Acute surgical problems in children

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Last modified 11/04/2015

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Acute surgical problems in children


A neonate is a newborn less than 28 days old, an infant is less than a year, a child is 1–18 years old and an adult is 18 or older. In the UK, those between 13 and 18 are increasingly being managed in adolescent units, where their needs are better met. Many children are treated by general surgeons with a paediatric interest, but surgical problems in infants, major congenital abnormalities and malignant tumours are usually managed in regional centres by specialists. The range of surgical conditions in children differs from adults and varies between age groups, particularly for emergency presentations. Paediatric emergencies are considered here by age group, i.e. newborn (the first few days of life, including premature babies), infants and young children (up to about 2 years) and older children (up to puberty). During puberty, the disorders merge with those of adulthood. Non-emergency and urogenital disorders are less age-specific (see Ch. 51).

Physiological differences between infants and adults

Infants are not small adults and successful surgical management depends on managing the physiological differences between neonates, infants, children and adults. For example, the basal metabolic rate is very high in the newborn, with an oxygen demand of 5–8 ml/kg/min. This falls in older children and adults to 2 ml/kg/min. The blood volume in a baby is 80 ml per kg body weight, a much higher volume to weight ratio than an adult, but the total blood volume is very small (typically around 250 ml in a full-term newborn infant), so operative technique needs to be meticulous to minimise loss. In an adult, losing 100 ml is negligible but can be life-threatening to a small child; even small losses need to be accurately measured and replaced if necessary during surgery.

Fluid and electrolyte problems

Fluid deficiency and electrolyte imbalances occur rapidly because each compartment has such a small fluid volume and paediatric fluid requirements are relatively greater than adult because the kidneys have less concentrating ability and obligatory urine output is greater. Faecal fluid losses are higher, particularly under 2 years. In severe diarrhoea, dehydration and electrolyte disturbances occur with frightening speed. Signs of fluid depletion are also different from adults. Young fluid-depleted children are often lethargic or drowsy and may even be comatose. The eyes and anterior fontanelle may be sunken but skin turgor is not lost. Tachycardia is usual, but hypotension is a late sign because of compensatory mechanisms. Urine output is likely to be low—normal output should be at least 1 ml per kg body weight per hour.

Abdominal emergencies in the newborn

The widespread use of antenatal ultrasound means many congenital abnormalities needing surgical correction can be diagnosed before birth. Typically two scans are carried out during an uncomplicated pregnancy—the first is a dating scan around 12 weeks and the second an ‘anomaly scan’ at 20 weeks. Detectable abnormalities that will need surgical correction soon after birth include diaphragmatic hernia, abdominal wall defects such as gastroschisis and exomphalos, and congenital pulmonary airway malformations (CPAM). Once forewarned, parents can be counselled and preparations made for organised perinatal management. This is often best achieved via consultation with a tertiary paediatric centre, with a multidisciplinary team of fetal medicine consultants, neonatologists, midwives and paediatric surgeons. Very few conditions such as malrotation, gastroschisis or a tracheo-oesophageal fistula in a ventilated baby need truly urgent surgery. For these, delivery should take place where the surgery will be carried out. Less urgent cases can safely be left until the next day if born during the night, and posterior urethral valves may simply need a bladder catheter before being investigated.

The more common neonatal abdominal emergencies are summarised in Box 50.1. All are congenital with the exception of necrotising enterocolitis.

Intestinal obstruction

Intestinal obstruction is the underlying phenomenon in most neonatal abdominal emergencies and occurs about once in 1500 live births. Most causes are not detectable by antenatal ultrasound. Complete obstruction, particularly of the proximal portion of the intestinal tract, prevents the fetus from swallowing amniotic fluid and may result in maternal polyhydramnios. Just as in adults, intestinal obstruction presents with vomiting, constipation and abdominal distension.

In a baby, signs pointing to intestinal obstruction include poor feeding, failure to pass meconium and bile-stained vomiting. Abdominal distension may not occur in upper GI obstruction. In lower GI obstruction, distension may not be noticed unless the baby is completely undressed. Meconium is passed within the first 24 hours in 80% of babies and delay is a cause for concern. Vomiting small amounts of milk (posseting) is normal and simply reflects an immature gastro-oesophageal valve mechanism; however, green vomiting should be treated seriously. In a premature baby, bile is normally golden but eventually turns green when mixed with gastric juice. It is a sign of gastric stasis caused by mechanical obstruction, paralytic ileus or immaturity of the gut. Sepsis in babies from any source may cause paralytic ileus.

The important causes of upper intestinal obstruction in babies are duodenal atresia and malrotation with volvulus. Causes of low obstruction include Hirschsprung’s disease and meconium ileus. Small bowel atresia may affect jejunum or ileum, causing high or low obstruction respectively. Plain abdominal X-rays usually confirm intestinal obstruction. When obstruction is high, there is a lack of distal intestinal gas (Fig. 50.1a); when low, there are dilated loops of bowel (Fig. 50.1b). If malrotation is suspected, an upper GI contrast study can determine the abnormal position of the duodeno-jejunal flexure. Other causes such as incarcerated inguinal hernia or imperforate anus can be detected by clinical examination. A plan for managing babies with suspected obstruction is outlined in Fig 50.2.

If transfer to a specialist paediatric centre is necessary, the infant must be placed in a portable incubator. Oxygen and suction must be available, and frequent gastric aspiration via a nasogastric tube reduces the risk of inhalation pneumonitis. Endotracheal intubation is vital for infants with respiratory insufficiency. In the UK, specialist neonatal transport teams are now used to transfer neonates across networks.

Gastrointestinal atresias and stenoses

Atresia is defined as complete obliteration of a segment of the GI tract, which is thus totally obstructed. A web sometimes partially or completely occludes the lumen. A stenosis is an indistensible narrowing causing partial obstruction. These are most common in the oesophagus, the small intestine, and in the colon following necrotising enterocolitis.

Oesophageal and duodenal atresias and anorectal malformations are true embryological abnormalities, often associated with other congenital abnormalities. For example, major cardiac, vertebral or renal abnormalities are found in 40% of babies with oesophageal atresia, and 30% of duodenal atresias are found in infants with trisomy 21. In contrast, small bowel atresias probably result from intrauterine mesenteric vascular accidents or failure of canalisation of the bowel and are rarely associated with other abnormalities.

Oesophageal abnormalities: Potentially lethal oesophageal abnormalities occur in 1 in 3000 live births and there is associated polyhydramnios in nearly 30%. Oesophageal atresia with a distal tracheo-oesophageal fistula (TOF, Fig. 50.3) accounts for 90% of these, pure oesophageal atresia without a fistula for 5% and other variations for the other 5%. Babies with oesophageal atresia may have other abnormalities as part of a spectrum of disorders, the VACTERL association. This may include one or more V—vertebral, A—anorectal, C—cardiac, T—TOF, E—‘(o)esophageal’ atresia, R—renal and L—limb abnormalities.

Oesophageal atresia may be suspected before birth if there is an absent gastric bubble on ultrasound scan together with polyhydramnios but these are unreliable signs. If a newborn infant has excessive frothy saliva around the mouth, this diagnosis must be excluded before feeding to prevent choking or cyanotic attacks with fluid entering the lungs by aspiration from the blind upper pouch or by regurgitation of acid from the stomach via the fistula. Aspiration pneumonia is a serious complication. The diagnosis of atresia is made by passing a nasogastric tube (10 F gauge) through the mouth. If gastric contents are not aspirated, a plain X-ray showing the tube lodged in the upper pouch confirms the diagnosis. If the oesophagus is obstructed but there is gas in the stomach, there must be a fistula between distal oesophagus and trachea.

Operation is performed soon after diagnosis and after excluding other abnormalities, particularly cardiac, which may interfere with anaesthesia or intrinsically have a very poor prognosis. Most are corrected by dividing the fistula and primary oesophageal anastomosis. Oral feeding can usually be started a few days after surgery.

Dysphagia commonly occurs following technically successful reconstruction, with boluses sometimes sticking and causing obstruction because the peristaltic wave is uncoordinated. It can be managed with a diet of finely chopped food until the child learns to chew food thoroughly, often after the age of 4 years. Anastomotic strictures can occur and need dilatation. Most patients after oesophageal atresia wean slowly, are slower eaters, and need to drink more during meals.

In pure oesophageal atresia without fistula there is usually a wide gap between upper and lower oesophagus. Reconstruction is by delayed primary anastomosis at 4–6 weeks or by using a gastric, colonic or small bowel conduit when the baby is bigger. Until then, feeding is via a gastrostomy. The upper end of the pouch is usually brought out as an oesophagostomy; the baby is given sham oral feeds when receiving gastrostomy feeds, so swallowing can be learnt.

Duodenal obstruction: Duodenal atresia causes obstruction of the second part of the duodenum, usually just below the common bile duct entry resulting in bile-stained vomiting. The anomaly is a web across the lumen or complete separation of the bowel ends. If the web is incomplete, there is initial poor feeding and failure to thrive until a milk curd impacts, causing obstruction. Plain abdominal X-ray shows a double bubble, with one air–fluid interface in the stomach and another in the duodenum (Fig. 50.1a).

Provided there is no malrotation or volvulus, surgery can be delayed. This involves joining proximal duodenum to duodenum distal to the obstruction as a duodeno-duodenostomy. The ends can easily be brought together without tension so bypass procedure is not necessary. Previously, gastrojejunostomy was performed but often led to bacterial colonisation of the defunctioned loop causing failure to thrive, stomal ulceration and gastrointestinal bleeding. Recovery after duodeno-duodenostomy is often slow because the proximal duodenum is atonic and peristalsis slow to start. Almost all patients need perioperative total parenteral nutrition.

Jejuno-ileal atresias: Jejunal or ileal atresias are similar to duodenal atresia, with a gap between bowel ends or an intraluminal web. A gap is often the result of a mesenteric vascular accident in utero. Obstructions occur at any level and are sometimes multiple. Bile-stained vomiting and abdominal distension are often associated with visible peristalsis and hypertrophied proximal bowel. The diagnosis is usually evident from the abdominal X-ray.

Obstruction may be present from birth or delayed a few days if a web is incomplete. Presenting signs depend on the level of obstruction: high jejunal obstruction presents like duodenal atresia or malrotation with bile-stained vomiting and a lack of gas on X-ray (Fig. 50.1a); low ileal obstruction presents like meconium ileus or Hirschsprung’s disease, with failure to pass meconium, poor feeding, abdominal distension and dilated intestine on X-ray. Small bowel atresia is sometimes associated with cystic fibrosis, and patients should have a genetic screen and a sweat test to exclude it.

Surgery involves resecting the web segment or the blind ends and end-to-end anastomosis. Return of intestinal function may be slow, but may be accelerated if the most dilated and atonic proximal bowel is resected too (Fig. 50.4).

Midgut malrotation with volvulus

Acute volvulus:

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