) at the ribosome–mRNA complex (Figure 22.2). The ribosomes of eukaryotic cells are structurally different from those of prokaryotic cells, and because of this human cells are usually not affected by the inhibitory action of these agents because they selectively act against bacteria. The specific chemical reactions that disrupt the translation of the mRNA vary and include the following:

Whatever the specific point of attack, the result is the same: inhibition of the synthesis of necessary proteins. Antimicrobial agents that affect bacterial protein synthesis include tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, macrolides, and others.

Inhibition of Nucleic Acid Synthesis

The metabolic process involved in the synthesis of DNA and RNA is a long and complex series of enzyme-catalyzed reactions (see Chapter 3, Cell Structure and Function). The complexity of the process lends itself to disruption at many points along the way and inhibition at any point can block subsequent events in the pathway. As with the other mechanisms the specific target within the process is often dependent on the specific antimicrobial agent being used, but the end result is the same no matter where the point of attack is—disruption of the synthesis of nucleic acids. The interference with nucleic acid synthesis by an antimicrobial drug can be due to:

An interesting type of mechanism that is employed by sulfonamides and trimethoprim involves mimicking the normal substrate of an enzyme in a process called competitive inhibition. When these agents are supplied to the cell in high concentrations they will substitute for the true substrate of an important enzyme, thus preventing the enzyme from producing a needed product and causing the metabolism of the cell to slow or stop.

Disruption of Plasma Membrane

Damage to the cell membrane is a form of catastrophic damage for any cell. Not only can it affect the transport of substances required for metabolism both in and out of the cell, it is a major factor in the maintenance of the cell’s physical integrity. Most membrane–disrupting agents target the different types of lipids in the cell membrane, which lends to their specificity for a particular microbial group. Because all microorganisms (except for viruses) share the same basic plasma membrane structure, these agents are useful against both bacteria and fungi. Unfortunately, they can also be toxic to human cells.

Antibiotics, specifically polypeptides such as polymyxin B, adversely affect the membrane permeability of microbial cells, resulting in a loss of important metabolites. Antifungal drugs that disrupt fungal plasma membranes include nystatin, miconazole, ketoconazole, and amphotericin B.

Characteristics of Antimicrobial Agents

Almost all antimicrobial agents share a set of common characteristics that are important to remember when selecting a drug for treatment. These characteristics provide a great deal of information regarding how the agents work, and in some cases why they don’t work, in the treatment of an infection. These characteristics of an antimicrobial agent include the following:

Spectrum of Action

Most antimicrobial drugs do not inhibit the growth of all pathogens. Antimicrobial drugs have a spectrum of activity, which is the range of pathogen types against which a given drug is effective (Table 22.1). On the basis of the spectrum of activity, drugs can be classified as antimicrobials with a broad spectrum of activity and those that have a narrow spectrum of activity.

TABLE 22.1

Spectrum of Activity of Some Antimicrobial Drugs

Drug Activity against:
Penicillin G Gram-positive bacteria
Streptomycin Gram-negative bacteria, mycobacteria
Tetracycline Gram-negative bacteria, gram-positive bacteria, chlamydias, rickettsias
Isoniazid Mycobacteria
Acyclovir Viruses
Ketoconazole Fungi
Mefloquine (malaria) Protozoans
Niclosamide (tapeworms) Helminths
Biltricide (flukes) Helminths

• Drugs with a broad spectrum of activity are effective against a large variety of microorganisms. An example would be the sulfonamides, which are effective against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, actinomycetes, chlamydias, and some protozoans. These drugs exert their effects on all cell components of the microbes. An advantage of using broad-spectrum antibiotics is the high possibility of efficacy against an unidentified pathogen. The disadvantage of using such a drug is the likelihood of also destroying the normal flora (see Chapter 9, Infection and Disease). Destruction of the normal flora can lead to disease if one organism of the normal flora is replaced by a pathogen. This then leads to what is referred to as a superinfection.

• Drugs with a narrow spectrum of activity, such as isoniazid and penicillin G, are effective only against a relatively small number of microbes, and generally avoid destruction of the normal flora. They target a specific component that is present only in certain bacteria.

• Drugs with a medium spectrum of activity are effective against some gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, but not all of them.

Microbicidal versus Microbiostatic

Antimicrobial drugs that kill microorganisms are referred to as bactericidal; if they prevent microbes from growing they are called bacteriostatic. Ideally the drug being used would eliminate the pathogens by destroying them. Inhibition of microbial growth does not necessarily eliminate the pathogens already present and may require prolonged use of the drug to ensure that high-enough levels are maintained to keep populations from recovering and increasing. Because of the potential negative effects the drugs may have on the host, the use of a killing agent instead of an inhibitory one is not always a simple decision. Microbicidal agents can also kill natural flora in areas such as the healthy intestine, creating a potential digestion problem because the normal resident flora are vital to proper digestion. The destruction of the normal flora population anywhere in or on the body may also create an advantage for competing pathogens that would normally be kept in check by the resident population (superinfection).

Delivery to the Site of Infection

To be effective, drugs need to be easily and effectively delivered to the site of infection. Therefore, an important criterion for the effectiveness (efficacy) of a drug is its ability to cross biological barriers (see Chapter 21, Pharmacology). Potential barriers may be physiological, such as the lining of the body compartments and the blood–brain barrier, or those induced by inflammation and disease. Abscess walls, exudates, and necrotic material are classic examples of host reactions to pathogens and can impede the transport of drugs to the invading microorganisms.

Furthermore, if the antimicrobial drug is not sufficiently soluble or becomes too dilute once in solution, the effectiveness of the drug is greatly diminished. In addition, if the means of delivery and/or transport of the agent does not efficiently and rapidly deliver the antibiotic to the site of infection, the drug will not have the opportunity to fight the pathogen even if it is in solution and in the correct concentration. For example, some agents are effective against a particular infection but are not lipid soluble. Therefore, these compounds are not able to cross the blood–brain barrier, rendering them ineffective against an infection in the central nervous system, such as meningitis. Whereas most antibiotics cannot cross the blood–brain barrier, some third-generation cephalosporins (cefotaxime, ceftizoxime, and ceftriaxone) and metronidazole can.

Time of Activity

It is desirable for an antimicrobial drug to be active over a long period of time for an optimal effect. As covered in Chapter 21 (Pharmacology), the duration of action time is a major consideration when evaluating the overall effect of a drug on an infection/pathogen. If the destruction of a population of pathogens requires a sustained concentration of agent over a specified period of time, any shortening of this time may significantly decrease the effectiveness of the treatment. By subjecting the organisms to the agent for a time that proves to be nonlethal to many of them, the risk of producing a resistant population is increased.

Complements/Aids in Host’s Own Defenses

The natural defenses of a host, including barriers at portals of entry, protective cells and environments within the host, and an acquired immune system (both active and passive), do an excellent job in fighting off infections in the healthy host (see Chapter 20, The Immune System). When these layers of defense are compromised, antimicrobial drugs need to be administered in order to aid the immune system. Any time a foreign substance is introduced into a host there is a risk of upsetting this complex balance of defenses and actually inhibiting the body’s natural response to pathogens. For example, if an antibiotic harms an organ or system it may adversely affect the natural defenses of the host, causing such things as excessive damage to the kidneys.


Certain antimicrobial agents are capable of inducing a hypersensitivity reaction (Chapter 20, The Immune System) in certain individuals. Patients with allergies to specific agents such as penicillin must be careful to inform medical personnel about their allergy, or the shock that may result from receiving penicillin could be fatal.

Determination of Antibiotic Effectiveness: Efficacy

Microorganisms vary dramatically in their susceptibility to different antibiotics. In addition, the susceptibility of a microorganism can change under certain conditions over a period of time. This change can even occur during treatment with a specific drug. Although broad-spectrum antibiotics can be used against a number of different organisms that may be causing an infection, it is more effective to identify the specific pathogen responsible and then to target that organism with a specific antibiotic. There are a number of tests currently in use to determine the most effective antimicrobial against a specific organism, and they include the following:

Sometimes two different antibiotics may be given together to achieve a therapeutic effect that is greater than when the drugs are given alone. This phenomenon is referred to as synergism. On the other hand, drug combinations may result in antagonism, meaning that the drug combination is less effective than when the drugs are administered alone.

Disk Diffusion or Kirby-Bauer Method

In the disk diffusion or Kirby-Bauer method a culture of the pathogen is uniformly spread over the entire surface of an agar plate, using the spread plate method, or in a modified streak pattern, using a sterile swab to literally paint the surface of the plate. Paper filter disks impregnated with specific concentrations of selected antibiotics are then evenly spaced on the agar surface. The inoculated plate with disks is then incubated. As they are incubated the antibiotic in each disk begins to diffuse into the agar. If the antibiotic affects the growth of the organism that has been spread on the surface this will be evident as a clear area of no growth surrounding the disk (Figure 22.3). This area is called a zone of inhibition because it delineates the area where the diffused antibiotic inhibited growth of the organism. Because larger molecules diffuse into the agar at a slower rate than smaller molecules, the size of the zone of inhibition is not necessarily a measure of effectiveness. Standard zone diameters have been established for each concentration of antibiotic, as well as approximate number of cells plated on the specific medium being used. The diameter of each individual zone can then be measured and evaluated in order to determine whether the organism is sensitive or resistant to the antibiotic.

Although an effective tool, this method has some shortcomings when being used to find the most effective agent with which to treat an infection. If the organisms causing the infection need to be killed and not just inhibited, this method will not necessarily identify a microbicidal agent. Another potential problem lies in the fact that drugs may act quite differently in vivo (in a living organism) than in vitro (in a laboratory vessel, such as a Petri plate). Some metabolic processes in the body may inactivate or interfere with the action of the antibiotic and in some cases the antibiotic itself may be harmful to the body systems of the host.

Dilution/Minimal Inhibitory Concentration Method

In the dilution/minimal inhibitory concentration method a given quantity of the pathogen culture is added to a series of tubes containing decreasing concentrations of a specific antibiotic. The tubes are then incubated and examined for growth. Turbidity (cloudiness) indicates bacterial growth; lack of turbidity signifies that bacterial growth is either inhibited or the organisms have been killed by the antimicrobial agent (Figure 22.4). The goal is to identify the tube with the lowest concentration of drug that inhibits visible growth. This concentration is referred to as the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) for a specific agent acting on a selected microorganism. In the past this test was performed in individual test tubes. However, kits are now available wherein the test is performed in shallow wells on standard testing plates. This test is widely used in hospitals and clinics today; however, there are also shortcomings with this method. As with the Kirby-Bauer method, the basic test procedure will not indicate whether an antibiotic is microbicidal or microbiostatic. A second test using this method can be added to determine whether the organisms are being inhibited or killed. In this test a sample from the tube with the lowest concentration showing no growth is subcultured in order to see whether there are any organisms still surviving in the tube. This lowest concentration containing no living organisms is called the minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC).

Side Effects

All drugs are potential poisons (see Chapter 21, Pharmacology) and the administration of therapeutic drugs can possibly lead to side effects that can be potentially serious. Drugs can adversely affect the liver (hepatotoxic), kidneys (nephrotoxic), gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, red bone marrow (hemotoxic), nervous system (neurotoxic), respiratory system, integument, bones, and teeth. The administration of drugs involves a previous assessment of the risks and benefits. This type of assessment is referred to as the therapeutic index (see Chapter 21).

The liver is responsible for the metabolism and detoxification of chemical substances in the blood. Liver damage can occur due to a drug or its metabolic by-products. The kidneys are in charge of the excretion of drugs and drug metabolites. Both drugs and their metabolic by-products have the potential to damage the structures of the nephron and therefore are capable of interfering with the filtration and reabsorption ability of the nephron.

One of the most common side effects to antimicrobial therapy is diarrhea, which may progress to severe intestinal irritation and colitis. Most often these irritations occur because of disruption of the normal intestinal flora. The organisms in the normal flora of the skin, intestine, urogenital tract, and oral cavity are with a few exceptions harmless and also prevent the colonization of potentially harmful organisms. However, with the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics these harmless microbes can be destroyed, allowing resistant organisms to overgrow, resulting in a superinfection.

For example, the use of a broad-spectrum cephalosporin for the treatment of Escherichia coli–induced urinary tract infections can also destroy lactobacilli in the vagina. Lactobacilli and Candida albicans are both part of the normal vaginal flora. Lactobacillus will be killed by the broad-spectrum antibiotic, allowing Candida albicans to flourish and cause a yeast infection. Similar superinfections by Candida can also occur in the oral cavity (thrush) and the large intestine.

Antibiotic-associated colitis, a serious and potentially fatal condition, can be caused by oral administration of:

The condition is a result of the overgrowth of Clostridium difficile, an antibiotic-resistant and endospore-forming bacterium. The organism invades the intestinal mucosa, where it releases toxins (enterotoxins) that result in diarrhea, fever, and abdominal pain. Other drug-induced side effects may involve the skin, either because of an allergic reaction or by interaction of the drugs with sunlight, causing photodermatitis.

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