chapter 56 Adolescent health and development
The essence of good adolescent healthcare consists of:
While young people are often considered a relatively healthy population group, current indices are poor for at least 20–30% of young people. Their health problems are mainly psychosocial and, certainly in clinical settings, likely to be overlooked. Young people are notoriously reluctant to seek services to address these social and psychological self-concerns.1,2 They are also involved in health risk behaviours earlier than in past generations. Many engage in behaviour that threatens their health and wellbeing, and there is increasing evidence that many problem behaviours in young people are interrelated. Young people with conduct disorders, for example, are also likely to engage in tobacco, alcohol and substance use, to engage in high-risk sexual behaviour and to experience academic failure.3
Adolescence has been described as:
a period of personal development during which a young person must establish a sense of individual identity and feelings of self-worth which include an alteration of his or her body image, adaptation to more mature intellectual abilities, adjustments to society’s demands for behavioural maturity, internalising a personal value system, and preparing for adult roles.4
Adolescence begins with the onset of puberty and ends with the acquisition of adult roles and responsibilities. It is characterised by rapid change in the following domains:5
The classic milestones of puberty are determined by Tanner’s sex maturity ratings. Tanner’s staging system is based on breast, genital and pubic hair changes, with Stage 1 being prepubertal and Stage 5 adult (Figs 56.1, 56.2 and 56.3).6 In girls, peak height velocity usually occurs at Stage 2–3 (around 12 years) and menarche (initiation of menstruation) at Stage 4. In boys, peak height velocity occurs at Stage 3–4 (14 years) and semenarche (initial ejaculation) at Stage 3.
The psychosocial impact of the timing of puberty affects girls and boys differently.
For those who mature earlier than average: